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Stephen Crowley edited this page Jul 5, 2023 · 2 revisions

In mathematics, particularly in semigroup theory, an accelerant refers to a specific type of element or subset within a semigroup.

A semigroup is an algebraic structure consisting of a set together with an associative binary operation. It does not necessarily have an identity element or inverses for all elements like a group does.

Given a semigroup $S$, an accelerant in $S$ is a subset $A$ that satisfies the following properties:

  1. $A$ is a subsemigroup of $S$: This means that $A$ is closed under the binary operation of $S$, so if $a$ and $b$ are in $A$, then their product $(ab)$ is also in $A$.

  2. For any element $x$ in $S$, there exists an element $y$ in $A$ such that $xyx = x$: This property states that for any element $x$ in $S$, there is an element $y$ in $A$ such that when you multiply $x$ by $y$ and then multiply the result by $x$ again, you get back to $x$.

The notion of an accelerant was introduced by Alfred H. Clifford and Gordon B. Preston in their book "The Algebraic Theory of Semigroups" (1961). Accelerants are used to study various properties and structures within semigroup theory, including regular semigroups, Green's relations, and Rees matrices.

Accelerants play a significant role in the theory of semigroups as they provide insights into the structure and behavior of semigroups, allowing for the investigation of specific properties and the classification of semigroups based on the presence or absence of accelerants.


Identifying accelerants in semigroups typically involves analyzing the properties and structure of the given semigroup. Here are some general approaches and techniques that can be used:

  1. Study the multiplication structure: Examine the binary operation of the semigroup and look for subsets that are closed under this operation. If you find a subset $A$ that is closed under multiplication, it could potentially be an accelerant.

  2. Investigate idempotent elements: Idempotent elements are those that satisfy the property $x^2 = x$, where $x$ is an element of the semigroup. If there are idempotent elements in the semigroup, they can be good candidates for accelerants.

  3. Use algebraic and combinatorial methods: Employ techniques from algebra and combinatorics to explore the properties and relationships within the semigroup. These methods may involve studying substructures, factorizations, Green's relations, and other algebraic properties that can help identify accelerants.

  4. Utilize known results and theorems: Familiarize yourself with existing results and theorems in semigroup theory. There may be specific criteria or conditions that characterize accelerants or provide insights into their existence. These results can guide your search and analysis.

  5. Construct examples and counterexamples: Consider constructing specific semigroups or examining known semigroups to observe their accelerants. By analyzing various examples, you can gain intuition and understanding of the characteristics that accelerants possess.

It is important to note that the identification of accelerants can be a challenging task and may require a combination of theoretical analysis, mathematical reasoning, and creative problem-solving. It often involves a deep understanding of semigroup properties and the application of various techniques and strategies specific to semigroup theory.

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