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ICC: November 4, 2022

Mirko Hanke edited this page Nov 4, 2022 · 4 revisions


  • Alistair Morrison
  • Amy Blau (chair)
  • Drew Heles
  • Ian Song
  • Mirko Hanke (notes)
  • Rosie Le Faive
  • Sarah Goldstein


  • Interest Group Updates
  • Code of Conduct Committee training update: training happened on Nov. 2
  • Planning November Open Meeting
  • Discussion of event planning: priorities for camps/cons in 2023 and going forward
  • ICC priorities for 2023
  • [Add action items from previous meetings, use topics roster to populate agenda items]

Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Don)
  • Documentation Interest Group (Yamil or Mirko)

Islandora Events

Action Items

  • Notes for next meeting:
    • Amy: drafting documents to discuss ICC role
    • Amy: check in w/ Leadership/TAG about regular updates during Open Mtg
    • Sarah: check in about demo for Oral History module


Interest Group updates

  • MIG: discussion about Typed Relation/Linked Agent field, hoping to gather feedback about fields that come with starter site
  • DIG: Looking at possible documentation sprint in Q1 2023
  • IRIG: Discussing configuration settings, looking to recruit more people joining

Code of Conduct training

  • training accomplished, considered very helpful and valuable, trainer (Ottertech) did a great job
  • next steps: convene CoC committee and lay some ground rules, processes
  • leadership: ability to run our own CoC training program in the future?
    • discuss resource limitations (not just money, also time/attention)
    • possibly better use of resources to pay for training
    • professional trainers have depth of experience that will be difficult to match by CoC members
    • consider options for getting training with limited resources

Next Open Meeting: Nov 29th

  • November Open Meeting
  • Rosie has material for presentation/discussion about modularization project, about 1 hour's worth; tentatively planned for 12:30-1:30 time slot
  • possibly updates from Islandora Board, eg. about internship/staffing
  • discussion: regular updates from Leadership and/or TAG at Open Meetings, check in again with Leadership/TAG
  • possible 15 to 20-minute demo of Oral History module? Sarah will check with Willow[?]
  • discussion: make Open Meetings shorter than 4 hours, to make it easier filling the time
    • aim for 2-3 hours instead of 4
    • consider starting later than 10am Eastern, to make it easier for attendees on the West Coast to join
    • consider monthly solicitation emails, messages on Slack to entice people to participate
    • suggestion: broaden scope, make meetings less 'formal', include social time to make meetings more lively
    • suggestion: encourage more 'back chatter' on Slack or in shared notes doc
    • suggestion: revisit iterative development-workshop idea, (soliciting use cases was met with lukewarm response from leadership?)
    • reach out to interest groups about 'take over', compressed camp/workshop during Open Meeting time slot
    • reaching out to institutions who have implemented Islandora, to have them talk about design decisions (example: SFU IR)

Islandora camp/con/event organization 2023

  • Leadership communicated that they see events as a priority, to provide membership benefit
  • Leadership will manage Camp in March 2023
  • Role of ICC in event planning, vis-a-vis Leadership, is unclear
  • Confusing/mixed messages about ICC, governance documents saying ICC should have role in event planning, but ICC not looped in in some cases
  • ICC should make their own attempt to find a role definition: draft workflow/document outlining decision points where ICC weighs in on event planning, which decisions should be made by ICC, which by others
  • discussion: event committee, peeling off event planning from ICC's roster; subcommittees for specific events (e.g. conference), management of these subcommittees?
  • discussion: Code-of-Conduct committee needs to be looped in with event planning, to manage availability

ICC priorities 2023

  • "succession planning" ICC chair position will become available, volunteers?
  • things we don't want to focus on?
  • suggestion: SOAR analysis (Strengths-Opportunities-Aspirations-Results, related to SWOT)
  • looking at proactive vs. reactive work done by ICC
  • roadmap: still on terms of reference; where does roadmap document live, what's ICC's role in updating roadmap? possibly calls for collaboration between all governance groups

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