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Releases: trufflesuite/truffle

v5.6.8 — Gajar Ka Halwa

30 Nov 20:49
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Hello! 👋

Are you all gazing at the sky 🌌 and thinking about the lovely and cheerful time you had with your friends and family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 at the Thanksgiving dinner? Here comes a new Truffle release 🥳 with a bowl of warm Gajar Ka Halwa (Carrot and Almond Pudding) to add some more sweetness to your thoughts. Yay! 🕺💃

This week, we bring you an important bug 🐛 fix for the Truffle Dashboard 👩‍💻. The layout, where a long, decoded piece of text pushes the buttons away from the screen 👨‍💻, has now been fixed. "Great UI" = "Great user experience!"

Enjoy the warm sweet treat 🥣 ! We'll see you next week with another exciting Truffle release!

How to upgrade

We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Truffle by running:

npm uninstall -g truffle
npm install -g truffle


Bug fix

v5.6.7 — Tipsy Tomato Tarts on the Thanksgiving Table

23 Nov 23:50
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As you journey 🚙 your way to the homes of long-lost friends, call-at-least-once-a-year family members, you ponder over all the possible topics of conversation. You think 🤔 to yourself, "What are we going to talk about?" Jobs? Dinner recipes? Even your signature tomato tarts don't make people "wow" the way they used to. 😑 Your car climbs slowly onto the driveway and comes to a hesitant stop. "Any minute now." You've just moments before the door opens, you better think of something cool to say, fast. Suddenly you get an email, "This can't be...", you become overwhelmed with a sense of relief as you exhale and read the title [trufflesuite/truffle] Release 5.6.7. 🎉 "New Truffle release! I can talk about that all dinner!" Reading into the release notes, you find that...

Truffle Dashboard can now decode 🔍 requests! Yes yes you could pick apart the hex, map bytes to function signatures and project the evm stack and memory locations 👨‍💻 in your mind, but now you don't have to! Now with every transaction sent to the dashboard network, dashboard will try its best to use the Truffle decoder 🦾 and display human-readable decodings, complete with information on what contract, function, and arguments are used. It can also decode other RPC method calls for signatures, namely personal_sign, eth_signTypedData_v3, and eth_signTypedData_v4. ⛱️ So you can sit back, relax, knowing that you signed what you wanted to sign. You can read more about this in #5621

More sourcify networks 🕸️ have been added to the source-fetcher, so it's even less likely to not find the contract source files 🗃️ you're looking for. The behavior for truffle help db [<sub-command>] is also now consistent. 🤙

Dinner time flew by and the food never tasted so good 🍗, your friends and family seem to enjoy your 🍅 tomato tarts more than before. You gaze outside the balcony, thinking about warm apple cider, pumpkins, comfortable sweaters, and the good people that surround you. 🍂 Under the autumn glow, you reflect on good things in life, and look forward to the next Truffle release. 😉

How to upgrade

We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Truffle by running:

npm uninstall -g truffle
npm install -g truffle


New feature


Bug fix

Internal improvements

Dependency updates

v5.6.6 — Strawberry Cheesecake Truffle

16 Nov 21:44
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Hello All! 👋

This week, the Truffle release delivers an enhancement 🧰 , a bug fix 🐞 and many internal improvements 👏 .

The enhancement allows users to add compilations to an already existing ProjectDecoder.

Also, now there is no more error when using v to display variables with no transaction loaded in Truffle debugger.

That is all for now. See you next time with another delicious treat 🤤.

How to upgrade

We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Truffle by running:

npm uninstall -g truffle
npm install -g truffle



  • Allow adding compilations to an existing ProjectDecoder (#5646 by @haltman-at)

Bug fix

  • Fix error message on hitting v in debugger with no tx loaded (#5694 by @haltman-at)

Internal improvements

v5.6.5 — Slurping noodles in the woods

09 Nov 22:34
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If a wild Truffle release runs by unnoticed in the woods 🦌, do its legs make a sound? Er, or I mean if it falls on a tree does it makes sound? 🌳 Or something?

Fall cools things down, turns the leaves brown and red, and makes us a bit quieter and introspective. Just a bit like here in the Truffle camp where we've been directing focus inward, deep into the internals of Truffle to make improvements. It's getting better all the time!

Aside from this mass of improvements, there was a bug fixed with the config command. Some problem with a logger was causing it to crash when fetching a value. "Well", we thought, "crashing is no fun!". And because we love fun so much 👻, we fixed it!

One other thing to mention, is that there are some more sourcify networks that got added to the source-fetcher. I suppose this is now a monthly thing for us to grow this list of networks. It is a well-known fact, of course, that "more networks" = "more fun", and you already know how we feel about fun...👯🏼‍♀️

Welp, as mentioned there are also a bunch of improvements to the internals of Truffle. An unnecessary dependency got removed here and some updates were made to the test suite. Some dead code was removed and a README had some improvements made to it. README improvements are fun, right?

So we hope you add some soy sauce, get a forkful, and slurp it down with some noodles. 🍜 Happy Truffling!

How to upgrade

We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Truffle by running:

npm uninstall -g truffle
npm install -g truffle



Bug fix

Internal improvements

Dependency updates

v5.6.4 — Peanut Panna Cotta

02 Nov 20:36
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Hello there 👋

Back at it with our weekly Truffle release. Celebrate the enhancements and bug fixes with a jiggly peanut panna cotta.

To start, let's put our hands 👏 🎊 together for the new e command in Debugger CLI. This command prints recently emitted events, including what emitted them and whether they've been reverted. By default, it prints three events, but it also allows printing more.

