A list of neat projects made in Austria
- JavaScript
- Java
- C#
- C
- C++
- ActionScript
- Clojure
- CoffeeScript
- Go
- Haskell
- Lua
- Objective-C
- Perl
- Python
- R
- Ruby
- Scala
- Shell
- Swift
- TeX
- VimL
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
10524 | @enyo/dropzone | Dropzone is an easy to use drag'n'drop library. It supports image previews and shows nice progress bars. | |
1841 | @michael/github | A higher-level wrapper around the Github API. Intended for the browser. | |
1597 | @nikgraf/belle | Configurable React Components with great UX. | |
1418 | @nikgraf/draft-js-plugins | React Plugin Architecture for Draft.js including Slack-Like Emojis, FB-Like Mentions and Stickers. | |
1372 | @okonet/react-dropzone | Simple HTML5 drag-drop zone with React.js. | |
1175 | @enyo/opentip | Opentip is an open source javascript tooltip based on the protoype framework. | |
554 | @michael/multiselect | jQuery UI Multiselect Widget | |
269 | @okonet/modalbox | Mac OS X style javascript pop-ups for your browser (based on prototype + script.aculo.us) | |
263 | @michael/dance | Don't be shy - take your data for a dance. | |
237 | @michael/unveil | A data-driven visualization toolkit | |
190 | @DominikGuzei/flawless.css | A full stack html5 and css3 framework that uses less.js as it's core to provide a truly modular system with addons and other cute stuff ;-D | |
120 | @michael/askken | Visual Knowledge Browser | |
92 | @okonet/lint-staged | Lint JS and CSS files staged by git | |
90 | @pangratz/ember.js-dashboard | Activity of the Ember.js community at a glance: Twitter, GitHub, StackOverflow and Reddit | |
78 | @DominikGuzei/Class.js | Lightning fast class system. Beautiful API. Rock solid debugging. 0.6 kb | |
75 | @michael/donut | Radial Navigator built with Processing.js | |
63 | @pangratz/dnd-file-upload | drag and drop file upload for a html5 capable browser | |
61 | @pangratz/dashboard | GitHub Dashboard using Ember.js and Twitter Bootstrap | |
60 | @enyo/stateless-html-examp… | This is an example repository for a colorglare.com article | |
53 | @pangratz/ember-memento | Undo / Redo functionality for Ember.Object's | |
48 | @michael/dejavis | Visual Analytics for the Browser | |
47 | @DominikGuzei/ember-routing-statec… | Example for fat-client ember application with routing and statechart | |
38 | @pangratz/ember-couchdb-adapte… | CouchDBAdapter for Ember-Data | |
36 | @okonet/cooltips | CoolTips is a replacement for conventional web-browser tooltips. Cooltips is fully unobtrusive Class based on Prototype & Script.aculo.us, which is functional without any images (pure CSS). | |
35 | @michael/tween | Motion Tweening for Processing.js | |
34 | @michael/dejavis-sandbox | A sandbox for pluggable data visualizations | |
33 | @okonet/webpack-long-term-ca… | A demo config showing how to enable long-term caching using Webpack. Read [medium link] for details. | |
30 | @michael/ken | Visual Knowledge Browser | |
28 | @michael/reader | A stand-alone reader for Substance Documents (can be used as a blog) | |
24 | @pangratz/irc-log-viewer | CouchApp using Ember.js to show IRC logs stored in a CouchDB | |
23 | @okonet/ejs-loader | EJS (Underscore/LoDash Templates) loader for webpack | |
21 | @guybrush/showdown | MIRROR of http://attacklab.net/showdown (newer/forked/npm version here: https://github.com/coreyti/showdown) | |
20 | @oberhamsi/prettytiles-gamejs | CPU heavy ISO landscape generator ported from processing to gamejs | |
16 | @DominikGuzei/Compact.js | A modular javascript framework based on require.js and an intuitive way to build class hierarchies | |
15 | @hns/ride | Ringo in-browser code editing | |
14 | @oberhamsi/planetary-gamejs | physics game, a gamejs app | |
13 | @michael/multiple_select | MooTools based multiple select widget | |
12 | @okonet/react-container-dime… | Wrapper component that detects element resize and passes new dimensions down the tree. Based on https://github.com/wnr/element-resize-de… | |
12 | @guybrush/backbone-rpc-example | sync backbone-models via dnode! | |
11 | @ddprrt/connect-php | PHP middleware for https://github.com/senchalabs/connect | |
11 | @michael/stacks | Visualizing groups of items as self-organizing stacks | |
11 | @okonet/yaml-loader | YAML loader for webpack (converts YAML to JSON) | |
10 | @guybrush/nexus | remote program installation and control (work in progress/proof of concept) | |
10 | @hns/ringo-modulr | A port of the modulr client-side CommonJS module implementation to RingoJS | |
10 | @ddprrt/konamicode.js | Easter-egg your website with the konami-code | |
9 | @hns/hiccup.js | A port of the Hiccup HTML generation library to JavaScript | |
9 | @oberhamsi/telemachus-gamejs | shoot'em'up game, a gamejs app | |
9 | @michael/bullets | Unveil.js graphics demo | |
8 | @hns/ringo-node-benchmark | HTTP benchmark comparing RingoJS and Node.js with a focus on object allocation | |
8 | @michael/chart | A simple charting library that strictly separates data from graphical representation | |
8 | @michael/talk | Let's talk data. In realtime. | |
8 | @michael/scatterplot | An interactive, animated Scatterplot for the Dejavis sandbox | |
8 | @guybrush/dnode-balancer | ||
8 | @enyo/md5 | MD5 algorithm written by Paul Johnston | |
7 | @hns/berkeleystore | A RingoJS datastore implementation based on Oracle (formerly Sleepycat) Berkeley DB. | |
7 | @michael/matrix | Matrix Plot | |
7 | @oberhamsi/gameoflife-gamejs | Conway's Game of Life for GameJs | |
7 | @michael/linechart | Interactive, animated Linechart, built with Unveil.js | |
6 | @oberhamsi/pirateking-gamejs | Pirate King | |
6 | @DominikGuzei/ember-testing-on-rai… | Example that shows how to setup a complete testing environment for Ember.js apps on Rails | |
6 | @michael/hub | Substance Hub | |
6 | @guybrush/socketvat | eventvat + nssocket | |
6 | @michael/envision | A Collection Browser and Visualizer | |
6 | @oberhamsi/ositestats | Web statistics, analytics server. PageImpressions, Uniques, Distributions for Traffic Sources, Browser/Os,... | |
5 | @DominikGuzei/sproutcore-statechar… | A sample application to illustrate the benefits of statecharts in sproutcore | |
5 | @hns/ringo-cometd | A cometd/bayeux plugin for ringo/webapp | |
5 | @hns/cassandrastore | A RingoJS JavaScript client for the Cassandra distributed database | |
5 | @michael/ndogen-client | On-the-fly documentation generation powered by ndogen | |
5 | @pangratz/emberjs-couchapp-gem | Gem to create basic CouchApp which uses Ember.js | |
5 | @hns/ringo-storable | A Ringo Storable implementation in pure ES5 | |
4 | @hns/commonize | A utility to convert RingoJS modules into pure CommonJS modules | |
4 | @hns/hns.github.com | ||
4 | @michael/library | A home for Substance documents. Think of it as a database for digital documents. | |
4 | @DominikGuzei/node-ase-utils | Node package to encode / decode Adobe Swatch Exchange Files (ASE) | |
4 | @oberhamsi/nocms | Content managment system for lazy, unorganized people. | |
4 | @pangratz/ember-library-templa… | Template for a new Ember.js library project | |
4 | @enyo/enyo.github.io | User page | |
4 | @oberhamsi/ringo-oauth | oauth web helpers for ringo | |
3 | @oberhamsi/ringo-webtutorial | markdown source for http://ringojs.org/wiki/Tutorial (should be replaced with a tutorial on stick after Ringo 0.7 release) | |
3 | @okonet/dialogbox | Mootools & Prototype.js class for unobtrusive facebook-style dialogboxes | |
3 | @okonet/metalsmith-remote-js… | Fetch JSON from remote URLs, transform and inject as files into metalsmith pipeline | |
3 | @okonet/colorist | Creates a palette from the given image (drag'n'drop) | |
3 | @okonet/attr-accept | JavaScript implementation of the "accept" attribute for HTML5 | |
3 | @okonet/CalendarPad | A Mootools based class for a 3 months date selector. | |
3 | @guybrush/unhosted-nodejs | ||
3 | @guybrush/nexus-web | ||
3 | @hns/ringo-xmpp | A RingoJS package for writing server-side XMPP components | |
3 | @DominikGuzei/nerdcompanion | Create and Share Rails Guides easily | |
3 | @DominikGuzei/honeymoon | Advanced integration of the Sinon.js Mocking Library for the Jasmine BDD Framework | |
3 | @oberhamsi/y8y2 | Real-time strategy game based on the board-game Pandemic. | |
3 | @ddprrt/lessig | Lessig - try Less online | |
3 | @oberhamsi/ringo-tutorial-demob… | demoblog app developed in course of tutorial | |
3 | @pangratz/babel-plugin-htmlbar… | Babel plugin to replace tagged template strings with precompiled HTMLBars templates | |
3 | @oberhamsi/ringo-signpost | signpost lib packaged for ringo | |
3 | @hns/jetson | A streaming JSON parser for RingoJS based on Jackson | |
3 | @guybrush/bfydir | http-server to browserify *.js in a dir | |
3 | @DanielG/panscroll | User script to pan webpages using the middle mouse button. | |
2 | @oberhamsi/ringo-geoip | maxmind geoip package | |
2 | @DominikGuzei/Handshake-Server | This is the ruby server of the Handshake project | |
2 | @DominikGuzei/Handshake-Js-Api | An evented javascript API for Handshake to facilitate websocket communication between games and control devices | |
2 | @hns/wiki-ng | A minimal wiki demo app for helma-ng | |
2 | @enyo/copypastor | Another source code sharer | |
2 | @oberhamsi/creepyforest-gamejs | game sketch audio, gamejs app | |
2 | @enyo/functionbind | A function.bind() IE polyfill | |
2 | @enyo/nibble | CSS framework based on nib | |
2 | @guybrush/n-semver | semver for n | |
2 | @guybrush/unhosted.js | Client side Unhosted implementation for the browser | |
2 | @ddprrt/tooling-workshop | samples for my front-end tooling workshop on Grunt, Yeoman and Gulp | |
2 | @oberhamsi/steering | ||
2 | @michael/map | Substance Map Node Type | |
2 | @oberhamsi/httpclient-jetty | A scalable HTTP client that provides both synchronous and asynchronous modes of operation. | |
2 | @michael/substance | Copy of Substance for legacy purposes. | |
2 | @enyo/excanvas | Excanvas (modified so it works in IE8) | |
2 | @michael/substance-editor | Substance Editor | |
2 | @DominikGuzei/Stylekit | The source code for the StyleKit project written in Google Web Toolkit |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
10019 | @PhilJay/MPAndroidChart | A powerful Android chart view / graph view library, supporting line- bar- pie- radar- bubble- and candlestick charts as well as scaling, dragging and animations. | |
420 | @manmal/hn-android | Hacker News client with a focus on reliability and usability. | |
389 | @Pirngruber/AndroidIM | Android Instant Messaging Application | |
219 | @Wrdlbrnft/Searchable-RecyclerV… | An example app using a SearchView to filter items in a RecyclerView while taking full advantage of item animations! | |
213 | @PhilJay/CircleDisplay | Android View for displaying and selecting values in a circle-shaped View, with animations and touch gestures. | |
108 | @PhilJay/ValueBar | A beautiful Android custom View that works similar to a range or seekbar. With animations. | |
56 | @Kaljurand/Inimesed | An Android app that lets you search your contacts by voice. Internet not required. Based on Pocketsphinx. Uses Estonian acoustic models. | |
38 | @christophstrobl/spring-data-solr-sho… | Sample Spring MVC Application demonstrating usage of Spring Data Solr. | |
38 | @Kaljurand/K6nele | An Android app that offers speech-to-text services to other apps | |
34 | @diwi/diewald_fluid | processing library - fluid-simulation | |
31 | @phax/ph-css | Java CSS 2 and CSS 3 parser and builder | |
29 | @PhilJay/MPAndroidChart-Realm | http://realm.io related features of the MPAndroidChart library. | |
28 | @phax/jcodemodel | A fork of the com.sun.codemodel (status 2013/09) | |
25 | @diwi/Space_Partitioning_O… | Octree/BVH: building and traversal (for fast ray-triangle-intersection) | |
18 | @diwi/diewald_shapeFileRea… | java library for reading ESRI-shapeFiles | |
16 | @diwi/dLibs | processing/java - kinect library | |
14 | @Kaljurand/Arvutaja | An Android app for voice actions in Estonian and English | |
14 | @pniederw/algs4partI | Gradle build template for Coursera's "Algorithms, Part I" course | |
12 | @phax/ph-ubl | Java library for reading and writing UBL 2.0 and 2.1 documents | |
11 | @phax/as2-lib | Library part of my OpenAS2 fork | |
10 | @Wrdlbrnft/EasyAdapter | A powerful yet lightweight view injection & list creation library to easily and quickly create complex lists in the RecyclerView on Android. | |
9 | @derkoe/tapestry-jaxws | Tapestry JAX-WS Integration | |
9 | @Kaljurand/Diktofon | An Android app, a dictaphone with Estonian speech-to-text | |
8 | @Kaljurand/speechutils | Android library for speech-to-text and text-to-speech apps | |
7 | @diwi/diewald_PS3 | processing/java libary for PS3-Eye camera | |
6 | @phax/as2-server | The standalone AS2 server component based on as2-lib | |
6 | @diwi/diewald_CV_kit | computer vision library for processing | |
6 | @Kaljurand/net-speech-api | Java API for the online speech recognition services provided by phon.ioc.ee | |
6 | @Kaljurand/GF-Java | Java front-end to a GF service, modeled after the GF Webservice. | |
5 | @mikegr/jodconverter | JODConverter 3.0 branch | |
4 | @Kaljurand/EKISpeak | Implementation of Android's TextToSpeechService that provides Estonian text-to-speech | |
4 | @manmal/MockingDroid | Template app for easy HTML mockups for interactive usability testing. | |
4 | @derkoe/tapestry-javamagazin | ||
4 | @mikegr/snipsnap | SnipSnap - The easy Weblog and Wiki Software | |
4 | @mikegr/android-shuffle | Shuffle, a personal organizational tool, styled around the Getting Things Done methodology | |
4 | @phax/ph-javacc-maven-plug… | An updated version of the javacc-maven-plugin using JavaCC 6.1.3 | |
4 | @derkoe/multi-tenancy | JPA/Hibernate - Spring Boot - Multi-tenancy Test Project | |
4 | @Wrdlbrnft/SimplePreferences | The preferences you always wanted on Android | |
4 | @pniederw/gradle-workshop-gr8c… | ||
3 | @phax/ph-pdf-layout | Java library for creating fluid page layouts with Apache PDFBox | |
3 | @Wrdlbrnft/FloatingActionButton… | Easy and simple way to create an expanding and collapsing menu with FloatingActionButtons | |
3 | @Wrdlbrnft/Helpers | A collection of useful helper and utility classes. | |
3 | @phax/ph-commons | Java 1.6+ Library with tons of utility classes required in all projects | |
3 | @phax/as2-peppol-client | An example AS2 client to easily send AS2 messages to PEPPOL | |
3 | @manmal/AIC-2010-Group-25 | Advanced Internet Computing at the TU Vienna, 2010 (winter term) | |
3 | @christophstrobl/spring-data-keyvalue… | ||
3 | @pniederw/ideajettyplugin | Jetty Plugin for IDEA 9 Ultimate Edition (fork of http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?id=1… | |
3 | @phax/peppol-smp-server | A complete PEPPOL SMP server | |
3 | @mikegr/eFitBooster | Android appliation to track exercises in gym | |
2 | @Wrdlbrnft/GravityBehavior | A CoordinatorLayout Behavior which rotates a View according to gravity. | |
2 | @Wrdlbrnft/SimpleJson | The next generation JSON Parser for Android | |
2 | @diwi/diewald_barcode | barcode library for processing | |
2 | @mikegr/mmc | MMC Monitor | |
2 | @mikegr/aLogMyNight | Android appliation to log drinking activities | |
2 | @Kaljurand/Mobile-APE | Android client for the APE webservice | |
2 | @phax/peppol-directory | The official PEPPOL Directory (former Yellow Pages) software | |
2 | @phax/erechnung.gv.at-webs… | Utility classes and projects for the use with ER>B - the national Austrian Invoicing solution |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
875 | @techtalk/SpecFlow | Binding business requirements to .Net code | |
689 | @nefarius/ScpToolkit | Windows Driver and XInput Wrapper for Sony DualShock 3/4 Controllers | |
609 | @henon/GitSharp | A Git implementation for .Net and Mono | |
403 | @filoe/cscore | An advanced audio library, written in C#. Provides tons of features. From playing/recording audio to decoding/encoding audio streams/files to processing audio data in realtime (e.g. applying custom effects during playback, create visualizations,...). The possibilities are nearly unlimited. | |
388 | @flagbug/YoutubeExtractor | A .NET library, that allows to download videos from YouTube and/or extract their audio track (currently only for flash videos). | |
183 | @flagbug/Espera | Espera is a media player that plays your music, YouTube videos, SoundCloud songs and has a special "party mode". | |
128 | @techtalk/SpecFlow-Examples | Examples for SpecFlow usage | |
56 | @henon/GitSharp.Demo | Git# Demo for Windows (WPF) | |
36 | @techtalk/JiraRestClient | A simple client for Atlassian JIRA service REST API | |
31 | @jguertl/SharePlugin | Simple way to share a message or link on a social network in your Xamarin.Forms projects. | |
29 | @flagbug/Lager | A cross-platform settings storage for .NET | |
29 | @flagbug/FlagConsole | A .NET library, that helps to build text-based console application interfaces. It provides controls like panel, textfield, list view, menu and label. It also offers drawing capabilitys for rectangles, lines and ellipses/circles. | |
24 | @flagbug/FlagFtp | FlagFtp is a FTP library for .NET, that supports various operations, such as retrieving file lists, write and read from/to files, retrieving file and directory infos, etc... | |
23 | @tibel/Caliburn.Light | The magic-free Caliburn.Light, a powerful framework designed for building applications across current XAML platforms. | |
20 | @flagbug/FlagSync | FlagSync is a synchronization and backup tool, written in C#, that allows you to synchronize or backup your files with local folders (or an extern harddrive or flashdrive) and FTP-Servers, as well as synchronize your non-iPod MP3-Player with iTunes. | |
19 | @AdmiralCurtiss/WfcPatcher | Patches NDS games to allow them to connect to a custom NWFC server. | |
17 | @akoeplinger/mono-winforms-netcor… | ||
12 | @tibel/Weakly | Weakly is a collection of some useful weak-reference types. | |
12 | @davidroth/RuntimeControllerFac… | An Asp.net MVC 2 ControllerFactory including some classes which allows you to edit your Controller classes at runtime, without restarting your application - powered by Mono C# compiler as a service.. | |
11 | @henon/TicGit.net | A simple distributed issue tracker based on git | |
11 | @flagbug/UnofficialGitterApp | An unofficial Android app for http://gitter.im | |
10 | @tibel/Caliburn.Micro.Extra… | Some additions to Caliburn.Micro framework. | |
10 | @flagbug/ClickOnceToSquirrelM… | A helper library for the migration from ClickOnce to Squirrel.Windows | |
9 | @flagbug/ReactiveMarrow | This library extends Reactive Extensions with a few helpers | |
8 | @Switcherlapp97/RubiksCubeSolver | ||
8 | @flagbug/Espera.Mobile | ||
7 | @AdmiralCurtiss/ToVPatcher | Patcher for the PS3 Tales of Vesperia fan-translation. | |
7 | @AdmiralCurtiss/HyoutaTools | A collection of tools for extracting and/or reinserting data from/into video games. | |
7 | @davidroth/Entityframework6 | Contains a modified branch of EF (DbModelStore) for improved startup performance. For further information, please read my blog post. | |
7 | @henon/manic_digger | an open source clone of minecraft | |
7 | @flagbug/Rareform | This is my personal common library, for .NET, written in C#. It contains classes and methods that I need in nearly every application I write. Feel free to use and contribute. | |
6 | @nefarius/CntlmUI | Graphical User Interface and Startup-Agent for the Cntlm Authorization Proxy | |
4 | @nefarius/TrueMount-3 | Automounter for TrueCrypt | |
4 | @Tigraine/pandora-container | Yet another lightweight IoC container | |
4 | @flagbug/Espera.Network | Network classes and helpers for the Espera remote control API | |
4 | @techtalk/SpecFlow.VisualStudi… | Visual Studio extension of SpecFlow (extracted from the main SpecFlow repo) | |
4 | @SabotageAndi/efl-sharp | C# Bindings for Enlightenment Foundation Libraries | |
3 | @henon/WPFTestRunner | A simple ad hoc WPF Test Runner for NUnit | |
3 | @nefarius/WpfRichText.Ex | Simple WYSIWYG HTML editor control for WPF | |
3 | @nefarius/TrueMount-2 | Automounter for TrueCrypt. | |
3 | @saxx/TrelloMite | ||
3 | @davidroth/propertyexpressionan… | A custom refactoring that transforms common property-expression helper code to the new c# 6 nameof expression | |
3 | @flagbug/FlvExtract | A portable (PCL) .NET library that extracts the audio and/or video tracks from FLV files | |
2 | @nefarius/StreamsFinder | Microsoft´s new technology file system has a pretty unknown feature called data streams. Find hidden ones easily with this tool! | |
