Releases: t-neumann/slamdunk
Releases · t-neumann/slamdunk
Version 0.4.3
Version 0.4.2
- Fixed version check bug in map module.
- Attribute retrieval fix in core count module.
- Adaptation of splash to raw numbers and more lenient on
tags - Bugfix in read length checking step from
Version 0.4.1
- float to int fix in multithreaded snp step
Version 0.4.0
Major refactoring:
- Rewriting source for full python3 compatibility
- All dependencies now provided externally, *environment.yml file added to pull in dependencies from Bioconda
- NextGenMap v0.5.2 -> v0.5.5. Takes care of flipped basequalities in supplementary alignments.
- Varscan2 v2.4.1 -> v2.4.4
- Samtools v1.9 -> v1.10
- RNASeqReadSimulator by Wei Li added as subtree
- Dockerfile moved and updated to run with miniconda
- Travis-CI testset updated.
Version 0.3.4
Reverse strand A->G SNP coordinates offset fixed.
Mismatch of string to int in key search fixed for summary.
Version 0.3.3
- Mutation type bugfix in MPTagToConversion fixed
- Deduplicated bam file properly closed for indexing
- alleyoop snpeval also works now without snp sets
- Chromosome retreival fix for pysam
- dplyr dependencies removed (Bioconda)
Version 0.3.2
- Bioconda: Slamdunk recipe added. Slamdunk now available via conda from v0.3.2!
- Symlink ngm -> nextgenmap/bin/ngm-0.5.2/ngm replaced by hard copy for bioconda-utils build compatibility.
Version 0.3.1
- Upgrade Samtools 1.3.1 -> Samtools 1.9 for upcoming bioconda build.
- pysam- region retreival fix. (dashed chromosomes allowed now)
- NGM permission fix to allow Singularity image build directly from Docker hub.
Version 0.3.0
- Travis-CI testing added.
- Automated versionable Docker container builds.
- Static 2 T>C conversion cutoff multiTCSTringency parameter replaced by dynamic conversion-threshold parameter
- Positional track module added to Alleyoop to produce genome-wide positional T>C conversion rate bigWigtracks
- Read-separator module added to Alleyoop to separated T>C reads from non T>C reads into bam-files.
- Docker base image set to ubuntu:18.04
- Supplementary alignment flags unset in filtered bam
- Fixed numpy version removed to satisfy pandas dependency
- Minimum baseQ filter now inclusive which is the expected behaviour
- Reference check for short chromosomes introduced
- Backwards compatibility to pysam 0.8.3 introduced
Version 0.2.4
- License updated to AGPLv3
- Deduplicator now only marks duplicates instead of removing them. Useful for deduplication QA like dupRadar. Allows for deduplication of T>C-fraction of reads only.
- Singularity build-file branch added.
- readInRegion fixed: Switched from fetch(region="chr:start-end" (1-based) to fetch(reference=chr, start=start, end=end) (0-based). Intervals close to the ends of a chromosome are now correctly handeled and not skipped.
- Hotfix to fix executable permissions on some R plotting scripts
- Fixed alleyoop collapse to ignore all MLE columns for now
- R package dependencies fixed for IMP cluster
- include_package_data removed for proper contrib import