released this
19 Nov 15:01
Main feature and update
[cli] Add get_epoch_uncles_by_number cmd. (#1677 )
[cli] explain move error code even if there is no location (#1669 )
[functional-tests]Implement split_fixed_key & split_linear_key (#1667 )
[stest & join handler] Fix ThreadJoinHandler detect thread panic and return the correct error. (#1655 )
[metrics] Add more metrics in db, vm, block-relay,network (#1656 )
[block-relayer] Query txn in txpool without load all (#1656 )
[vm] upgrade vm to the latest revision (#1653 )
[stdlib] Add PackageTxnManager Spec. (#1647 )
[vm] Check strategy when upgrade module. (#1644 )
[network] Add some command to manage network and change network init config (#1643 )
[cli] Show more details of txpool status (#1636 )
[stdlib] Modify error_code for voted to others already (#1642 )
[script] Implement mint token script (#1640 )
[network-rpc] Change the params of network rpc apis from usize to u64 (#1641 )
[cli] Add command to show tps for given epoch (#1617 )
[kube]: Use pv storage (#1635 )
[script] Add update_module_upgrade_strategy script. (#1631 )
[network] Optimize network and block-relay event process logic (#1630 )
[cli] Fix console error sometimes (#1632 )
[service-registry] Optimize service status check and report, add a service status check cmd and api (#1626 )
[stdlib]Refactor dao (#1621 )
[cleanup] Cleanup startup info's field. (#1618 )
[stdlib] Update dao time unit to milliseconds (#1619 )
[consensus ]Change nonce u64 to u32
[consensus] change mining_hash from hashvalue to vec mining_blob
[consensus] Refactor solver trait for support dynamic link
[stdlib & cmd] Stdlib Version (#1603 )
[miner] Merge headblock pacemaker with ondemand pacemaker. (#1613 )
[sync] Refactor SyncStatus, remove judgement about is_nearly_synced. (#1613 )
[sync] Add a way to reuse blocks that have already been fetched in a previous sync task. (#1613 )
[stress test] fix tx-factory crash when account_num is less than TXN_LIMIT (#1612 )
[cmd] fix format table result for vec types (#1605 )
[sync] Finished new sync service and refactor WriteChainService. (#1596 )
[stress-test] improve the method to set expiration time (#1598 )
[stream-task] Implement stream-task
[bugfix]Fix bug for submit txn failed since SEQUENCE_NUMBER_TOO_OLD (#1590 )
[accumulator] Fix accumulator get_leaves return order and append result. (#1581 )
[deploy] update docker build auth config (#1587 )
unify binary serde-json to hex string with 0x (#1579 )
[cli] 增加了命令 get_epoch_uncles_by_number (#1677 )
[cli] 增加了对 move 中的错误代码的说明。
[functional-tests] 实现了 split_fixed_key 和 split_linear_key (#1667 )
[stest & join handler] 修复了 ThreadJoinHandler 检测导致的线程 panic 并返回正确的错误。(#1655 )
[metrics] 在模块 db、vm、block-relay、network中增加更多的指标 (#1656 )
[block-relayer] 优化了获取txns 的方式。不需要从 txpool 中全部加载 (#1656 )
[VM] 将 VM 升级到最新版本 (#1653 )
[stdlib] 添加 PackageTxnManager 规范。(#1647 )
[VM] 升级模块时检查策略。(#1644 )
[cli] 添加一些管理网络的命令,并更改网络初始配置(#1643 )
[cli] 显示 txpool 状态的更多细节(#1636 )
[stdlib] 修改已投票给他人的错误代码(#1642 )
[scripts] 增加执行铸币脚本(#1640 )
[network-rpc] 将network rpc apis 的参数从 usize 改为 u64 (#1641 )
[Cli] 添加命令,显示给定时间段的 tps (#1617 )
[kube] 使用 PV 存储(#1635 )
[scripts] 添加 update_module_upgrade_strategy 脚本。(#1631 )
[network] 优化网络和块中继事件处理逻辑 (#1630 )
[cli] 修正控制台的一些错误(#1632 )
[service-registry] 优化服务状态检查和报告,增加服务状态检查cmd和api(#1626 )
[stdlib]重构了 dao (#1621 )
[cleanup] 清理启动信息的字段。(#1618 )
[stdlib] 更新dao 时间单位为毫秒(#1619 )
[consensus]将 nonce 从 u64改为 u32。
[consensus]将 mining_hash 从 hashvalue 改为 vec mining_blob。
[miner_client] 支持加载 solver 的动态链接库。
[stdlib & cmd] Stdlib 版本(#1603 )
[miner]将 headblock pacemaker 和 ondemand pacemaker 合并。(#1613 )
[sync] 重构 SyncStatus,删除对 is_nearly_synced 的判断。(#1613 )
[sync] 增加一种重用在前一个同步任务中已经获取的块的方法。(#1613 )
[bench] 修正当账户数小于 TXN_LIMIT 时的 tx-factory 崩溃 (#1612 )
[cmd] 修正 vec 类型的格式表结果(#1605 )
[sync] 完成了基于 stream task的优化,并重构 WriteChainService。(#1596 )
[stress test] 改进了过期时间设置方法(#1598 )
[stream-task] 实现 stream-task。
[bugfix]修正 SEQUENCE_NUMBER_TOO_OLD后提交TXN失败的问题(#1590 )
[accumulator] 修正累加器 get_leaves 的返回顺序和追加结果。(#1581 )
[deploy] 更新 docker build auth 配置(#1587 )
将 serve-json 中的 json 二进制统一为 0x 的十六进制字符串(#1579 )
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