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NI RFmx LTE Advanced Attributes

Dane Stull edited this page Feb 28, 2022 · 2 revisions

Advanced Attributes


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the initial reference level that the RFmxLTE_AutoLevel function uses to estimate the peak power of the input signal. This value is expressed in dBm.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

The default value is 30.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_GetAutoLevelInitialReferenceLevel
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SetAutoLevelInitialReferenceLevel


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether RFmx optimizes the acquisition bandwidth. This may cause acquisition center frequency or local oscillator (LO) to be placed at different position than you configured.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

Refer to the Acquisition Bandwidth Optimization Enabled topic for more information.


Get Function: RFmxLTE_GetAcquisitionBandwidthOptimizationEnabled
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SetAcquisitionBandwidthOptimizationEnabled
RFMXLTE_VAL_ACQUISITION_BANDWIDTH_OPTIMIZATION_ENABLED_FALSE (0) The RFmx does not optimize acquisition bandwidth and will be based on the Nyquist criterion. The value of the acquisition center frequency is the same as the value of the Center Frequency that you configure.
RFMXLTE_VAL_ACQUISITION_BANDWIDTH_OPTIMIZATION_ENABLED_TRUE (1) The RFmx positions the acquisition center frequency to acquire the least bandwidth based on the configuration and span needed for the measurement. This helps in reducing the amount of data to process for the measurement, thus improving the speed. However this might cause the LO to be positioned at a non-dc subcarrier position, hence the measurement sensitive to it should have this attribute disabled.


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the RF architecture at the transmitter in case of a multicarrier. 3GPP defines different options, each component carriers within a subblock can have separate LO or one common LO for an entire subblock. Based upon the selected option, the additional results are calculated.

The measurement ignores this attribute when you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_LINK_DIRECTION attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_LINK_DIRECTION_DOWNLINK.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxLTE_GetTransmitterArchitecture
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SetTransmitterArchitecture
RFMXLTE_VAL_TRANSMITTER_ARCHITECTURE_LO_PER_COMPONENT_CARRIER (0) IQ impairments and In-band emission are calculated per component carrier.
RFMXLTE_VAL_TRANSMITTER_ARCHITECTURE_LO_PER_SUBBLOCK (1) Additional subblock based results such as Subblock IQ Offset and Subblock In band emission are calculated apart from per carrier results.


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the set of attributes that are considered by RFmx in the locked signal configuration state.

If your test system performs the same measurement at different selected ports, multiple frequencies and/or power levels repeatedly, enabling this attribute can help achieve faster measurements. When you set this attribute to a value other than Disabled, the RFmx will use an optimized code path and skip some checks. Because RFmx skips some checks when you use this attribute, you need to be aware of the limitations of this feature, which are listed in the Limitations of the RFMXLTE_ATTR_LIMITED_CONFIGURATION_CHANGE Attribute topic.

You can also use this attribute to lock a specific instrument configuration for a signal so that every time that you initiate the signal, RFmx applies the RFmxInstr attributes from a locked configuration.

NI recommends you use this attribute in conjunction with named signal configurations. Create named signal configurations for each measurement configuration in your test program and set this attribute to a value other than Disabled for one or more of the named signal configurations. This allows RFmx to precompute the acquisition settings for your measurement configurations and re-use the precomputed settings each time you initiate the measurement. You do not need to use this attribute if you create named signals for all the measurement configurations in your test program during test sequence initialization and do not change any RFInstr or personality attributes while testing each device under test. The RFmx automatically optimizes that use case.

