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Releases: omeka/omeka-s


29 Apr 19:20
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Bugs Fixed

  • Servers with the apcu PHP module installed had intermittent issues of permissions checks running incorrectly, leading to incorrect 404 errors and other issues (#1534)
  • Servers with the apcu PHP module installed could encounter issues when running multiple different versions of Omeka S simultaneously
  • Password requirements info was not translated even when translations were provided (#1535)
  • Thumbnails were not created for some video formats even when the server had support for making thumbnails of videos (#1548)
  • Raw JSON-formatted value data was incorrectly preserved upon resource form submit (#1551, fix contributed by @mikesname)


31 Mar 19:46
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Bugs Fixed

  • Error on browse, show pages and the API when a visible resource contained a link to a non-visible resource using one of the resource-type-specified data types (#1507)
  • The media advanced search returned no results if the user left the "MIME type" field blank (#1518)


  • The deafult database.ini file now includes empty double-quotes where the values should be filled in, to avoid issues with users using database credentials that need to be quoted in an INI file
  • The admin browse pages now uniformly follow the same pattern for displaying the pagination and sorting controls and firing the "before" event when there are no results on the page

Bundled Add-ons

  • The bundled default theme is updated to version 1.5.1, including improvements to the nested main navigation

For Developers

  • New isHidden() method on ValueRepresentation, this is used internally in the fix for #1507
  • Updated development tooling JS dependencies to resolve security audit notifications


  • Updated translations for German, Estonian, French
  • New translation for Mongolian


28 Jan 20:34
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  • PHP 7.4 support
  • New "center" option for Media embed block in site pages
  • Users can now specify custom RDF properties to use as labels and comments for properties when importing a vocabulary
  • Media can now be filtered and sorted by media (MIME) type

Bugs Fixed

  • Resources with very large numbers of values and other data could fail to save and instead show a CSRF error because of exceeding the PHP max_input_vars limit. (#1330)
  • The default browse view did not correctly escape the descriptions of items (#1492, contributed by @fukuchi)
  • Editor users did not have access to the batch editing features (#1313)
  • Importing from RDF vocabularies where properties have multiple types could fail to import some or all properties (contributed by @psalido)
  • Occasional incorrect sizing of the thumbnail for the current selected theme
  • The search input did not have an accessible label (#1466)
  • Using an invalid URL for a site page caused a "white screen" error instead of a 404 page (#1469)
  • The default whitelist of filetypes now includes the types for Microsoft Office "Open XML" files (docx, etc.) and JPEG2000 images. These were previously in the default extension whitelist but not the type whitelist so these were being blocked by default. (#1467)
  • Non-configurable themes displayed the "Configure" UI and caused an error when users tried to use it (#1451)
  • The "In site pool" search option was displayed in the site pool configuration page, even though it is nonfunctional there (#1461)
  • Closed but non-private item sets could not be selected in a site's item set configuration page (#1476)
  • The "item with metadata" block did not always correctly use the full width of the page
  • The "item with metadata" block showed the UI for selecting a particular media and creating a caption, but neither of those options are used by the block (#1483)


  • Rewording of blocks and options in site pages to clarify differences between blocks
  • The "List of Sites" block now excludes the current site from the list. A new block option allows users to turn this feature off and include the current site in the list.
  • Simplified and restyled the interface for selecting item sets for a site, particularly to improve the experience when selecting many sets
  • Always display "View" link to admin side on public user bar, even when also showing Edit link (contributed by @Daniel-KM)

For Developers

  • New "rep.resource.values" event for filtering the retrieved values for a resource (contributed by @Daniel-KM)
  • New "rep.resource.title" event for filtering the title for a resource (contributed by @Daniel-KM)
  • New media_type API filter and sort parameters for media
  • Styles for blocks are now provided by the Omeka S core and do not need to be included in themes


  • Translation strings with multiple %s placeholders now uniformly use the numbered %1$s style, allowing translators to reorder the placeholders when necessary
  • Updates to all languages


16 Aug 19:40
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Bugs Fixed

  • Users on default settings of MySQL 5.6 were unable to run the upgrade or install due to a key length error (#1443)


  • Updated translations for Estonian, French, Italian
  • New translation for Brazilian Portuguese


13 Aug 20:13
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Bugs Fixed

  • Fulltext reindex job could fail when modules providing in-use data types were inactive (#1439)
  • Developers generating schema SQL when using MySQL 5.7+ could produce schemas using "native JSON" columns, reducing compatibility (#1440)
  • Omeka S will explicitly refuse to upgrade directly from versions prior to the initial 1.0.0 release (#1441)
  • Some (particularly newer MariaDB) installs could encounter syntax errors around the name of the value table (#1437, fix contributed by @julia-bauder)


  • Version requirements now specifically and separately test for MariaDB in addition to MySQL. If using MariaDB, the required minimum version is 10.0.5.


