v0.9.3: Receive/Fallback Supported
Remix IDE
- remix.ethereum.org
- npm install -g remix-ide
- Remix as a plugin for Embark: https://www.npmjs.com/package/embark-remix
- docker: https://hub.docker.com/r/4c0n/remix-ide/ thanks to @4c0n
Remixd is a tool which provide a way to access your local file from any remix IDE web app.
- npm install -g remixd
- remixd is included in remix-ide NPM package. it automatically shares the current local folder (or the given folder if any)
Change Log
v0.9.3 (2020/02/03 10:29 +00:00)
- #2570 release 0.9.3 (@Aniket-Engg )
- #2565 Receive/Fallback better textmsg + test(@LianaHus )
- #2563 Fix logs message during call or transact (@yann300)
- #2562 Receive bug and more tests (@LianaHus, @yann300)
- #2560 new package-lock (@yann300)
- #2531 Receive/fallback functions in UI(@LianaHus )
- #2530 add browser test for testing external web3 (@yann300)
- #2534 Browser tests - Import from gist (@yann300)
- #2555 pass compiler configuration to remix-tests (@Aniket-Engg )
- #2551 added missing
(@yann300) - #2544 fix ipfs upload (@yann300)
- #2510 Refactor executionContext and udapp, into common class (@iurimatias)
- #2546 set and get compiler state properly (@Aniket-Engg)
- #2529 Handling boolean for the status (@yann300)
- #2536 Debugger tabs header font consistency (@Aniket-Engg)
- #2527 latest EthWork themes in cdn (@ethereum)
- #2522 Export to Gist (@yann300)
- #2520 Tiny typo (@yann300)
- #2517 moved Workshops to featured plugins section in home page (@LianaHus)
- #2514 Load plugins from parameters (@yann300)
- #2511 updated with remix-solidity (@Aniket-Engg )
- #2510 Refactor executionContext and udapp, into common class (@iurimatias )
- #2508 Add rust ace mode to editor (@dark64 )
- #2507 example contracts updated (@Aniket-Engg )
- #2506 Refactor dropdown logic (@iurimatias)
- #2504 Updates the style of "Add a custom compiler" btn (@LianaHus )
- #2501 execution context updated (@Aniket-Engg )
- #2499 0.6.0 and mutability specifiers (@LianaHus )
- #2495 added zoom btns (@LianaHus )
- #2493 recorder fixed (@Aniket-Engg )
- #2490 check and if possible use worker for unit tests compilation (@LianaHus )
- #2488 fixed autocompile (@LianaHus )
- #2485 Updates quorum urls (@bmcd87 )
- #2484 Update release-process.md (@LianaHus )
- #2483 default solidity version set to 0.5.14 (@Aniket-Engg )
- #2475 use Web3 utils instead of execution context web3 (@iurimatias)