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Agenda 20170504

ianbjacobs edited this page May 3, 2017 · 6 revisions

Getting specs to CR

  • Report back from editors

Payment Handler API to FPWD

Implementing (Short-string) Payment Methods in the Browser

  • What is the implementation burden for UAs to add new payment methods?
  • Basic-card is exceptional because the browser IS the payment handler so it must perform some functions of the payment handler (like validation of the payment method specific data) but it's not clear how much of this will be done for other payment methods.

Basic Card

  • Marcos has requested that we reconsider the decision that this be a Note. We have twice made that decision. We should close it definitively after hearing the case.
  • @adrianhopebailie - This should not be seen as a revision of the previous decision to publish all payment method specs as notes but rather as an exception for basic-card given that the browser will implement payment handler functionality for this payment method. This may be influenced by previous discussion on implementing these payment methods.

Credit Transfer

  • See next steps thread and issues
    • BPCE, Worldpay, and Klarna indicated at the Chicago meeting that they are potential implementers. Google also expressed interest in this payment method.
    • Feedback required from credit transfer systems. Unify/Atos have joined the WPWG, any feedabck on this spec at this time?


  • Proposed new payment method spec from Interledger Payment CG.
  • Request to adopt as a WG editor's draft
  • Intend to develop payment apps against this spec at Workshop/Hackathon in Berlin 1 - 2 June
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