  • Updates to French, Italian translations


08 Aug 17:31
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Please read: note for users upgrading

You must upgrade your modules and themes when updating to Omeka S 2.0.0. The download package of Omeka S includes an updated copy of the default theme, but please download updated modules and themes from upon upgrading.

Changed system requirements

  • The minimum required version of PHP is now 7.1
  • The minimum required version of MySQL is now 5.6.4


  • Full-text, cross-resource search Omeka S 2.0.0 adds a new search index using MySQL's built-in full-text indexing capability. Improvements and features include:
    • Performance: the preexisting default search bar for both the admin and public sides used a "wildcard" search which could not be indexed, leading to potential extreme search slowness with larger databases
    • Results across resources: the standard search in Omeka S 1.x only covered "resources" (items, item sets, and media) and required users to select which type of result they were searching for (or simply only supported Items). The new search in Omeka S 2 can present a snapshot of results of all types of records together, with links to the familiar "full" browse pages for results from each type.
    • Results beyond resources: the new search allows for indexing of more types of data from an Omeka S site. In this release, the additional data is data from Pages, meaning that users can now search on the text content of Omeka S sites and not just the metadata of the resources.
    • Additional query options: the fulltext engine allows the search to offer familiar searching options like searching for scattered keywords (this is the default for the fulltext search) and using quotation marks to search for exact phrases
  • Configurable resource title and description properties
    • Prior versions of Omeka S have a feature allowing sites to select the property to be used when the system displays the title or description of a resource. This feature works, but has limitations: it doesn't work well when mixing different types of resources that use different properties, it doesn't apply on the admin side, and it doesn't affect things like sorting by title.
    • Omeka S 2.0.0 introduces new settings for resource templates that allow users to select which property will be used for title and/or description for resources using that template. Omeka S can then use that customized title/description everywhere, including on the admin interface and in parts of the public sites beyond just browse pages. This feature also allows for more efficient and accurate sorting by title, as well as the next-listed feature..
  • Search results (for both the fulltext and "legacy" search paths) can now also match against the titles of linked resources
  • Improved performance of queries to count results (this encompasses most "browse" type queries since they almost all present a count of total results)
  • A new general settings option allows administrators to change the default visibility for newly-created content to Private (contributed by @ManOnDaMoon)
  • A new batch editing option allows users to change the visibility of existing values
  • Users can specify custom sorting to override the admin-defined order of item sets for a site (#1426, contributed by @pols12 )
  • Jobs can now be filtered by status (contributed by @Daniel-KM)
  • Added "skip navigation" accessibility link to admin interface
  • Improved case-folding and sort order of locale selection in settings

Bugs Fixed

  • Some translation strings were missing and incorrect (#1396, contributed by @ManOnDaMoon)
  • It was not possible to delete users that were the "owners" of sites (#1398)
  • An incorrect configuration existed in the database configuration for resource templates (contributed by @kloor)
  • Batch editing could sometimes cause "A new entity was found" errors from Doctrine (#1415)
  • A confusing error was displayed when the current theme could not be loaded
  • A closing heading tag was missing from some block layouts with certain settings selected (contributed by @Daniel-KM)
  • Color profile information was discarded when creating thumbnails of images using the GD thumbnailer (#1421, contributed by @Daniel-KM)


  • To improve performance on larger database, the pages for properties and resource classes no longer include the counts of items using each property or class directly on the page; instead they are presented on the details sidebar (and so are viewed one-at-a-time) (contributed by @kloor)
  • The "environment" checks (for minimum versions of PHP, MySQL, etc.) are now performed on the upgrade/migrate screen in addition to the installer, to account for changes in Omeka S's requirements
  • Direct migration/upgrade from the pre 1.0 alphas and betas is no longer available

For Developers

  • Omeka S now uses the 2.6 branch of Doctrine
  • Doctrine LifecycleEventArgs are now passed to "entity" events
  • New methods added to API adapters, block layouts, and data types to account for new fulltext indexing


