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mkraska edited this page Apr 9, 2022 · 1 revision

Hypotenuse too long or too short?

fb_HAG(H, A, G)

  • H hypothenuse
  • A, G kathetes

Returns a string with feedback text, to be displayed in a feedback branch, where the variables have been checked already using fb_vars. The values are displayed using float() and any stars * are replaced by small spaces. It is not recommended to have more than one symbolic variable in the expressions. This variable must have a declared sign (e.g. assume(a>0)).

fb_HAG(%_H, %_A, %_G):=block([fpprintprec:3,txt:""],
    if %_H <= max(%_G, %_A) then txt: sconcat(
            " Die Hypotenuse (\\(", float(%_H), 
            "\\)) muss gr&ouml;&szlig;er als die gr&ouml;&szlig;te der beiden Katheten (\\(",
             float(%_A), ", ", float(%_G),"\\)) sein."),
    if %_H >= %_G+%_A then txt: sconcat(
            " Die Hypotenuse (\\(", float(%_H), 
            "\\)) muss kleiner als die Summe der beiden Katheten (\\(",
             float(%_A), "+", float(%_G),"=",float(%_G+%_A),"\\)) sein."),
   ssubst("\\,", "*", txt)

PRT Node

If you don't need the result of the test elsewhere, then you just put the function call where you want the feedback.

{@fb_HAG(H, A, G)@}

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  1. copy the code from the wiki page to the clipboard
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  3. Replace the code in the HTML section (contents of <p hidden id="init">) with the content of the clipboard
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