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NI RFmx SpecAn Fetch Functions

Alex Starche edited this page Feb 28, 2022 · 5 revisions

Fetch Functions

ACP Fetch


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_ACPFetchTotalCarrierPower (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* totalCarrierPower);


Fetches the total integrated power of all the active carriers measured when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_ACP_POWER_UNITS) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_ACP_POWER_UNITS_DBM. This function returns the power spectral density based on the power in all the active carriers measured when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_ACP_POWER_UNITS attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_ACP_POWER_UNITS_DBM_PER_HZ.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
totalCarrierPower float64* Returns the total integrated power of all the active carriers measured when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_ACP_POWER_UNITS) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_ACP_POWER_UNITS_DBM. This parameter returns the power spectral density based on the power in all the active carriers measured when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_ACP_POWER_UNITS attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_ACP_POWER_UNITS_DBM_PER_HZ.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_ACPFetchFrequencyResolution (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* frequencyResolution);


Returns the frequency resolution, in Hz, of the spectrum acquired by the measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
frequencyResolution float64* Returns the frequency bin spacing, in Hz, of the spectrum acquired by the measurement.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_ACPFetchCarrierMeasurement (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* absolutePower, float64* totalRelativePower, float64* carrierOffset, float64* integrationBandwidth);


Returns the measured carrier power.

Use "carrier<n>" as the selector string to read results from this function.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name, result name, and carrier number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildCarrierString2) function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
absolutePower float64* Returns the measured carrier power. The carrier power is reported in dBm or dBm/Hz based on the value of the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_ACP_POWER_UNITS) attribute.
totalRelativePower float64* Returns the carrier power, in dB, measured relative to the total carrier power of all active carriers.
carrierOffset float64* Returns the center frequency, in Hz, of the carrier relative to the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_CENTER_FREQUENCY) attribute.
integrationBandwidth float64* Returns the frequency range, in Hz, over which the measurement integrates the carrier power.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_ACPFetchOffsetMeasurement (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* lowerRelativePower, float64* upperRelativePower, float64* lowerAbsolutePower, float64* upperAbsolutePower);


Returns the absolute and relative powers measured in the offset channel. The relative powers are measured relative to the integrated power of the power reference carrier. The relative powers are not measured if you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_ACP_CARRIER_MODE) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_ACP_CARRIER_MODE_PASSIVE.

Use "offset<n>" as the selector string to read results from this function.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name, result name, and offset number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildOffsetString2) function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
lowerRelativePower float64* Returns the lower offset channel power, in dB, measured relative to the integrated power of the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_ACP_RESULTS_LOWER_OFFSET_POWER_REFERENCE_CARRIER) attribute.
upperRelativePower float64* Returns the upper offset channel power, in dB, measured relative to the integrated power of the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_ACP_RESULTS_UPPER_OFFSET_POWER_REFERENCE_CARRIER) attribute.
lowerAbsolutePower float64* Returns the lower offset channel power.
upperAbsolutePower float64* Returns the upper offset channel power.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_ACPFetchOffsetMeasurementArray (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64 lowerRelativePower[], float64 upperRelativePower[], float64 lowerAbsolutePower[], float64 upperAbsolutePower[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Returns the absolute and relative powers measured in the offset channel. The relative powers are measured relative to the integrated power of the power reference carrier. The relative powers are not measured if you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_ACP_CARRIER_MODE) attribute for the reference carrier to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_ACP_CARRIER_MODE_PASSIVE.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
lowerRelativePower float64[] Returns the array of lower offset channel powers, in dB, measured relative to the integrated power of the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_ACP_RESULTS_LOWER_OFFSET_POWER_REFERENCE_CARRIER) attribute. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
upperRelativePower float64[] Returns the array of upper offset channel powers, in dB, measured relative to the integrated power of the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_ACP_RESULTS_UPPER_OFFSET_POWER_REFERENCE_CARRIER) attribute. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
lowerAbsolutePower float64[] Returns the array of lower offset channel powers. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
upperAbsolutePower float64[] Returns the array of upper offset channel powers. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_ACPFetchSpectrum (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* x0, float64* dx, float32 spectrum[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the spectrum used for adjacent channel power (ACP) measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the y array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the start frequency, in Hz.
dx float64* Returns the frequency bin spacing, in Hz.
spectrum float32[] Returns the averaged power measured at each frequency bin. This value is expressed in dBm.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_ACPFetchRelativePowersTrace( niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, int32 traceIndex, float64* x0, float64* dx, float32 relativePowersTrace[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize );


Fetches the relative powers trace for adjacent channel power (ACP) measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
traceIndex int32 Specifies the index of the trace to fetch. The traceIndex can range from 0 to (Number of carriers + 2*Number of offsets).
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the y array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the start frequency, in Hz.
dx float64* Returns the frequency bin spacing, in Hz.
relativePowersTrace float32[] Returns the trace of relative powers measured relative to the power reference carrier in the channel specified by the traceIndex parameter. This value is expressed in dB.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_ACPFetchAbsolutePowersTrace( niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, int32 traceIndex, float64* x0, float64* dx, float32 absolutePowersTrace[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize );


Fetches the absolute powers trace for the adjacent channel power (ACP) measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
traceIndex int32 Specifies the index of the trace to fetch. The traceIndex can range from 0 to (Number of carriers + 2*Number of offsets).
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the y array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the start frequency, in Hz.
dx float64* Returns the frequency bin spacing, in Hz.
absolutePowersTrace float32[] Returns the trace of measured integrated power specified by the traceIndex parameter in dBm or power spectral density in dBm/Hz based on the power units that you specify in the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_ACP_POWER_UNITS attribute.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

CCDF Fetch


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_CCDFFetchPower (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* meanPower, float64* meanPowerPercentile, float64* peakPower, int32* measuredSamplesCount);


