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Releases: clue/reactphp-docker


03 May 10:35
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01 Dec 16:48
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  • Feature: Add support for PHP 8.1 and PHP 8.2.
    (#78 by @dinooo13)

  • Feature: Forward compatibility with upcoming Promise v3.
    (#76 by @clue)

  • Feature: Simplify usage by supporting new default loop.
    (#71 by @clue)

    // old (still supported)
    $client = new Clue\React\Docker\Client($loop);
    // new (using default loop)
    $client = new Clue\React\Docker\Client();
  • Feature: Add commit API endpoint.
    (#74 by @dinooo13)

    $client->containerCommit($container)->then(function (array $image) {
    }, function (Exception $e) {
        echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
  • Improve documentation and examples, update to use new reactphp/async package and new HTTP and Socket API.
    (#70 by @PaulRotmann, #72 by @SimonFrings, #73 by @clue and #77 by @dinooo13)

  • Improve test suite and ensure 100% code coverage.
    (#80, #81 by @clue and #79 by @dinooo13)


17 Dec 16:22
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  • Feature: Update to reactphp/http v1.0.0.
    (#64 by @clue)

  • Improve test suite and add .gitattributes to exclude dev files from exports.
    Add PHP 8 support, update to PHPUnit 9 and simplify test setup.
    (#62, #65, #66 and #67 by @SimonFrings)


31 Mar 11:29
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  • Feature: Add containerAttach() and containerAttachStream() API methods.
    (#61 by @clue)

  • Improve test suite and fix failing tests with new Docker Engine API.
    (#60 by @clue)


11 Feb 15:09
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  • Feature: Add network API methods.
    (#57 by @tjoussen)

  • Improve test suite by testing against PHP 7.4 and simplify test matrix
    and add support / sponsorship info.
    (#58 and #59 by @clue)


19 Sep 14:35
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  • First stable release, now following SemVer!

  • Feature: Update all ReactPHP dependencies to latest versions and
    significantly improve performance (see included benchmark examples).
    (#51 and #56 by @clue)

  • Feature / BC break: Replace Factory with simplified Client constructor.
    (#49 by @clue)

    // old
    $factory = new Clue\React\Docker\Factory($loop);
    $client = $factory->createClient($url);
    // new
    $client = new Clue\React\Docker\Client($loop, $url);
  • Feature / BC break: Change JSON stream to always report data events instead of progress,
    follow strict stream semantics, support backpressure and improve error handling.
    (#27 and #50 by @clue)

    // old: all JSON streams use custom "progress" event
    $stream = $client->eventsStream();
    $stream->on('progress', function ($data) {
    // new: all streams use default "data" event
    $stream = $client->eventsStream();
    $stream->on('data', function ($data) {
    // new: stream follows stream semantics and supports stream composition
    $stream = $client->eventsStream();
  • Feature / BC break: Add containerArchive() and containerArchiveStream() methods and
    remove deprecated containerCopy() and containerCopyStream() and
    remove deprecated HostConfig parameter from containerStart().
    (#42, #48 and #55 by @clue)

    // old
    $client->containerCopy($container, array('Resource' => $path));
    // new
    $client->containerArchive($container, $path);
  • Feature / BC break: Change execCreate() method to accept plain params instead of config object.
    (#38 and #39 by @clue)

  • Feature / BC break: Change execStart() method to resolve with buffered string contents.
    (#35 and #40)

  • Feature: Add execStartDetached() method to resolve without waiting for exec data.
    (#38 by @clue)

  • Feature: Add execStartStream() method to return stream of exec data.
    (#37 and #40)

  • Feature: Add execInspect() method.
    (#34 by @clue)

  • Feature: Add containerLogs() and containerLogsStream() methods.
    (#53 and #54 by @clue)

  • Feature: Add containerStats() and containerStatsStream() methods.
    (#52 by @clue)

  • Feature: Add events() and eventsStream() methods
    (#32 by @clue)

  • Feature: Add containerRename() method.
    (#43 by @clue)

  • Feature: Timeout $t is optional for containerStop() and containerRestart().
    (#28 by @clue)

  • Fix: The containerResize() and execResize() to issue POST request to resize TTY.
    (#29 and #30 by @clue)

  • Improve test suite by adding PHPUnit to require-dev, support PHPUnit 7 - legacy PHPUnit 4
    and test against legacy PHP 5.3 through PHP 7.3,
    improve documentation and update project homepage.
    (#31, #46 and #47 by @clue)


11 Aug 22:21
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v0.2.0 Pre-release
  • Feature: Add streaming API for existing endpoints (TAR and JSON streaming).
    • JSON streaming endpoints now resolve with an array of progress messages
    • Reject Promise if progress messages indicate an error
  • Feature: Omit empty URI parameters and refactor to use URI templates internally
  • Improved documentation, more SOLID code base and updated dependencies.


08 Dec 23:16
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v0.1.0 Pre-release
  • First tagged release