  • Updates to all languages


09 Apr 18:45
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  • PHP 7.3 support
  • Significant performance improvement for browse pages when sorting
  • The public-side user bar now includes links to admin-side browse and edit views for the resource or page the user is currently viewing (contributed by @Daniel-KM)
  • Users can select a "home" page for a site without that page having to be first in the navigation (or in the navigation at all)
  • SVG files are now accepted by the "asset" upload form for use as logos or thumbnails (contributed by @jaredhowland)
  • Users can now specify the desired language of labels and comments to extract from a linked data vocabulary file when importing it (useful for files containing the labels in several languages)
  • Configurable password requirements
  • Optimized usages of view helpers in many views (contributed by @Daniel-KM)
  • New sort_by parameter value random for random retrieval of resources (contributed by @Daniel-KM)
  • "NoThumbnailer" configuration option for thumbnailer to explicitly disable thumbnail generation (contributed by @symac)
  • Added a count of media to the admin item show (contributed by @symac)

Bugs Fixed

  • Attempting to list the registered services for a manager could return the wrong results (#1355)
  • The Omeka S JSON-LD context file failed validation by some services (#1249)
  • Filtering by ID in the attach UI for site pages was not "sticky" (and caused an associated PHP notice)
  • Custom filtering in the attach UI for site pages did not correctly apply after user input (#1384)
  • Accessible labeling for the item select sidebar "expand/collapse" toggle could be incorrect
  • Pagination controls functioned improperly when the query specified a custom per_page (#1382)
  • Public item set browse did not respect the heading and body property settings for a site (#1378)
  • Internal resource link values with a specific type lacked the correct styling when displayed (#1369)
  • Missing translation of property labels when viewing linked resources (#1394, fix contributed by @ManOnDaMoon)
  • Missing translations in site admin (fix contributed by @Daniel-KM)


  • Modules are now loaded in alphabetical order (contributed by @Daniel-KM)
  • Quick filters no longer maintain the user on the same page of the browse when activated
  • Longform text inputs no longer have a maximum height
  • External URI "link" values open in a new tab/window
  • The installer will check for the mbstring and fileinfo extensions

For Developers

  • Ingesting of media files is now simpler, with a single method responsible for validation, thumbnailing, metadata extraction and storage
  • New media.ingest_file.pre and events. The "pre" event provides access to a file before it is stored.
  • New logger view helper for simple access to logging within views (contributed by @Daniel-KM)
  • Gulp tasks targeting modules can now omit the module name if run from within the module's folder. Providing a module name manually is still possible, though the parameter should now be --module-name (needed to support newer Node versions)
  • Form element info can contain HTML by setting the escape_info option to false


  • Added translations for German (de_DE), Hungarian (hu_HU), Korean (ko_KR)
  • Updates to all existing translations


29 Nov 14:14
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Note: Users should update their themes when updating to this release. Several new options and site settings are available which require an updated theme to fully take advantage of. The release includes an updated version of the bundled "default" theme.


  • Private values
    • Users can mark specific values within a resource as private; these values will not be displayed to non-authorized users, whether in the admin UI, on a site, or in the API.
    • Resource templates can now mark a property as having private values by default (but this can always be overridden on a case-by-case basis)
  • Custom thumbnails
    • Users can manually upload and assign images to use as the thumbnail for a resource without having to add them as Media
  • Batch editing and search for users (#1133, contributed by @Daniel-KM)
  • Sites can now apply resource template settings to advanced search
    • This includes selectable properties and alternate labels for properties
  • New site block for listing sites (#1305, contributed by @Daniel-KM)
  • New option for disabling embedded JSON-LD output
  • "Cancel" buttons throughout the admin UI
  • "Reset" button for advanced search pages
  • Visual improvements to the default front page list of sites
  • Sites now have a "summary" field that will/can be displayed when listing sites
  • Inactive status of users is more clearly indicated in the admin UI (contributed by @Daniel-KM)
  • Advanced search for resources now allows filtering by resource template
  • "Site pool" advanced search option removed from several search forms where it didn't make sense
  • Public advanced search item set dropdown no longer includes owning users' emails by default
  • Improved asset filtering
  • Users can specify the format of a vocabulary file when importing (#1315)
  • Users can import a vocabulary file directly from a URL instead of uploading
  • Sorting control added to public browse views
  • An ID can be directly provided when searching for items to attach to a value in resource edit

