v1.3.0-rc.0 (2021-08-31)
- add api-doc for all frameworks (#1370, @DeliangFan)
- Update training operator release process (#1347, @Jeffwan)
- add option to enable schemes (#1342, @zw0610)
- Don't use inline for runPolicy and register defaulter function (#1330, @Jeffwan)
- Use low-level controller and handlers in SetupWithManager (#1315, @Jeffwan)
- Reorganize controllers code structure (#1302, @Jeffwan)
- Unify code structure of training job api (#1300, @Jeffwan)
- Extract reusable codes to common utility (#1297, @Jeffwan)
- Add MXJob v1 api and controller (#1296, @Jeffwan)
- add tf reconciler to the unified operator (#1295, @zw0610)
- Add XGBoost controller (#1293, @Jeffwan)
- add pytorch API and controller (#1294, @zw0610)
- Generate tfjob 1.19.x compatible clientset (#1290, @Jeffwan)
- add XGBoostJob api (#1286, @zw0610)
Bug fixes
- fix: volcano pod group creation issue (#1390, @Jeffwan)
- Fix 1340 prometheus counters (#1375, @deepak-muley)
- fix makefile to store crds in a separate folder (#1368, @deepak-muley)
- Fix copyright header for some files (#1371, @DeliangFan)
- fix incorrect torch env population (#1361, @Jeffwan)
- fix: Resolve scheme registration issue for defaulters (#1360, @Jeffwan)
- Fix XGBoost container name in log message (#1362, @andreyvelich)
- Fix postsubmit job using PULL_BASE_SHA (#1344, @Jeffwan)
- Fix all client request that needs contexts (#1292, @Jeffwan)
- Add simple verification jobs (#1391, @Jeffwan)
- chore: Bump kubeflow/common version to 0.3.7 (#1388, @Jeffwan)
- chore(doc): Update README.md (#1387, @Jeffwan)
- Remove lagacy tf-operator from the codebase (#1378, @thunderboltsid)
- chore: Update manifest image tag (#1364, @Jeffwan)
- add example for mxnet and pytorch (#1373, @DeliangFan)
- docs: Update to use kubectl kustomize in instructions (#1356, @terrytangyuan)
- Clean up manifests and remove unused files (#1349, @Jeffwan)
- 1322: Modified manifests to use all-in-one training-operator (#1346, @deepak-muley)
- chore: Update changelog.md (#1339, @Jeffwan)
- Move root level docs to docs folder (#1338, @Jeffwan)
- Temporarily add Jeffwan@ to OWNERS (#1287, @Jeffwan)
- Update include dirs in prow config (#1374, @andreyvelich)
- Enable e2e test against universal operator (#1336, @Jeffwan)
- Use PULL_PULL_SHA for image (#1334, @PatrickXYS)