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Szymon Owczarzak edited this page Aug 26, 2020 · 3 revisions

Wait For Element To Be Visible Modifier

Wait For Element To Be Visible Modifier allows to wait for an element to appear on the page. When the element has not been found (e.g. because of the improper xpath value or timeout) a warning message will be logged but the test will be passed to the next step.

Module name: wait-for-element-to-be-visible

! Important information
In order to use this modifier it must be declared after the open module in the definition of the XML test suite.
By Visible it means that element size is non 0 and it is not covered by any other elements.
Parameter Default value Description Mandatory
xpath an xpath locator which identifies the web element to be found within a web page xpath or css
css a css selector which identifies the web element to be found within a web page xpath or css
timeout 1000ms a value of timeout for the web element to appear, in milliseconds. The max value of this parameter is 15000 milliseconds (15 seconds). no (the default value will be used)
Example Usage
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<suite name="test-suite" company="cognifide" project="project">
    <test name="wait-for-element-to-be-visible-test">
            <open />
            <resolution width="200" height="300"/>
            <wait-for-element-to-be-visible css="#search" timeout="3000"/>
            <wait-for-element-to-be-visible xpath="//div/div/a"/>
            <sleep duration="2000" />
            <screen />
            <screen comparator="layout" />
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