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Releases: emberjs/data

v4.11.2 - Roads Untraveled

27 Feb 09:34
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Bugfixes to resolve major upgrade blockages (computed chains not recalcing, failing builds)

v4.8.8 - Deceleration Orbits

27 Feb 10:15
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Fixes a memory leak in SSR/Tests and Infinite Recursion bug in develop when yielded/awaited in an ember-concurrency task.

LTS 4.8.7 - Smoother Pavement

27 Feb 09:34
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Bugfixes to resolve major upgrade blockages (computed chains not recalcing, failing builds)

v4.9.1 Sea Legs

03 Dec 01:53
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4.9.1 (2022-12-03)

Note: RequestManager was marked private as a package prior to publishing and did not ship with this version.

🐛 Bug Fix

  • tracking
  • store
    • #8307 fix: use join vs run for deleteRecord destroy of new records (@runspired)
    • #8306 fix: dont skip LiveArray remove if pending queue is not empty (@runspired)

📝 Documentation

Committers: 3

v4.8.2 Slow Dancing in a Burning Room

04 Nov 20:20
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4.8.2 (2022-11-04)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • fix: (Actually fix) publish should use pnpm pack to remove workspace: prefix

4.8.1 (2022-11-04)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • fix: publish should use pnpm pack to remove workspace: prefix

4.8.0 (2022-11-04)

🚀 Enhancement

  • model
  • -ember-data, model, private-build-infra, store, tracking, unpublished-test-infra
    • #8214 feat: @ember-data/tracking primitives to prevent backtracking render errors (@runspired)
  • -ember-data, private-build-infra, record-data, store

🐛 Bug Fix

  • -ember-data, private-build-infra
  • store
  • debug
  • -ember-data, model
    • #8211 fix: ManyReference.value should recompute when data is first received (@runspired)
  • -ember-data, model, store
    • #8206 fix: fix MandatorySetter error for Proxied PromiseProxy, silence ember-concurrency deprecations (@runspired)
  • -ember-data, private-build-infra
  • -ember-data, store
    • #8189 Use array notation instead of at for accessing object at values (@jrjohnson)
  • -ember-data, store
  • -ember-data, store
  • store

Committers: 5

v4.7.2 Hot Potato

20 Sep 19:29
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4.7.2 (2022-09-15)

🐛 Bug Fix

Committers: 1

v4.7.1 Tunnels To Gate of White 🤍

06 Sep 18:23
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v4.7.1 (2022-09-06)

Version 4.7 includes a number of new deprecations, several new features, bug fixes, and a large slate of significant performance improvements.

Of Note:

  • Version 4.7 implements a "2.1" cache spec while deprecating the v1 cache spec. This spec differs somewhat from the original 2.0 RFC, an updated RFC specifying the modifications will be published soon. Users looking to migrate to the 2.1 cache should expect that the finalized version of 2.1 enforces that the cache is always a singleton (vs merely allowed to be a singleton), and that data provided to the store and queries to the store from the cache should always contain identifiers in their stable form. This latter point is enforced in 4.7, the former is not yet enforced.
  • Explicit Polymorphic Relationships: starting in 4.7 it is no longer required to use Mixins or Inheritance to achieve polymorphic relationships. See emberjs/rfcs#793 for full details.
  • Most record hook and cache APIs now have documentation on More still to come as part of finalizing v2.1 cache.
  • The return values of hasMany relationships, peekAll, findAll and query are now proxies to native arrays and as such all native array APIs are now usable. These objects will act fully as if they are native arrays. Restrictions on immutability of the result of peekAll and query still apply.
  • InternalModel is dead, long live InternalModel. Similarly, nearly all private API's have undergone significant change, if your app previously abused these APIs the most likely refactor is to use a custom model or a custom cache.

⚡️ Performance Improvements

Note: many performance improvements are gated by deprecation removal, meaning that you need to resolve all deprecations for EmberData 4.7 and mark your app as compatible with that version in order to opt in to the fastest codepaths.

