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Background Script IOC

Dominic Oram edited this page Oct 7, 2020 · 11 revisions

Wiki > The Backend System > Specific Device IOC > Other > Background Script IOC

The background script IOC will run a script in the background. The script must be in python3 and be called and be in the python configuration directory. For the second background ioc the script must be called

If you want the IOC to register as started the user must include the lines:

import sys
import os

sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.environ["KIT_ROOT"], "ISIS", "inst_servers", "master")))

from server_common.helpers import register_ioc_start


Background Plot

A popular use of this is to generate a background plot. This can be using the script:

import sys
import os
from time import sleep

sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(r"C:\\", "Instrument", "scripts")))
sys.path.insert(1, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.environ["KIT_ROOT"], "ISIS", "inst_servers", "master")))

from technique.muon.background_plot import BackgroundBlockPlot
from genie_python import genie as g
from server_common.helpers import register_ioc_start



plot=BackgroundBlockPlot((("Temp_Sample", "value"), ("Temp_SP", "set point")), "Temperature").start()

while True:

In addition to this to show the plot add the following to the instrument init:

def init(inst):

Background restart of an IOC if it crashes and doesn't recover

A script has been put on EMU for if an IOC goes into a severe alarm state (INVALID) and fails to reconnect to the hardware. The script is responsible for restarting the IOC if this happens and checking that the IOC has come back online and is no longer in an alarm state.

This script is available in the instrument scripts repository as a helper function called restart_ioc_when_pv_in_alarm(). The helper function takes the block to monitor for alarms, possible alarm states it can be in (in the form of a list of strings) and an IOC to restart.

It can be used in a background script in the same way as the background plot above but with

plot=BackgroundBlockPlot((("Temp_Sample", "value"), ("Temp_SP", "set point")), "Temperature").start()

replaced with something like

restart_ioc_when_pv_in_alarm(block_to_monitor="field_ZF_status", iocs_to_restart=["ZFMAGFLD_01"], error_states: ["No new magnetometer data", "Magnetometer data invalid"])

Running the function will spawn a thread which polls between intervals (which can also be specified with the wait_between_restarts and wait_for_polling keyword arguments)

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