GA Release 9.0.0
662 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
Breaking Changes
- Tycho boolean select now properly supports ID parameter (#1241) @cschierle
- Removes obsolete JSONPath class (#1217) @sabieber
- Switches usage of FastJSON to Jackson for Handling JSONs (#1215) @sabieber
- Charts: Library Upgrade & Improved Stacked Line Chart Behaviour (#1176) @sabieber
New Features / Enhancements
35 changes
- Adds a UriHandler part which helps with handling uri calls (#1261) @mko-sci
- minor css height-fixes for tycho and system/console (#1258) @ymo-sci
- Enhances the dropdownDeleteItem template by adding two parameters for better customization (#1259) @mko-sci
- Allows to skip the change check and always call the handler (#1251) @sabieber
- Continuity: Only calls state handler restore when entry is actually changed (#1247) @sabieber
- Allows exclusions when applying profiles (#1246) @cschierle
- Adds some helper classes for defining the white-space handling (#1244) @sabieber
- Tags: Bottom Margin (#1239) @jakobvogel
- Improves the t:deleteButton by adding arguments which enables to toggle the button type and label (#1238) @mko-sci
- Tycho: Allows ids for tags (#1235) @cschierle
- Suppresses deprecation warnings if a template itself is marked deprecated. (#1236) @andyHa
- Permits to determine if a translation for a permission name is present. (#1233) @andyHa
- Tycho: Makes modal submit behavior configurable and checkbox labels clickable (#1232) @cschierle
- Revision of
(#1230) @jakobvogel - Allows to render a template reference via named parameters (#1229) @sabieber
- Renovation of
(#1227) @jakobvogel - Dialogs: Always enables our own font stack when rendering a dialog (#1225) @sabieber
- Design System: Adds a small pill component class (#1224) @sabieber
- Dialogs: Allows to add primary buttons to the footer (#1223) @sabieber
- Adds a trash bin icon (#1222) @sabieber
- update ace.js to newest version to fix display-errors on tycho-pages (#1220) @ymo-sci
- Allows multiple @ApiResponsesFrom annotations in a method (#1218) @idlira
- Allows to specify an alternate target for the dropdown item link (#1213) @sabieber
- Permits extending the pageHeader tag (#1208) @andyHa
- Continuity: Allows to jump back multiple history states when entry contains depth counter (#1207) @sabieber
- Prevents empty writes to the localStorage (and minor fixes). (#1203) @andyHa
- Expands CSS Design System slightly (#1202) @sabieber
- CSS Design System: Icon and Tag Sizes (#1200) @sabieber
- Continuity: Sub-Scopes & Removal of Handlers and Entries (#1196) @sabieber
- Sets a default for the form ID (#1188) @bkositza
- Adds ID property to tycho editForm (#1186) @bkositza
- removes the box shadow of upload file when in card (#1187) @bkositza
- make tycho more responsive on small windows and fix ugly windows view (#1183) @ymo-sci
- SIRI-727: Adds class and style properties to w:textarea (#1178) @fhaScireum
- Charts: Library Upgrade & Improved Stacked Line Chart Behaviour (#1176) @sabieber
24 changes
- Fixes t:dropdownDeleteItem (#1260) @jmuscireum
- IE 11: Fixes excessively large dialog header height (#1256) @sabieber
- IE 11: Correctly applies fallback logic for silent form submit (#1255) @sabieber
- Replaces the append by appendChild in order to make the method IE11 compatible; and therefore enables the dialog to show up (#1254) @mko-sci
- Adjusts js code to make it compatible with IE11 (#1253) @mko-sci
- Continuity: Prevents history change handling when back navigation is already queued (#1252) @sabieber
- Fixes the sirius.isEmpty method to work properly with js objects (#1250) @mko-sci
- Fixes html containing error messages not being displayed properly for the t:fileUpload tag (#1249) @mko-sci
- Remove constraints as the content is centered anyway (#1243) @andyHa
- Passes unparsed / malformed function calls through (#1242) @andyHa
- Empty Check: Top Margin (#1240) @jakobvogel
- SAML + Table Hover Color (#1234) @jakobvogel
- Dot: Alignment Fix (#1228) @jakobvogel
- Dialog: Uses fixed positioning for the background (#1226) @sabieber
- Automatically grows the contents next to the sidebar to 100% height. (#1221) @andyHa
- Prevents any help lookups for error pages (#1211) @andyHa
- Tycho: Fixes height of the dropdown button (#1209) @sabieber
- enhance css to not break layout on long buttons with more than one word (#1195) @ymo-sci
- Continuity: Correctly checks whether search params of URL are filled (#1194) @sabieber
- Prevents overlay content from being able to overlap the close button (#1192) @sabieber
- Tycho: Prevents duplicate back navigation on page reload (#1190) @sabieber
- Fix: Verbatim Strings in Modals (#1182) @jakobvogel
- Ignores ClosedChannelException (#1181) @cschierle
- Fix: Content-Length (#1177) @jakobvogel
8 changes
- IE 11: Upgrades token autocomplete to latest version (#1257) @sabieber
- Adds single quotes to Abbrechen within the template confirm text to make it more uniform (#1248) @mko-sci
- Lokalise: Translations update (#1231) @scireumskip
- Cleanup: Dependency on FastJSON (#1219) @jakobvogel
- CSS Design System: Icon and Tag Sizes (#1200) @sabieber
- Adds text-nowrap class do additionalActions to not break ugly (#1198) @ymo-sci
- JSONStructuredOutput: unifies handling of ClosedChannelExceptions (#1199) @cschierle
- Adjusts Styling of Tycho Sidebar (#1193) @ymo-sci
- Data Explorer: Tooltips (SIRI-803) (#1216) @jakobvogel
- add text-nowrap to additionalActions ... to not break the layout (#1212) @ymo-sci
- Upgrades sirius kernel (#1210) @mko-sci
- Lokalise: Translations update (#1206) @scireumskip
- Datacards: Mutual Alignment when Header is on the Left (#1205) @jakobvogel
- Tycho Improvements (#1204) @jakobvogel
- Beautifies the response documentation by adding whitespaces for the DefaultErrorResponsesJson (#1201) @mko-sci
- More attributes for Navbox Links (#1197) @jakobvogel
- JSONStructuredOutput: Properly handles ClosedChannelException. (#1191) @cschierle
- Font Awesome 6 Cleanup (SIRI-596) (#1185) @jakobvogel
- Sirius (#1189) @jakobvogel
- Font Awesome 6 (#1184) @jakobvogel
- Bumps up sirius-kernel and fixes breaking changes (#1180) @mko-sci
- Font Awesome Free 6.3.0 (#1179) @jakobvogel
- Metrics: Expands color palette for charts a bit (#1175) @sabieber
- SIRI-724: improve logging for jsoncall (#1174) @qw3ry
- Minor SonarQube Cleanup (#1173) @sabieber
- Handles errors on posts that return with a non 200 response code (#1172) @mkeckmkeck
Full Changelog: