v2.1.0 (2021-01-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- protoc-gen-grpc-gateway: can't generate gateway stubs for multiple packages in one go #1612
- Addition of Prettier GitHub action to prettified the markdown files #1575
- add support for field_behavior options on swagger plugin #1806 (ewhauser)
Fixed bugs:
- The "Use go templates" page is missing its actual go templates #1773
- FieldMask Generation causes a 400 when a google.protobuf.Struct field has populated values #1570
- Support openapiv2_tag option in swagger generator #690
Closed issues:
- Ignore some fields in HTTP Response and OpenAPI #1886
- Using runtime.WithMarshalerOption() breaks swagger docs #1882
- Data is Getting Encoded while returning response as HTML #1880
- jsonPB is not supporting in grpc gateway v2 migration #1878
- Move generator and descriptor packages into the public API #1877
- Add -module flag to protoc-gen-openapiv2 plugin #1876
- Load Balancing with multiple instances of a grpc-server. #1875
- Building with Bazel not compatible when using Gazelle and disable_global #1847
- Unexpected response on /v2/example/errorwithdetails #1842
- openapi_configuration option in protoc_gen_openapiv2 Bazel rule fails. #1838
- Link to v2 migration guide broken #1836
- add header in http.Handler,but not take effect #1835
rule should expose all of the relevant flags available #1831- if there a flag set the metadata first letter not change to uppower #1830
- Clarification about return Access-Control-Allow-Origin header #1827
option and FieldMask fields don't work together. #1816- openapiv2: panic when SecurityRequirement is missing a value #1811
- Cannot resolve import 'google/api/http.proto' #1809
- add version information at compile-time #1803
- 🚀
should allow to passgenerate\_unbound\_methods
option #1792 - Can't generate python client #1785
- Issue with converting to the bytes data type #1781
- Possible way to access request header key,value #1780
- Run demo failed! #1777
- protoc-gen-swagger: Implement Response Header(s) object, Implement Field Enum,Example&Format attributes #1729
Merged pull requests:
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 07624b5 (master) #1885 (renovate[bot])
- Add a ## Docs section to highlight the docs URL #1884 (VinGarcia)
- Fix broken 'Field Mask' documentation link #1883 (adolfo)
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 8c77b98 (master) #1874 (renovate[bot])
- Fix link to "gRPC API configuration" in README #1873 (alpire)
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 40ec1c2 (master) #1872 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to e3217be (master) #1870 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to f927205 (master) #1869 (renovate[bot])
- Update golang.org/x/oauth2 commit hash to 08078c5 (master) #1867 (renovate[bot])
- protoc-gen-openapiv2: Add openapiv2_tag support #1866 (rcgoodfellow)
- Update golang.org/x/oauth2 commit hash to 9317641 (master) #1864 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 9ee31aa (master) #1862 (renovate[bot])
- Update Season of Docs page #1861 (johanbrandhorst)
- Refactored the documentation files of gRPC-Gateway #1860 (iamrajiv)
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 06b3db8 (master) #1858 (renovate[bot])
- Update golang Docker tag to v1.15.6 (master) #1857 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 6486ece (master) #1854 (renovate[bot])
- Update golang.org/x/oauth2 commit hash to 0b49973 (master) #1853 (renovate[bot])
- Update module google.golang.org/grpc to v1.34.0 (master) #1852 (renovate[bot])
- [GSoD] Refactored the documentation files of gRPC-Gateway #1851 (iamrajiv)
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 55d61f9 (master) #1850 (renovate[bot])
- Update rules_proto commit hash to 84ba6ec (master) #1849 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to b05cb90 (master) #1846 (renovate[bot])
- [GSoD] Added new architecture introduction diagram for gRPC-Gateway #1845 (iamrajiv)
- [GSoD] Added more faq for gRPC-Gateway #1844 (iamrajiv)
- Fix broken example #1843 (isbang)
- Feature/implement response headers v2 #1841 (elijah-roberts)
- Update module google/go-cmp to v0.5.4 (master) #1840 (renovate[bot])
- Fix some broken docs links #1839 (johanbrandhorst)
- Sets proper context property for openapi_configuration option #1837 (zoido)
- Adjust protoc-gen-openapiv2/main.go flags docs as suggested during #1832 review #1833 (zoido)
- Rest protoc-gen-openapiv2 flags as rule attrs #1832 (zoido)
- [GSoD] Added tutorials directory on gRPC-Gateway #1829 (iamrajiv)
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 9b1e624 (master) #1828 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 62d171c (master) #1825 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 79184cf (master) #1824 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to bf037d7 (master) #1823 (renovate[bot])
- reorganize docs; add page for customizing gateway output #1822 (ewhauser)
- Change FieldMask OpenAPI type to string. #1820 (zoido)
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to ce600e9 (master) #1819 (renovate[bot])
- Fix openapiv2 panic #1818 (johanbrandhorst)
- Add ci linter #1817 (johanbrandhorst)
- Update golang Docker tag to v1.15.5 (master) #1814 (renovate[bot])
- Update module google/go-cmp to v0.5.3 (master) #1812 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 2985b7a (master) #1810 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to ac7456d (master) #1808 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 8816d57 (master) #1807 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 2640f1f (master) #1805 (renovate[bot])
- Update golang.org/x/oauth2 commit hash to 9fd6049 (master) #1804 (renovate[bot])
- Disable gRPC updates on v1 #1802 (johanbrandhorst)
- Update module google.golang.org/grpc to v1.33.2 (master) #1800 (renovate[bot])
- Update golang Docker tag to v1.15.4 (master) #1799 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to f9bfe23 (master) #1796 (renovate[bot])
- Fix typo in flag name for Bazel #1795 (achew22)
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 9d023cd (master) #1794 (renovate[bot])
- Exposes
rule attr #1793 (zoido) - Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 2e45c02 (master) #1789 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 415bd0c (master) #1788 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 715cce7 (master) #1787 (renovate[bot])
- [GSoD] Added new documentation website for gRPC-Gateway #1786 (iamrajiv)
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 24207fd (master) #1784 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to 8ce4113 (master) #1782 (renovate[bot])
- Update google.golang.org/genproto commit hash to c77dae4 (master) #1778 (renovate[bot])