2 | @Tigraine/elms-connector | A connector for Microsoft's ELMS Campus verification | |
2 | @saxx/Wuzlstats | Web app to track wuzl (tabletop soccer) score. | |
2 | @bojanbjelic/xsltr | Performs xsl transformations. msxls replacement |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
37 | @SamBrishes/kenney-icon-font | The Kenney Icon Font is specifically designed for your (browser) game or other gaming related website / project! | |
2 | @nicokratky/nicokratky.me | well... just the code of my website |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
2 | @moser96/responsive-svg-circl… | An easy to use Circlebar script by using jQuery |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
299 | @lanoxx/tilda | A Gtk based drop down terminal for Linux and Unix | |
159 | @jameswalmsley/RaspberryPi-FreeRTOS | A port of FreeRTOS to the raspberry pi. | |
137 | @smarr/RoarVM | RoarVM is a manycore Smalltalk Virtual Machine | |
101 | @tpoechtrager/cctools-port | Apple cctools port for Linux, *BSD and Windows (Cygwin) | |
75 | @jameswalmsley/bitthunder | BitThunder - Reliable, real time, portable, scalable, embedded operating system, RTOS. | |
73 | @mkalten/reacTIVision | computer vision framework for tangible interactive surfaces | |
66 | @segler-alex/Pidgin-GPG | GPG plugin for Pidgin | |
51 | @pipelka/vdr-plugin-xvdr | DISCONTINUED - XVDR Plugin for VDR | |
41 | @stefanct/sglib | SGLIB - A Simple Generic Library for C (originally by Marian Vittek and not maintained by Stefan Tauner at all!) | |
25 | @sebastinas/yafc | Yafc is yet another ftp client (with some handy features) | |
20 | @smarr/CLIPS | A Tool for Building Expert Systems | |
19 | @m6w6/ext-http | Extended HTTP Support | |
14 | @mhaberler/libancillary | sharing eventfd's across unrelated processes with libancillary | |
13 | @mm120/binutils-vc4 | The binutils, targeted for the VideoCore IV | |
12 | @zeha/python-superstatic | static builds for python | |
12 | @mkalten/TUIO20_CPP | C++ TUIO 2.0 reference implementation | |
11 | @aleho/htc-kernel-legend | Kernel for the HTC Legend | |
10 | @jameswalmsley/FreeRTOS | Git Import of the FreeRTOS SVN repository. | |
10 | @m6w6/ext-pq | PostgreSQL client library (libpq) binding | |
9 | @jameswalmsley/FullFAT | Open-source, Thread-safe, Embedded, FAT file-system. | |
9 | @wash/rnacode | RNAcode - Detecting protein coding genes in multiple sequence alignment | |
8 | @lanoxx/libwnck | This is a copy of the libwnck code on git.gnome.org | |
8 | @Grarak/grakernel-tuna | Samsung Galaxy Nexus (GT-I9250) | |
8 | @mkalten/TUIO11_CPP | C++ TUIO 1.1 reference implementation | |
7 | @wash/rnaz | RNAz - predicting structural noncoding RNAs | |
6 | @pipelka/paragui | cross-platform widgetset for SDL (a new home for old code) | |
4 | @stefanct/openptp | openptp - Precision Time Protocol implementation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precision_T… | |
4 | @zeha/syslinux | syslinux - a linux loader | |
4 | @lazka/stm32-hactar | Basic OS for STM32F10x controllers | |
4 | @lanoxx/window-picker-applet | A port of the window-picker-applet to Gnome 3 | |
4 | @jameswalmsley/kconfig-frontends | Git Mirror of Yann Morin's kconfig-frontends project | |
4 | @kamarush/Xperia-2011-KRsH-Ker… | ||
3 | @kamarush/Xperia-2011-KRsH-Ker… | ||
3 | @lewurm/mini | mini is not ios (see hackmii.com for details) | |
3 | @zeha/xrdp-suse-fork | git import of xrdp-0.4.1-28.19.1.src.rpm | |
3 | @fghaas/drbd-8 | My forks of DRBD 8.3 and 8.4, for upstream to pull from | |
3 | @smarr/CSOM | CSOM - C implementation of the Simple Object Machine Smalltalk | |
3 | @aleho/android_hardware_qco… | Experimental implementation for Legend | |
3 | @Grarak/grakernel-n1 | Samsung Galaxy R (GT-I9103) | |
3 | @aleho/android_hardware_ti_… | ||
3 | @Grarak/grakernel-msm8226 | HTC Desire 816 (a5) | |
3 | @lewurm/ppcskel | http://groups.google.com/group/bootmii-d… | |
3 | @m6w6/ext-psi | PHP System Interface / POSIX Standard Interface | |
3 | @fghaas/corosync | A copy of the Corosync git repo, hosted at git.corosync.org | |
2 | @lazka/gst-bs2b | Crossfeed plugin for Gstreamer, using the bs2b library. | |
2 | @smarr/Classic-Benchmarks | A collection of classic object-oriented benchmarks | |
2 | @kamarush/Xperia-2011-4.1.B.0.… | ||
2 | @stefanct/ch341eepromtool | The EEPROM software for the WCH CH341A originally written by asbokid | |
2 | @aleho/ti_wilink | Sources for tiwlan_drv.ko/sdio.ko on msm7k (wilink_6_1_0_0_115) | |
2 | @m6w6/ext-json_post | JSON POST handler | |
2 | @m6w6/ext-propro | Property proxy | |
2 | @kamarush/Xperia-TI-Wlan | ||
2 | @m6w6/ext-raphf | Resource and persistent handles factory | |
2 | @wash/sissiz | SISSIz: Dinucleotide controlled random alignments and RNA gene prediction |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
117 | @pmj/virtio-net-osx | Mac OS X driver for a (virtualised) "virtio" network device. Virtio network devices are supported by KVM and VirtualBox. Fastest virtual network device for VirtualBox OSX Guests, allows kernel debugging of guests via gdb. | |
95 | @thotro/arduino-dw1000 | A library that offers functionality to use Decawave's DW1000 chips/modules with Arduino. | |
48 | @manhofer/Line3Dpp | Line3D++ - Multi-View Stereo using Line Segments | |
35 | @agrippa1994/DX9-Overlay-API | Overlay API for DirectX 9 based games. | |
27 | @motonacciu/meta-serialization | A C++ header-only support for serialization of generic objects to be used when the type is known a-priori. | |
27 | @pmj/objective-vcdiff | Objective-C wrapper for Google's open-vcdiff binary diff library | |
23 | @strahlex/QtQuickVcp | A Virtual Control Panel for Machinekit written in Qt/C++/QML | |
23 | @taketwo/rs | PCL grabber for RealSense devices | |
19 | @bedahr/Spencer | Speech Based Recommender System (Recomment 2.0) | |
16 | @motonacciu/clomp | OpenMP support for LLVM/Clang compiler | |
15 | @mlang/bmc | Braille Music Compiler | |
13 | @manhofer/Line3D | Line3D - Multi-View Stereo using Line Segments | |
11 | @SimonWallner/kocmoc-demo | a neat little demo using openGL 3 | |
10 | @clemenscorny/brisk | Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints | |
10 | @motonacciu/mpp | Advanced MPI bindings for C++ | |
10 | @almightycouch/meteorpp | Meteor DDP & Minimongo implementation in C++. | |
8 | @taketwo/pmd_camboard_nano | ROS driver for PMD[vision]® CamBoard nano depth sensor | |
8 | @taketwo/ds | PCL grabber for DepthSense devices | |
7 | @pmj/QemuUSBTablet-OSX | Driver allowing OS X guests to use the "usb-tablet" absolute pointing device in Qemu. | |
6 | @patrickFuerst/hairymess | ||
6 | @agrippa1994/WebSocket-API | Websocket client API for AutoHotKey and other scripting and programming languages. | |
5 | @agrippa1994/iOS-PLC | Siemens Simatic S7 communication software for iOS using Snap7 | |
5 | @agrippa1994/CPP-SAMP-API | An API for C++ which can send commands, show messages and much more in SA:MP | |
5 | @agrippa1994/SA-MP-WebSockets | SA:MP WebSocket-Client and Server implementation | |
4 | @pmj/osxbook-SimpleCrypto… | An update to the SimpleCryptoDisk filter scheme driver example from the book Mac OS X Internals by Amit Singh | |
3 | @taketwo/tviewer | A simple cloud viewer on top of PCL Visualizer | |
3 | @agrippa1994/SAMP-Gametext | ||
3 | @agrippa1994/nodejs-fdf | Create FDF files with nodejs | |
3 | @SimonWallner/kocmoc-core | Core engine parts of kocmoc | |
3 | @agrippa1994/passwdmgr | Console based application for storing passwords in an encrypted file. | |
3 | @agrippa1994/v8_test | Basic C++ embedding tests with Google's V8 JavaScript-Engine | |
3 | @agrippa1994/samp-nodejs-plugin | A plugin for creating gamemodes and filterscripts in SA:MP using nodejs via JXCore and SA:MP-GDK | |
3 | @Joe-Z/OF_Particles | Particle-Emitter-Project for my Computer Graphics 2 course | |
2 | @strahlex/battleship | A Battleship Game | |
2 | @pmj/literal-collections | Functions for creating pre-populated ("literal") STL collections using C++11 variadic templates. Useful for compilers that don't support the new initialiser lists but do support variadic templates (such as clang 3.0.0 and GCC 4.3). | |
2 | @bedahr/recomment | Voice controlled recommender system | |
2 | @SimonWallner/kocmoc-main | main part of kocmoc | |
2 | @mlang/yatm | Yet Another Time Machine | |
2 | @mlang/xsdcxx-musicxml | ||
2 | @agrippa1994/node-aida64 | ||
2 | @agrippa1994/Password-Manager | A password manager for iOS and a password server written in PHP | |
2 | @agrippa1994/node-win32-keyhook | Global keyhook library for NodeJS (Windows only) | |
2 | @Joe-Z/Super-Mario-Bros.--f… | The first level of Super Mario Bros. made for 2 players with openFrameworks | |
2 | @agrippa1994/iOS-Encryption | Encryption app for iOS |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
2015 | @Gamua/Starling-Framework | The Cross Platform Game Engine | |
323 | @Gamua/Starling-Extension-P… | A particle system for the Starling framework, compatible with the "Particle Designer" from 71squared.com | |
35 | @Gamua/Flox-AS3 | The ActionScript 3 SDK for the Flox Game Backend | |
20 | @PrimaryFeather/Memory3D | A simple implementation of "Memory" (also known as "Concentration") showcasing Starling's Sprite3D functionality. | |
8 | @Gamua/Starling-Extension-D… | Use normal maps for realistic light effects in the Starling Framework. | |
3 | @ripcurlx/make-it-easy-as3 | A tiny framework that makes it easy to write Test Data Builders in ActionScript 3 |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
570 | @pkamenarsky/atea | A minimalistic menu bar time tracker for MacOS | |
51 | @bpsm/edn-java | a reader for extensible data notation | |
5 | @bpsm/xombie | Teaching Clojure to love the XOM | |
4 | @bendlas/clojure.repl | Better dir utility | |
4 | @bendlas/davstore | ||
4 | @bpsm/big-ivan | Teaching Clojure to validate, parse and construct BIC and IBAN values. | |
2 | @pkamenarsky/tellme | A minimalist 1on1 web chat | |
2 | @bpsm/empty-maven-clojure-… | A (mostly) empty clojure project based on clojure-maven-plugin | |
2 | @andeee/enclojean | Clojure EnOcean library | |
2 | @andeee/netzwaechterlein | A simple approach of building a netwatch service in clojurescript | |
