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Maciej Laskowski edited this page Aug 8, 2018 · 1 revision


This section contains tips and ways to repair AET instances. If all the tips from the list failed or you have discovered a new one, please raise a ticket using Issues Tool or create a Pull Request with change to this file.


Karaf can't find some dependencies or configurations - clearing the cache

This may help in multiple situations, e.g. new version of AET was deployed or Karaf can't find some dependencies or configurations. To clear bundles cache, stop Karaf, clear $KARAF_HOME/data and start Karaf. If you want to backup existing logs, copy $KARAF_HOME/data/logs to backup location before clearing $KARAF_HOME/data. Example command to clear the cache (without logs backup):

sudo service karaf stop
sudo rm -fr /opt/aet/karaf/current/data/*
sudo service karaf start


Messages serialization issue

Make sure that no unfinished tasks are available on the ActiveMQ. You may check it using console http://<active-mq-host>:8161/admin/queues.jsp (default credentials are admin/admin). Column Number Of Pending Messages should display 0 in all AET queues. If there is a positive number of messages pending, use Purge option. Run tests again.


Check if Mongo is running

Navigate to http://<mongo-db-host>:27017 with your browser. Mongo is OK if you see message about trying to access Mongo with HTTP protocol.

Make sure that you have indexed metadata collection in the project db.

Manually created databases require manually created indexes. To create indexes run this script in your MongoDB database. You may update all existing databases at once using this script.

Report app

Failed to load report data

When you see the alert Failed to load report data! it may mean several things. First one is a problem with connectivity between report app and AET Web Services. Open browser developer's console and check the status of a request to <aet-web-api-endpoint>/api/metadata?.... Make sure that your report instance is not trying to do Cross-Origin resource call which is blocked by most of popular browsers. Configuration of an endpoint for AET reports can be found in /webapp/app/services/endpointConfiguration.service.js file.

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