All applications should observe significant speed improvements when using EmberData 4.7. The below call-outs are in relation to EmberData 4.6, which was itself also the fastest version of EmberData since we began benchmarking and tracking in the late 2.x series. Many of these improvements were made possible due to the nearing completion of Project Trim (and specifically the removal of InternalModel).

⚡️Pushing new data into the cache is now ~33% faster
⚡️Accessing the LiveArray (peekAll / findAll) for the first time is now 97% faster
⚡️Creating record instances is now ~45-50% faster
⚡️Reduced memory pressure may speedup first render after a large push by ~75%
⚡️Initial Access of Related Records is now ~80% faster
⚡️Initial Access of Async Relationships sees 30% faster creation of async proxies
⚡️Unloading of all records individually (one at a time in a loop) is 40% faster
⚡️Destroying all records (e.g. also sending an API request) in a loop is 62% faster
⚡️Unloading all records (of all types) is ~98% faster
⚡️Receiving and processing updated payloads for existing hasMany relationships is ~40% faster

In addition to these improvements significantly speeding up data usage in applications, we expect to see especially dramatic improvements anywhere the application undergoes teardown (after each test in CI or Fastboot request is processed). In several applications that we looked at, fixture population for acceptance and integration tests accounted for 30% of the total test time, with teardown of those fixtures representing another 40% of the total test time. We would expect such tests to see an overall test-run improvement time in the 50-75% range.

🥅 Test

🚀 Enhancement

  • -ember-data, adapter, canary-features, model, record-data, serializer, store, unpublished-adapter-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-relationship-performance-test-app, unpublished-serializer-encapsulation-test-app
  • -ember-data, canary-features, model, private-build-infra, record-data, store, unpublished-adapter-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-serializer-encapsulation-test-app
  • -ember-data, canary-features, model, record-data, store, unpublished-adapter-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-serializer-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-test-infra
  • -ember-data, adapter, model, private-build-infra, record-data, store, unpublished-relationship-performance-test-app

📝 Documentation

  • -ember-data, adapter, canary-features, model, record-data, serializer, store, unpublished-adapter-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-relationship-performance-test-app, unpublished-serializer-encapsulation-test-app
  • -ember-data, adapter, canary-features, debug, model, private-build-infra, record-data, serializer, store
  • Other
  • -ember-data, canary-features, model, private-build-infra, record-data, store, unpublished-adapter-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-serializer-encapsulation-test-app
  • #8138 [DOC] typo in identifier initializer documentation (@ciur)

🌲 New Deprecation

  • -ember-data, adapter, model, private-build-infra, serializer, store
  • -ember-data, model, private-build-infra
    • #8092 deprecation: Model.reopen/reopenClass and eager static fields lookups (@runspired)
  • -ember-data, adapter, debug, model, private-build-infra, record-data, serializer, store, unpublished-adapter-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-fastboot-test-app, unpublished-model-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-serializer-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-test-infra
  • -ember-data, adapter, canary-features, model, record-data, serializer, store, unpublished-adapter-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-relationship-performance-test-app, unpublished-serializer-encapsulation-test-app
  • -ember-data, model, private-build-infra, record-data, unpublished-adapter-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-relationship-performance-test-app, unpublished-serializer-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-test-infra
  • -ember-data, canary-features, model, private-build-infra, record-data, store, unpublished-adapter-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-serializer-encapsulation-test-app
  • -ember-data, canary-features, model, record-data, store, unpublished-adapter-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-serializer-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-test-infra
  • -ember-data, adapter, model, private-build-infra, record-data, store, unpublished-adapter-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-relationship-performance-test-app, unpublished-serializer-encapsulation-test-app

🏠 Internal

  • -ember-data
  • -ember-data, adapter, debug, model, private-build-infra, record-data, serializer, store, unpublished-adapter-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-fastboot-test-app, unpublished-model-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-serializer-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-test-infra
  • -ember-data, model, ...
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27 Jul 23:36
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This is a re-release of v4.5.0

v4.5.0 Love of Mine ♥️

27 Jul 23:35
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v4.5.0 (2022-07-27)

Version 4.5 includes a number of new deprecations, a significant internal refactoring of the store architecture and several bug fixes.

