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Releases: Aam-Digital/ndb-core


08 Mar 09:07
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3.48.0 (2025-03-08)

Bug Fixes

  • fix performance issues when using the app for longer time (#2895) (6f9d00d)
  • .core: nested menu correctly parsing entityType navigation items (707c1d3)


  • Import: easily import links to other records, like participants for an event (#2873) (e63fa88), closes #2867
  • merge two records into a single record (#2879) (14b1950), closes #2855


28 Feb 13:44
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3.47.0 (2025-02-28)

Bug Fixes

  • Admin UI: display entity types without label correctly (#2868) (b35787e)
  • Admin UI: ensure field IDs cannot contain invalid characters when creating new fields (#2884) (394cb74), closes #2882
  • ensure list views fall back to display the first tab if the configured one doesn't exist (#2874) (2a7c3f5), closes #2606
  • i18n: update latest translations (#2887) (2090d6b)
  • Import: correctly display names of "internal" entity types in import selection (345bc0e)
  • Import: fix problems changing auto-mapped columns during file imports (#2846) (d5316ea), closes #2782
  • Import: only enable advanced import actions after selecting an import type (550fffb)
  • improve table layout letting action buttons only take fixed minimum width (#2869) (d6229a9), closes #2838
  • load all details of rows after "bulk edit" action (#2822) (df7f2fd), closes #2571
  • make applicable entity types required for Export Template configurations (#2845) (58a2238), closes #2703
  • make dropdown (configurable-enum) fields usable in Entity title (toStringAttributes) (#2871) (8b28e71), closes #2865
  • multi-select dropdown values were sometimes not displayed after selecting (#2853) (27880b0), closes #2840
  • Reporting: display correct report calculation time (#2864) (31ebae0), closes #2654
  • Reporting: download SQL reports correctly formatted as .csv (#2854) (0a09cc5), closes #2783
  • show correct order of dropdown options after manually reordering (#2877) (02ed70f), closes #2876


  • new "URL" datatype for fields, supporting clickable links (#2646) (c38d83c), closes #2460


07 Feb 17:49
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3.46.2 (2025-02-07)

Bug Fixes

  • avoid dropdown options list shifting to window corner after changing tabs (#2836) (00801fc), closes #2806
  • fix error syncing while uploading a file (#2832) (5b90744)
  • navigate to the linked record when clicking a "reference" in tables (#2842) (f95a58a), closes #2837
  • support setting default values for dropdown (configurable-enum) fields (#2841) (022af59), closes #2273
  • i18n: update latest translations (#2844) (9a82a04)
  • import: importing references to existing records now also works with number fields as the matching field (#2823) (22c80c9), closes #2427


30 Jan 18:56
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3.46.1 (2025-01-30)

Bug Fixes

  • display loading screen while waiting for initial config (#2824) (221873d), closes #2639

Changes to Core System ⚠️

  • refactor the Database layer to allow for multiple database connections in parallel (#2758) (81a0be2), closes #2746


30 Jan 16:01
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3.46.0 (2025-01-30)

Bug Fixes

  • Admin UI: easier way to copy the link to a public form (#2790) (941012b), closes #2774
  • Admin UI: prevent breaking Public Form configurations by later changing entity type (#2815) (fb3a3e9)
  • Admin UI: show field editor for public form configuration again (#2816) (642f98d)
  • i18n: update latest translations (#2827) (6af91af)
  • Import: fix problems with fields not being available for mapping import columns (#2826) (353d097), closes #2819
  • .upgrade @sentry/angular from 8.40.0 to 8.48.0 (#2820) (ecf1230)


  • Admin UI: configure "pre-filled" values for Public Forms (#2780) (0d320f8), closes #2766


24 Jan 12:24
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3.45.1 (2025-01-24)

Bug Fixes

  • Admin UI: hide special EventNote entity type from admin lists (#2764) (393b635)
  • Admin UI: keep the focus when changing field group titles (#2808) (4471d40), closes #2805
  • Export: display address text for "location" fields in csv exports (#2809) (00d6f30), closes #2802
  • i18n: update latest translations (1be9a80)
  • Public Forms: show a "successfully submitted" page after completing form (#2797) (5353a3c), closes #2721
  • Public Forms: use correct image position in public forms (88a8010)
  • .layout glitches from translation changes and updated translations (#2795) (0a23155)
  • .log if legacy fallback IndexedDb name is still used (bc68ea4)


06 Jan 16:50
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3.45.0 (2025-01-06)

Bug Fixes

  • Admin UI: bugfixes and improvements for public forms admin (#2753) (75f087c)
  • Admin UI: correctly save changes to fields from Public Forms Editor (#2745) (ba89478), closes #2743
  • Admin UI: field group titles are saved again (#2765) (aa0f95f), closes #2756
  • Admin UI: prevent error generating ID when resetting label of field (156fe44)
  • .ensure entity-select field always displays latest values, even when externally set (#2744) (c2ba7dd)
  • .logging: do not log invalid dates in data to Sentry (5acd149)
  • public forms: add missing translations (5e7c6e2)
  • public forms: display useful error messages if public form is not found or missing permissions (#2726) (982a2c2), closes #2657*
  • Admin UI: manage related public forms directly from Admin Entity view (#2740) (8537d86), closes #2708



13 Dec 17:59
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3.44.0 (2024-12-13)

Bug Fixes

  • prevent problems loading records with invalid date fields (adding type check before date parsing) (#2714) (2fdd009)
  • i18n: add and improve translations (966ee3b)


  • public forms: admin UI for creating and editing public forms directly within the app without technical support (#2682) (6464c5b), closes #2271
  • public forms: a custom logo can be displayed in public forms (#2706) (b521806), closes #2626
  • support markdown formatting in "Text Block" (description only) fields to show clickable links (#2673) (32ed689), closes #2350


04 Dec 04:35
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3.43.1 (2024-12-04)

Bug Fixes

  • clean up menu-item highlighting (0abf9f5)
  • public forms: correct permission checks to allow unauthenticated users access to forms again (#2700) (5136835)
  • correctly save form field after deleting its value (#2664) (a3a125f), closes #2653


25 Nov 16:45
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3.43.0 (2024-11-25)

Bug Fixes

  • prevent re-sync after reloading the app if user.project related permission is set (#2665) (7115646), closes #2542
  • dashboard: widget shows correct number excluding inactive records (#2649) (1b20cea), closes #2647
  • dashboard: improve layout of entity-count widget (#2643) (4922fd1), closes #2638
  • dashboard: progress dashboard shows correct overall percentage again (#2663) (4c62214), closes #2659
  • attendance status now always reliably saved (#2641) (a3e369f), closes #2615
  • .i18n: add new translations (916f587)
  • make location dialog save button always reachable on small screens (#2666) (16580a7), closes #2655
  • prevent duplicate keys in filter options (#2640) (31d7ffd)
  • resolve some issues with configuration of fields (#2681) (cfcc585), closes #2667 #2669 #2674
  • .upgrade dependencies (3bdef84)


  • use GPS sensor data to set a location field (#2651) (0f4846c), closes #1579
  • public forms: default values can now include dynamic values like current date (#2635) (c02ed26), closes #2401
  • reporting: add multi-query support (#2644) (2237f66)
  • core: support for nested navigation menu items (#2609) (7b788aa), closes #2249
  • .core: allow hiding of fields through config (#2668) (961a9de), closes #2635
  • .core: make subtitle and explanation for all dashboard widgets overwritable via config (#2656) (123154b), closes #2594