Returns the mean power and peak power for the complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
meanPower float64* Returns the average power, in dBm, of all the samples. If you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_CCDF_THRESHOLD_ENABLED) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_CCDF_THRESHOLD_ENABLED_TRUE, samples above the threshold are measured.
meanPowerPercentile float64* Returns the percentage of samples that have more power than the mean power.
peakPower float64* Returns the peak power of the acquired signal, relative to the mean power.
measuredSamplesCount int32* Returns the total number of samples measured.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_CCDFFetchBasicPowerProbabilities (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* tenPercentPower, float64* onePercentPower, float64* oneTenthPercentPower, float64* oneHundredthPercentPower, float64* oneThousandthPercentPower, float64* oneTenThousandthPercentPower);


Returns complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) power probabilities.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
tenPercentPower float64* Returns the power, in dB, above the mean power, over which 10% of the total samples in the signal are present.
onePercentPower float64* Returns the power, in dB, above the mean power, over which 1% of the total samples in the signal are present.
oneTenthPercentPower float64* Returns the power, in dB, above the mean power, over which 0.1% of the total samples in the signal are present.
oneHundredthPercentPower float64* Returns the power, in dB, above the mean power, over which 0.01% of the total samples in the signal are present.
oneThousandthPercentPower float64* Returns the power, in dB, above the mean power, over which 0.001% of the total samples in the signal are present.
oneTenThousandthPercentPower float64* Returns the power, in dB, above the mean power, over which 0.0001% of the total samples in the signal are present.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_CCDFFetchGaussianProbabilitiesTrace (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* x0, float64* dx, float32 gaussianProbabilities[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the Gaussian probabilities trace for the complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the y array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Represents the mean power.
dx float64* Returns the bin size used by the CCDF measurement.
gaussianProbabilities float32[] Returns the Gaussian probabilities. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0. If the y array is not large enough to hold all the samples, the function returns an error.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_CCDFFetchProbabilitiesTrace (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* x0, float64* dx, float32 probabilities[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Returns the probabilities trace for the complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the y array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the mean power.
dx float64* Returns the bin size used by the CCDF measurement.
probabilities float32[] Returns the probability, as a percentage, indicating the occurrence of samples in the signal with power greater than the mean power by x dB. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0. If the y array is not large enough to hold all the samples, the function returns an error.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

CHP Fetch


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_CHPFetchSpectrum (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* x0, float64* dx, float32 spectrum[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the spectrum used for channel power (CHP) measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the y array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the start frequency, in Hz.
dx float64* Returns the frequency bin spacing, in Hz.
spectrum float32[] Returns the averaged power measured at each frequency bin. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0. If the y array is not large enough to hold all the samples, the function returns an error. This value is expressed in dBm.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_CHPFetchCarrierMeasurement (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* absolutePower, float64* PSD, float64* relativePower);


Returns the averaged channel power measurements.

Use "carrier<n>" as the selector string to read results from this function.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name, result name, and carrier number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildCarrierString2 )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
absolutePower float64* Returns the absolute power, in dBm, measured in the specified integration bandwidth.
PSD float64* Returns the power spectral density of the channel, in dBm/Hz.
relativePower float64* Returns the carrier power, in dB, measured relative to the total carrier power.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_CHPFetchTotalCarrierPower (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* totalCarrierPower);


Returns the total integrated carrier power.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
totalCarrierPower float64 Returns the total integrated power of all carriers, in dBm.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

Fcnt Fetch


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_FCntFetchMeasurement (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* averageRelativeFrequency, float64* averageAbsoluteFrequency, float64* meanPhase);


Returns the frequency and phase measured using the frequency count (FCnt) measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
averageRelativeFrequency float64* Returns the signal frequency relative to the RF center frequency. Only samples above the threshold are used when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_FCNT_THRESHOLD_ENABLED) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_FCNT_THRESHOLD_ENABLED_TRUE.
averageAbsoluteFrequency float64* Returns the RF signal frequency. Only samples above the threshold are used when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_FCNT_THRESHOLD_ENABLED attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_FCNT_THRESHOLD_ENABLED_TRUE.
meanPhase float64* Returns the net phase of the vector sum of the I/Q samples used for frequency measurement.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_FCntFetchFrequencyTrace (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* x0, float64* dx, float32 frequencyTrace[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the frequency trace for the frequency count (FCnt) measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the y array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the start time, in seconds.
dx float64* Returns the sample duration, in seconds.
frequencyTrace float32[] Returns the frequency, in Hz, measured at each time instance. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0. If the y array is not large enough to hold all the samples, the function returns an error.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_FCntFetchPhaseTrace (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* x0, float64* dx, float32 phaseTrace[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the phase trace for the frequency count (FCnt) measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the y array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the start time, in seconds.
dx float64* Returns the sample duration, in seconds.
phaseTrace float32[] Returns the averaged phase, in degrees, measured at each time instance. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0. If the y array is not large enough to hold all the samples, the function returns an error.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_FCntFetchPowerTrace (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* x0, float64* dx, float32 powerTrace[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the power trace for the frequency count (FCnt) measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the y array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the start time, in seconds.
dx float64* Returns the sample duration, in seconds.
powerTrace float32[] Returns the measured average power, in dBm, at each time instance. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0. If the y array is not large enough to hold all the samples, the function returns an error.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_FCntFetchAllanDeviation (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* allanDeviation);


Fetches the two-sample deviation of the measured frequency.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
allanDeviation float64* Returns the two-sample deviation of the measured frequency.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

Harmonics Fetch


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_HarmFetchTHD (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* totalHarmonicDistortion, float64* averageFundamentalPower, float64* fundamentalFrequency);


Returns the total harmonics distortion (THD), measured as a percentage of the power in the fundamental signal.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
totalHarmonicDistortion float64* Returns the THD, measured as a percentage of the power in the fundamental signal. THD calculation involves only the harmonics that are enabled.

THD (%) = SQRT (Total power of all enabled harmonics - Power in fundamental) * 100 / Power in fundamental.
averageFundamentalPower float64* Returns the average power, in dBm, measured at the fundamental frequency.
fundamentalFrequency float64* Returns the frequency, in hertz (Hz), used as the fundamental frequency.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_HarmFetchHarmonicMeasurement (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* averageRelativePower, float64* averageAbsolutePower, float64* RBW, float64* frequency);


Returns the power measured at the harmonic frequency.