2 | @bendlas/ai-challenge | google ai challenge 2011 | |
2 | @bendlas/newfact | New refactoring tool for clojure | |
2 | @bendlas/starfleets | Coding for fun |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
29 | @aschuch/node-nearest-neighbo… | Nearest neighbor algorithm to find the most similar object within an array of objects. | |
6 | @emojicode/emojiblast | Turn Atom into your Emojicode IDE | |
4 | @aschuch/node-entropy | Shannon Entropy calculation to measure the information gain of an array of objects. | |
2 | @segelgruppe/node-postman | A simple node project to take a POST request (eg from a contact form) and send a mail via the mandrill service. | |
2 | @aschuch/wine-api | A simple RESTful JSON API server to manage a wine collection. |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
653 | @eaigner/hood | Database agnostic ORM for Go | |
187 | @eaigner/jet | Jet is a super-flexible and lightweight SQL interface for Go | |
99 | @tux21b/ChessBuddy | Play chess with Go, HTML5, WebSockets and random strangers! | |
79 | @eaigner/shield | Bayesian text classifier with flexible tokenizers and storage backends for Go | |
19 | @eaigner/dkim | DKIM signing for Go | |
14 | @tux21b/goco | Some experiments with concurrent data structures in Go. | |
13 | @eaigner/s3 | Advanced S3 library for Go | |
13 | @eaigner/last | System memory aware LRU cache in Go | |
11 | @tux21b/imp | a modern typesetting system | |
8 | @eaigner/ladybug | GitHub Issues fronted for customers | |
6 | @eaigner/glb | Go load balancing library supporting TCP, HTTP/S and Websockets | |
4 | @eaigner/opendkim | libopendkim wrapper for Go | |
3 | @tux21b/gocqldriver | The gocqldriver package provides a "database/sql" driver for CQL, the Cassandra query language. | |
3 | @eaigner/clam | clamav bindings for Go | |
3 | @eaigner/libspf2 | Go wrapper for libspf2 | |
2 | @linecker/delta | Highlight timestamp gaps. | |
2 | @eaigner/govat | Validate EU VAT numbers in Go |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
109 | @hvr/cassava | Easy CSV parsing | |
28 | @hvr/packunused | Tool for detecting redundant Cabal package dependencies | |
22 | @ameingast/postgresql-simple-mi… | PostgreSQL Schema Migrations for Haskell | |
15 | @hvr/uhttpc | uhttpc - µHTTP client library |
12 | @hvr/base-noprelude | All of base without the Prelude module |
12 | @nionita/Barbarossa | Chess engine entirely written in Haskell | |
11 | @visq/llvm-regexp | Demo: Creating Regular Expression Matcher's using the haskell bindings to LLVM | |
7 | @ian-ross/hnetcdf | Haskell NetCDF library | |
7 | @ian-ross/ggp | Generalised game playing stuff | |
6 | @hvr/hackage-cli | CLI tool for Hackage | |
6 | @hvr/token-bucket | Haskell rate limiter library using lazy token bucket algorithm | |
5 | @ian-ross/arb-fft | Pure Haskell arbitrary length FFT library | |
5 | @nionita/Abulafia | An UCI chess engine in Haskell | |
4 | @hvr/hackage-matrix-build… | Build Hackage package versions against multiple GHC versions | |
4 | @hvr/lzma | ||
4 | @hvr/Hs2010To201x | Automatic H2010 to H201x Refactoring | |
3 | @andy-morris/Dircolors | Preprocessor for more expressive .dircolors files | |
3 | @hvr/hs-deepseq-th | (Deprecated) Template Haskell deriver for NFData instances | |
3 | @langthom/stats | A small command line tool for statistical computations on csv files completely written in Haskell. | |
3 | @epsilonhalbe/accelerate-typelits | ||
3 | @ameingast/wai-middleware-etag | WAI ETag middleware for static files | |
2 | @ameingast/brainhuck | A Brainfuck interpreter written in Haskell | |
2 | @fberg/xmonad-config | my xmonad configuration | |
2 | @visq/fragroute | Computing and visualizing routes for Fragment Switches in the TTSoC architecture | |
2 | @haraldsteinlechner/research | My Research and Related Work | |
2 | @hvr/ghci-ng | GHCi Technology Preview | |
2 | @hvr/cryptohash-md5 | Fast, pure and practical MD5 implementation |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
48 | @Andrettin/Wyrmsun | Strategy game based on history, mythology and fiction | |
11 | @luastoned/lua-essentials | A module that extends Lua with a few essential functions | |
8 | @silverwind/idTip | WoW Addon: Adds IDs to the ingame tooltips. | |
6 | @luastoned/turbo-telegram | Telegram (https://telegram.org/) bot wrapper for Turbo.lua (http://turbolua.org) | |
5 | @Ferdi265/ComputerCraft-EventL… | An implementation of an Event Loop for ComputerCraft that provides an interface similar to Node.js's EventEmitter and setTimeout() | |
4 | @seclorum/metalab_sessions | General purpose repository for the Metalab MOAI hacking sessions .. | |
3 | @seasick/Zombie-Zero | Small zombie game made with/for Löve2d |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
3878 | @steipete/Aspects | Delightful, simple library for aspect oriented programming. | |
2445 | @steipete/PSTCollectionView | Open Source, 100% API compatible replacement of UICollectionView for iOS4.3+ | |
2040 | @steipete/PSStackedView | open source implementation of Twitter/iPad stacked ui - done right. | |
1522 | @ericjohnson/canabalt-ios | Open source release of Canabalt for iOS | |
994 | @steipete/AFDownloadRequestOpe… | A progressive download operation for AFNetworking. | |
895 | @brutella/chatheads | An implementation of Facebook's ChatHeads on iOS. | |
852 | @steipete/PSPDFTextView | A subclass of UITextView that fixes the most glaring problems from iOS 7 and 7.1. | |
751 | @steipete/PSTAlertController | API similar to UIAlertController, backwards compatible to iOS 7. Will use the new shiny API when you run iOS 8. | |
681 | @lmirosevic/GBDeviceInfo | Detects the hardware, software and display of the current iOS or Mac OS X device at runtime. | |
656 | @steipete/PSPushPopPressView | Zoom, Rotate, Drag – everything at the same time. A view-container for direct manipulation, inspired by Our Choice from Push Pop Press. | |
620 | @mmackh/IPDFCameraViewContro… | UIView subclass with camera preview, live border detection, perspective correction and an easy to use API | |
618 | @mmackh/Hacker-News-for-iOS | Hacker News client for iPad and iPhone [DEPRECATED] | |
591 | @steipete/PSFoundation | Categories and helper classes for iOS projects. | |
559 | @yinkou/OCMapView | Simple and easy to use clustering mapView for iOS | |
521 | @scheinem/MSCMoreOptionTableVi… | Drop-in solution to achieve the "More" button in an UITableView's "Swipe to Delete" menu (as seen in Mail.app under iOS 7) | |
274 | @mmackh/KEYPullDownMenu | A pull down menu, similar to notification center on iOS that supports an unlimited number of items. Items can either be selected, deleted or reordered. The control is aimed at providing context for switching data within the same view controller. | |
239 | @odrobnik/MyAppSales | Mobile ITC Reports Downloader and Dashboard | |
217 | @steipete/PSTDelegateProxy | A simple proxy that forwards optional methods to delegates - less boilerplate in your code! | |
196 | @lmirosevic/GBVersionTracking | Track which versions of your iOS or Mac OS X app a user has previously installed, and the whole upgrade cookie crumb trail. | |
194 | @steipete/PSYouTubeExtractor | Display YouTube URLs in a MPMoviePlayerController | |
193 | @phranck/CCNStatusItem | CCNStatusItem is a subclass of NSObject to act as a custom view for NSStatusItem. It supports a customizable statusItemWindow handling any viewController for presenting the content. | |
187 | @steipete/PSPDFKit-Demo | A drop-in-ready framework that helps in almost every aspect of PDF-rendering on iOS. | |
183 | @steipete/PSMenuItem | A block based UIMenuItem subclass. | |
177 | @steipete/UIKitDebugging | A set of files that enables various debug flags in UIKit | |
177 | @steipete/PSiOSAppTemplate | iOS Application Template with JSON-Parsing, AutoUpdating, CrashReporter+Sender, Statistics, custom Logging, Localization and all those little things already set up, ready for you to make awesome stuff! | |
140 | @steipete/PSAlertView | Modern block-based wrappers for UIAlertView and UIActionSheet. | |
133 | @anka/bw_examples | Examples of JadeMind's Blog | |
131 | @phranck/CNGridView | CNGridView is a (wanna be) replacement for NSCollectionView. It has full delegate and dataSource support with method calls like known from NSTableView/UITableView. | |
129 | @eternalstorms/ESSVideoShare-for-OS… | A framework for OS X Lion (and later) and iOS to implement publishing videos to YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook and Flickr with ease | |
123 | @phranck/CNSplitView | CNSplitView is an feature enhanced derivative of NSSplitView. It has support for sticky top or bottom toolbars for each of its subviews. | |
100 | @phranck/CNUserNotification | CNUserNotification is a kind of proxy to give OS X Lion 10.7 „the same‟ support for user notifications like OS X Mountain Lion 10.8 does. Benefits are also a bit more flexibility since you are able to define a custom banner image or variable dismiss delay times. | |
97 | @alexleutgoeb/ALToastView | Android-like toast messages for iOS | |
92 | @lmirosevic/GBPing | Highly accurate ICMP Ping controller for iOS | |
92 | @steipete/PSStoreButton | UIButton that is styled like iPhone's AppStore-Button. No Images used! | |
80 | @alexleutgoeb/ALPickerView | Multiple row selection in UIPickerView | |
78 | @ericjohnson/twitter-xauth | A simple twitter client that allows you to authorize with xauth, and post status updates | |
70 | @westbaer/FMEngine | Objective-C Framework for the last.fm API | |
67 | @phranck/CCNPreferencesWindow… | CCNPreferencesWindowController is an Objective-C subclass of NSWindowController that automatically manages your custom view controllers for handling app preferences. | |
66 | @steipete/PSTCenteredScrollVie… | Shows off different ways to center content in a UIScrollView. | |
65 | @mmackh/PCRapidSelectionView | Interactive, beautiful & fast UIActionSheet replacement, supports continuous hold & select | |
64 | @m2mtech/matchismo-2013-14 | Playing Card Game from cs193p | |
63 | @phranck/CNBaseView | CNBaseView is a subclass of NSView that can show an icon and/or a text message if it has no subviews. Both, the icon and the message text are optional. If you keep it empty CNBaseView acts as a normal NSView. | |
