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409 lines (289 loc) · 14.3 KB

File metadata and controls

409 lines (289 loc) · 14.3 KB



  • Fix: pha appworker error with hot update


  • Feat: breaking change for @builder/rax-pack to update postcss-loader
  • Feat: breaking change for rax-webpack-config to update postcss-loader


  • Revert: compat of postcss-loader options in build-plugin-rax-app
  • Revert: version of @builder/rax-pack in rax-webpack-config


  • Fix: exports field build error in webpack4


  • Chore: update @builder/pack to 0.6.x, more detail see ice-lab/builder-deps#20
  • Feat: change the way of options pass into postcss-loader because the update of it


  • Feat: add splashViewUrl and splashViewHtml fields
  • Fix: only inject webpack hot client in webpack4


  • Fix: build-scripts version
  • Fix: spa page auto execute
  • Fix: keep alive page error
  • Fix: miniapp app.json pages field need be filtered by targets
  • Fix: css modules :global


  • Fix: remove html field for TabBar to avoid error in old PHA


  • Fix: SPA title couldn't specified by route info
  • Fix: store rerender types
  • Fix: url error when build type is Weex
  • Fix: ReDos of postcss


  • Fix: manifest.json need includes the scripts which injected by API


  • Fix: compat with window.location
  • Fix: pha manifest.json document field


  • Feat: ssr support more render methods
  • Fix: override custom title in document
  • Fix: script crossorigin property
  • Fix: css-modules should not add to normal css file
  • Fix: windows path error
  • Chore: optimize code size


  • Fix: SPA SSR getInitialProps is invalid
  • Feat: miniapp webview mode should modify app to MPA type
  • Chore: add ssr test case
  • Chore: remove DEF comment node


  • Fix: page component import method in the env other than web
  • Fix: MPA runApp file path in SSR
  • Fix: override developer custom title


  • Fix: special SPA route.path


  • Chore: update parse-url to v6
  • SSR: fix inject configured scripts


  • Fix: remove comment node in html result


  • Fix: ssr context shouldn't be overrode
  • Fix: static export mode build error


SSR: fix chunkInfo is undefined FaaS app SSR: fix request might be fake that lose url field SSR: fix should be closed SSR: fix appConfig might be undefined Fix: __webpack_public_path__ is invalid in front of page file Fix: tabBar show in other page Fix: child class need use declare with add type for property which extends parent Fix: miniapp compile mode @alias is invalid Fix: invalid host in bind host case Chore: use webpack-chain directly


  • Feat: support toggle webpack version 5 by webpack5: true
  • Feat: support use swc instead of babel by swc: true
  • Feat: dropLogLevel for removing different level log code
  • Feat: miniapp support webview mode
  • Feat: support MPA runtime plugin
  • Feat: SPA supports per-page configurations of keepAlive and lazy, such as
    // app.json
      "routes": [
          "path": "/",
          "source": "pages/Home/index",
          "keepAlive": true,
          "lazy": false
  • Chore: MPA changed to render every page by runApp
  • Chore: use minify object type options instead terserOptions, such as
    // build.json
    "minify": {
      "type": "terser",
      "options": {}
  • Chore: only wrapper DOM/BOM fake API in specified page bundle with build miniapp


  • Chore: add node version validate
  • Fix: platform-loader error with no match platform
  • Fix: inject script or stylesheet by assets


  • Chore: lock webpackbar version for avoid minimum node version error


  • Fix: PHA TabHeader & TabBar url inject logic
  • Fix: publicPath inject logic


  • Revert: revert node version >= 10.13.0


  • Feat: update node version >=12
  • Feat: support smaller code size with css module
  • Feat: support inject html field in tabHeader & tabBar
  • Feat: support url field in app.json for pha specified page url
  • Fix: compat windows page store path
  • Fix: cannot wrap Provider to nested page
  • Chore: optimize pha manifest.json space


  • Fix: mpa entries
  • Fix: tabbar state update
  • Feat: support release report
  • Fix: throw document build error