Next up, good news for Layer 2 builders; we've added Arbitrum Nova support in truffle debug --fetch-external. There's no stopping us from debugging those verified contracts on the growing L2 networks. 🚀 Bonus tip, in case you didn't know, you can also use the Truffle debugger with Arbitrum Nitro and Optimism!

And thank you so much @eltociear, for helping us catch and fix a typo! 🙇 Your contributions are much appreciated.

That's all for now. See you next week and always happy building!! 🍂

How to upgrade

We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Truffle by running:

npm uninstall -g truffle
npm install -g truffle



Bug fix

Internal improvements

Dependency updates

v5.6.3 — Brownie Bat Truffle

26 Oct 20:24
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Hello All! 👋

Halloween is just around the corner and we have early treats for you. A new Truffle release 👻, with improvements for you to celebrate.

Firstly, we added support for POA Core to truffle debug --fetch-external.

Secondly, we fixed a bug 🐛 where you could run the console and develop commands while already inside truffle console or truffle develop.

Rounding up the bug front, we fixed an issue that can occur when importing artifacts that don't include sources. Thanks to @ryanc414 🙇 for getting the ball rolling on that! Lastly, thanks to @daviddoswell for fixing a typo in the README. Your contributions are always welcome! 🙏🏻

See you all next week with another release!

How to upgrade

We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Truffle by running:

npm uninstall -g truffle
npm install -g truffle



Bug fix

Internal improvements

Dependency updates

v5.6.2 — Warm Sweet Vermicelli Kheer

19 Oct 19:13
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Hello everyone out there! 👋

With the changing colors of the leaves 🍁 and the feel of the arriving winter ❄️, here we are back with a new Truffle release. We have a couple of bug fixes and an internal improvement served with a warm, sweet, delicious kheer 🥣.

First up is a bug 🐛 fix related to the --verbose-rpc 💬 option. There was an issue in certain cases where you wouldn't get any RPC output when using the console command. Now this should be fixed!

The second fix 🛠️ is that now Truffle will not overwrite objects found in the context whenever it loads the Truffle REPL (truffle develop and truffle console) 🖥️. For example, previously, if you had a contract whose name coincided with a built-in Node or Javascript object (say, Buffer), the contract abstraction would overwrite the built-in object on truffle console start-up, which could cause a number of problems. Now, this won't happen; if you encounter a collision like this, you'll have to get the contract abstraction via artifacts.require.

That is all for this week. See you next week with another delicious treat 🤤.

How to upgrade

We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Truffle by running:

npm uninstall -g truffle
npm install -g truffle


Bug fix

Internal improvements

v5.6.1 — Orange polenta cake

12 Oct 23:04
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Heyo everyone!

Another week, another Truffle release. This time it's served with some citrusy syrup 🍊, along with important bug fixes and improvements to Truffle 😉.

The boilerplate project generated by truffle init now excludes node_modules from being tracked by git 🚶🚪. Thanks @thgaskell for the suggestion and PR! 🙏 We love our contributors and always welcome more to build and learn together 🌱.

As a part of our continuous efforts to modernize the Truffle codebase, truffle migrate is now implemented in 🇹ypeScript. And for all you L2 buffs, our Etherscan fetcher now has support for Arbitrum Goerli testnet 🥏.

That's all for now! Come back next week for more!

How to upgrade

We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Truffle by running:

npm uninstall -g truffle
npm install -g truffle



  • Add node_modules to .gitignore file generated by init command (#5601 by @thgaskell)
  • Add arbitrum goerli support to Etherscan fetcher (#5611 by @haltman-at)

Bug fix

  • Update .gitignore for db and delete accidentally committed file (#5608 by @eggplantzzz)

Internal improvements

Dependency updates

v5.6.0 — Freaky forgotten frozen freezer fudge

05 Oct 20:34
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Hello all you fine people out there!👋

This week we're back and mainly have some maintenance updates for y'all.🔧 Most notable is a fix for @truffle/hdwallet-provider. There was a faulty check when it would try to parse and ingest some parts of the user's input. We have to give a shoutout to our friend @RyanCavanaugh for spotting this and providing a fix!

Additionally, Truffle now fully supports Node 18! That being the case, we've also finally dropped support for Node 12...I know, I know, we announced it a long time ago ⏰ but we wanted to make sure Truffle was cleanly supporting Node 18 before discontinuing support for Node 12!

One more thing to note: @truffle/db now uses indexeddb instead of sqlite for persistence. If you are a @truffle/db user and have issues, please open a GitHub issue and we'll be happy to help!

That's about it for now. We'll see you next week with another morsel to add to your plate.🍛 Cheers!

How to upgrade

We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Truffle by running:

npm uninstall -g truffle
npm install -g truffle


Bug fix

  • correctly check for non-integer credentials in @truffle/hdwallet-provider (#5588 by @RyanCavanaugh)

Internal improvements

v5.5.32 — Pumpkin Choco Layered Cake

30 Sep 20:09
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Hello, hello, hello.
Enjoy Fall with a cup of hot coffee and pumpkin choco layered cake 🥮 ➕ ☕. Yummy!
And cheers, @eltociear for catching a typo and fixing it, many thanks for contributing.

In this week's release, we layered up our delightful offerings with a few bug fixes and internal improvements.
For the ever-expanding world of web3, a few more supported networks are added to be used with truffle debug --fetch-external, so you can carry on with those verified contracts debugging! 🐞

That's all for this week, and see you next time! 👋
Happy building!

How to upgrade

We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Truffle by running:

npm uninstall -g truffle
npm install -g truffle



Bug fixes

Internal improvements