60 | @phranck/CNBackstageControlle… | CNBackstageController is an derivative of NSWindowController and a special impelementation to show you the content you would like to see. It mimics the behavior you’ve just seen in Notification Center (the Slide-In effect) of Mountain Lion. | |
56 | @eternalstorms/NSView-ESSViewCatego… | a category on NSView that simplifies zoom-transitioning between two NSViews | |
50 | @steipete/iOS6-Runtime-Headers | 6.0 (GM) | |
42 | @soberman/ARSPopover | Universal popover for iPhone and iPad. | |
41 | @eternalstorms/ESSSquareProgressInd… | a rectangular (square), indeterminate progress indicator for iOS and OS X | |
31 | @m2mtech/Matchismo | Playing Card Game from cs193p | |
30 | @mobfox/MobFox-iOS-SDK | MobFox iOS SDK supporting Banner Ads, Video Ads, and Native Ads | |
29 | @lmirosevic/GBToolbox | Goonbee's iOS development toolbox | |
28 | @lukele/GPGMail-SL | This repository is outdated and will be discontinued. For latest code and information check: http://github.com/GPGTools/GPGMail | |
27 | @scheinem/MSCTimeSpanPicker | UIDatePicker styled Picker for selecting time spans | |
25 | @steipete/PSTFoundationBenchma… | Foundation Collection Classes Benchmarks | |
24 | @odrobnik/Cocoanetics-Benchmar… | Collection of Image Decompression Benchmarks | |
24 | @alexleutgoeb/toodledo-objc | A toodledo-API implementation in Objective-C | |
23 | @lemonmojo/IconComposer2x | Icon Composer 2x is a replacement for Apple's Icon Composer that supports Retina Resolution Icons. | |
22 | @lemonmojo/LMAlertPopover | LMAlertPopover provides a simple API for showing an NSAlert as Popover (NSPopover). | |
20 | @mmackh/PCSplitView | Super powerful layout for iOS, simplified. | |
20 | @alexleutgoeb/WellDone | GTD-Client for Mac OS X (project work, Vienna UT) | |
18 | @lmirosevic/GBStorage | Simple iOS and Mac OS X persistence layer with in-memory caching, optional persistence, pre-loading, namespacing and a sweet syntax. | |
18 | @lmirosevic/GBAnalytics | Abstracts away different analytics networks and provides a unified simple interface | |
17 | @lmirosevic/GBCardStack | iOS UI paradigm for a stack of sliding cards. Used in VLC iRemote | |
16 | @anka/JMTimerBeam | A decent timer beam displayed on top of your OSX screen. | |
15 | @phranck/CCNNavigationControl… | An Mac OS X Navigation Controller that acts mostly like the counter part on iOS - UINavigationController. | |
15 | @phranck/CCNLaunchAtLoginItem | An Objective-C class that encapsulates the functionality for launching a Mac application automatic on login, presented in a very simple interface. | |
13 | @odrobnik/DTRichTextEditorDemo | Demo for DTRichTextEditor.framework | |
13 | @lemonmojo/StartupDisk | StartupDisk is a little menu bar application for OS X that let's you quickly change the current startup disk. | |
13 | @brutella/nsuserdefaults-macro… | Some handy NSUserDefaults macros/functions | |
12 | @yinkou/OBaconView | Animated hovering-views-view with datasource/delegate like a tableView | |
12 | @m2mtech/photomania-2013-14 | photomania demo from cs193p | |
11 | @ericjohnson/textureAtlas | textureAtlas code used to generate the texture atlases in the Canabalt iOS port | |
11 | @lmirosevic/GBLaunchCounter | Count how many times your iOS or Mac OS X app has been launched, and optionally register blocks for when a certain number of launches has occurred. | |
9 | @lukele/iCal-Classic-Page-Fl… | Plugin which disables the Lion style page flip animation in iCal | |
8 | @mmackh/Broadcast.io | Demo Node.js + iOS app that is entirly based on MessagesTableViewController & socket.IO-objc | |
8 | @eternalstorms/ESSImageCategory | Category on NSImage to write NSImages to disk in other formats than TIFF | |
7 | @eternalstorms/NSBeginAlertSheet-us… | instead of traditional @selector callbacks, this uses blocks | |
7 | @lmirosevic/GBHUD | Lightweight HUD (heads up display) for quick transient modals in iOS & OSX apps | |
7 | @lmirosevic/GBLocation | Wrapper facade for simplifying the Core Motion APIs and exposing a blocks based interface. | |
7 | @lemonmojo/RoyalTSX_Public | Public Source Code of Royal TSX V1 | |
7 | @lmirosevic/GBLoading | An elegant, lightweight & most importantly robust asynchronous resource loading library for iOS. | |
7 | @lmirosevic/GBFeatureManager | Simple iOS and Mac OS X feature manager for unlocking functionality (e.g. for IAP purchases). | |
7 | @brutella/Axt | A forgiving HTML SAX Parser for iOS | |
6 | @phranck/CCNXML | Simple basic handling of XML files for both reading and manual creation in Objective-C. | |
6 | @lemonmojo/WKWebView-Screenshot | WKWebView+Screenshot provides simple methods that use private(!) APIs of the WebKit framework to capture a screenshot of a WKWebView running on OS X. | |
6 | @lmirosevic/GBMotion | Utility library for helping with motion detection, such as orientation, etc. | |
5 | @lemonmojo/LanguageMenu | LanguageMenu is a little menu bar application for OS X that let's the user change the current system language. | |
5 | @lemonmojo/LMComboBox | LMComboBox is a subclass of NSComboBox that provides an easy way to access the underlying NSTableViewDelegate, allowing you to make customizations to the drawing of the items in the NSComboBox. | |
5 | @soberman/ARSSlideTransition | Custom slide view controller transition animation. | |
5 | @mmackh/MStaff | 3rd Party WhenIWork.com iOS Client app with multiple account support built for Hotel Marietta, Obertauern | |
5 | @lmirosevic/GBStickyViews | Allows you to anchor a view onto another view, even if they're across view hierarchies and coordinate spaces. | |
5 | @scheinem/MSCPDFReader | Drop-In PDF viewer for iOS | |
4 | @westbaer/Recapable | GSCapability-Editor for iPhone/iPod touch/iPad. | |
4 | @soberman/URLQueryBuilder | Handy NSURL category, that make URL creation easy and fast. | |
4 | @m2mtech/attributor | Atributor Demo from cs193p | |
4 | @lmirosevic/LiveDepot | A library for simple file downloading and inventory management for iOS. Including background transfers, mirrors, thumbnails, proper timeouts, persistent deferred retrying, reachability integration, and an elegant blocks based API. It's NSURLSession for download tasks, on lean steroids. | |
4 | @odrobnik/WWDCSessions | A small tool for Mac OS X that checks if the WWDC session videos of the current year are available | |
4 | @m2mtech/SPoT | SPoT from cs193p | |
3 | @scheinem/iOSAppTemplate | App Template for iOS | |
3 | @mmackh/MMFatPipe | Image Resize + Asynchronous Upload | |
3 | @lmirosevic/GBLittleNotification | Little library for showing in-app popups (e.g. for showing push notifications while the app is open, or notifying the user of transient event). Supports fully customisable animations, styling and interactions. | |
3 | @westbaer/KissXML | GitHub mirror of KissXML | |
3 | @eternalstorms/NSProgressIndicator-… | animate a determinate progress indicator's doubleValue | |
3 | @mobfox/MobFox-iOS-SDK-Core-… | ||
3 | @lmirosevic/GBPingDemo | Demo project for GBPing | |
3 | @tailoredapps/ChartThatThing | Example Prjoect containing diagrams (customized for barPlots) | |
3 | @lemonmojo/NSDocumentSingleWind… | A testbed for the NSDocument framework in a single Window Controller | |
3 | @lmirosevic/GBFancyCamera | A blocks based class for taking pictures from the camera or camera roll, with preview and filters. Supports fully customising the UI as well as custom filters. | |
3 | @gotschi/iphone2websocket | iphone controlled gaming via websockets | |
2 | @m2mtech/topregions | TopRegions Assignment from cs193p | |
2 | @m2mtech/Photomania | Photomania from cs193p | |
2 | @odrobnik/Julia-lernt-iOS | Source Code for tutorials on www.julialerntios.com | |
2 | @westbaer/QuickShottr-Toggle | SBSettings toggle for QuickShottr | |
2 | @tailoredapps/iLogMyNight | ||
2 | @lmirosevic/GBLaunchAtLogin | Add your app as a login item on Mac OS X | |
2 | @lmirosevic/GBRetractableTabBar | iOS Control for a retractable tab bar that supports full customisation in terms of sizing, behaviour, and custom views. | |
2 | @lmirosevic/GBCloudBoxClient | GBCloudBox is a framework for over-the-air, asynchronous, in-the-background, resource syncing between iOS or Mac OS X apps and a server. | |
2 | @m2mtech/topplaces-2013-14 | Flickr Photo Viewer from cs193p |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
20 | @szbalint/WWW--Curl | Perl binding for libcurl | |
15 | @mtw/Bio-ViennaNGS | A Perl extension and collection of utilities for Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) data analysis | |
9 | @base64tokyo/stocks | Lightweight demo app to aggregate, store, serve & visualize data using Web::Machine, PSGI, D3.js, bower, App::Cmd, DBIC etc. | |
5 | @base64tokyo/pathed | munge the Bash PATH environment variable | |
5 | @TheFox/blackbox | Create and manage AES256 encrypted loop devices (.img files) under Linux. | |
4 | @TheFox/polymorphic | A polymorphic perl script. | |
4 | @fhelmberger/Plack-Middleware-Fir… | Plack Middleware for FirePHP::Dispatcher | |
4 | @TheFox/dlc2txt | Decrypt .dlc files. Containers sucks. Really! | |
4 | @abraxxa/DBICx-Generator-ExtJ… | DBICx::Generator::ExtJS::Model | |
3 | @base64tokyo/dip | Dynamic instrumentation like DTrace, using aspects | |
2 | @leyrer/Cryptogram2Kindle | Cryptogram2Kindle is a small script I wrote to send Bruce Schneiers Crypto-Gram Newsletter to my Kindle for easier reading | |
2 | @abraxxa/SQL-Translator-Produ… | SQL::Translator::Producer for creating ExtJS model classes | |
2 | @fhelmberger/Class-Value-Net | Network-related value objects | |
2 | @fhelmberger/Data-Storage | Base class for storages | |
2 | @ofalk/Nagios | Nagios plugins and scripts | |
2 | @ofalk/Scripts | Script for this and that | |
2 | @poettler-ric/scripts | Some little helpers I wrote | |
2 | @base64tokyo/App-perlfind | A more knowledgeable perldoc | |
2 | @base64tokyo/App-Benchmark | ||
2 | @gonter/docu-tools | collection of tools to process documentation items in various formats | |
2 | @base64tokyo/CatalystX-Crudite | Framework for Catalyst-based CMS Web Applications |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
198 | @webmozart/json | A robust JSON decoder/encoder with support for schema validation. | |