Use "harmonic<n>" as the selector string to read results from this function.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name, result name, and harmonic number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildHarmonicString2 )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
averageRelativePower float64* Returns the average power, in dB, relative to the fundamental power measured at the harmonic.
averageAbsolutePower float64* Returns the average absolute power, in dBm, measured at the harmonic.
RBW float64* Returns the resolution bandwidth (RBW), in hertz (Hz), which is used by the harmonic measurement, for the harmonic.
frequency float64* Returns the RF frequency, in Hz, of the harmonic.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_HarmFetchHarmonicMeasurementArray (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64 averageRelativePower[], float64 averageAbsolutePower[], float64 RBW[], float64 frequency[], int32 arraySize, int32 *actualArraySize);


Returns the array of powers measured at the harmonic frequency.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
averageRelativePower float64[] Returns the array of average powers, in dB, relative to the fundamental power measured at each harmonic. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
averageAbsolutePower float64[] Returns the array of average absolute powers, in dBm, measured at each harmonic. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
RBW float64[] Returns the array of resolution bandwidths (RBW), in hertz (Hz), which is used by the harmonic measurement, for each harmonic. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
frequency float64[] Returns the array of frequencies, in Hz, of each harmonic. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_HarmFetchHarmonicPowerTrace (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* x0, float64* dx, float32 y[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the power trace for the harmonics measurement.

Use "harmonic<n>" as the selector string to read results from this function.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name, result name, and harmonic number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildHarmonicString2 )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the y array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the start time, in seconds.
dx float64* Returns the sample duration, in seconds.
power float32[] Returns the measured average power, in dBm, at each time instance. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0. If the y array is not large enough to hold all the samples, the function returns an error.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

OBW Fetch


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_OBWFetchMeasurement (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* occupiedBandwidth, float64* averagePower, float64* frequencyResolution, float64* startFrequency, float64* stopFrequency);


Returns the occupied bandwidth (OBW) measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
occupiedBandwidth float64* Returns the occupied bandwidth, in hertz (Hz).
averagePower float64* Returns the total integrated power of the averaged spectrum acquired by the OBW measurement when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_OBW_POWER_UNITS) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_OBW_POWER_UNITS_DBM. This function returns the power spectral density when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_OBW_POWER_UNITS attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_OBW_POWER_UNITS_DBM_PER_HZ.
frequencyResolution float64* Returns the frequency bin spacing, in hertz (Hz), of the spectrum acquired by the measurement.
startFrequency float64* Returns the start frequency, in Hz, of the OBW. The OBW is calculated using the following formula: OBW = stop frequency - start frequency.
stopFrequency float64* Returns the stop frequency, in Hz, of the OBW.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_OBWFetchSpectrumTrace (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* x0, float64* dx, float32 spectrum[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the spectrum trace used for the OBW measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the y array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the start frequency, in Hz.
dx float64* Returns the frequency bin spacing, in Hz.
spectrum float32[] Returns the averaged power measured at each frequency bin. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0. If the y array is not large enough to hold all the samples, the function returns an error. This value is expressed in dBm.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

SEM Fetch


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_SEMFetchTotalCarrierPower (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* totalCarrierPower);


Returns the total integrated power, in dBm, of all the enabled carriers measured when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
totalCarrierPower float64* Returns the total integrated power, in dBm, of all the enabled carriers measured when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM. Returns the power spectral density, in dBm/Hz, when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM_PER_HZ.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_SEMFetchCompositeMeasurementStatus (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, int32* compositeMeasurementStatus);


Indicates the overall SEM measurement status based on the measurement limits and the fail criteria that you set in the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK) attribute for each offset segment.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
compositeMeasurementStatus int32* Indicates the overall measurement status based on the measurement limits and the fail criteria that you set in the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK attribute for each offset segment.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_COMPOSITE_MEASUREMENT_STATUS_FAIL (0) Indicates that the measurement has failed.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_COMPOSITE_MEASUREMENT_STATUS_PASS (1) Indicates that the measurement has passed.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_SEMFetchFrequencyResolution (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* frequencyResolution);


Returns the frequency bin spacing, in hertz (Hz), of the spectrum acquired by the measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
frequencyResolution float64* Returns the frequency bin spacing, in Hz, of the spectrum acquired by the measurement.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_SEMFetchCarrierMeasurement (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* absolutePower, float64* peakAbsolutePower, float64* peakFrequency, float64* totalRelativePower);


Returns the carrier power measurement.

Use "carrier<n>" as the selector string to read results from this function.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name, result name, and carrier number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildCarrierString2 )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
absolutePower float64* Returns the carrier power. The power is measured in dBm when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM, and in dBm/Hz when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM_PER_HZ.
peakAbsolutePower float64* Returns the peak power in the carrier channel. The power is measured in dBm when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM, and in dBm/Hz when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM_PER_HZ.
peakFrequency float64* Returns the frequency, in hertz (Hz), at which the peak power occurs in the carrier channel.
totalRelativePower float64* Returns the carrier power, in dB, relative to the total carrier power of all enabled carriers.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

SEM Lower Offset


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_SEMFetchLowerOffsetPower (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* totalAbsolutePower, float64* totalRelativePower, float64* peakAbsolutePower, float64* peakFrequency, float64* peakRelativePower);


Returns the lower offset segment power measurements.

Use "offset<n>" as the selector string to read parameters from this function.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name, result name, and offset number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildOffsetString2 )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
totalAbsolutePower float64* Returns the lower (negative) offset segment power measured.

The power is measured in dBm when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM, and in dBm/Hz when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM_PER_HZ.
totalRelativePower float64* Returns the power in the lower (negative) offset segment relative to the integrated or peak power of the reference carrier.

When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE_INTEGRATION, the reference carrier power is the total power in the reference carrier. When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE_PEAK, the reference carrier power is the peak power in the reference carrier.
peakAbsolutePower float64* Returns the peak power measured in the lower (negative) offset segment. The power is measured in dBm when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM, and in dBm/Hz when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM_PER_HZ.
peakFrequency float64* Returns the frequency, in hertz (Hz), at which the peak power occurred in the offset segment.
peakRelativePower float64* Returns the peak power in the lower (negative) offset segment relative to the integrated or peak power of the reference carrier.