Of note:

  1. Users of just the core of EmberData may expect their builds to be 35-50% smaller. This is due to most of the legacy support for @ember-data/model having now found its final location at home in that package instead of within the @ember-data/store package. The size of @ember-data/store is reduced from ~16kb compressed to ~9.5kb compressed, potentially a little less depending on what deprecations are resolved and what other packages are present. We expect the core to continue to shrink as we complete the final stages of removing InternalModel, complete implementations for recently accepted deprecation RFCs, and introduce RecordDataV2.

  2. Users of private store APIs may find these APIs have now been deprecated or removed. Internal restructuring will be high the next 6 months as we polish off the removal of InternalModel and continue to simplify codepaths which that removal allows us to do. All but a very few private methods have been entirely eliminated from the store.

New Deprecations target 5.0 and include:

  • deprecating some internal usage of RSVP.Promise that applications may have become dependent on if their tests are leaky
  • deprecating the type property on snapshots (which would lookup the model class).
  • deprecating store.find, a private method that has been maintained in case users accidentally fell into using ember's hidden autofetch behavior in routes
  • deprecating store.hasRecordForId, as peekRecord is generally more useful and provides the same information (and more).
  • deprecating store.recordWasInvalid, an unused internal api that ember-model-validations appears to be using.
  • deprecating passing strings to the schema lookup functions attributesDefinitionFor and relationshipsDefinitionFor, these APIs now expect an object with at least a type property representing the model name.
  • deprecating the -json-api fallback adapter, a hidden behavior that provided an adapter if the application failed to define one.

As always deprecated code can be eliminated from the build output by specifying the compatWith arg on the emberData configuration in your app.

🚀 Enhancement

  • -ember-data, private-build-infra, store

🌲 New Deprecation

  • -ember-data, adapter, model, private-build-infra, record-data, serializer, store, unpublished-model-encapsulation-test-app

🐛 Bug Fix

  • -ember-data, adapter
  • -ember-data, store
  • -ember-data, adapter, canary-features, debug, model, private-build-infra, record-data, serializer, store, unpublished-adapter-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-debug-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-fastboot-test-app, unpublished-model-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-record-data-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-relationship-performance-test-app, unpublished-serializer-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-test-infra
  • -ember-data, debug
  • adapter, model, private-build-infra, serializer
    • #8013 [BUGFIX release] Fix generated import paths for test setup functions in addons (@bertdeblock)
  • -ember-data, model, store
  • -ember-data
    • #7902 test for async hasMany does not trigger relationship fetch (@snewcomer)
  • serializer
    • #7854 fix: pass correct args to keyFor<Attribute|Relationship> when normalizing (@runspired)
  • -ember-data, model

📝 Documentation

  • -ember-data, adapter, model, private-build-infra, record-data, serializer, store, unpublished-model-encapsulation-test-app
  • model
  • #7984 Add (@ddzz)

🚿 Deprecation Removal

  • -ember-data, adapter, debug, model, private-build-infra, record-data, store, unpublished-test-infra
  • -ember-data, model, record-data, store, unpublished-test-infra
  • -ember-data, adapter, debug, model, record-data, serializer, store, unpublished-adapter-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-debug-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-fastboot-test-app, unpublished-model-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-record-data-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-relationship-performance-test-app, unpublished-serializer-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-test-infra
  • -ember-data, adapter, model, store
  • -ember-data
  • -ember-data, adapter, model, record-data, serializer, store, unpublished-adapter-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-debug-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-fastboot-test-app, unpublished-model-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-record-data-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-relationship-performance-test-app, unpublished-serializer-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-test-infra
  • -ember-data, store

🥅 Test

  • -ember-data, adapter, canary-features, debug, model, private-build-infra, record-data, serializer, store, unpublished-adapter-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-debug-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-eslint-rules, unpublished-fastboot-test-app, unpublished-model-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-record-data-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-relationship-performance-test-app, unpublished-serializer-encapsulation-test-app, unpublished-test-infra
  • -ember-data

🏠 Internal

  • -ember-data, adapter, debug, model, private-build-infra, record-data, store, unpublished-test-infra
  • -ember-data, adapter, model, private-build-infra...
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24 Jun 02:08
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