Specify the named signal configuration you are setting this attribute in the selector string input. You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector String topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxLTE_GetLimitedConfigurationChange
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SetLimitedConfigurationChange
RFMXLTE_VAL_LIMITED_CONFIGURATION_CHANGE_DISABLED (0) This is the normal mode of the RFmx operation. All configuration changes in RFmxInstr attributes or in personality attributes will be applied during RFmx Commit.
RFMXLTE_VAL_LIMITED_CONFIGURATION_CHANGE_NO_CHANGE (1) Signal configuration is locked after the first Commit of the named signal configuration. Any configuration change thereafter either in RFmxInstr attributes or personality attributes will not be considered by subsequent RFmx Commits or Initiates of this signal. Use No Change if you have created named signal configurations for all measurement configurations but are setting some RFmxInstr attributes. Refer to the Limitations of the Limited Configuration Change Attribute topic for more details about the limitations of using this mode.
RFMXLTE_VAL_LIMITED_CONFIGURATION_CHANGE_FREQUENCY (2) Signal configuration, other than center frequency and external attenuation, is locked after first Commit of the named signal configuration. Thereafter, only the Center Frequency and RFMXLTE_ATTR_EXTERNAL_ATTENUATION attribute value changes will be considered by subsequent driver Commits or Initiates of this signal. Refer to the Limitations of the Limited Configuration Change Attribute topic for more details about the limitations of using this mode.
RFMXLTE_VAL_LIMITED_CONFIGURATION_CHANGE_REFERENCE_LEVEL (3) Signal configuration, other than the reference level, is locked after first Commit of the named signal configuration. Thereafter only the RFMXLTE_ATTR_REFERENCE_LEVEL attribute value change will be considered by subsequent driver Commits or Initiates of this signal. If you have configured this signal to use an IQ Power Edge Trigger, NI recommends that you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_IQ_POWER_EDGE_TRIGGER_LEVEL_TYPE to RFMXLTE_VAL_IQ_POWER_EDGE_TRIGGER_LEVEL_TYPE_RELATIVE so that the trigger level is automatically adjusted as you adjust the reference level. Refer to the Limitations of the Limited Configuration Change Attribute topic for more details about the limitations of using this mode.
RFMXLTE_VAL_LIMITED_CONFIGURATION_CHANGE_FREQUENCY_AND_REFERENCE_LEVEL (4) Signal configuration, other than center frequency, reference level, and external attenuation, is locked after first Commit of the named signal configuration. Thereafter only RFMXLTE_ATTR_CENTER_FREQUENCY, RFMXLTE_ATTR_REFERENCE_LEVEL, and RFMXLTE_ATTR_EXTERNAL_ATTENUATION attribute value changes will be considered by subsequent driver Commits or Initiates of this signal. If you have configured this signal to use an IQ Power Edge Trigger, NI recommends you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_IQ_POWER_EDGE_TRIGGER_LEVEL_TYPE attribute to Relative so that the trigger level is automatically adjusted as you adjust the reference level. Refer to the Limitations of the Limited Configuration Change Attribute topic for more details about the limitations of using this mode.
RFMXLTE_VAL_LIMITED_CONFIGURATION_CHANGE_SELECTED_PORTS_FREQUENCY_AND_REFERENCE_LEVEL (5) Signal configuration, other than Selected Ports, Center frequency, Reference level, and External attenuation, and RFInstr configuration, is locked after first Commit or Initiate of the named signal configuration. Thereafter only RFMXLTE_ATTR_SELECTED_PORTS, RFMXLTE_ATTR_CENTER_FREQUENCY, RFMXLTE_ATTR_REFERENCE_LEVEL, and RFMXLTE_ATTR_EXTERNAL_ATTENUATION attribute value changes will be considered by subsequent driver Commits or Initiates of this signal. If you have configured this signal to use an IQ Power Edge Trigger, NI recommends you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_IQ_POWER_EDGE_TRIGGER_LEVEL_TYPE attribute to Relative so that the trigger level is automatically adjusted as you adjust the reference level. Refer to the Limitations of the Limited Configuration Change Attribute topic for more details about the limitations of using this mode.


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the frequency that determines the SEM mask, IBE limits and spectral flatness ranges for a given subblock. If you do not set a value for this attribute, measurement internally uses RFMXLTE_ATTR_CENTER_FREQUENCY attribute for determining SEM mask, IBE limits, and spectral flatness ranges. This value is expressed in Hz.

RFMXLTE_ATTR_CENTER_FREQUENCY_FOR_LIMITS attribute is ignored and calculated internally by the measurement when you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_SUBBLOCK_FREQUENCY_DEFINITION attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_SUBBLOCK_FREQUENCY_DEFINITION_RELATIVE.The RFMXLTE_ATTR_SUBBLOCK_FREQUENCY_DEFINITION attribute is ignored for the first subblock and is considered to be absolute by the measurement.Use 'subblock(n)' as the selector string to configure or read this attribute.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_GetCenterFrequencyForLimits
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SetCenterFrequencyForLimits

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NI-RFmx Bluetooth
NI-RFmx Instr
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