172 | @webmozart/console | A usable, beautiful and easily testable console toolkit written in PHP. | |
170 | @webmozart/expression | Implementation of the Specification pattern and logical expressions for PHP. | |
121 | @CHH/pipe | Put your assets into the pipe and smoke them. | |
104 | @webmozart/standalone-forms | ||
92 | @CHH/bob | Hi I'm Bob! I'm a tiny and messy build tool for PHP projects | |
92 | @webmozart/path-util | A robust cross-platform utility for normalizing, comparing and modifying file paths. | |
79 | @webmozart/glob | A PHP implementation of Ant's glob. | |
77 | @webmozart/key-value-store | A key-value store API with implementations for different backends. | |
73 | @webmozart/assert | Assertions to validate method input/output with nice error messages. | |
33 | @CHH/sirel | Builder and Dumper for SQL Abstract Syntax Trees | |
26 | @webmozart/lime | A usable testing framework for PHP 5.2+ (in Alpha stages) | |
25 | @daschl/li3_rest | This library adds the ability to define resources in a more convenient way. | |
22 | @CHH/cache-service-provid… | A Cache Service Provider for Silex, using the doctrine/cache package | |
22 | @CHH/jazz | Turns nested arrays into HTML. | |
20 | @CHH/frozen-silex | Proof of concept, Converts your Silex Application to a static site. | |
19 | @webmozart/php-scoper | PHP-Scoper prefixes all PHP namespaces in a file/directory. | |
19 | @daschl/li3_fixtures | Fixtures for the Lithium framework. | |
15 | @CHH/stack-honeypot | Inserts a trap for spam bots into responses. | |
15 | @webmozart/symfony-admin-sandbo… | ||
15 | @patschi/serverdashboard | A dashboard with overview of your server. | |
14 | @CHH/optparse | Another Command Line Argument Parser | |
13 | @CHH/kue | Generic interface to job queues for PHP projects. | |
12 | @patschi/uploaded.net-direct-… | Website to download files with a premium account over a simple website. Premium account needed. | |
11 | @nilsding/justask-old | justask - something like formspring but only single user | |
10 | @CHH/SimplePhar | [UNMAINTAINED] Compiles your Project to a PHAR (PHP Archive) | |
9 | @CHH/commander | Easy calling of system commands for PHP. | |
9 | @CHH/pod | a simple web server interface for PHP web apps, inspired by Rack. | |
8 | @mzeis/Emzee_Dev | Provides a handy object inspection method for Magento developers. | |
7 | @CHH/itertools | Give iterator operations some love. | |
7 | @mzeis/Magento-SOAP-v2-WS-I… | Some examples on how to use the Magento SOAP v2 API with WS-I mode enabled. | |
7 | @mzeis/Emzee_MultipleSetupV… | A proof of concept how to use different version numbers for multiple setup resources in one Magento extension. | |
6 | @PeterTheOne/letterboxd-watchlist… | grabs letterboxd watchlist and turns it into a rss feed of torrent magnet links. | |
6 | @mzeis/Emzee_ExampleExtensi… | An example on how to the configure the very basics of a Magento extension. | |
6 | @daschl/li3_server | Lithium server boot script for PHP 5.4 | |
6 | @florianeckerstorfer/csvexcel | CSV↔︎Excel Converter | |
6 | @Slemgrim/spritePacker | SpritePacker is a PHP tool to create sprite atlases automatically from an existing image folder. | |
6 | @bibstha/NepaliNewsPdfGenerat… | News Downloader | |
6 | @bibstha/nepali-merchant-api | Standard interface for all nepali payment apis | |
6 | @nilsding/helpers | Reusable methods. | |
5 | @CHH/pipe-silex | Pipe Extension for Silex | |
5 | @mzeis/Emzee_FixtureExport | Export Magento data as EcomDev_PHPUnit fixtures. | |
5 | @bibstha/NepaliDateApi | Nepali Date Api | |
5 | @florianeckerstorfer/statusboard | Widgets for StatusBoard by Panic | |
4 | @CHH/phin | A simple HTTP Server which connects to applications through a Rack-like Protocol | |
4 | @CHH/spark-http-utils | MOVED: Utilities for stacking and composing applications implementing HttpKernelInterface | |
4 | @CHH/httpfetch | A library for simple HTTP requests (using RingPHP) | |
4 | @CHH/Simple-CMS | [UNMAINTAINED] A very simple CMS, just put text files in the pages directory and you're off to go! (no Database required, depends on Zend Framework and Spark Web Framework) | |
4 | @LeoUnglaub/contao_memberlist | Memberlist extension | |
4 | @florianeckerstorfer/alfred-iterm2-tabs | Use Alfred to switch iTerm2 tabs | |
3 | @CHH/Spark-Web-Framework | [DEAD] A simple Framework extending the Zend Framework. | |
3 | @PeterTheOne/fingerprint-tweet | Finds PGP Fingerprints on Twitter | |
3 | @CHH/eventor | A sane interface to PHP's libevent extension. | |
3 | @CHH/einhorn | A simple utility belt for using PHP with Einhorn. | |
3 | @CHH/meta-template | Templating solution with adapters to many engines. | |
2 | @mzeis/Emzee_ExampleCustome… | Example code how to remove and add links in the Magento customer account navigation menu. | |
2 | @florianeckerstorfer/Snaphe | A PHP library to extract data from web sites. | |
2 | @nilsding/waschi | A little network game over the whole webservers! | |
2 | @florianeckerstorfer/passwordplease-php | Password, Please! generates secure passwords in PHP. You can use it as a command line application or as a library in your code. | |
2 | @LeoUnglaub/contao_PHPExcel | ||
2 | @LeoUnglaub/contao_member_status… | ||
2 | @florianeckerstorfer/alfred-fillerama | Alfred workflow to generate filler text using quotes from Futurama, The Simpsons, Monty Python, Arrested Development, Dexter, Doctor Who and Star Wars. | |
2 | @florianeckerstorfer/shrt.at | Self-hosting URL shortener and file hosting. | |
2 | @florianeckerstorfer/popclipextensions | Florians extensions for Popclip | |
2 | @CHH/Spark2 | [UNMAINTAINED] Eine DSL für PHP Web-Applikationen | |
2 | @CHH/funk | Minimal functional programming library for PHP | |
2 | @Slemgrim/web-wake-server | WebWake is a web interface for wake-on-lan based on php | |
2 | @CHH/Concatenator.php | [UNMAINTAINED] A simple port of Sprockets (https://github.com/sstephenson/sprocket… to PHP | |
2 | @xhezairi/chyrp-modules | Modules for Chyrp | |
2 | @CHH/ooio | Object oriented IO for PHP. | |
2 | @xhezairi/akismet-wolf | Akismet Plugin for Wolf CMS | |
2 | @thasmo/php.honeypot-blackli… | A simple PHP library for querying the Project Honeypot Http:BL API. | |
2 | @CHH/weblife1auth | [UNMAINTAINED] Weblife1Auth provides an adapter for Zend_Auth for log on to the Weblife1 API |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
1278 | @mitsuhiko/flask-sqlalchemy | Adds SQLAlchemy support to Flask | |
957 | @jrief/django-angular | Let AngularJS play well with Django | |
737 | @mitsuhiko/pipsi | pip script installer | |
502 | @jrief/django-websocket-red… | Websockets for Django applications using Redis as message queue | |
418 | @mitsuhiko/flask-oauth | OAuth Support for Flask | |
412 | @mitsuhiko/python-modernize | Modernizes Python code for eventual Python 3 migration. Build on top of 2to3 | |
385 | @mitsuhiko/pluginbase | A simple but flexible plugin system for Python. | |
360 | @metachris/pdfx | Extract references (pdf, url, doi, arxiv) and metadata from a PDF; optionally download all referenced PDFs | |
273 | @mitsuhiko/classy | A classy JavaScript class library | |
260 | @mitsuhiko/platter | A useful helper for wheel deployments. | |
257 | @thp/urlwatch | A tool for monitoring webpages for updates | |
223 | @mitsuhiko/unp | Unpacks things. | |
197 | @mitsuhiko/rstblog | NIH site generator | |
195 | @mitsuhiko/flask-pastebin | Example pastebin with websockets, sqlalchemy, facebook connect and a bunch of other buzzwords | |
191 | @mitsuhiko/python-geoip | GeoIP database access for Python under a BSD license. | |
181 | @mitsuhiko/python-regex-scanner | Demo of how to use the underlying SRE engine to build a regex scanner | |
178 | @mitsuhiko/python-unio | Unbreaks Unicode on Python | |
151 | @mitsuhiko/flask-openid | Flask-OpenID adds openid support to flask applications | |
140 | @stefankoegl/python-json-patch | Applying JSON Patches in Python 2.6+ and 3.x | |
123 | @mitsuhiko/python-pbkdf2 | Because pbkdf2 is awesome and bcrypt is overkill | |
113 | @mitsuhiko/jinja2-htmlcompress | Compresses HTML in Jinja2 streams | |
87 | @billdawson/ti_coffee_plugin | (ABANDONED) A build-time CoffeeScript compiler plugin for Titanium build scripts | |
82 | @jrief/djangocms-cascade | Collection of plugins for DjangoCMS to work on a subset of the DOM inside placeholders | |
77 | @mitsuhiko/jsonjinja | A Jinja2 inspired templating language for rendering JSON data on the server and client. | |
70 | @mitsuhiko/unicode-nazi | Annoying helper module that finds unicode/bytestring comparisions | |
68 | @mitsuhiko/bf3-aggregator | Sourcecode for the bf3 developer news aggregator. | |
68 | @untitaker/python-atomicwrites | Powerful Python library for atomic file writes. | |
67 | @stefankoegl/kdtree | A Python implementation of a kd-tree | |
64 | @mitsuhiko/phpserialize | A PHP serializer implementation for Python | |
63 | @mitsuhiko/solace | Non-plurk fork of Solace. Might eventually be merged back. Solace is a Stackoverflow inspired platform. | |
62 | @mitsuhiko/templatetk | My GSOC Project for Template Compilation | |
60 | @sebix/python-textile | Please see textile/python-textile at | |
56 | @mitsuhiko/badideas | Examples from my europython talk | |
50 | @mitsuhiko/speaklater | Lazy strings for Python | |
45 | @mitsuhiko/probe | Probes remote websites | |
44 | @mitsuhiko/fungiform | A form library for Python based on Zine's form system. | |
43 | @stefankoegl/python-json-pointer | Resolve JSON Pointers in Python | |
42 | @mitsuhiko/flask-feedback | ||
41 | @mitsuhiko/sqlalchemy-django-qu… | A Django like query object for SQLAlchemy | |
38 | @nzjrs/facebook-notify | Facebook notification monitor for GNOME | |
37 | @jrief/django-sass-processo… | SASS processor to compile SCSS files into *.css, while rendering, or offline. | |
31 | @mitsuhiko/zine | A blog | |
31 | @pebbie/pebahasa | natural language processing web service hosted in google appengine using bottlepy | |
31 | @originell/pycloudapp | A wrapper around CloudApp API | |
30 | @metachris/py2app | Fork of the original py2app from https://bitbucket.org/ronaldoussoren/py2… | |
30 | @mitsuhiko/cli-tools | Command line utilities | |
24 | @originell/sorl-watermark | Image based watermarks for sorl-thumbnail | |
22 | @nzjrs/gnome-tweak-tool | GNOME Tweak Tool - Customize GNOME3 and GNOME Shell Settings | |
