All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project does not adhere to Semantic Versioning. This file tries to follow the conventions proposed by Here, the categories "Changed" for added and changed functionality, "Fixed" for fixed functionality, and "Removed" for removed functionality are used.
We refer to GitHub issues by using #NUM
- We changed the location of some fields in the entry editor (you might need to reset your preferences for these changes to come into effect)
- Journal/Year/Month in biblatex mode -> Deprecated (if filled)
- DOI/URL: General -> Optional
- Internal fields like ranking, read status and priority: Other -> General
- Moreover, empty deprecated fields are no longer shown
- Added server timezone parameter when connecting to a shared database.
- We updated the dialog for setting up general fields.
- URL field formatting is updated. All whitespace chars, located at the beginning/ending of the url, are trimmed automatically
- We changed the behavior of the field formatting dialog such that the
is not changed when formatting all fields or all text fields. - We added a "Move file to file directory and rename file" option for simultaneously moving and renaming of document file. #4166
- Use integrated graphics card instead of discrete on macOS #4070
- We added a cleanup operation that detects an arXiv identifier in the note, journal or url field and moves it to the
field. Because of this change, the last-used cleanup operations were reset. - We changed the minimum required version of Java to 1.8.0_171, as this is the latest release for which the automatic Java update works. 4093
- The special fields like
andRead status
now show gray icons when the row is hovered. - We added a button in the tab header which allows you to close the database with one click. JabRef#494
- Sorting in the main table now takes information from cross-referenced entries into account. JabRef#2808
- If a group has a color specified, then entries matched by this group have a small colored bar in front of them in the main table.
- Change default icon for groups to a circle because a colored version of the old icon was hard to distinguish from its black counterpart.
- In the main table, the context menu appears now when you press the "context menu" button on the keyboard. feature request in the forum
- We added icons to the group side panel to quickly switch between
group view mode JabRef#3269. - We use
for fetching from most online bibliographic database. - We changed the default keyboard shortcuts for moving between entries when the entry editor is active to ̀alt + up/down.
- Opening a new file now prompts the directory of the currently selected file, instead of the directory of the last opened file.
- Window state is saved on close and restored on start.
- We made the MathSciNet fetcher more reliable.
- We added the ISBN fetcher to the list of fetcher available under "Update with bibliographic information from the web" in the entry editor toolbar.
- Files without a defined external file type are now directly opened with the default application of the operating system
- We streamlined the process to rename and move files by removing the confirmation dialogs.
- We removed the redundant new lines of markings and wrapped the summary in the File annotation tab. #3823
- We add auto url formatting when user paste link to URL field in entry editor. koppor#254
- We added a minimal height for the entry editor so that it can no longer be hidden by accident. #4279
- We added a new keyboard shortcut so that the entry editor could be closed by Ctrl + E. [#4222] (JabRef#4222)
- We added an option in the preference dialog box, that allows user to pick the dark or light theme option. [#4130] (JabRef#4130)
- We updated updated the Related Articles tab to accept JSON from the new version of the Mr. DLib service
- We added an option in the preference dialog box that allows user to choose behavior after dragging and dropping files in Entry Editor. #4356
- We fixed an issue where corresponding groups are sometimes not highlighted when clicking on entries #3112
- We fixed an issue where custom exports could not be selected in the 'Export (selected) entries' dialog #4013
- Italic text is now rendered correctly. JabRef#3356
- The entry editor no longer gets corrupted after using the source tab. JabRef#3532 JabRef#3608 JabRef#3616
- We fixed multiple issues where entries did not show up after import if a search was active. JabRef#1513 JabRef#3219
- We fixed an issue where the group tree was not updated correctly after an entry was changed. JabRef#3618
- We fixed an issue where a right-click in the main table selected a wrong entry. JabRef#3267
- We fixed an issue where in rare cases entries where overlayed in the main table. JabRef#3281
- We fixed an issue where selecting a group messed up the focus of the main table / entry editor. JabRef#3367
- We fixed an issue where composite author names were sorted incorrectly. JabRef#2828
- We fixed an issue where commands followed by
didn't work. #3805 - We fixed an issue where some journal names were wrongly marked as abbreviated. #4115
- We fixed an issue where the custom file column were sorted incorrectly. JabRef#3119
- We fixed an issues where the entry losses focus when a field is edited and at the same time used for sorting. JabRef#3373
- We fixed an issue where the menu on Mac OS was not displayed in the usual Mac-specific way. JabRef#3146
- We improved the integrity check for page numbers. #4113 and feature request in the forum
- We fixed an issue where the order of fields in customized entry types was not saved correctly. #4033
- We fixed an issue where the groups tree of the last database was still shown even after the database was already closed.
- We fixed an issue where the "Open file dialog" may disappear behind other windows. JabRef#3410
- We fixed an issue where the number of entries matched was not updated correctly upon adding or removing an entry. #3537
- We fixed an issue where the default icon of a group was not colored correctly.
- We fixed an issue where the first field in entry editor was not focused when adding a new entry. #4024
- We reworked the "Edit file" dialog to make it resizeable and improved the workflow for adding and editing files JabRef#2970
- We fixed an issue where the month was not shown in the preview JabRef#3239.
- Rewritten logic to detect a second jabref instance. #4023
- We fixed an issue where the "Convert to BibTeX-Cleanup" moved the content of the
field to thepdf
field #4120 - We fixed an issue where the preview pane in entry preview in preferences wasn't showing the citation style selected #3849
- We fixed an issue where the default entry preview style still contained the field
. The fieldreview
in the style is now replaced with comment to be consistent with the entry editor #4098 - We fixed an issue where users were vulnerable to XXE attacks during parsing #4229
- We fixed an issue where files added via the "Attach file" contextmenu of an entry were not made relative. #4201 and #4241
- We fixed an issue where author list parser can't generate bibtex for Chinese author. #4169
- We fixed an issue where the list of XMP Exclusion fields in the preferences was not be saved #4072
- We fixed an issue where the ArXiv Fetcher did not support HTTP URLs koppor#328
- We fixed an issue where only one PDF file could be imported #4422
- We fixed an issue where "Move to group" would always move the first entry in the library and not the selected #4414
- The feature to "mark entries" was removed and merged with the groups functionality. For migration, a group is created for every value of the
field and the entry is added to this group. - The number column was removed.
- We removed the coloring of cells in the maintable according to whether the field is optional/required.
- We removed a few commands from the right-click menu that are not needed often and thus don't need to be placed that prominently:
- Print entry preview: available through entry preview
- All commands related to marking: marking is not yet reimplemented
- Set/clear/append/rename fields: available through Edit menu
- Manage keywords: available through Edit menu
- Copy linked files to folder: available through File menu
The changelog of JabRef 4.x is available at the v4.x branch. The changelog of JabRef 3.x is available at the v3.8.2 tag. The changelog of JabRef 2.11 and all previous versions is available as text file in the v2.11.1 tag.