Bugs Fixed

  • The site_pages API endpoint could return a fatal PHP error when a page included an attachment with a missing or private resource attached (#1290)
  • The "filter by property" selector for related resources caused an error (#1304, fix contributed by @kloor)
  • An exception could occur on install when checking random number generation capabilities of the server (fix contributed by @Daniel-KM)
  • Exceptions did not throw correctly with certain invalid configuration settings (fix contributed by @Daniel-KM)
  • Some text was not properly escaped on the resource template form (#1321)
  • Sorting options for sites performed incorrectly
  • The id parameter was insecurely handled when filtering resources for search


  • "Identifier" (from Dublin Core) is now one of the default sorting options on resource browse pages
  • Multiline text inputs in the admin UI have an increased maximum height for resizing
  • The "View" button on the main site edit page is removed (the view link still is visible always on the left nav)
  • The "View" button when editing a site page now opens in a new tab/window

Changes for Developers

  • Updates to user edit form to work better without a current user (contributed by @Daniel-KM)
  • Miscellaneous cleaning and updating of code standards (many changes contributed by @Daniel-KM)
  • Unused hideVocabulary option for displayValues removed (#1298)
  • New options for audio and video file renderers for specifying standard attributes
  • New view.sort-selector filter for modifying sorting options displayed to users on browse pages
  • New filter for modifying options passed to media renderers
  • New status view helper for checking if the current page is admin, public, or in the API.
  • The time and cnt vocabulary prefixes are no longer reserved by Omeka S


  • New translations for Spanish (Latin America) (es_419), and Italian
  • Updates to existing translations


31 Jul 20:34
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Note: Users should update their themes when updating to this release. Several new options and site settings are available which require an updated theme to fully take advantage of. The release includes an updated version of the bundled "default" theme.


  • Batch edit for media (contributed by @Daniel-KM)
  • Added "Media" sub-item to admin navigation
  • Added size of original files to stored metadata for Media
  • Improved "Browse preview" site block (contributed by @Daniel-KM)
    • Added support for browsing item sets, media
    • Added limit configuration
  • Added "id" to possible search parameters for item sets (contributed by @Daniel-KM)
  • Added links to documentation, forums to admin footer
  • Added site settings:
    • Option for turning page next/previous navigation on and off
    • Option for turning public side "user bar" always on, always off, or on for only logged-in users (contributed by @Daniel-KM)
    • Option to override global browse resources per page limit
  • Adding a new page now redirects to the edit form for that page (contributed by @Daniel-KM)
  • Improved links to public pages from site page browse (contributed by @Daniel-KM)

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed bug causing the default class from a template to not be used if the template is set as a user's default
  • Fixed an error that could occur when displaying "linked resources" when some resources are private and the viewing user does not have permission to view them
  • Fixed missing WYSIWG editor for captions on site edit
  • Fixed spurious "POST request exceeded maximum size" error when the post is empty
  • Fixed an error caused by item sets with no owner (contributed by @Daniel-KM)
  • Fixed an error in an old migration class (contributed by @Daniel-KM)
  • Fixed "ImagickPixel" error when using Imagick thumbnailer (contributed by @Daniel-KM)
  • Various code style fixes and improvements (contributed by @Daniel-KM)
  • Improved compatibility with PHP 7.2 (fixed error when importing JSON-LD)

Changes for Developers

  • Improved "resource visibility" SQL filter to fix usage in modules
  • Added block index to dataset for site blocks on page edit to simplify advanced block Javascript
  • Added generic UserSelector helper for selecting users
  • Added "thumbnailAttribs" option to ThumbnailRenderer to allow setting HTML attributes on the issue (contributed by @pols12)
  • New view_helper.thumbnail.attribs event for adding HTML attributes to thumbnails
  • New user.login event
  • New htmlpurifier_config event for modifying HTMLPurifier configuration
  • New css:module and css:watch:module Gulp tasks for building from sass in modules
  • New ability to have static translations used for i18n:module:template


  • New translations for Spanish, Japanese, Lithuanian, Turkish
  • Updates to all translations


03 Apr 19:28
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Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a bug introduced in version 1.1.0 that caused "has any value" and "has no values" property searches to have no effect
  • Fixed invisible edit and delete icons in the Navigation page for sites
  • Fixed incorrect padding on batch actions dropdown that could obscure the text of longer action names