22 | @metachris/raspberrypi-utils | Collection of utilities for the Raspberry Pi | |
20 | @mfussenegger/tornado-template | Tornado template with Jinja2 and Sqlalchemy | |
20 | @billdawson/tidevtools | (ABANDONED) Small tools useful for those of us pounding away on titanium everyday | |
16 | @nzjrs/wasp | Wasp UAV | |
15 | @metachris/feedmailer | RSS to Email Webapp (Python, AppEngine) | |
15 | @jensens/pyramid-gae-tutorial | Pyramid on Google’s App Engine (the easy way using buildout) | |
14 | @natano/python-git-orm | Git Object-Relational Mapper | |
12 | @natano/presentation | DouF00 - fat free presentations | |
10 | @originell/django-kittenstorage | Django Storage Engine which returns images of kittens if files could not be found. | |
10 | @untitaker/python-webuntis | UNMAINTAINED -- Bindings for WebUntis | |
9 | @metachris/django-boilerplate | Django Boilerplate | |
8 | @untitaker/watdo | ABANDONED -- A task-manager for the command line. | |
8 | @thp/minidb | A simple SQLite3 store for Python objects | |
7 | @fabiant7t/django-oida | A set of tools to execute parts of your code only if a specified application is installed. | |
7 | @jrief/django-nodebow | Just initialized | |
7 | @natano/python-entropy | Fast entropy calculation | |
6 | @metachris/raspberrypi-django | Raspberry Pi Django Setup | |
6 | @metachris/wpscanner | Wordpress security scanner written in Python | |
6 | @originell/django-tagging-autoc… | A fork of django-tagging-autocomplete by Ludwik Trammer | |
6 | @nzjrs/pygtk | ||
5 | @originell/simpleblog | a simple blog engine created with django | |
4 | @natano/tiget | The Git Ticket Tracker | |
4 | @metachris/python-posix-daemon | Simple and efficient Python daemon framework based on Sander Marechal's code. | |
4 | @dobe/ep2014tutorial | ||
4 | @omnidan/iForceBot | [DISCONTINUED] If you want to work on it, feel free to fork and start working. An IRC bot with much power and easy-to-code modules! Daniel0108 only maintains the framework and his plugins. The plugin downloader and repository are not official, nor maintained by him. | |
4 | @metachris/binary-serializer | Minimalistic binary serialization protocol (a la protocol buffers) with Python and Java implementations. | |
4 | @mfussenegger/pypsh | remotely execute commands in parallel with ssh on hostnames that match a regex. | |
4 | @nzjrs/libserial | Utility Python module for working with serial ports | |
4 | @jrief/django-shop-productv… | ||
4 | @originell/sysinfo | hardware and software information collector for linux | |
4 | @jrief/django-shop-ipayment | A django-SHOP payment backend for IPayment (https://ipayment.de/) | |
4 | @jensens/obnam | Fork of http://liw.fi/obnam/ in order to make it pypi releaseable. | |
4 | @nzjrs/ienabler | Internet Enabler Clone for University of Canterbury | |
4 | @nzjrs/pygobject | ||
3 | @originell/supppl | supplierplan.at parse library | |
3 | @d2m/plonetheme.zopeorg | plonetheme.zopeorg is the theme for the 2011 www.zope.org relaunch. | |
3 | @untitaker/uberspace-deploy-scr… | Some deployment scripts for uberspace.de | |
3 | @thet/buildout-base | buildout base config files | |
3 | @omnidan/python-latex | 🎓 Python modules for LaTeX parsing and management | |
3 | @nzjrs/gnome-development-mo… | Collects activity statistics from GNOME SVN commits | |
3 | @originell/thrift | Fork of thrift 0.8.0 with unicode patches applied | |
3 | @nzjrs/conduit | Mirror of GNOME Conduit git repo | |
2 | @thet/elevate.cynin.fixes | Cynin fixes for elevate | |
2 | @jensens/newpermission | Example Code showing how to create new role and permission in Plone and related Problems. | |
2 | @jensens/collective.recipe.ap… | Appengine Recipe for Buildout | |
2 | @jrief/django-shop-wishlist… | Wishlists plugin for django-shop | |
2 | @mfussenegger/docker-tornado-crate… | Simple demo showing how to run a python web app inside a docker container with a linked crate container | |
2 | @jrief/cmsplugin-text-wrapp… | A cms plugin which extends and replaces the text plugin shipped with django-cms with simple wrapper functionalities. | |
2 | @pebbie/pylibsvm | python port of libSVM (v3.10) which is converted from Java version and refactored | |
2 | @pebbie/autotome | AutoToMe: RDF Conversion Mapping Language from multiple data source (CSV, JSON, Web API) and a reference implementation in Linked Widget | |
2 | @d2m/plonetheme.iaem | plone4 theme for the iaem.at website | |
2 | @d2m/iaem.buildout | buildout for the new iaem website | |
2 | @originell/django-dogstorage | Django Storage Engine which returns images of dogs if files could not be found. | |
2 | @untitaker/pytest-subtesthack | A hack to explicitly set up and tear down fixtures. | |
2 | @metachris/photoblog | ||
2 | @jrief/djangocms-bootstrap3 | ||
2 | @metachris/androidsnippets.com | Rewrite of androidsnippets.com for relaunch | |
2 | @thet/helsinki.buildout.pr… | helsinki buildout for django programmverwaltung | |
2 | @stefankoegl/python-couchdb-examp… | Example application for Python-CouchDB trainings | |
2 | @thet/programmatic.transmo… | Transmogrifier Pipeline and Blueprint for programmatic | |
2 | @stefankoegl/django-registration-… | A fork of django-registration based on django-couchdb-utils | |
2 | @thet/thet.helsinki.projec… | project content type for radio helsinki | |
2 | @metachris/GridGrouper | Group similar members close to each other in a grid | |
2 | @natano/passta | simple password manager | |
2 | @haraldschilly/panobbgo | solver for parallel noisy global black-box optimization -- this is currently only work in progress | |
2 | @originell/reftral | API for translating via translate.reference.com | |
2 | @nzjrs/python-gtk-windows-d… | ||
2 | @chassing/SublimeText2-Setting… | My SublimeText2 User Settings | |
2 | @chassing/drawupme | drawup.me | |
2 | @nzjrs/electools | Old PyGTK Utils - Serial Port Terminal, Abandoned Arduino IDE, etc. | |
2 | @pprett/sketchd | Twisted server to sketch data streams | |
2 | @thet/elevate.cynin.buildo… | elevate cynin buildout |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
8 | @zozlak/ZPD | ||
6 | @rhochreiter/financeR | Financial Engineering with R | |
5 | @rhochreiter/modopt.matlab | Modeling Optimization Problems with R - MatLab(R) compatibility functions | |
2 | @zozlak/useR2015 |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
924 | @gettalong/kramdown | kramdown is a fast, pure Ruby Markdown superset converter, using a strict syntax definition and supporting several common extensions. | |
510 | @bradphelan/jasminerice | Pain free coffeescript testing under Rails 3.1 | |
257 | @clemens/delocalize | Date/time and number parsing for Rails. | |
244 | @clemens/later_dude | LaterDude is a small calendar helper with i18n support. | |
202 | @sudara/sometimes | Little hacks n' helpers to make your code more fun and unpredictable. | |
173 | @sudara/alonetone | The kick ass, open source, non-commercial home for musicians and their music | |
152 | @bradphelan/rocket_tag | modern high performance tagging library for Rails 3.1 + | |
117 | @inukshuk/bibtex-ruby | A BibTeX library, parser, and converter for Ruby. | |
117 | @MSch/devise-twitter | Easy twitter integration for devise | |
91 | @gettalong/webgen | webgen is a fast, powerful and extensible static website generator | |
81 | @inukshuk/anystyle-parser | fast and smart citation reference parsing | |
78 | @clemens/i18n_demo_app | Demo application to show Rails' new i18n features | |
76 | @iboard/CBA | Community Base Application Template | |
69 | @cypher/git-ruby-syntax-chec… | Checks the syntax of all changed ruby files is valid before allowing a commit | |
66 | @clemens/localized_dates | Date and Time localization based on Rails' i18n functionalities | |
56 | @snusnu/dm-accepts_nested_at… | A DataMapper plugin that allows nested model assignment like activerecord. | |
54 | @inukshuk/citeproc-ruby | A Citation Style Language (CSL) Cite Processor | |
51 | @pferdefleisch/vagrant-or-chef-solo… | My base cookbook with Vagrantfile and chef-solo single server bootstrap | |
50 | @pferdefleisch/capistrano-recipes | Clone and deploy. Deployment made incredibly simple with capistrano. Recipes for many popular infrastructure gems. | |
50 | @bastilian/middleman-thumbnaile… | Thumbnailer for middleman | |
41 | @ream88/hisrc-rails | DEPRECATION NOTICE: This gem is deprecated. | |
40 | @snusnu/procto | Turns your ruby object into a method object | |
38 | @cypher/thor-git | A port of sake-git to Thor. A set of Thor tasks to make developing with Git easier. | |
33 | @eregon/app2engine | Ease the conversion of a Rails 3 app in an Engine | |
32 | @snusnu/substation | Implement application boundary interfaces with a chain of responsibility | |
29 | @ream88/simple_postmark | A simple way to use Postmark™ with your Rails app. | |
29 | @MSch/activemodel-form | ||
27 | @eregon/path | a Path manipulation library | |
25 | @snusnu/datamapper_on_rails3 | Very simple sample application that shows how to get datamapper up and running with rails master branch aka rails3. Have a look at the README for more information on how to setup your rails3 app for datamapper. | |
24 | @MSch/handlebars-ruby | handlebars.js port to ruby | |
23 | @snusnu/rails-templates | A collection of rails3 application templates for datamapper. | |
22 | @Raven24/diaspora-federation | ||
22 | @clemenshelm/metybur | DDP client for Ruby to connect to Meteor apps. | |
22 | @pferdefleisch/guard-sprockets | guard helper for sprockets javascript packaging library | |
18 | @snusnu/lupo | Includes Enumerable and provides an #each method for ruby objects | |
18 | @bastilian/atom-packages.direct… | Source Code to build http://atom-packages.directory | |
18 | @bastilian/wunderlist-cli | A Wunderlist command-line interface | |
17 | @eregon/suby | Subtitles' downloader | |
16 | @inukshuk/edtf-ruby | Extended Date/Time Format implementation for Ruby | |
15 | @ream88/mongoid-versioning | Versioned Documents for Mongoid 4+ | |
15 | @snusnu/alfred | Alfred the friendly IRC butler, gladly powering alfred.datamapper.org | |
13 | @kathaka/fairytale | Wir schreiben Geschichte(n). | |
13 | @iboard/userbase | A Rails3 starting point application with User, Posting, Episode, Comments. Uses: devise, cancan, omniauth, cucumber | |
