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MecLib Question Setup

mkraska edited this page Feb 17, 2025 · 28 revisions

MecLib is all about using STACK questions in Moodle for engineering mechanics.

A STACK question consists of the following sections:

  • Question variables (Maxima code)
  • Question text (CAS text, i.e. text with embedded injections of Maxima values)
  • Input (definition of input fields)
  • PRT (potential response tree, where the feedback is computed)
  • optional: General feedback (CAS text, usually a worked solution)

Question variables

Template for Meclib objects. See Test Examples and the individual object pages for examples.

initdata: [
  [ "grid", "x","y", -5,5,-4,5, 50 ],
init: stackjson_stringify(initdata);

You also can provide a similar structure as model answer:

tansdata: [
  [ "grid", "x","y", -5,5,-4,5, 50 ],
tans: stackjson_stringify(initdata);

Feedback on symbolic and numeric values with and without units

German version:


English version:


Feedback on interactive free body diagrams


Question text (interactive mode)

There are two hidden input fields.

  • objects stores the full state of the graphics widget.
  • names contains special information for feedback functions.

Copy this text to the question variables (remove the div if you don't want a float right image):

<p hidden>[[input:objects]] [[validation:objects]]</p>
<p hidden>[[input:names]] [[validation:names]] </p>
<div style="float:right">
[[jsxgraph width='500px' height='400px' input-ref-objects="stateRef" input-ref-names="fbd_names" ]]
var mode  = "STACK";
const initstring = {#init#};
const centeredLabelStyle = {size:0, showInfobox:false, label:{offset:[-6,0], 
  anchorX:'left', anchorY:'middle'}};
// End of STACK header
[[include src="" /]]

Question text, Non-interactive mode

In non-interactive mode, modifications of the objects, if possible, aren't stored.

Add the following lines to the question text:

<div style="float:right">
[[jsxgraph width='250px' height='250px' ]] 
var mode  = "STACK";  // as opposed to "jsfiddle" which is used in the test environment
var stateRef;         // is empty in the non-interactive case
const initstring = {#init#}; // injection of the list of objects
var decsep = {#stackfltsep#};  // injection of the decimal separator setting
const centeredLabelStyle = {size:0, showInfobox:false, label:{offset:[-6,0], 
  anchorX:'left', anchorY:'middle'}};
// End of STACK header
[[include src="" /]]

Input fields (for interactive mode)

Specify properties of the input fields:

  • objects

    • Input type: String (Zeichenkette),
    • Model answer: tans
    • Students must verify: no
    • Show validation: no
  • names

    • Input type: algebraic,
    • Model answer: []
    • Forbid float: no
    • Students must verify: no
    • Show validation: no

Potential Feedback Trees

{@fb_vars(sans, tans, vars, label)@}
{@fb_unit(S_, , 0.005)@}
{@fb_number(S_, , 0.005)@}

see Feedback Overview

Multiple Images

A question can have more than one Meclib image. Currently, inclusion of meclib is required in each individual [[jsxgraph]] region.

You have to define individual variables for the contents, similar to init in the question variables or in the feedback variables.

Example: FBD 01 (general feedback with separate image) in the Demo Moodle Course

Tryout Space

In order to try code snippets in jsfiddle,

  1. copy the code from the wiki page to the clipboard
  2. follow the link for the JSXGraph version you want to try
  3. Replace the code in the HTML section (contents of <p hidden id="init">) with the content of the clipboard
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