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Maciej Laskowski edited this page Dec 4, 2017 · 2 revisions


<urls> element lists all urls which will be processed within the current test. It contains one or more url elements.


A single url which will be processed by a particular test.

Attribute name Description Mandatory
href A page address (also see note under the name attribute) yes
name An identifier for the url. It is used to identify the data for the url. If provided it should be unique for each test in the test suite. If not provided it is set to the encoded href value. It should consists of letters, digits and/or characters: -, _ only. Note that if href="" with the provided url name attribute and the suite domain attribute is also valid. no
description An additional description for the url that will be shown in the html report no longer supported
Example Usage
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<suite name="test-suite" company="cognifide" project="project">
    <test name="urls-test">
            <url href=""/>
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