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NI RFmx LTE SEM Attributes

Dane Stull edited this page Feb 28, 2022 · 2 revisions

SEM Attributes


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether to enable the SEM measurement.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal and result instances. Refer to the Selector String topic for information about the string syntax for named signals and named results.

The default value is RFMXLTE_VAL_FALSE.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetMeasurementEnabled
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetMeasurementEnabled


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the spectrum emission mask used in the measurement for uplink. Each mask type refers to a different Network Signalled (NS) value. General CA Class B, CA_NS_04, and CA_NC_NS_01 refers to carrier aggregation case. You must set the mask type to Custom to configure the custom offset masks. Refer to section of the 3GPP 36.521 specification for more information about standard-defined mask types.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetUplinkMaskType
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetUplinkMaskType
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_UPLINK_MASK_TYPE_GENERAL_NS01 (0) The measurement selects the offset frequencies and limits for the SEM as defined in Table,,,,, and in section 6.6.2 of the 3GPP TS 36.521-1 specification.
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_UPLINK_MASK_TYPE_NS03_OR_NS11_OR_NS20_OR_NS21 (1) The measurement selects the offset frequencies and limits for the SEM as defined in Table and in section 6.6.2 of the 3GPP TS 36.521-1 specification.
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_UPLINK_MASK_TYPE_NS04 (2) The measurement selects the offset frequencies and limits for the SEM as defined in Table in section 6.6.2 of the 3GPP TS 36.521-1 specification. When RFMXLTE_ATTR_COMPONENT_CARRIER_BANDWIDTH is 1.4MHz or 3MHz, the measurement selects the offset frequencies and limits for the SEM as defined in Table in section 6.6.2 of the 3GPP TS 36.521-1 specification.
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_UPLINK_MASK_TYPE_NS06_OR_NS07 (3) The measurement selects the offset frequencies and limits for the SEM as defined in Table and in section 6.6.2 of the 3GPP TS 36.521-1 specification.
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_UPLINK_MASK_TYPE_CANS04 (4) The measurement selects the offset frequencies and limits for the SEM as defined in Table in section 6.6.2 of the 3GPP TS 36.521-1 specification. This mask applies only for aggregated carriers.
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_UPLINK_MASK_TYPE_GENERAL_CACLASSB (6) The measurement selects offset frequencies and limits for the SEM as defined in Table and in section 6.6.2 of 3GPP TS 36.521-1 specification.
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_UPLINK_MASK_TYPE_CANCNS01 (7) The measurement selects offset frequencies and limits for the SEM as defined in Table and in section 6.6.2 of 3GPP TS 36.521-1 specification.
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_UPLINK_MASK_TYPE_NS27 (8) The measurement selects offset frequencies and limits for the SEM as defined in Table in section of 3GPP TS 36.521-1 specification.
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_UPLINK_MASK_TYPE_NS35 (9) The measurement selects offset frequencies and limits for the SEM as defined in Table in section of 3GPP TS 36.521-1 specification.


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the limits to be used in the measurement for downlink. Refer to section 6.6.3 of the 3GPP 36.141 specification for more information about standard-defined mask types.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetDownlinkMaskType
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetDownlinkMaskType
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_DOWNLINK_MASK_TYPE_BAND46 (1) The limits are applied based on Band 46 test requirements.


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the spectrum emission mask used in the measurement for sidelink. Each mask type refers to a different Network Signalled (NS) value. You must set the mask type to Custom to configure the custom offset masks. Refer to section 6.6.2 of the 3GPP 36.521 specification for more information about standard-defined mask types.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetSidelinkMaskType
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetSidelinkMaskType
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_SIDELINK_MASK_TYPE_GENERAL_NS01 (0) The measurement selects the offset frequencies and limits for the SEM as defined in Table and Table in section 6.6.2 of the 3GPP TS 36.521-1 specification.
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_SIDELINK_MASK_TYPE_NS33_OR_NS34 (1) The measurement selects the offset frequencies and limits for the SEM as defined in Table Table in section 6.6.2 of the 3GPP TS 36.521-1 specification.

