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Stephen Crowley edited this page Mar 19, 2023 · 1 revision

A vector field is a function that assigns a vector to each point in a given space. In a two-dimensional space, a vector field $F$ is defined as:

$$ F(x, y) = (P(x, y), Q(x, y)) $$

where $P(x, y)$ and $Q(x, y)$ are scalar functions that define the components of the vector field in the $x$ and $y$ directions.

In a three-dimensional space, a vector field $F$ is defined as:

$$ F(x, y, z) = (P(x, y, z), Q(x, y, z), R(x, y, z)) $$

where $P(x, y, z)$, $Q(x, y, z)$, and $R(x, y, z)$ are scalar functions that define the components of the vector field in the $x$, $y$, and $z$ directions.

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