  • Fix: store file check
  • Fix: ssr inline style


  • Feat: use outline css with inlineStyle: true
  • Chore: optimize dev url
  • Fix: store types
  • Fix: doctype is null
  • Fix: use PROJECT_TYPE to get the store file path


  • Fix: tabBar height in iphoneX


  • Feat: transform static node to html tag directly
  • Refactor: conditional inject SPA tabBar
  • Chore: optimize devServer.contentBase and output.path logic
  • Chore: optimize hot reload experience
  • Chore: optimize https cert generate logic
  • Fix: print in console higher priority
  • Fix: read file content from compiler memfs
  • Fix: No loader specified error reported by webpack when set postcssrc to true in ssr scene


  • Feat: support package.json exports field with webpack4
  • Feat: support bytedance microapp/ baidu smartprogram/kuaishou miniprogram
  • Feat: support default TabBar in MPA
  • Feat: support query is csr=true with request path end is .html, devServer will return CSR result
  • Fix: tschecker error with default template

3.5.3 (May 12 2021)

  • Feat: support use build-plugin-rax-miniapp to config baidu/kuaishou miniapp
  • Chore: change web.template to web.pha.template
  • Chore: add builtInLibaray: false
  • Fix: errorBoundary type define

3.5.2 (May 11 2021)

  • Feat: support judge bytedance/baidu/kuaishou miniapp env

3.5.1 (April 29 2021)

  • Feat: support pass props.pageConfig to page component
  • Feat: throw error when not using the BrowserRouter
  • Chore: errorBoundary default value changed to true

3.5.0 (April 15 2021)

  • Feat: support custom tabbar in MPA
  • Fix: check store file fail in Windows
  • Chore: compatible with app.tsx export default some component

3.4.11 (April 1 2021)

  • Fix: miniapp vendor test

3.4.10 (March 31 2021)

  • Feat: support set dataPrefetch for every single page in PHA
  • Feat: support share memory in every common files with miniapp subpackages
  • Fix: csr html structure error with xtpl

3.4.9 (March 25 2021)

  • Feat: add --analyzer-target=web to avoid port conflict with multiple task
  • Feat: support build tabbar html when configured source in tabbar for PHA
  • Chore: change injectServerSideData to updateDataInClient
  • Chore: remove print local url in console
  • Fix: alibaba miniapp subPackages error

3.4.8 (March 23 2021)

  • Feat: support share memory with subpackages
  • Chore: reduce miniapp size with subPackages
  • Fix: windows error with document

3.4.7 (March 19 2021)

  • Fix: rax render won't override original content with initialHTML is undefined

3.4.6 (March 18 2021)

  • Chore: invalid version

3.4.5 (March 18 2021)

  • Chore: ensure builtin scripts load order
  • Chore: remove comment node without ssr

3.4.4 (March 17 2021)

  • Chore: update typescript/ts-loader version
  • Fix: pha dev mode error without pha-worker.js
  • Refactor: ssr html parser

3.4.3 (March 12 2021)

  • Chore: upgrade less && less-loader
  • Fix: web dev server content base
  • Fix: ssr search default value

3.4.2 (March 09 2021)

  • Feat: support multiple pages in PHA
  • Fix: SPA with document is invalid
  • Fix: document dev shouldn't block when hot reload
  • Fix: .ts file won't add babel JSX compiler
  • Chore: dev server should be applied to every webpack config

3.4.1 (March 04 2021)

  • Chore: update sass-loader
  • Chore: change data prefetch key in PHA
  • Fix: html generate in document mode

3.3.9 (February 26 2021)

  • Fix: receive params passed by DEF plugin

3.3.8 (February 26 2021)

  • Refactor: document. (#618)
  • Fix: app json content watch. (#612)
  • Fix: data prefetches do not decamelize in PHA. (#616)

3.3.7 (February 20 2021)

  • Feat: PHA cross slide. (#601 alibaba/ice#4059)
  • Feat: watch app.json change. (#601)
  • Refactor: SSR without cheerio. (#607)
  • Fix: escape problem during HTML generation. (#607)
  • Fix: browser history in MPA. (#608)
  • Fix: react alias with DEF plugin. (#605)

3.2.5 (January 07 2021)

  • Feat: Support PHA template.
  • Feat: Wechat Miniprogram support generator syntactic suga.
  • Chore: runApp add type prompt.
  • Chore: PHA support without pha-worker.js
  • Fix: SSR build error.

