All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and Keep a changelog.
- #351 Support new Microsoft Teams workflows @FrankBlooBM
- #351 Support for MessageCard templates
- #325 add metrics port configuration in Helm @santi-eidu
- #307 Update prom2teams replace_config with tmp config files @santi-eidu
- #312 Improve error handler to distinguish between different kind of exceptions @smartinsempere
- #309 Update prom2teams to use flask exporter with uWSGI for metrics when using uWSGI mode @santi-eidu
- #301 Update image to use uWSGI @santi-eidu
- #297 Add travis job to upload docker image to Dockerhub @santi-eidu
- #296 Release 3.3.0 missing on Docker Hub @santi-eidu
- #290 Fixed .travis.yml config file and added to requirements.txt some missing dependencies. @ommarmol
- #279 Fixed issue with MS Teams exception handling @nryabkov
- #281 Allow to add arbitrary envvars to deployment @dkobras
- #292 Configurable timeout for the request @blalop
- #271 Sending a message with double quotes in TeamsAlert fields breaks MS Teams communication @earthquakesan
- *#275 Fix error handling when exception thrown, to return HTTP 500 @srl295
- Bump jinja2 and pyYAML versions @blalop
- *#225 Fix error when fingerprint is missing @jperera
- *#244 Change by in README @Crozzers
- #155 Using Alert instead of Alarm in the entire code base @dortegau
- #219 Add timeouts to webhook request to prevent hanging tcp connections in case of network errors @DanSipola
- #222 Add restrictive security context since the workload doesn't need more permissions to work. @azman0101
- #226 Retrying policy @blalop
Now connector field is mandatory in helm chart is mantatory.
- #175 Building docker image using multi-stage build feature @dortegau
- #172 Add fingerprint field to template data @mdelagrange
- #170 Allow specifying multiple connectors @krmichel
- #213 Add end to end tests @pablogcaldito
- #210 Fix bug introduced in 2.5.6 version and add support for alertmanager 0.21.0 @pablogcaldito
- #201 /metrics server not working @vicsufer
- #189 Fixed handling alerts with truncated fields @dgalcantara
- #190 Fixed handling of additional json properties of alertmanager 0.21.0 @lazyBisa
- #202 Fix error publishing 2.5.7 release @pablogcaldito
- #189 Fixed handling alerts with truncated fields @dgalcantara
- #190 Fixed handling of additional json properties of alertmanager 0.21.0 @lazyBisa
- #175 Building docker image using multi-stage build feature @dortegau
- #158 Fixing Travis Badge (pointing to master branch) and reordering TOC @dortegau
- #177 Fixing unit tests when using Python <= 3.6 @dortegau
- #182 Fix dependances versions; yaml-dev in docker container; updated pyyaml package @ftsao
- #162 Fix werkzeug version to 0.16.1 (1.0.0 breaks current prom2teams version) @frantsao
- #138 Add ExtraAnnotations field extraction @Aaron-ML
- #151 Favicon not included in source distribution @miguel-chacon
- Log full message on error @miguel-chacon
- #148 Adapt template changes in Alertmanager 0.19 @miguel-chacon
- #109 Add Helm chart @Aaron-ML
- #139 Add route for favicon @miguel-chacon
- Missing internal errors in flask exporter metrics @miguel-chacon
- Minor improve Dockerfile @miguel-chacon
- #104 Add ability to reload config without restarting @jnogol @miguel-chacon
- #129 Add prometheus_flask_exporter @jnogol
- #128 Allow overriding the config file location in Docker by setting the APP_CONFIG_FILE environment variable @nvx
- #125 Wrong type in labels_excluded @miguel-chacon
- #122 Date parsing exception @miguel-chacon
- #112 Allow custom labels in jinja template @miguel-chacon
- #110 Using Alpine Linux instead of Debian Slim in Docker Image @dortegau
- Update flask-restplus version to v0.12.1 @miguel-chacon
- Update marshmallow version to v3.0.0rc6 @miguel-chacon
- Pypi package deployment @miguel-chacon
- #102 Requests update @manuhortet
- #105 marshmallow.exceptions.ValidationError @gjermy
- #99 Marshmallow update @manuhortet
- #94 Always group by status @manuhortet
- #80 Add the possibility of group alerts by alertname @manuhortet
- #84 View received message when debugging @jnogol
- Update Flask version to v1.0.2 @manuhortet @jnogol
- #92 Docker image now install from sources @jnogol
- #70 Fix condition in @Gkrlo
- #70 Check the Teams's response "text" attribute ='1' for validating a message was sent correctly @Gkrlo
- #69 Add resolved to notifications @jnogol
- #65 Delete pip usage in due to pip 10 incompatibilities @jnogol
- #61 Fix getting 404 errors - SERVER_NAME removed from flask app @Gkrlo
- #57 added conversion to int for PORT @a-zen
- #53 Fix prom2teams uwsgi bin startup @jmonterrubio
- #49 Update service startup for production environment @jmonterrubio
- #22 Allow to configure multiple connectors @manuhortet @Gkrlo
- #32 Set default value for "instance" in alerts @maglo
- #26 Able to handle multiple received alerts @jnogol
- #21 Made some JSON fields optional, avoiding later crashes @jnogol
- #23 Deleted redundant log message @jnogol
- #27 Automatic deploy to PyPi via Travis @jnogol
- #15 Allow to be installed under Python 3.5.x @dortegau
- #15 Fixing setuptools config and packaging (broken in versions 1.1.0 and 1.0.0) @dortegau
- #5 Allow to provide log file path and log level as arguments @dortegau
- #6 Allow to define previously declared default values as blank values in provided config @dortegau
- #8 Closing all file descriptors and adding some unit tests @dortegau
- #10 Capturing Keyboard Interrupt and logging server stop event @dortegau
- First release @jnogol @jmonterrubio @dortegau @juanriaza