When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE_INTEGRATION, the reference carrier power is the total power in the reference carrier. When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE_PEAK, the reference carrier power is the peak power in the reference carrier.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_SEMFetchLowerOffsetMargin (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, int32* measurementStatus, float64* margin, float64* marginFrequency, float64* marginAbsolutePower, float64* marginRelativePower);


Returns the measurement status and margin from the limit line measured in the lower offset segment.

Use "offset<n>" as the selector string to read parameters from this function.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name, result name, and offset number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildOffsetString2 )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
measurementStatus int32* Indicates the lower offset measurement status based on measurement limits and the fail criteria that you specify in the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK) attribute.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_MEASUREMENT_STATUS_FAIL (0) Indicates that the measurement has failed.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_MEASUREMENT_STATUS_PASS (1) Indicates that the measurement has passed.
margin float64* Returns the margin, in dB, from the limit mask value that you set in the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK attribute. Margin is defined as the maximum difference between the spectrum and the limit mask.

When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK_ABSOLUTE, the margin is with reference to the absolute limit mask.

When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK_RELATIVE, the margin is with reference to the relative limit mask.

When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK_ABSANDREL, the margin is the maximum of the margins referenced to the absolute and relative limit masks.

When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK_ABSORREL, the margin is the minimum of the margins referenced to the absolute and relative limit masks.
marginFrequency float64* Returns the frequency, in hertz (Hz), at which the margin occurred in the lower (negative) offset.
marginAbsolutePower float64* Returns the power, in dBm or dBm/Hz, at which the margin occurred in the lower (negative) offset segment. The power is measured in dBm when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM, and in dBm/Hz when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM_PER_HZ.
marginRelativePower float64* Returns the power, in dB, at which the margin occurred in the lower (negative) offset segment relative to the integrated or peak power of the reference carrier.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_SEMFetchLowerOffsetPowerArray (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64 totalAbsolutePower[], float64 totalRelativePower[], float64 peakAbsolutePower[], float64 peakFrequency[], float64 peakRelativePower[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Returns the arrays of lower offset segment power measurements.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
totalAbsolutePower float64[] Returns the array of lower (negative) offset segment powers measured.

The power is measured in dBm when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM, and in dBm/Hz when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM_PER_HZ. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
totalRelativePower float64[] Returns the array of powers in each lower (negative) offset segment relative to the integrated or peak power of the reference carrier.

When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE_INTEGRATION, the reference carrier power is the total power in the reference carrier. When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE_PEAK, the reference carrier power is the peak power in the reference carrier. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
peakAbsolutePower float64[] Returns the array of peak powers measured in each lower (negative) offset segment. The power is measured in dBm when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM, and in dBm/Hz when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM_PER_HZ. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
peakFrequency float64[] Returns the array of frequencies, in hertz (Hz), at which the peak power occurred in each offset segment. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
peakRelativePower float64[] Returns the array of peak powers in the lower (negative) offset segment relative to the integrated or peak power of the reference carrier.

When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE_INTEGRATION, the reference carrier power is the total power in the reference carrier. When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE_PEAK, the reference carrier power is the peak power in the reference carrier. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_SEMFetchLowerOffsetMarginArray (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, int32 measurementStatus[], float64 margin[], float64 marginFrequency[], float64 marginAbsolutePower[], float64 marginRelativePower[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Returns the array of measurement statuses and margins from the limit line measured in the lower offset segments.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
measurementStatus int32[] Returns the array of lower offset measurement statuses based on measurement limits and the fail criteria that you specify in the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK) attribute. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_MEASUREMENT_STATUS_FAIL (0) Indicates that the measurement has failed.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_MEASUREMENT_STATUS_PASS (1) Indicates that the measurement has passed.
margin float64[] Returns the margin, in dB, from the limit mask value that you set in the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK attribute. Margin is defined as the maximum difference between the spectrum and the limit mask. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.

When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK_ABSOLUTE, the margin is with reference to the absolute limit mask.

When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK_RELATIVE, the margin is with reference to the relative limit mask.

When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK_ABSANDREL, the margin is the maximum of the margins referenced to the absolute and relative limit masks.

When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK_ABSORREL, the margin is the minimum of the margins referenced to the absolute and relative limit masks.
marginFrequency float64[] Returns the array of frequencies, in hertz (Hz), at which the margin occurred in each lower (negative) offset segment. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
marginAbsolutePower float64[] Returns the array of powers, in dBm or dBm/Hz, at which the margin occurred in the lower (negative) offset segment. The power is measured in dBm when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM, and in dBm/Hz when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM_PER_HZ. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
marginRelativePower float64[] Returns the array of powers, in dB, at which the margin occurred in each lower (negative) offset segment relative to the integrated or peak power of the reference carrier. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

SEM Upper Offset


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_SEMFetchUpperOffsetPower (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* totalAbsolutePower, float64* totalRelativePower, float64* peakAbsolutePower, float64* peakFrequency, float64* peakRelativePower);


Returns the upper offset segment power measurements.

Use "offset<n>" as the selector string to read parameters from this function.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name, result name, and offset number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildOffsetString2 )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
totalAbsolutePower float64* Returns the upper (positive) offset segment power measured.

The power is measured in dBm when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM, and in dBm/Hz when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM_PER_HZ.
totalRelativePower float64* Returns the power in the upper (positive) offset segment relative to the integrated or peak power of the reference carrier.

When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE_INTEGRATION, the reference carrier power is the total power in the reference carrier. When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE_PEAK, the reference carrier power is the peak power in the reference carrier.
peakAbsolutePower float64* Returns the peak power measured in the upper (positive) offset segment. The power is measured in dBm when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM, and in dBm/Hz when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM_PER_HZ.
peakFrequency float64* Returns the frequency, in hertz (Hz), at which the peak power occurred in the offset segment.
peakRelativePower float64* Returns the peak power in the upper (positive) offset segment relative to the integrated or peak power of the reference carrier.

When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE_INTEGRATION, the reference carrier power is the total power in the reference carrier. When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE_PEAK, the reference carrier power is the peak power in the reference carrier.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_SEMFetchUpperOffsetMargin (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, int32* measurementStatus, float64* margin, float64* marginFrequency, float64* marginAbsolutePower, float64* marginRelativePower);


Returns the measurement status and margin from the limit line measured in the upper offset segment.

