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Releases: ipython/ipykernel


19 Jul 17:13
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  • KernelApp: rename ports variable to avoid override #731 (@amorenoz)


15 Jul 11:01
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Bugs fixed

Maintenance and upkeep improvements


02 Jul 11:27
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30 Jun 10:32
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(Full Changelog)

IPykernel 6.0 is the first major release in about two years, that brings a number of improvements, code cleanup, and new
features to IPython.

You should be able to view all closed issues and merged Pull Request for this
milestone on
as for any major releases, we advise greater care when updating that for minor
release and welcome any feedback (~50 Pull-requests).

IPykernel 6 should contain all changes of the 5.x series, in addition to the
following non-exhaustive changes.

  • Support for the debugger protocol, when using JupyterLab, RetroLab or any
    frontend supporting the debugger protocol you should have access to the
    debugger functionalities.

  • The control channel on IPykernel 6.0 is run in a separate thread, this may
    change the order in which messages are processed, though this change was necessary
    to accommodate the debugger.

  • We now have a new dependency: matplotlib-inline, this helps to separate the
    circular dependency between IPython/IPykernel and matplotlib.

  • All outputs to stdout/stderr should now be captured, including subprocesses
    and output of compiled libraries (blas, lapack....). In notebook
    server, some outputs that would previously go to the notebooks logs will now
    both head to notebook logs and in notebooks outputs. In terminal frontend
    like Jupyter Console, Emacs or other, this may ends up as duplicated outputs.

  • coroutines are now native (async-def) , instead of using tornado's

  • OutStreams can now be configured to report istty() == True, while this
    should make some output nicer (for example colored), it is likely to break
    others. Use with care.

New features added

Enhancements made

Bugs fixed

Maintenance and upkeep improvements

Documentation improvements

  • Misc Updates to changelog for 6.0 #686 (@Carreau)
  • Add 5.5.x Changelog entries #672 (@blink1073)
  • Build docs only on ubuntu: add jobs to check docstring format...
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24 Jun 15:36
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6.0.0rc2 Pre-release

(Full Changelog)

Bugs fixed

  • Remove references to deprecated ipyparallel #695 (@minrk)

Contributors to this release

(GitHub contributors page for this release)



22 Jun 15:22
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6.0.0rc1 Pre-release

(Full Changelog)

Bugs fixed

Maintenance and upkeep improvements

  • Remove pin on Jedi because that was already fixed in IPython #692 (@ccordoba12)
  • Remove deprecated source parameter since 4.0.1 (2015) #690 (@Carreau)
  • Remove deprecated SocketABC since 4.5.0 #689 (@Carreau)
  • Remove deprecated profile options of #688 (@Carreau)
  • Remove ipykernel.codeutil deprecated since IPykernel 4.3.1 (Feb 2016) #687 (@Carreau)

Documentation improvements

Contributors to this release

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@Carreau | @ccordoba12 | @impact27


09 Jun 16:27
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6.0.0rc0 Pre-release

(Full Changelog)

New features added

Enhancements made

Bugs fixed

Maintenance and upkeep improvements

Documentation improvements

Other merged PRs

Contributors to this release

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@afshin | @blink1073 | @Carreau | @ccordoba12 | @davidbrochart | @dsblank | @glentakahashi | @impact27 | @ivanov | @jkablan | @JohanMabille | @kevin-bates | @marcoamonteiro | @martinRenou | @mehaase | @minrk | @mlucool | [@MSeal](

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13 May 11:34
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  • Keep preferring SelectorEventLoop on Windows #669 (@minrk)


05 May 16:49
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  • Import configure_inline_support from matplotlib_inline if available #654