SEM Downlink


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the stop frequency for the last offset segment to be used in the measurement. This value is expressed in Hz.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

The default value is 15 MHz. The minimum value is 9.5 MHz. This attribute is considered for downlink only when you set the SEM DL Mask Type attribute to either eNodeB Category Based or Band 46.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetDeltaFMaximum
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetDeltaFMaximum


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the aggregated maximum output power of all transmit antenna connectors. This value is expressed in dBm. Refer to the Section 6.6.3 of 3GPP 36.141 specification for more details.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

The default value is 0. Valid values are within 20, inclusive. This attribute is considered only when you set the Link Direction attribute to Downlink, eNodeB Category attribute to Home Base Station, and SEM DL Mask Type attribute to eNodeB Category Based.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetAggregatedMaximumPower
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetAggregatedMaximumPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the integration bandwidth of a subblock. This value is expressed in Hz. Integration bandwidth is the span from the left edge of the leftmost carrier to the right edge of the rightmost carrier within the subblock.

Use 'subblock(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

The default value is 0.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetSubblockIntegrationBandwidth


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the aggregated channel bandwidth of a configured subblock. This value is expressed in Hz. The aggregated channel bandwidth is the sum of the subblock integration bandwidth and the guard bands on either side of the subblock integration bandwidth.

Use 'subblock(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

The default value is 0.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetSubblockAggregatedChannelBandwidth



Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the integration bandwidth of a component carrier. This value is expressed in Hz.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

The default value is 9 MHz.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetComponentCarrierIntegrationBandwidth


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the maximum output power, Pmax,c, per carrier that is used only to choose the limit table for Medium Range Base Station. For more details please refer to the section 6.6.3 of 3GPP 36.141 specification.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to configure or read this attribute.

The default value is 0. Valid values are within 38, inclusive. This attribute is considered only when you set the Link Direction attribute to Downlink, eNodeB Category attribute to Medium Range Base Station, and SEM DL Mask Type attribute to eNodeB Category Based.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetComponentCarrierMaximumOutputPower
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetComponentCarrierMaximumOutputPower

SEM Offset


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the number of SEM offset segments.

Use 'subblock(n)' as the selector string to configure or read this attribute.

The default value is 1.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetNumberOfOffsets
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetNumberOfOffsets


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the start frequency of an offset segment relative to the RFMXLTE_ATTR_COMPONENT_CARRIER_BANDWIDTH edge (single carrier) or RFMXLTE_ATTR_SEM_SUBBLOCK_AGGREGATED_CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH edge (multi-carrier). This value is expressed in Hz.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to configure or read this attribute.

The default value is 0.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetOffsetStartFrequency
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetOffsetStartFrequency


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the stop frequency of an offset segment relative to the RFMXLTE_ATTR_COMPONENT_CARRIER_BANDWIDTH edge (single carrier) or RFMXLTE_ATTR_SEM_SUBBLOCK_AGGREGATED_CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH edge (multi-carrier). This value is expressed in Hz.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to configure or read this attribute.

The default value is 1 MHz.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetOffsetStopFrequency
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetOffsetStopFrequency


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether the offset segment is present either on one side or on both sides of a carrier.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to configure or read this attribute.


Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetOffsetSideband
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetOffsetSideband
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_OFFSET_SIDEBAND_NEGATIVE (0) Configures a lower offset segment to the left of the leftmost carrier.
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_OFFSET_SIDEBAND_POSITIVE (1) Configures an upper offset segment to the right of the rightmost carrier.
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_OFFSET_SIDEBAND_BOTH (2) Configures both the negative and the positive offset segments.

SEM RBW Filter


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the bandwidth of an RBW filter used to sweep an acquired offset segment. This value is expressed in Hz.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to configure or read this attribute.