Use "offset<n>" as the selector string to read parameters from this function.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name, result name, and offset number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildOffsetString2 )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
measurementStatus int32* Indicates the upper offset measurement status based on measurement limits and the fail criteria that you specify in the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK) attribute.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_MEASUREMENT_STATUS_FAIL (0) Indicates that the measurement has failed.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_MEASUREMENT_STATUS_PASS (1) Indicates that the measurement has passed.
margin float64* Returns the margin, in dB, from the limit mask value that you set in the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK) attribute. Margin is defined as the maximum difference between the spectrum and the limit mask.

When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK_ABSOLUTE, the margin is with reference to the absolute limit mask.

When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK_RELATIVE, the margin is with reference to the relative limit mask.

When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK_ABSANDREL, the margin is the maximum of the margins referenced to the absolute and relative limit masks.

When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK_ABSORREL, the margin is the minimum of the margins referenced to the absolute and relative limit masks.
marginFrequency float64* Returns the frequency, in hertz (Hz), at which the margin occurred in the upper (positive) offset.
marginAbsolutePower float64* Returns the power, in dBm or dBm/Hz, at which the margin occurred in the upper (positive) offset segment. The power is measured in dBm when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM, and in dBm/Hz when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM_PER_HZ.
marginRelativePower float64* Returns the power, in dB, at which the margin occurred in the upper (positive) offset segment relative to the integrated or peak power of the reference carrier.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_SEMFetchUpperOffsetPowerArray (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64 totalAbsolutePower[], float64 totalRelativePower[], float64 peakAbsolutePower[], float64 peakFrequency[], float64 peakRelativePower[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Returns the arrays of upper offset segment power measurements.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
totalAbsolutePower float64[] Returns the array of upper (positive) offset segment powers measured.

The power is measured in dBm when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM, and in dBm/Hz when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM_PER_HZ. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
totalRelativePower float64[] Returns the array of powers measured in each upper (positive) offset segment relative to the integrated or peak power of the reference carrier.

When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE_INTEGRATION, the reference carrier power is the total power in the reference carrier. When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE_PEAK, the reference carrier power is the peak power in the reference carrier. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
peakAbsolutePower float64[] Returns the array of peak powers measured in each upper (positive) offset segment. The power is measured in dBm when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM, and in dBm/Hz when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM_PER_HZ. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
peakFrequency float64[] Returns the array of frequencies, in hertz (Hz), at which the peak power occurred in each offset segment. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
peakRelativePower float64[] Returns the array of peak powers measured in each upper (positive) offset segment relative to the integrated or peak power of the reference carrier.

When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE_INTEGRATION, the reference carrier power is the total power in the reference carrier. When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_REFERENCE_TYPE_PEAK, the reference carrier power is the peak power in the reference carrier. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_SEMFetchUpperOffsetMarginArray (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, int32 measurementStatus[], float64 margin[], float64 marginFrequency[], float64 marginAbsolutePower[], float64 marginRelativePower[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Returns the measurement status and margin from the limit line measured in the upper offset segments.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
measurementStatus int32[] Returns the array of upper offset measurement statuses based on measurement limits and the fail criteria that you specify in the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK) attribute. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_MEASUREMENT_STATUS_FAIL (0) Indicates that the measurement has failed.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_MEASUREMENT_STATUS_PASS (1) Indicates that the measurement has passed.
margin float64[] Returns the array of margins, in dB, from the limit mask value that you set in the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK) attribute. Margin is defined as the maximum difference between the spectrum and the limit mask. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.

When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK_ABSOLUTE, the margin is with reference to the absolute limit mask.

When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK_RELATIVE, the margin is with reference to the relative limit mask.

When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK_ABSANDREL, the margin is the maximum of the margins referenced to the absolute and relative limit masks.

When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_OFFSET_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_LIMIT_FAIL_MASK_ABSORREL, the margin is the minimum of the margins referenced to the absolute and relative limit masks.
marginFrequency float64[] Returns the array of frequencies, in hertz (Hz), at which the margin occurred in each upper (positive) offset. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
marginAbsolutePower float64[] Returns the array of powers, in dBm or dBm/Hz, at which the margin occurred in each upper (positive) offset segment. The power is measured in dBm when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM, and in dBm/Hz when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SEM_POWER_UNITS attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SEM_POWER_UNITS_DBM_PER_HZ. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
marginRelativePower float64[] Returns the array of powers, in dB, at which the margin occurred in each upper (positive) offset segment relative to the integrated or peak power of the reference carrier. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_SEMFetchSpectrum (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* x0, float64* dx, float32 spectrum[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the spectrum used for SEM measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the y array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the start frequency, in Hz.
dx float64* Returns the frequency bin spacing, in Hz.
spectrum float32[] Returns the averaged power measured at each frequency bin. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0. If the y array is not large enough to hold all the samples, the function returns an error. This value is expressed in dBm.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_SEMFetchRelativeMaskTrace (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* x0, float64* dx, float32 relativeMask[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the relative mask trace used for SEM measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the y array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the start frequency, in hertz (Hz), of the channel.
dx float64* Returns the frequency bin spacing, in Hz.
relativeMask float32[] Returns relative mask used for the channel. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0. If the y array is not large enough to hold all the samples, the function returns an error.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_SEMFetchAbsoluteMaskTrace (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* x0, float64* dx, float32 absoluteMask[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the absolute mask trace used for SEM measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the y array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the start frequency, in hertz (Hz), of the channel.
dx float64* Returns the frequency bin spacing, in Hz.
absoluteMask float32[] Returns absolute mask used for the channel. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0. If the y array is not large enough to hold all the samples, the function returns an error.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

Spectrum Fetch


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_SpectrumFetchMeasurement (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* peakAmplitude, float64* peakFrequency, float64* frequencyResolution);


