Closed RFCs Jump to: Full list | Accepted | Proposed | Closed # Title Owner Status 60 Bazel Build System 👎 rejected 81 AWS Landing Zone CDK pattern request 👎 rejected 82 Weak references 👎 rejected 159 Cross-App Resource Sharing 👎 rejected 164 Construct Library Segments @nija-at 👎 rejected 175 AppSync Mapping Template Object Model @MrArnoldPalmer 👎 rejected 217 Alternative Infrastructure Providers @ccfife 👎 rejected 219 ECS Patterns Service Builder 👎 rejected 244 Migration path for EKS Developer Preview 👎 rejected 256 ReactCDK: Add JSX/TSX Support 👎 rejected 272 CI/CD to Cloudfront Deploy 👎 rejected 348 CloudFormationController - refactor CloudFormation stacks 👎 rejected 394 WAF v2 L2 Construct 👎 rejected 399 SSM Document as Objects 👎 rejected 400 RUM AppMonitor L2 Construct 👎 rejected 402 Glue DataBrew L2 Construct 👎 rejected 423 IoT Sitewise L2 Construct 👎 rejected 428 Amazon CloudWatch Evidently L2 Constructs 👎 rejected 434 AWS Ground Station L2 Constructs 👎 rejected 446 Network Firewall L2 Constructs 👎 rejected 448 AWS Compute Optimizer Constructs 👎 rejected 457 Create fluent-assertions library to improve consumer test readability @MrArnoldPalmer 👎 rejected 458 Service Catalog ProductStack Asset Support 👎 rejected 465 AWS Organizations L2 Construct 👎 rejected 470 Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 support 👎 rejected 481 Add L2 constructs for Amazon Redshift Serverless 👎 rejected 483 AppFlow L2 Constructs @iliapolo 👎 rejected 487 New L2 Construct for Step Functions Map State in Distributed Mode 👎 rejected 492 Amazon OpenSearch Serverless L2 Construct 👎 rejected 495 AWS IAM Identity Store L2 construct 👎 rejected 509 Add Step Functions SageMaker CreateProcessingJob task construct 👎 rejected 512 Thumbprint L2 Construct for use with IAM OIDC Provider 👎 rejected 521 Verified Access L2 Constructs 👎 rejected 523 Construct to create Cedar Policy 👎 rejected 526 AppSync Merged API L2 construct 👎 rejected 528 Verified Permissions L2 Constructs 👎 rejected 579 Docker-less dependency resolution (CDK \ SAM) 👎 rejected 587 Amazon Lambda Rust library 👎 rejected 9 Master developer guide sources in main repo 🤷 stale 10 New workshop modules 🤷 stale 13 Improvements to Reference docs 🤷 stale 14 Toolchain 2.0 🤷 stale 17 CLI support for multiple-environments 🤷 stale 18 Open Context Providers @rix0rrr 🤷 stale 19 Introspection API 🤷 stale 20 Security posture summary 🤷 stale 23 Stateful resource support 🤷 stale 25 Defaults & configuration policy 🤷 stale 27 200 resource limit tools & guidance 🤷 stale 30 Improve synthesized template output 🤷 stale 32 App-centric operational experience 🤷 stale 40 Stack traces across language boundaries 🤷 stale 48 Faster builds 🤷 stale 51 Standardize security groups 🤷 stale 58 Improved ergonomics for stack default environment 🤷 stale 65 CDK Code Generation from AWS Console 🤷 stale 67 Monitoring Packs 🤷 stale 69 One-off "job" Stacks ("auto destruct") 🤷 stale 70 Cost Estimation Tools 🤷 stale 74 Common API for Resources with Web Addresses 🤷 stale 78 Feature proposal: Workspaces 🤷 stale 83 Global Name Prefix 🤷 stale 86 AWS Account Alias Resource 🤷 stale 127 CDK to directly reference/import/update an existing stack 🤷 stale 139 "fromLookup" for additional resources 🤷 stale 158 Implement Custom Resources in the AWS Construct Library as CFN Registry Resource Types 🤷 stale 161 Cross-Region/Account References 🤷 stale 180 CustomResources: Allow usage across accounts 🤷 stale 193 Fixing of type unions @RomainMuller 🤷 stale 201 Construct scope relocation 🤷 stale 223 Improvements to Lambda Development Experience 🤷 stale 229 Construct library pattern for metrics 🤷 stale 230 Construct library pattern for grants 🤷 stale 231 Construct library pattern for resources that use a VPC 🤷 stale 232 Construct library pattern for resources that need IAM roles 🤷 stale 242 Bootstrap stacks as CDK apps 🤷 stale 247 CDK Common Stored Data Type Model 🤷 stale 248 Standardized context key for "cheap mode" 🤷 stale 275 route53-patterns for cross account DNS delegation 🤷 stale 277 cdk logs 🤷 stale 305 support code signing of assets 🤷 stale 309 Parameter Store for cross stack references 🤷 stale 317 CDK third-party dependencies management 🤷 stale 362 Construct Library for Contributor Insights Rules @madeline-k 🤷 stale 370 CLI deploy with change set review confirmation 🤷 stale 375 Support Encode Properties for CloudFormation CustomResource 🤷 stale 380 Remove Node.js as an installed pre-requisite for the jsii runtime 🤷 stale 418 CDK Operator CLI 🤷 stale 419 CDK environment setup for platform/system administrators @rix0rrr 🤷 stale 426 AppConfig L2 Construct 🤷 stale 450 AWS CDK public roadmap 🤷 stale 463 Glue View L2 Construct 🤷 stale 467 Add L2 constructs for Amazon FSx Windows @rix0rrr 🤷 stale 471 Amazon Managed Grafana L2 Constructs 🤷 stale 581 ARN retrieval function consistency for CDK constructs 🤷 stale