Release notes
Use PowSyBl Core 4.8.0 (#480 , #509 , #518 )
Implements specific parameters from Map (#490 )
AC security analysis cancellation (#491 )
Get original IIDM ID (#494 )
Remove Hvdc Ac emulation OpenLoadFlow parameter (#498 )
Switch contingency support (#501 )
Clean security analysis logs (#519 )
Clarify buses and branches stored in LfContingency (#504 )
AC sensitivity analysis: refactoring (#510 )
Various fixes:
Fix transformer voltage control with multiple components (#487 )
Fix: support of non impedant dangling lines (#489 )
Fix multi components DC LF (#492 )
Fix security analysis behaviour when network is invalid (#495 )
Fix HVDC set point increase sensitivity convention (#488 )
Fix contingency generator for AC computations (#500 )
Catch MatrixException instead of Exception (#497 )
DC sensitivity analysis: fix if contingency element is in GLSK (#496 )
Bug fix: fix network reset (#507 )
Bug: AC sensitivity analysis with a phase shifter active power control on (#502 )
Fix DC voltage init (#513 )
Determinist branchesToOpen order (#516 )
Fix decremental connectivity (#517 )
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