The default value is 30000 Hz.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetOffsetRBWFilterBandwidth
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetOffsetRBWFilterBandwidth


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the shape of a digital RBW filter.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to configure or read this attribute.


Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetOffsetRBWFilterType
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetOffsetRBWFilterType
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_OFFSET_RBW_FILTER_TYPE_GAUSSIAN (1) The RBW filter has a Gaussian response.
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_OFFSET_RBW_FILTER_TYPE_FLAT (2) The RBW filter has a flat response.


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the resolution of a spectrum to compare with the spectral mask limits as an integer multiple of the RBW.

When you set this attribute to a value greater than 1, the measurement acquires the spectrum with a narrow resolution and then processes it digitally to get a wider resolution that is equal to the product of a bandwidth integral and a RBW.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to configure or read this attribute.

The default value is 1.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetOffsetBandwidthIntegral
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetOffsetBandwidthIntegral


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the criteria to determine the measurement fail status.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to configure or read this attribute.

The default value is RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK_ABSOLUTE.When you set the Link Direction attribute to Downlink, all the values of limit fail mask are supported but when you set the Link Direction attribute to Uplink, the measurement internally sets the value of limit fail mask to Absolute.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetOffsetLimitFailMask
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetOffsetLimitFailMask
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK_ABS_AND_REL (0) Specifies the fail in measurement if the power in the segment exceeds both the absolute and relative masks.
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK_ABS_OR_REL (1) Specifies the fail in measurement if the power in the segment exceeds either the absolute or relative mask.
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK_ABSOLUTE (2) Specifies the fail in measurement if the power in the segment exceeds the absolute mask.
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK_RELATIVE (3) Specifies the fail in measurement if the power in the segment exceeds the relative mask.

SEM Absolute Limit


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the absolute power limit corresponding to the beginning of an offset segment. This value is expressed in dBm.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to configure or read this attribute.

The default value is -16.5.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetOffsetAbsoluteLimitStart
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetOffsetAbsoluteLimitStart


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the absolute power limit corresponding to the end of an offset segment. This value is expressed in dBm.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to configure or read this attribute.

The default value is -16.5.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetOffsetAbsoluteLimitStop
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetOffsetAbsoluteLimitStop

SEM Relative Limit


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the relative power limit corresponding to the beginning of the offset segment. This value is expressed in dB.

This attribute is considered only when you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_LINK_DIRECTION attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_LINK_DIRECTION_DOWNLINK.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to configure or read this attribute.

The default value is -51.5.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetOffsetRelativeLimitStart
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetOffsetRelativeLimitStart


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the relative power limit corresponding to the end of the offset segment. This value is expressed in dB.

This attribute is considered only when you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_LINK_DIRECTION attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_LINK_DIRECTION_DOWNLINK.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to configure or read this attribute.

The default value is -58.5.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetOffsetRelativeLimitStop
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetOffsetRelativeLimitStop

SEM Sweep Time


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether the measurement computes the sweep time.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetSweepTimeAuto
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetSweepTimeAuto
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_SWEEP_TIME_AUTO_FALSE (0) The measurement uses the sweep time that you specify in the RFMXLTE_ATTR_SEM_SWEEP_TIME_INTERVAL attribute.
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_SWEEP_TIME_AUTO_TRUE (1) The measurement uses a sweep time of 1 ms.


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the sweep time when you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_SEM_SWEEP_TIME_AUTO attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_SWEEP_TIME_AUTO_FALSE. This value is expressed in seconds.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

The default value is 1 ms.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetSweepTimeInterval
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetSweepTimeInterval

SEM Averaging


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether to enable averaging for the SEM measurement.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetAveragingEnabled
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetAveragingEnabled
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_AVERAGING_ENABLED_FALSE (0) The measurement is performed on a single acquisition.
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_AVERAGING_ENABLED_TRUE (1) The SEM measurement uses the value of the RFMXLTE_ATTR_SEM_AVERAGING_COUNT attribute as the number of acquisitions over which the SEM measurement is averaged.


