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pannous edited this page Aug 1, 2024 · 13 revisions

Three of the I18N roots for 'knee' are attested in cuneiform:
𒄭 GAL гола gola ⲕⲁⲗ ⲕⲉⲗⲓ keli knee “Kehle” kuli koleno •HEL ḪI כָּרַע kara •karo 𒄭 gwiwa @ Hausa ⇔ gon
𒄭 DÙG (good) घुट ghuṭa 𓅮𓄿𓂧𓁺 ngjut 𓌳𓋴𓏏𓂾 knee-cap (top)
𒄭 DUB top 👌 ṭābu 𐩷𐩺𐩨 ṭyb טוֹב ṭōḇ top 𐎉𐎁 ṭb très bien (gut)
𒄭 DUB topïq тубыҡ tubïq knee ☑
𒄭 DUB ḏꜣp|pꜣḏ 𓊪𓄿𓆓 knee reverse ⲫⲁⲧ polvi ≠ pelvis

Absurdly they also correspond to TOP, COOL and GOOD with the same meaning.

This needs further investigation.

𒌓𒇷 DAG₂LI ≈ 𒄭 DÙG "knee" 𒌓𒇷 DAG₂LI ⲕⲉⲗⲓ keli knee Kehle 𒄭 GAL гола gola ⲕⲁⲗ 𒌓𒇷 UTUᵇLIᵍ ≈ 𒄭 DUB 𒌓𒇷 UTUᵇLIᵍ ≈ тубыҡ tubıq "knee" 𒌓𒇷 UTU.LEᵍ আঁডু ãḍu হাঁটু hãṭu @ leg лъэгуанджэ lˢɛgʷandžɛ "knee" 𒌓𒇷 •RAD.LI rodiella "knee" 𒌓𒇷 knee

Another Semitic reading was added later:
𒌓𒇷 BIR.LI ברכא birkāˡ πⲕⲉⲗⲓ "knee" <> Buckel? 𒄭 burku (Akkadian) ܒܘܪܟܐ burkā בֶּרֶךְ bérekh 𐎁𐎗𐎋 brk “Brücke”? knee (brechen)

𒉣 nuĝ ≈ ĝun in gunu 𒁇𒉣 paragon = diagonal

𓎸𓃝 Khnum

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