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Henk-Jan Lebbink edited this page Jun 6, 2018 · 10 revisions

GETSEC[SEXIT] — Exit Measured Environment

Opcode Instruction Description
0F 37 (EAX=5) GETSEC[SEXIT] Exit measured environment.


The GETSEC[SEXIT] instruction initiates an exit of a measured environment established by GETSEC[SENTER]. The SEXIT leaf of GETSEC is selected with EAX set to 5 at execution. This instruction leaf sends a message to all logical processors in the platform to signal the measured environment exit.

There are restrictions enforced by the processor for the execution of the GETSEC[SEXIT] instruction:

  • Execution is not allowed unless the processor is in protected mode (CR0.PE = 1) with CPL = 0 and EFLAGS.VM = 0.

  • The processor must be in a measured environment as launched by a previous GETSEC[SENTER] instruction, but not still in authenticated code execution mode.

  • To avoid potential inter-operability conflicts between modes, the processor is not allowed to execute this instruction if it currently is in SMM or in VMX operation.

  • To insure consistent handling of SIPI messages, the processor executing the GETSEC[SEXIT] instruction must also be designated the BSP (bootstrap processor) as defined by the register bit IA32_APIC_BASE.BSP (bit 8).

Failure to abide by the above conditions results in the processor signaling a general protection violation.

This instruction initiates a sequence to rendezvous the RLPs with the ILP. It then clears the internal processor flag indicating the processor is operating in a measured environment.

In response to a message signaling the completion of rendezvous, all RLPs restart execution with the instruction that was to be executed at the time GETSEC[SEXIT] was recognized. This applies to all processor conditions, with the following exceptions:

  • If an RLP executed HLT and was in this halt state at the time of the message initiated by GETSEC[SEXIT], then execution resumes in the halt state.

  • If an RLP was executing MWAIT, then a message initiated by GETSEC[SEXIT] causes an exit of the MWAIT state, falling through to the next instruction.

  • If an RLP was executing an intermediate iteration of a string instruction, then the processor resumes execution of the string instruction at the point which the message initiated by GETSEC[SEXIT] was recognized.

  • If an RLP is still in the SENTER sleep state (never awakened with GETSEC[WAKEUP]), it will be sent to the wait- for-SIPI state after first clearing the bootstrap processor indicator flag (IA32_APIC_BASE.BSP) and any pending SIPI state. In this case, such RLPs are initialized to an architectural state consistent with having taken a soft reset using the INIT# pin.

Prior to completion of the GETSEC[SEXIT] operation, both the ILP and any active RLPs unmask the response of the external event signals INIT#, A20M, NMI#, and SMI#. This unmasking is performed unconditionally to recognize pin events which are masked after a GETSEC[SENTER]. The state of A20M is unmasked, as the A20M pin is not recognized while the measured environment is active.

On a successful exit of the measured environment, the ILP re-locks the Intel® TXT-capable chipset private config- uration space. GETSEC[SEXIT] does not affect the content of any PCR.

At completion of GETSEC[SEXIT] by the ILP, execution proceeds to the next instruction. Since EFLAGS and the debug register state are not modified by this instruction, a pending trap condition is free to be signaled if previously enabled. Operation in a Uni-Processor Platform (* The state of the internal flag ACMODEFLAG and SENTERFLAG persist across instruction boundary *) GETSEC[SEXIT] (ILP only): IF (CR4.SMXE=0) THEN #UD; ELSE IF (in VMX non-root operation) THEN VM Exit (reason=”GETSEC instruction”); ELSE IF (GETSEC leaf unsupported) THEN #UD; ELSE IF ((in VMX root operation) or (CR0.PE=0) or (CPL>0) or (EFLAGS.VM=1) or (IA32_APIC_BASE.BSP=0) or (TXT chipset not present) or (SENTERFLAG=0) or (ACMODEFLAG=1) or (IN_SMM=1)) THEN #GP(0); SignalTXTMsg(SEXIT); DO WHILE (no SignalSEXIT message);

TXT_SEXIT_MSG_EVENT (ILP & RLP): Mask and clear SignalSEXIT event; Clear MONITOR FSM; Unmask SignalSENTER event; IF (in VMX operation) THEN TXT-SHUTDOWN(#IllegalEvent); SignalTXTMsg(SEXITAck); IF (logical processor is not ILP) THEN GOTO RLP_SEXIT_ROUTINE; (* ILP waits for all logical processors to ACK *) DO DONE← READ(LT.STS); WHILE (NOT DONE); SignalTXTMsg(SEXITContinue); SignalTXTMsg(ClosePrivate); SENTERFLAG← 0; Unmask SMI, INIT, A20M, and NMI external pin events; END;

RLP_SEXIT_ROUTINE (RLPs only): Wait for SignalSEXITContinue message; Unmask SMI, INIT, A20M, and NMI external pin events; IF (prior execution state = HLT) THEN reenter HLT state; IF (prior execution state = SENTER sleep) THEN IA32_APIC_BASE.BSP← 0; Clear pending SIPI state; Call INIT_PROCESSOR_STATE; Unmask SIPI event; GOTO WAIT-FOR-SIPI; FI; END;

Flags Affected

ILP: None. RLPs: all flags are modified for an RLP. returning to wait-for-SIPI state, none otherwise.

Use of Prefixes LOCK Causes #UD. REP* Cause #UD (includes REPNE/REPNZ and REP/REPE/REPZ). Operand size Causes #UD. Segment overrides Ignored. Address size Ignored. REX Ignored.

Protected Mode Exceptions

#UD If CR4.SMXE = 0. If GETSEC[SEXIT] is not reported as supported by GETSEC[CAPABILITIES].

#GP(0) If CR0.PE = 0 or CPL > 0 or EFLAGS.VM = 1. If in VMX root operation. If the initiating processor is not designated via the MSR bit IA32_APIC_BASE.BSP. If an Intel® TXT-capable chipset is not present.

If a protected partition is not already active or the processor is already in authenticated code mode. If the processor is in SMM.

Real-Address Mode Exceptions

#UD If CR4.SMXE = 0. If GETSEC[SEXIT] is not reported as supported by GETSEC[CAPABILITIES].

#GP(0) GETSEC[SEXIT] is not recognized in real-address mode.

Virtual-8086 Mode Exceptions

#UD If CR4.SMXE = 0. If GETSEC[SEXIT] is not reported as supported by GETSEC[CAPABILITIES].

#GP(0) GETSEC[SEXIT] is not recognized in virtual-8086 mode.

Compatibility Mode Exceptions

All protected mode exceptions apply.

64-Bit Mode Exceptions

All protected mode exceptions apply.

VM-Exit Condition Reason (GETSEC) IF in VMX non-root operation.

Source: Intel® Architecture Software Developer's Manual (May 2018)
Generated: 5-6-2018

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