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the number of acquisitions used for averaging when you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_SEM_AVERAGING_ENABLED attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_AVERAGING_ENABLED_TRUE.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

The default value is 10.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetAveragingCount
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetAveragingCount


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the averaging type for averaging multiple spectrum acquisitions. The averaged spectrum is used for SEM measurement.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetAveragingType
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetAveragingType
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_AVERAGING_TYPE_RMS (0) The power spectrum is linearly averaged. RMS averaging reduces signal fluctuations but not the noise floor.
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_AVERAGING_TYPE_LOG (1) The power spectrum is averaged in a logarithmic scale.
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_AVERAGING_TYPE_SCALAR (2) The square root of the power spectrum is averaged.
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_AVERAGING_TYPE_MAXIMUM (3) The peak power in the spectrum at each frequency bin is retained from one acquisition to the next.
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_AVERAGING_TYPE_MINIMUM (4) The lowest power in the spectrum at each frequency bin is retained from one acquisition to the next.


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether the amplitude of the frequency bins, used in measurements, is corrected for external attenuation at the RF center frequency, or at the individual frequency bins. Use the RFmxInstr_CfgExternalAttenuationTable function to configure the external attenuation table.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetAmplitudeCorrectionType
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetAmplitudeCorrectionType
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_AMPLITUDE_CORRECTION_TYPE_RF_CENTER_FREQUENCY (0) All the frequency bins in the spectrum are compensated with a single external attenuation value that corresponds to the RF center frequency.
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_AMPLITUDE_CORRECTION_TYPE_SPECTRUM_FREQUENCY_BIN (1) An individual frequency bin in the spectrum is compensated with the external attenuation value corresponding to that frequency.


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether to enable the traces to be stored and retrieved after performing the SEM measurement.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

The default value is RFMXLTE_VAL_FALSE.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetAllTracesEnabled
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetAllTracesEnabled


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the maximum number of threads used for parallelism for the SEM measurement.

The number of threads can range from 1 to the number of physical cores. The number of threads you set may not be used in calculations. The actual number of threads used depends on the problem size, system resources, data availability, and other considerations.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

The default value is 1.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetNumberOfAnalysisThreads
Set Function: RFmxLTE_SEMSetNumberOfAnalysisThreads

SEM Results


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the sum of powers of all the subblocks. This value includes the power in the inter-carrier gap within a subblock, but it excludes power in the inter-subblock gaps. This value is expressed in dBm.

You do not need to use a selector string to read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsTotalAggregatedPower


Data Type: int32
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeI32
Description: Returns the overall measurement status based on the standard mask type that you configure in the SEM Standard Mask Type attribute.

You do not need to use a selector string to read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsMeasurementStatus
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_MEASUREMENT_STATUS_FAIL (0) Indicates that the measurement has failed.
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_MEASUREMENT_STATUS_PASS (1) Indicates that the measurement has passed.


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the absolute center frequency of the subblock. This value is the center of the subblock integration bandwidth. Integration bandwidth is the span from the left edge of the leftmost carrier to the right edge of the rightmost carrier within the subblock. This value is expressed in Hz.

Use 'subblock(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsSubblockCenterFrequency


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the integration bandwidth of the subblock. Integration bandwidth is the span from left edge of the leftmost carrier to the right edge of the rightmost carrier within the subblock. This value is expressed in Hz.

Use 'subblock(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsSubblockIntegrationBandwidth


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the power measured over the integration bandwidth of the subblock. This value is expressed in dBm.

