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Releases: rht-labs/labs-ci-cd


23 Aug 22:19
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git log v3.11.8..HEAD --pretty=format:"> %s - %an" --no-merges

Fix CI for CI (#289) - Patrick C
Updates for ocpv4 (#287) - Patrick C
Fix jenkins-slaves for OCP4 (#288) - Petter Abrahamsson
Jenkins persistence switch (#285) - Patrick C
Fixed openshift-templates path - Craig Reeves

Working with Ansible 2.8!

31 May 20:00
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update the applier so now labs-ci-cd will work with Ansible 2.8

Working Jenkins Slaves!

17 May 14:12
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Working Jenkins Slaves!

Release before the transfer of the openshift-template repo

12 Apr 14:16
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Release before the transfer of the openshift-template repo from rht-labs to redhat-cop

Security and Bug Fixes

15 Mar 22:27
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  • Jenkins version update and all plugins update to remove known vulnerabilities
  • resolved #19 #263 #261

Refactor for ease of use and upgrade OpenShift Applier

08 Feb 20:41
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  • Major refactor - see #242
  • Updates for OpenShift applier, see #251 #252

Update for OpenShift 3.11

27 Nov 16:28
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  • Fixes Hoverfly
  • Fixes SonarQube to align with plugin version 2.8
  • Adds S2I templates
  • Adds Docker build template with secret
  • Adds PyPi to Nexus
  • Adds NIST CVE feed repo to Nexus
  • Adds support for Jenkins to configure a shared library at startup
  • Updates build image tags to 3.11
  • Updates the Jenkinsfile to use the openshift/jenkins-client-plugin instead of jenkins-plugin (to support 3.11)

Update for OpenShift 3.10 & Stability Fixes

03 Sep 20:49
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  • Resolved some issues exposed in v3.10. The product continues to be more strict in the way enforces various object definitions, so anything sloppy is more likely to be caught.
  • Fixed some nasty CI regressions
  • Updated dependencies for Jenkins and
  • General clean up and maintence

Major updates here!

19 Jun 15:18
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This release marks a major jump for this Labs CI/CD. Below are the bulk of changes:

  • Separation of the monolithic inventory into three distinct inventory with separate purposes
    • bootstrap is used to create project namespaces and bind roles to groups for those namespace in OpenShift
    • tools creates the collection of Jenkins slaves, Jenkins S2I and other CI/CD tooling deployments such as SonarQube, Nexus and others.
    • apps contains definitions for the Java reference app's build and deploy
  • SonarQube improvements in stability and build (thanks to all Deven's hard work!)
  • Major rework of the documentation to give a simpler overview of what and how this repo works. Now with added Big Picture!
  • Updated all json templates in favour of the yml ones
  • Removed the jenkins-slave-* Dockerfiles from this repo and migrated them to the Container Quickstarts in CoP land ( A was left with instructions for using the CoP Container Images and how to build and deploy them as part of labs-ci-cd. New slaves from recent residencies were added to labs-ci-cd after they were merged into the CoP.
  • ci-for-labs-ci-cd has made a big leap forward:
    • Integration tests being run for each slave that checks for the given binary on the path and that Jenkins can access / run them in a pipeline.
    • Jenkinsfile has been rewritten in declarative to use the success and failure callbacks give tighter feedback as to which part of the job has failed on the PR raised.
    • Projects are cleaned up automatically if the build is successful & cleared if they already exist to ensure a clean workspace on each run.
  • jenkins-s2i has now included changes and learnings from the EMEA Lab engagements with new plugins and further updates added.
  • Migration of Gogs and GitLab to Container Quickstarts
  • Added role binding to project requests to allow config-as-code mapping of users & groups to roles in a project namespace
  • Memory request and limits added to the ocp templates to keep Mak happy.
  • Minor bugfix to the ocp-templates and param files
  • Minor Nexus changes to support new repos


10 Apr 01:07
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Missed a regression in v3.9.0, good catch @literalice !