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Releases: netbox-community/netbox

v2.2.1 - 2017-10-12

12 Oct 20:12
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Bug Fixes

  • #1576 - Moved PostgreSQL validation logic into the relevant migration (fixed ImproperlyConfigured exception on init)

v2.2.0 - 2017-10-12

12 Oct 18:03
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Note: This release requires PostgreSQL 9.4 or higher. Do not attempt to upgrade unless you are running at least PostgreSQL 9.4.

Note: The release replaces the deprecated pycrypto library with pycryptodome. The upgrade script has been extended to automatically uninstall the old library, but please verify your installed packages with pip freeze | grep pycrypto if you run into problems.

New Features

Virtual Machines and Clusters (#142)

Our second-most popular feature request has arrived! NetBox now supports the creation of virtual machines, which can be assigned virtual interfaces and IP addresses. VMs are arranged into clusters, each of which has a type and (optionally) a group.

Custom Validation Reports (#1511)

Users can now create custom reports which are run to validate data in NetBox. Reports work very similar to Python unit tests: Each report inherits from NetBox's Report class and contains one or more test method. Reports can be run and retrieved via the web UI, API, or CLI. See the docs for more info.


  • #494 - Include asset tag in device info pop-up on rack elevation
  • #1444 - Added a serial field to the rack model
  • #1479 - Added an IP address role for CARP
  • #1506 - Extended rack facility ID field from 30 to 50 characters
  • #1510 - Added ability to search by name when adding devices to a cluster
  • #1527 - Replace deprecated pycrypto library with pycryptodome
  • #1551 - Added API endpoints listing static field choices for each app
  • #1556 - Added CPAK, CFP2, and CFP4 100GE interface form factors
  • Added CSV import views for all object types

Bug Fixes

  • #1550 - Corrected interface connections link in navigation menu
  • #1554 - Don't require form_factor when creating an interface assigned to a virtual machine
  • #1557 - Added filtering for virtual machine interfaces
  • #1567 - Prompt user for session key when importing secrets

API Changes

  • Introduced the virtualization app and its associated endpoints at /api/virtualization
  • Added the /api/extras/reports endpoint for fetching and running reports
  • The ipam.Service and dcim.Interface models now have a virtual_machine field in addition to the device field. Only one of the two fields may be defined for each object
  • Added a vm_role field to dcim.DeviceRole, which indicates whether a role is suitable for assigned to a virtual machine
  • Added a serial field to 'dcim.Rack` for serial numbers
  • Each app now has a _choices endpoint, which lists the available options for all model field with static choices (e.g. interface form factors)

v2.1.6 - 2017-10-11

11 Oct 17:03
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  • #1548 - Automatically populate tenant assignment when adding an IP address from the prefix view
  • #1561 - Added primary IP to the devices table in global search
  • #1563 - Made necessary updates for Django REST Framework v3.7.0

v2.2-beta2 - 2017-09-29

29 Sep 18:41
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Note: PostgreSQL 9.4 or higher is required as of this release.


  • #1347 - Added CSV import views for regions, rack groups, manufacturers, and device types
  • #1493 - Added functional roles for virtual machines
  • #1509 - Extended the cluster model to allow site assignment

Bug Fixes

  • #1500 - Allow assigning IP addresses to virtual machines during CSV bulk import
  • #1502 - Fixed CSV export for clusters and virtual machines
  • #1504 - Added missing vcpus/memory/disk fields to virtual machine API serializer
  • #1508 - Enabled creating custom fields for clusters and virtual machines via the admin UI
  • #1514 - Added missing comments field to cluster edit form
  • #1540 - Added missing cluster field to WritableDeviceSerializer
  • #1542 - Added cluster field to device view
  • #1543 - Added missing virtual machine field to IP address and service filters

v2.1.5 - 2017-09-25

25 Sep 18:54
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  • #1484 - Added individual "add VLAN" buttons on the VLAN groups list
  • #1485 - Added BANNER_LOGIN configuration setting to display a banner on the login page
  • #1499 - Added utilization graph to child prefixes table
  • #1523 - Improved the natural ordering of interfaces (thanks to @tarkatronic)
  • #1536 - Improved formatting of aggregate prefix statistics

Bug Fixes

  • #1469 - Allow a NAT IP to be assigned as the primary IP for a device
  • #1472 - Prevented truncation when displaying secret strings containing HTML characters
  • #1486 - Ignore subinterface IDs when validating LLDP neighbor connections
  • #1489 - Corrected server error on validation of empty required custom field
  • #1507 - Fixed error when creating the next available IP from a prefix within a VRF
  • #1520 - Redirect on GET request to bulk edit/delete views
  • #1522 - Removed object create/edit forms from the browsable API

v2.2-beta1 - 2017-09-14

14 Sep 19:10
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New Features

  • #142 - Support for virtual machines and clusters

API Changes

  • Introduced the virtualization app and its associated endpoints at /api/virtualization
  • The ipam.Service and dcim.Interface models now have a virtual_machine field in addition to the device field. Only one of the two fields may be defined for each object.

v2.1.4 - 2017-08-30

30 Aug 18:43
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  • #1326 - Added dropdown widget with common values for circuit speed fields
  • #1341 - Added a MEDIA_ROOT configuration setting to specify where uploaded files are stored on disk
  • #1376 - Ignore anycast addresses when detecting duplicate IPs
  • #1402 - Increased max length of name field for device components
  • #1431 - Added interface form factor for 10GBASE-CX4
  • #1432 - Added a commit_rate field to the circuits list search form
  • #1460 - Hostnames with no domain are now acceptable in custom URL fields

Bug Fixes

  • #1429 - Fixed uptime formatting on device status page
  • #1433 - Fixed devicetype_id filter for DeviceType components
  • #1443 - Fixed API validation error involving custom field data
  • #1458 - Corrected permission name on prefix/VLAN roles list

v2.1.3 - 2017-08-15

15 Aug 19:53
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Bug Fixes

  • #1330 - Raise validation error when assigning an unrelated IP as the primary IP for a device
  • #1389 - Avoid splitting carat/prefix on prefix list
  • #1400 - Removed redundant display of assigned device interface from IP address list
  • #1414 - Selecting a site from the rack filters automatically updates the available rack groups
  • #1419 - Allow editing image attachments without re-uploading an image
  • #1420 - Exclude virtual interfaces from device LLDP neighbors view
  • #1421 - Improved model validation logic for API serializers
  • Fixed page title capitalization in the browsable API

v2.1.2 - 2017-08-04

04 Aug 14:55
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  • #992 - Allow the creation of multiple services per device with the same protocol and port
  • Tweaked navigation menu styling

Bug Fixes

  • #1388 - Fixed server error when searching globally for IPs/prefixes (rolled back #1379)
  • #1390 - Fixed IndexError when viewing available IPs within large IPv6 prefixes

v2.1.1 - 2017-08-02

02 Aug 18:23
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  • #893 - Allow filtering by null values for NullCharacterFields (e.g. return only unnamed devices)
  • #1368 - Render reservations in rack elevations view
  • #1374 - Added NAPALM_ARGS and NAPALM_TIMEOUT configiuration parameters
  • #1375 - Renamed NETBOX_USERNAME and NETBOX_PASSWORD configuration parameters to NAPALM_USERNAME and NAPALM_PASSWORD
  • #1379 - Allow searching devices by interface MAC address in global search

Bug Fixes

  • #461 - Display a validation error when attempting to assigning a new child device to a rack face/position
  • #1385 - Connected device API endpoint no longer requires authentication if LOGIN_REQUIRED is False