Fetches the peak amplitude and frequency at which the peak occurred in the spectrum.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
peakAmplitude float64* Returns the peak amplitude, of the averaged spectrum. When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SPECTRUM_SPAN) attribute to 0, this function returns the peak amplitude in the time domain power trace.
peakFrequency float64* Returns the frequency, in hertz (Hz), at the peak amplitude of the averaged spectrum. This parameter is not valid if you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SPECTRUM_SPAN attribute to 0.
frequencyResolution float64* Returns the frequency bin spacing, in hertz (Hz), of the spectrum acquired by the measurement. This parameter is not valid if you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SPECTRUM_SPAN attribute to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_SpectrumFetchSpectrum (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* x0, float64* dx, float32 spectrum[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the spectrum used for the Spectrum measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the y array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the start frequency, in hertz (Hz). When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SPECTRUM_SPAN) attribute to 0, x0 returns the start time, in seconds.
dx float64* Returns the frequency bin spacing, in Hz. When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SPECTRUM_SPAN attribute to 0, dx returns the sample duration, in seconds.
spectrum float32[] Returns the averaged power, measured at each frequency bin. When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SPECTRUM_SPAN attribute to 0, the averaged power is measured at each sample instance in time. The units of power is as specified using the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SPECTRUM_POWER_UNITS) attribute. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0. If the y array is not large enough to hold all the samples, the function returns an error.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the output array parameters, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_SpectrumFetchPowerTrace (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* x0, float64* dx, float32 power[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the power trace for the Spectrum measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the y array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the start time, in seconds.
dx float64* Returns the sample duration, in seconds.
power float32[] Returns the measured average power, in dBm, at each time instance. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0. If the y array is not large enough to hold all the samples, the function returns an error.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the output array parameters, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

Spur Fetch


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_SpurFetchSpurMeasurement (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* spurFrequency, float64* spurAmplitude, float64* spurMargin, float64* spurAbsoluteLimit);


Fetches the information of spurious emissions (Spurs) in the range.

Use "range<n>/spur<k>" as the selector string to read results from this function.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name, result name, range number, and spur number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSpurString2 )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
spurFrequency float64* Returns the frequency, in hertz (Hz), of the detected spur.
spurAmplitude float64* Returns the power, in dBm, of the detected spur.
spurMargin float64* Returns the difference between the spur amplitude and the absolute limit at the spur frequency.
spurAbsoluteLimit float64* Returns the threshold, in dBm, used to calculate the margin of the detected spur.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_SpurFetchMeasurementStatus (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, int32* measurementStatus);


Indicates the overall spurious emission (Spur) measurement status.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
measurementStatus int32* Indicates the overall measurement status.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SPUR_MEASUREMENT_STATUS_FAIL (0) Indicates that the amplitude of the detected spurs is greater than the value of the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SPUR_RESULTS_RANGE_ABSOLUTE_LIMIT) attribute.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_SPUR_MEASUREMENT_STATUS_PASS (1) Indicates that the amplitude of the detected spurs is lower than the value of the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_SPUR_RESULTS_RANGE_ABSOLUTE_LIMIT attribute.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_SpurFetchRangeStatus (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, int32* rangeStatus, int32* detectedSpurs);


Fetches the range status for spurious emission (Spur) measurements.

Use "range<n>" as the selector string to read results from this function.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name, result name, and range number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildRangeString2 )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
rangeStatus int32* Indicates the measurement status for the frequency range.
detectedSpurs int32* Returns the number of detected Spurs in the specified frequency range.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_SpurFetchSpurMeasurementArray (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* x0, float64* dx, float32 rangeSpectrum[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the information of Spurs in the range.

Use "range<n>" as the selector string to read results from this function.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name, result name, and range number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildRangeString2 )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the start frequency, in Hz.
dx float64* Returns the frequency bin spacing, in Hz.
rangeSpectrum float32[] Returns the array of thresholds, in dBm, used to calculate the margin of the detected spurs. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the output array parameters, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_SpurFetchRangeStatusArray (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, int32 rangeStatus[], int32 numberOfDetectedSpurs[], int32 arraySize, int32 *actualArraySize);


Fetches the range status for spurious emission (Spur) measurements.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
rangeStatus int32[] Indicates the array of measurement statuses for each frequency range. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
numberOfDetectedSpurs int32[] Returns the array of number of detected Spurs in each frequency range. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the output array parameters, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_SpurFetchRangeAbsoluteLimitTrace (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* x0, float64* dx, float32 absoluteLimit[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the absolute limit line used in the range.

Use "range<n>" as the selector string to read results from this function.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name, result name, and range number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.






You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildRangeString2 )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the y array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the start frequency, in hertz (Hz), of the channel.
dx float64* Returns the frequency bin spacing, in Hz.
absoluteLimit float32[] Returns the absolute limit, in dBm, at each frequency bin in the range. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0. If the y array is not large enough to hold all the samples, the function returns an error.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the output array parameters, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_SpurFetchSpurMeasurementArray (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64 spurFrequency[], float64 spurAmplitude[], float64 spurAbsoluteLimit[], float64 spurMargin[], int32 arraySize, int32 *actualArraySize);


Fetches the information of Spurs in the range.

Use "range<n>" as the selector string to read results from this function.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name, result name, and range number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildRangeString2 )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
spurFrequency float64[] Returns the array of frequencies, in hertz (Hz), of the detected spurs. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
spurAmplitude float64[] Returns the array of powers, in dBm, of the detected spurs. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
spurAbsoluteLimit float64[] Returns the array of thresholds, in dBm, used to calculate the margin of the detected spurs. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
spurMargin float64[] Returns the array of differences between the spur amplitude and the absolute limit at the spur frequency. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the output array parameters, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_SpurFetchAllSpurs( niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64 spurFrequency[], float64 spurAmplitude[], float64 spurMargin[], float64 spurAbsoluteLimit[], int32 spurRangeIndex[], int32 arraySize, int32 *actualArraySize );


Fetches all the spurs across all ranges.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
spurFrequency float64[] Returns the array of frequencies, in hertz (Hz), of all detected spurs across all ranges.
spurAmplitude float64[] Returns the array of powers, in dBm, of all detected spurs across all ranges.
spurMargin float64[] Returns the array of the differences between the spur amplitude and the absolute limit at the spur frequency.
spurAbsoluteLimit float64[] Returns the array of thresholds, in dBm, used to calculate the margin of the detected spur.
spurRangeIndex int32[] Returns the array containing range indices corresponding to the detected spurs.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the output array parameters, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