Use 'subblock(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsSubblockPower

SEM Results Cc


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the sum of powers of all the frequency bins over the integration bandwidth of the carrier. This value is expressed in dBm.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsComponentCarrierAbsoluteIntegratedPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the sum of powers of all the frequency bins over the integration bandwidth of the component carrier power relative to its subblock power. This value is expressed in dB.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsComponentCarrierRelativeIntegratedPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the peak power in the component carrier. This value is expressed in dBm.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsComponentCarrierAbsolutePeakPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the frequency at which the peak power occurs in the component carrier. This value is expressed in Hz.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsComponentCarrierPeakFrequency

SEM Results Lower Offset


Data Type: int32
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeI32
Description: Indicates the measurement status based on the spectrum emission limits defined by the standard mask type that you configure in the SEM Standard Mask Type attribute.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Refer to the LTE Uplink Spectral Emission Mask and LTE Downlink Spectral Emission Mask topics for more information about SEM mask.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsLowerOffsetMeasurementStatus
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_LOWER_OFFSET_MEASUREMENT_STATUS_FAIL (0) Indicates that the measurement has failed.
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_LOWER_OFFSET_MEASUREMENT_STATUS_PASS (1) Indicates that the measurement has passed.


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the lower (negative) offset segment power. For the intra-band noncontiguous type of carrier aggregation, the offset segment may be truncated or discarded based on the offset overlap rules, as defined in the 3GPP TS 36.521 specification. If the offset segment is truncated, the measurement is performed on the updated offset segment. If the offset segment is discarded, a NaN is returned. This value is expressed in dBm.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Refer to the LTE Uplink Spectral Emission Mask and LTE Downlink Spectral Emission Mask topics for more information about SEM offsets.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsLowerOffsetAbsoluteIntegratedPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the power in the lower (negative) offset segment relative to the total aggregated power. For the intra-band noncontiguous type of carrier aggregation, the offset segment may be truncated or discarded based on the offset overlap rules, as defined in the 3GPP TS 36.521 specification. If the offset segment is truncated, the measurement is performed on the updated offset segment. If the offset segment is discarded, a NaN is returned. This value is expressed in dB.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Refer to the LTE Uplink Spectral Emission Mask and LTE Downlink Spectral Emission Mask topics for more information about SEM offsets.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsLowerOffsetRelativeIntegratedPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the peak power in the lower (negative) offset segment. For the intra-band noncontiguous type of carrier aggregation, the offset segment may be truncated or discarded based on the offset overlap rules, as defined in the 3GPP TS 36.521 specification. If the offset segment is truncated, the measurement is performed on the updated offset segment. If the offset segment is discarded, a NaN is returned. This value is expressed in dBm.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Refer to the LTE Uplink Spectral Emission Mask and LTE Downlink Spectral Emission Mask topics for more information about SEM offsets.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsLowerOffsetAbsolutePeakPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the peak power in the lower (negative) offset segment relative to the total aggregated power. For the intra-band noncontiguous type of carrier aggregation, the offset segment may be truncated or discarded based on the offset overlap rules, as defined in the 3GPP TS 36.521 specification. If the offset segment is truncated, the measurement is performed on the updated offset segment. If the offset segment is discarded, a NaN is returned. This value is expressed in dB.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Refer to the LTE Uplink Spectral Emission Mask and LTE Downlink Spectral Emission Mask topics for more information about SEM offsets.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsLowerOffsetRelativePeakPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the frequency at which the peak power occurs in the lower (negative) offset segment. For the intra-band noncontiguous type of carrier aggregation, the offset segment may be truncated or discarded based on the offset overlap rules, as defined in the 3GPP TS 36.521 specification. If the offset segment is truncated, the measurement is performed on the updated offset segment. If the offset segment is discarded, a NaN is returned. This value is expressed in Hz.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Refer to the LTE Uplink Spectral Emission Mask and LTE Downlink Spectral Emission Mask topics for more information about SEM offsets.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsLowerOffsetPeakFrequency


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the margin from the standard-defined absolute limit mask for the lower (negative) offset. Margin is defined as the minimum difference between the limit mask and the spectrum. For the intra-band noncontiguous type of carrier aggregation, the offset segment may be truncated or discarded based on the offset overlap rules, as defined in the 3GPP TS 36.521 specification. If the offset segment is truncated, the measurement is performed on the updated offset segment. If the offset segment is discarded, a NaN is returned. This value is expressed in dB.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Refer to the LTE Uplink Spectral Emission Mask and LTE Downlink Spectral Emission Mask topics for more information about SEM offsets.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsLowerOffsetMargin


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the power at which the margin occurs in the lower (negative) offset segment. For the intra-band noncontiguous type of carrier aggregation, the offset segment may be truncated or discarded based on the offset overlap rules, as defined in the 3GPP TS 36.521 specification. If the offset segment is truncated, the measurement is performed on the updated offset segment. If the offset segment is discarded, a NaN is returned. This value is expressed in dBm.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Refer to the LTE Uplink Spectral Emission Mask and LTE Downlink Spectral Emission Mask topics for more information about SEM offsets.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsLowerOffsetMarginAbsolutePower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the power at which the margin occurs in the lower (negative) offset segment relative to the total aggregated power. For the intra-band noncontiguous type of carrier aggregation, the offset segment may be truncated or discarded based on the offset overlap rules, as defined in the 3GPP TS 36.521 specification. If the offset segment is truncated, the measurement is performed on the updated offset segment. If the offset segment is discarded, a NaN is returned. This value is expressed in dB.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Refer to the LTE Uplink Spectral Emission Mask and LTE Downlink Spectral Emission Mask topics for more information about SEM offsets.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsLowerOffsetMarginRelativePower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the frequency at which the margin occurs in the lower (negative) offset. For the intra-band noncontiguous type of carrier aggregation, the offset segment may be truncated or discarded based on the offset overlap rules, as defined in the 3GPP TS 36.521 specification. If the offset segment is truncated, the measurement is performed on the updated offset segment. If the offset segment is discarded, a NaN is returned. This value is expressed in Hz.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Refer to the LTE Uplink Spectral Emission Mask and LTE Downlink Spectral Emission Mask topics for more information about SEM offsets.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsLowerOffsetMarginFrequency

SEM Results Upper Offset


Data Type: int32
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeI32
Description: Returns the measurement status based on the user-configured standard measurement limits and the failure criteria specified by Limit Fail Mask for the upper (positive) offset. For intra-band noncontiguous case, the offset segment may be truncated or discarded based on offset overlap rules defined in the 3GPP TS 36.521 specification. If the offset segment is truncated, the measurement is performed on the updated offset segment. If the offset segment is discarded, a NaN is returned.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Refer to the LTE Uplink Spectral Emission Mask and LTE Downlink Spectral Emission Mask topics for more information about SEM offsets.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsUpperOffsetMeasurementStatus
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_UPPER_OFFSET_MEASUREMENT_STATUS_FAIL (0) Indicates that the measurement has failed.
RFMXLTE_VAL_SEM_UPPER_OFFSET_MEASUREMENT_STATUS_PASS (1) Indicates that the measurement has passed.


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the upper (positive) offset segment power. For the intra-band noncontiguous type of carrier aggregation, the offset segment may be truncated or discarded based on the offset overlap rules, as defined in the 3GPP TS 36.521 specification. If the offset segment is truncated, the measurement is performed on the updated offset segment. If the offset segment is discarded, a NaN is returned. This value is expressed in dBm.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Refer to the LTE Uplink Spectral Emission Mask and LTE Downlink Spectral Emission Mask topics for more information about SEM offsets.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsUpperOffsetAbsoluteIntegratedPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the power in the upper (positive) offset segment relative to the total aggregated power.