3.2.2 (December 29 2020)

  • Fix: mpa insert all page bundle into html.

3.2.1 (December 25 2020)

  • Chore: compileDependencies default value is [''].

3.2.0 (December 24 2020)

  • Feat: config store runtime automatically. (alibaba/ice#3932)
  • Feat: support config hydrate in rax-app. (alibaba/ice#3918 #548)
  • Feat: support set webpackLoaders and webpackPlugins through build.json.(alibaba/ice#3938)
  • Feat: support build without src/document/index.tsx. (#546)
  • Feat: support cloud IDE.(#542)
  • Feat: miniapp subPackage.
  • Chore: compileDependencies default value is []. (#548)
  • Chore: TerserPlugin will remove unused code. (#548)
  • Fix: kraken mpa error.(#541)

3.1.2 & 3.1.3 (December 15 2020)

For v3.1.1 patch version.

3.1.1 (December 14 2020)

  • Feat: support use name specifies MPA page name and output path.(alibaba/ice#3906)
  • Feat: support set html info by app.json.(#525)
  • Feat: support snapshot in Web and optimize build PHA.(#516)

3.1.0 (December 04 2020)

3.0.9 (November 23, 2020)

  • Feat: support CSS Modules.(#488)
  • Refactor: change mpa entry to .rax temp dir.(alibaba/ice#3825)
  • Fix: user couldn't custom outputDir.(#494)
  • Feat: support config sourceMap and minify when dev mode.(alibaba/ice#3825 raxjs/miniapp)
  • Feat: support dashed page name.(alibaba/ice#3824)
  • Fix: duplicated taskname when both ali and wechat are compiled.(#487)
  • Fix: compact react plugin targets is undefined.(#490)

3.0.8 (November 13, 2020)

  • Fix: mpa restart logic.(#3817)
  • Fix: kraken error.(#3817)

3.0.7 (November 12, 2020)

  • Feat: support manually close store.(#3750)
  • Feat: support pages that are not in the src/pages.(#3750)
  • Feat: use polyfill field instead of injectBabel that can add polyfill by usage.(#3777)
  • Feat: add eslint-reporting-webpack-plugin for dev mode.(#3771)
  • Feat: support use miniapp compile mode in its runtime mode project.(#3766)
  • Feat: add rax-platform-loader.(raxjs/rax-scripts#480)
  • Fix: miniapp-native dir copy logic.(#3761)
  • Fix: error when set ssr: true.(#3775)
  • Chore: remove rax-compile-config.(raxjs/rax-scripts#480)
  • Chore: use react-dev-utils/webpackHotDevClient instead of rax-compile-config/hmr.(#3806)
  • Chore: change polyfill load settings.(raxjs/rax-scripts#480)
  • Chore: update mini-css-extract-plugin version and set esModule to false as default.(raxjs/rax-scripts#475)
  • Chore: unify the packaging mechanism of icejs and rax-app.(#3753)
  • Chore: change compileDependencies default value to [''].(#3802)
  • Enhance: open browser logic, now you can use -- --mpa-entry=home to specify mpa entry.(#3798)
  • Docs: update router and change compileDependencies related docs.(raxjs/docs#42 )

3.0.6 (October 30, 2020)

  • Feat: support browser history for web.(#3736)
  • Fix: windows path error.(#3695)
  • Fix: kraken/weex assets couldn't find.(#3736)
  • Enhance: format debug info.(#3736)
  • Feat: support miniapp compile config.(#3730)