TXP Fetch


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_TXPFetchMeasurement (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* averageMeanPower, float64* peakToAverageRatio, float64* maximumPower, float64* minimumPower);


Returns the powers measured using the TXP measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
averageMeanPower float64* Returns the mean power, in dBm, of the signal. Only the samples above the threshold are used by the measurement when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_TXP_THRESHOLD_ENABLED) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_TXP_THRESHOLD_ENABLED_TRUE. When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_TXP_AVERAGING_ENABLED) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_TXP_AVERAGING_ENABLED_TRUE, the mean power is measured on the power trace averaged over multiple acquisitions.
peakToAverageRatio float64* Returns the ratio of the peak power of the signal to the mean power. Only the samples above the threshold are used by the measurement when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_TXP_THRESHOLD_ENABLED attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_TXP_THRESHOLD_ENABLED_TRUE. When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_TXP_AVERAGING_ENABLED attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_TXP_AVERAGING_ENABLED_TRUE, the mean power is measured on the power trace averaged over multiple acquisitions.
maximumPower float64* Returns the maximum power, in dBm, of the averaged power trace.
minimumPower float64* Returns the minimum power, in dBm, of the averaged power trace.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_TXPFetchPowerTrace (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* x0, float64* dx, float32 power[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the power trace used for the transmit power (TXP) measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.






You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the y array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the start time, in seconds.
dx float64* Returns the sample duration, in seconds.
power float32[] Returns the measured average power, in dBm, at each time instance. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the y array. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you set the arraySize parameter to 0. If the y array is not large enough to hold all the samples, the function returns an error.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the output array parameters, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

AMPM Fetch


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_AMPMFetchDUTCharacteristics (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* meanLinearGain, float64* onedBCompressionPoint, float64* meanRMSEVM);


Fetches the mean linear gain, 1 dB compression point, and mean root mean square (RMS) error vector magnitude (EVM) of the device under test (DUT).


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
meanLinearGain float64* Returns the average linear gain, in dB, of the DUT, computed by rejecting signal samples containing gain compression.
onedBCompressionPoint float64* Returns the theoretical output power, in dBm, at which the gain of the DUT drops by 1 dB from its mean linear gain. This parameter returns NaN when the AM-to-AM characteristics of the DUT are flat.
meanRMSEVM float64* Returns the ratio, as a percentage, of the l2 norm of difference between the normalized reference and acquired waveforms to the l2 norm of the normalized reference waveform.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_AMPMFetchError (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* gainErrorRange, float64* phaseErrorRange, float64* meanPhaseError);


Fetches the gain error range, phase error range, and the mean phase error for the device under test (DUT).


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
gainErrorRange float64* Returns the peak-to-peak deviation, in dB, in the gain of the DUT.
phaseErrorRange float64* Returns the peak-to-peak deviation, in degrees, in the phase distortion of the acquired signal relative to the reference waveform caused by the DUT.
meanPhaseError float64* Returns the mean phase error, in degrees, of the acquired signal relative to the reference waveform caused by the DUT.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_AMPMFetchCurveFitCoefficients (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float32 AMToAMCoefficients[], float32 AMToPMCoefficients[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the coefficients of the polynomials that approximate the AM-to-AM and AM-to-PM responses of the device under test (DUT).


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
AMToAMCoefficients float32[] Returns the coefficients of the polynomial that approximates the AM-to-AM characteristic of the device under test.
AMToPMCoefficients float32[] Returns the coefficients of the polynomial that approximates the AM-to-PM characteristic of the device under test.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_AMPMFetchCurveFitResidual (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* AMToAMResidual, float64* AMToPMResidual);


Fetches the polynomial approximation residuals for the AM-to-AM and AM-to-PM responses of the device under test (DUT).


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
AMToAMResidual float64* Returns the approximation error, in dB, in the polynomial approximation of the AM-to-AM characteristic of the DUT.
AMToPMResidual float64* Returns the approximation error, in degrees, in the polynomial approximation of the AM-to-PM characteristic of the DUT.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_AMPMFetchAMToAMTrace (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float32 referencePowers[], float32 measuredAMToAM[], float32 curveFitAMToAM[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the AM-to-AM trace where the inputPowers array forms the x-axis of the trace and the measuredAMToAM and curveFitAMToAM arrays form the y-axis of the trace.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
Reference Powers float32[] Returns the array of reference powers. This value is expressed in dBm.
measuredAMToAM float32[] Returns the gain values corresponding to the reference powers. This value is expressed in dB.
curveFitAMToAM float32[] Returns the polynomial fit gain values corresponding to the reference powers. This value is expressed in dB.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_AMPMFetchAMToPMTrace (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float32 referencePowers[], float32 measuredAMToPM[], float32 curveFitAMToPM[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the AM-to-PM trace where the inputPowers array forms the x-axis of the trace and the measuredAMToPM and curveFitAMToPM arrays form the y-axis of the trace.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
Reference Powers float32[] Returns the array of reference powers. This value is expressed in dBm.
measuredAMToPM float32[] Returns the polynomial fit phase distortion values corresponding to the reference powers. This value is expressed in degrees.
curveFitAMToPM float32[] Returns the phase distortion values corresponding to the reference powers. This value is expressed in degrees.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_AMPMFetchProcessedReferenceWaveform (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* x0, float64* dx, NIComplexSingle processedReferenceWaveform[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the segment of the reference waveform used to perform the AMPM measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the start time, in seconds
dx float64* Returns the sample duration, in seconds.
processedReferenceWaveform NIComplexSingle[] Returns the complex baseband samples, in volts.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_AMPMFetchProcessedMeanAcquiredWaveform (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* x0, float64* dx, NIComplexSingle processedMeanAcquiredWaveform[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the averaged acquired waveform, corrected for frequency, phase and DC offsets, used to perform the AMPM measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the start time, in seconds.
dx float64* Returns the sample duration, in seconds.
processedMeanAcquiredWaveform NIComplexSingle[] Returns the complex baseband samples, in volts.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_AMPMFetchCompressionPoints( niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64 inputCompressionPoint[], float64 outputCompressionPoint[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize );


Fetches the coefficients of the polynomials that approximate the AM-to-AM and AM-to-PM responses of the device under test (DUT).