For the intra-band noncontiguous type of carrier aggregation, the offset segment may be truncated or discarded based on the offset overlap rules, as defined in the 3GPP TS 36.521 specification. If the offset segment is truncated, the measurement is performed on the updated offset segment. If the offset segment is discarded, a NaN is returned. This value is expressed in dB.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Refer to the LTE Uplink Spectral Emission Mask and LTE Downlink Spectral Emission Mask topics for more information about SEM offsets.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsUpperOffsetRelativeIntegratedPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the power in the upper (positive) offset segment. For the intra-band noncontiguous type of carrier aggregation, the offset segment may be truncated or discarded based on the offset overlap rules, as defined in the 3GPP TS 36.521 specification. If the offset segment is truncated, the measurement is performed on the updated offset segment. If the offset segment is discarded, a NaN is returned. This value is expressed in dBm.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Refer to the LTE Uplink Spectral Emission Mask and LTE Downlink Spectral Emission Mask topics for more information about SEM offsets.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsUpperOffsetAbsolutePeakPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the peak power in the upper (positive) offset segment relative to the total aggregated power. For the intra-band noncontiguous type of carrier aggregation, the offset segment may be truncated or discarded based on the offset overlap rules, as defined in the 3GPP TS 36.521 specification. If the offset segment is truncated, the measurement is performed on the updated offset segment. If the offset segment is discarded, a NaN is returned. This value is expressed in dB.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Refer to the LTE Uplink Spectral Emission Mask and LTE Downlink Spectral Emission Mask topics for more information about SEM offsets.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsUpperOffsetRelativePeakPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the frequency at which the peak power occurs in the upper (positive) offset segment. For the intra-band noncontiguous type of carrier aggregation, the offset segment may be truncated or discarded based on the offset overlap rules, as defined in the 3GPP TS 36.521 specification. If the offset segment is truncated, the measurement is performed on the updated offset segment. If the offset segment is discarded, a NaN is returned. This value is expressed in Hz.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Refer to the LTE Uplink Spectral Emission Mask and LTE Downlink Spectral Emission Mask topics for more information about SEM offsets.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsUpperOffsetPeakFrequency


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the margin from the absolute limit mask for the upper (positive) offset. The Margin is defined as the minimum difference between the limit mask and the spectrum. For the intra-band noncontiguous type of carrier aggregation, the offset segment may be truncated or discarded based on the offset overlap rules, as defined in the 3GPP TS 36.521 specification. If the offset segment is truncated, the measurement is performed on the updated offset segment. If the offset segment is discarded, a NaN is returned. This value is expressed in Hz.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Refer to the LTE Uplink Spectral Emission Mask and LTE Downlink Spectral Emission Mask topics for more information about SEM offsets.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsUpperOffsetMargin


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the power at which the margin occurs in the upper (positive) offset segment. For the intra-band noncontiguous type of carrier aggregation, the offset segment may be truncated or discarded based on the offset overlap rules, as defined in the 3GPP TS 36.521 specification. If the offset segment is truncated, the measurement is performed on the updated offset segment. If the offset segment is discarded, a NaN is returned. This value is expressed in dBm.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Refer to the LTE Uplink Spectral Emission Mask and LTE Downlink Spectral Emission Mask topics for more information about SEM offsets.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsUpperOffsetMarginAbsolutePower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the power at which the margin occurs in the upper (positive) offset segment relative to the total aggregated power. For the intra-band noncontiguous type of carrier aggregation, the offset segment may be truncated or discarded based on the offset overlap rules, as defined in the 3GPP TS 36.521 specification. If the offset segment is truncated, the measurement is performed on the updated offset segment. If the offset segment is discarded, a NaN is returned. This value is expressed in dB.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Refer to the LTE Uplink Spectral Emission Mask and LTE Downlink Spectral Emission Mask topics for more information about SEM offsets.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsUpperOffsetMarginRelativePower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the frequency at which the margin occurs in the upper (positive) offset. For the intra-band noncontiguous type of carrier aggregation, the offset segment may be truncated or discarded based on the offset overlap rules, as defined in the 3GPP TS 36.521 specification. If the offset segment is truncated, the measurement is performed on the updated offset segment. If the offset segment is discarded, a NaN is returned. This value is expressed in Hz.

Use 'offset(k)' or 'subblock(n)/offset(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Refer to the LTE Uplink Spectral Emission Mask and LTE Downlink Spectral Emission Mask topics for more information about SEM offsets.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_SEMGetResultsUpperOffsetMarginFrequency

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