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AGS TO AGP Harvesting with the Geoportal

zguo edited this page Apr 7, 2014 · 2 revisions

Starting from Geoportal 1.2.5, an administrator can use the Geoportal as a broker to harvest ArcGIS Server Services to a Portal for ArcGIS instance.

The harvested records go directly to the destination Portal for ArcGIS instance; they are not stored in the Geoportal Server repository.

Enable AGS-AGP harvesting

  • Open the \\geoportal\WEB-INF\classes\gpt\config\gpt.xml file
  • Uncomment the following protocol section:
    <protocol factoryClass="com.esri.gpt.control.webharvest.protocol.factories.Ags2AgpProtocolFactory"
  • Save the gpt.xml and restart the geoportal web application.

Register an AGS-AGP harvesting service

  • Login to your geoportal as an administrator and click on the Administration tab
  • Click on the Add link, then select the Register resource on the network radio and click Proceed.
  • Select the AGS-AGP option as the protocol type
  • Enter information for the source ArcGIS Server services
    • REST URL - ArcGIS Server REST URL, e.g. http://servername:6080/arcgis/rest/services
    • SOAP URL - ArcGIS Server SOAP URL, e.g. http://servername:6080/arcgis/services?wsdl
      • Test button - click to test if the geoportal can successfully communicate with the source ArcGIS Server instance.
  • Enter information for the destination ArcGIS Portal
    • Host - host name and prefix for the target portal, if the site is 10.2, the default is "hostname", for 10.2.1 the default is "hostname/portal", for 10.2.2, the default is "hostname/arcgis", the prefix can vary depending on individual implementation.
    • User Name - user name with the target portal
    • Password - password for the user with the target portal
      • Test Client - click to test if the geoportal can successfully communicate with the target portal instance.
    • Owner - owner of the harvested records on the target portal. If you've designated a regular user on the target portal, the owner will be that regular user's name; if you've designated an administrative user on the target portal, click on search owners to retrieve a list of owners, then select the designated owner.
    • Folder ID - the id of the folder for keeping the harvested records. The user will need to first create a folder id on the target portal, then click on the Search folders button in geoportal to retrieve a list of folders and select the one folder to be used for holding the harvested records.
  • Select other options
    • uncheck the following two options as the AGS-AGP item is not designed to be found in geoportal search results.
      • Allow this resource to be found when searching for metadata
      • Include this endpoint on the federated search list
  • Click on Create/Create and Close to save the entry

Harvest from ArcGIS Server to Portal for ArcGIS instance

  • Click Manage at the top of the geoportal Administration page
  • Find the registered AGS-AGP item
  • Approve the item
  • Click on the Synchronize Content icon. You will be asked if you'd like to proceed with harvesting - click OK. Then wait for the harvesting process to be carried out - the Synchronize Content icon will be grayed out while the harvesting process still in progress.
  • After the harvest process if complete, click on the harvest history icon to verify records are harvested correctly
  • Login to the destination Portal for ArcGIS instance and verify the items from the source Portal for ArcGIS instance are harvested successfully.
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