13 | @snusnu/dm-is-commentable | A DataMapper plugin that adds the ability to comment any model. | |
12 | @snusnu/dm-reflection | DataMapper plugin that will allow to generate models source files from existing relational databases. | |
11 | @inukshuk/latex-decode | Converts LaTeX to Unicode | |
11 | @snusnu/dm-is-localizable | Datamapper support for localization of content in multilanguage applications | |
10 | @snusnu/dm-is-protectable | A DataMapper plugin that allows to protect property assignment. | |
10 | @snusnu/trxl | A specced little language written with ruby and treetop. It has lambdas, recursion, conditionals, arrays, hashes, ranges, strings, arithmetics and some other stuff. It even has a small code import facility. | |
9 | @snusnu/dm-is-rateable | Add the possibility to rate any DataMapper::Resource by remixing a Rating module | |
9 | @inukshuk/csl-ruby | Citation Style Language (CSL) API for Ruby | |
9 | @sudara/soundmanager2-rails | Easy way to get soundmanager2 as a dep in your rails app | |
9 | @pferdefleisch/guard-uglify | A guard library for uglifyjs javascript file compression (through the uglifier gem) | |
9 | @oneup/Puit | starting cute-wars from scratch (ruby based game) | |
8 | @ream88/mongoid-tags | Simple Mongoid tagging system with boolean search | |
8 | @snusnu/dm-snippets | Collection of otherwise totally unrelated datamapper code snippets - Want commit access? Just send me a message | |
8 | @ream88/mini_calendar | CSS only calendar | |
8 | @cypher/utilitybelt | IRB extenions for Power Users | |
7 | @snusnu/cookie | An HTTP Cookie implemented in ruby | |
7 | @clemenshelm/haml-i18n | Easy translation of haml templates. | |
7 | @cypher/long_url | A small wrapper for the Long URL Please API | |
7 | @iboard/wat | Web Application Template | |
7 | @snusnu/testor | Automated testing of multiple gems against multiple rubies using bundler, rvm and git(hub) | |
7 | @snusnu/dm-is-self_referenti… | A datamapper plugin that allows declarative specification of self referential m:m relationships. | |
7 | @gettalong/cmdparse | Advanced command line parser supporting nested commands | |
7 | @sudara/pretty-text | Rails plugin that does one thing: gives you a view helper to generate "pretty text" via rmagick | |
6 | @snusnu/subway | substation on rack | |
6 | @oneup/ruby-console | console color fun | |
6 | @sudara/lepilo-rails | Lepilo CMS for rails | |
6 | @bradphelan/Active-Illusion | Create read only models backed by queries not by tables | |
6 | @clemens/weebo | Define Google Analytics Content Experiments with ease. | |
6 | @snusnu/dm-is-remixable | A rewrite of dm-is-remixable that tries to feel more dm'ish and adds desired behavior | |
6 | @snusnu/merb_resource_contro… | A Merb plugin that provides the default RESTful CRUD actions for resource controllers. | |
6 | @snusnu/ramom | relational algebra meets object mapping | |
5 | @MSch/threadlocal | ||
5 | @pferdefleisch/ansible_utils | Playbook and role scaffold generator for ansible http://www.ansibleworks.com/docs/ | |
5 | @iboard/iboard | RAILS CMS and Blog Engine, see the WIKI or http://iboard.cc | |
5 | @ream88/mongoid-paranoia | Paranoid Documents for Mongoid 4+ | |
5 | @snusnu/testor-server | Distributed CI for DataMapper | |
5 | @clemens/steam-demo | Demo application for steam (http://github.com/svenfuchs/steam) | |
5 | @andreashappe/spree-mpay24 | Spree integration for Mpay24.at payment gateway | |
5 | @snusnu/meterdata-core | ||
4 | @cypher/ruby-select | TODO | |
4 | @eregon/Classes | Some Ruby classes which might be useful | |
4 | @bastilian/fluxapi | Ruby Fluxiom API wrapper | |
4 | @snusnu/mom | morpher object mapper | |
4 | @ream88/mongoid-undo | Super simple undo for your Mongoid app | |
4 | @iboard/progress_upload_fiel… | A Gem for HTML5 upload progress bars with Rails 3.1 and jQuery | |
3 | @bjelline/web-engineering-text… | Backend for http://web-engineering.github.com | |
3 | @clemens/i18n-cascading-backe… | Cascading Backend for Ruby/Rails i18n | |
3 | @snusnu/axiom-schema | A logical schema of axiom relations that can span multiple databases | |
3 | @cypher/codebutler | Easily serve your highlighted codefiles from a local webserver | |
3 | @inukshuk/csl-styles | CSL styles and locales as a RubyGem | |
3 | @bradphelan/wkhtmltopdf-osx | Gem for using wkhtmltopdf on osx. | |
3 | @snusnu/dm-is-cloneable | A DataMapper plugin that adds the possibility to clone models with different persistable sets of attributes | |
3 | @iboard/yarb | Yet Another Ruby Bootstrap (A Starter-application using PStore instead of a database, HAML, bootstrap-sass, rspec, jasmine, simplecov, guard, and yard) | |
3 | @iboard/ib3client | Application Framework using a remote iBoard-Instance (ib3) to access the user-model (RESTFUL) | |
3 | @pferdefleisch/vagrant-drb-demo | Gems and config for my vagrant DRuby demo at vienna.rb July 18 2013 | |
3 | @snusnu/orc | indicate computation result success along with status and context | |
2 | @ream88/eco-rails | Use your Eco templates from your Rails app. | |
2 | @clemens/ilohv | ||
2 | @iboard/webdir | A simple "Webdir" Webinterface for RAILS. See the README file | |
2 | @iboard/jsort | A Gem for painless jquery sorts | |
2 | @bradphelan/openkitchen | rails backend for gobbq | |
2 | @clemens/clint | Triggers for Rails | |
2 | @cypher/djgoatboy-podcast | A podcast feed generator for Giles Bowkett's @djgoatboy account | |
2 | @clemenshelm/tuwien_logon | Ruby authetication gem for the Vienna University of Technology | |
2 | @Raven24/dvdDB | small shared media library - a playground for Backbone.js and Handlebars templates with Ruby on Rails | |
2 | @Raven24/qtruby-ocr | small gui written in ruby/qt that uses tesseract to ocr images | |
2 | @andreashappe/smtp_add_tls_support | Adds SMTP tls support to ActionMailer, this is useful for legacy installations | |
2 | @ream88/simple_tumblr | A simple way to use the Tumblr™ API in Ruby. | |
2 | @oneup/planet | javascript_desktop + kiwibucket | |
2 | @ream88/simple_menu | Super simple and bulletproof menus for your rails app. | |
2 | @bjelline/bottle | Implementation von '99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall' in ruby on Rails | |
2 | @ream88/mongoid-encrypted_st… | Encrypted string type for Mongoid. | |
2 | @sh0w/serendipity | take photos and blend them with other people's photos whoaah | |
2 | @sudara/fitter_happier | A Rails Plugin for adding a simple health check to your application |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
99 | @manuelbernhardt/reactive-web-applica… | Sources of the sample applications of the Reactive Web Application book | |
28 | @manuelbernhardt/play2-groovy-templat… | Groovy templates for Play! 2 | |
10 | @manuelbernhardt/hello-play-dv13 | Play! framework application scaffold, Devoxx 2013 | |
10 | @heiflo/lift-basic-2.4-sbt-0… | Lift 2.4 basic web application configured with sbt 0.11.2 | |
4 | @scala-vienna/wordguess-client | ||
4 | @scala-vienna/wordguess-server | ||
3 | @scala-vienna/dojo-quickstart | Quick-start project for our coding dojos | |
3 | @mlangc/bracket-expression-b… | A simple beautifier for bracket expressions, implemented for, but not limited to, Scala ASTs. | |
3 | @heiflo/play21-file-upload-s… | Simple Play 2.1 application that demonstrates how to stream an HTTP multipart request | |
3 | @manuelbernhardt/reactive-mentions | ||
2 | @Ceilican/XMPP-Bot | An XMPP bot implemented in Scala. | |
2 | @choedl/libgdx_raindrops | libgdx tutorial where the player must catch falling raindrops with a bucket | |
2 | @kixi/bitcoin-xchange | Proof of concept for a (Bitcoin) exchange software based on CQRS and Event Sourcing. | |
2 | @AlexanderDaniel/play2-caching | Caching of Futures in Play 2.1 | |
2 | @manuelbernhardt/play2-deadlock | Example of deadlock in play2 with actors |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
95 | @simmac/minimal_adb_fastboot | Installs the adb and fastboot binaries for OS X and Linux. | |
34 | @MacLemon/mlbackup | An rsync 3 based disk-to-disk backup command line utility for Mac OS X. If you like it, please consider flattring! https://flattr.com/thing/141895/mlbackup | |
22 | @close2/shell-xmpp-client | Xmpp client written in bash / ash (openwrt). It's only dependency is ncat (or similar) for the actual ssl connection. | |
5 | @MacLemon/ongakuka | Remotely listen to your own music with iTunes hosted by mt-daapd and tunneled through ssh. | |
4 | @bmedicke/periodic-screenshots | bash script that periodically takes screenshots. i use it to create time-lapse videos of projects. |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
63 | @aloco/SimpleButton | Simple UIButton subclass with additional state change animations (e.g. backgroundColor) and missing features | |
6 | @kasimir-technology/AppReviewTimeMonitor | Free OSX Application that puts the information from http://appreviewtimes.com/ in the statusbar | |
2 | @raphaelseher/HorizontalCalendarVi… |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
7 | @hannestschofenig/tschofenig-ids | Repository for Internet Drafts |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
7 | @znake/znake-vim | A customized Railscasts theme I use in VIM | |
2 | @allanberger/vimfiles | Vimfiles optimized for developing in Python | |
2 | @linluk/my-dot-files | this is where i save my dot files |
There are few ways to get help:
- Please post questions on Stack Overflow. You can open issues with questions, as long you add a link to your Stack Overflow question.
- For bug reports and feature requests, open issues. 🐛
- For direct and quick help, you can use Codementor. 🚀
Have an idea? Found a bug? See how to contribute.
I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).
However, if you get some profit from this or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it:
Starring and sharing the projects you like 🚀
—I love books! I will remember you after years if you buy me one. 😁 📖
—You can make one-time donations via PayPal. I'll probably buy a
coffeetea. 🍵 -
—Set up a recurring monthly donation and you will get interesting news about what I'm doing (things that I don't share with everyone).
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Thanks! ❤️