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.




You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
inputCompressionPoint float64[] Returns the theoretical input power at which the device gain drops by the compression level, specified by the Compression Point Level parameter, from its mean linear gain. This value is expressed in dBm.
outputCompressionPoint float64[] Returns the theoretical output power at which device gain drops by the compression level, specified by the Compression Point Level parameter, from its mean linear gain. This value is expressed in dBm.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_AMPMFetchRelativePowerTrace (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* x0, float64* dx, float32 relativePower[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the power of the processed mean acquired waveform relative to the processed reference waveform.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the start time, in seconds.
dx float64* Returns the sample duration, in seconds.
relativePhase float32[] Returns the relative power trace values.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_AMPMFetchRelativePhaseTrace (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* x0, float64* dx, float32 relativePhase[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the phase of the processed mean acquired waveform relative to the processed reference waveform.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the start time, in seconds.
dx float64* Returns the sample duration, in seconds.
relativePhase float32[] Returns the relative phase trace values.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

Dpd Fetch


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_DPDFetchAverageGain (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* averageGain);


Fetches the average gain, in dB, of the device under test (DUT) for the DPD measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
averageGain float64* Returns the average gain, in dB, of the device under test.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_DPDFetchNMSE (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* averageGain);


Fetches the normalized mean-squared DPD modeling error.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
NMSE float64* Returns the normalized mean-squared DPD modeling error when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_DPD_NMSE_ENABLED) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_NMSE_ENABLED_TRUE. This value is expressed in dB.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_DPDFetchLookupTable (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float32 inputPowers[], NIComplexSingle complexGains[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the predistortion lookup table when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_DPD_MODEL) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_MODEL_LOOKUP_TABLE.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
inputPowers float32[] Returns the lookup table power levels, in dBm.
complexGains NIComplexSingle[] Returns the lookup table complex gain values, in dB, for magnitude and phase predistortion.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_DPDFetchDPDPolynomial (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, NIComplexSingle DPDPolynomial[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the memory polynomial or generalized memory polynomial coefficients when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_DPD_MODEL) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_MODEL_MEMORY_POLYNOMIAL or RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_MODEL_GENERALIZED_MEMORY_POLYNOMIAL.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
DPDPolynomial NIComplexSingle[] Returns the memory polynomial or generalized memory polynomial coefficients when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_DPD_MODEL attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_MODEL_MEMORY_POLYNOMIAL or RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_MODEL_GENERALIZED_MEMORY_POLYNOMIAL.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_DPDFetchProcessedReferenceWaveform (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* x0, float64* dx, NIComplexSingle processedReferenceWaveform[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the segment of the reference waveform used to perform the DPD measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the start time, in seconds.
dx float64* Returns the sample duration, in seconds.
processedReferenceWaveform NIComplexSingle[] Returns the array of complex baseband samples, in voltage values.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_DPDFetchProcessedMeanAcquiredWaveform (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* x0, float64* dx, NIComplexSingle processedMeanAcquiredWaveform[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the averaged acquired waveform, corrected for frequency, phase and DC offsets, used to perform the DPD measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the start time, in seconds.
dx float64* Returns the sample duration, in seconds.
processedMeanAcquiredWaveform NIComplexSingle[] Returns the array of complex baseband samples, in voltage values.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_DPDFetchApplyDPDPreCFRPAPR(niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* preCFRPAPR);


Fetches the PAPR of the pre-distorted waveform before CFR is applied to it.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.




You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
averageGain float64* Returns the PAPR of the pre-distorted waveform before CFR is applied when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_DPD_APPLY_DPD_CFR_ENABLED) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_APPLY_DPD_CFR_ENABLED_TRUE. This value is expressed in dB. When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_DPD_APPLY_DPD_CFR_ENABLED) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_APPLY_DPD_CFR_ENABLED_FALSE and the the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_DPD_MODEL) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_MODEL_LOOKUP_TABLE, the PAPR of the pre-distorted waveform is returned. When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_DPD_APPLY_DPD_CFR_ENABLED) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_APPLY_DPD_CFR_ENABLED_FALSE and the the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_DPD_MODEL) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_MODEL_MEMORY_POLYNOMIAL or RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_MODEL_GENERALIZED_MEMORY_POLYNOMIAL, the PAPR of the clipped pre-distorted waveform is returned. The pre-distorted waveform is clipped such that its peak amplitude does not exceed the peak of the input waveform, scaled to DUT average input power, by 6 dB.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

IQ Fetch


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_IQGetRecordsDone ( niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString [], int32* recordsDone);


Fetches the number of records that RFmx has acquired.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
Name Type Description
recordsDone int32* Returns the number of records that RFmx has acquired.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_IQFetchData (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, int32 recordToFetch, int64 samplesToRead, float64* t0, float64* dt, NIComplexSingle data[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches I/Q data from a single record in an acquisition.

Use the following formula to calculate the array size to be allocated to the data array:

arraySize = ceil(Sample Rate (S/s) * Acquisition Time (s)) + 10

This formula gives you the array size to be allocated to fetch the data. The additional 10 samples given in the formula is to provide sufficient buffer to handle coercions in the hardware. Always use the returned actualArraySize parameter to know the exact number of samples in the data array.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
recordToFetch int32 Specifies the record to retrieve. Record numbers are zero-based.
samplesToRead int64 Specifies the number of samples to fetch. A value of -1 specifies that RFmx fetches all samples.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the data array.
Name Type Description
t0 float64* Returns the start time of the first sample. The timestamp corresponds to the difference, in seconds, between the first sample returned and the Reference Trigger location.
dt float64* Returns the time interval between data points in the acquired signal. The I/Q data sample rate is the reciprocal of this value.
data NIComplexSingle[] Returns the complex-value time domain data array. The real and imaginary parts of this complex data array correspond to the in-phase (I) and quadrature-phase (Q) data, respectively. To calculate the instantaneous power of a sampled I/Q point, use the equation (I2 + Q2) / 2R, where R is the input impedance in ohms. For RFmx, R = 50 ohms.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to the data parameter and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

Apply Dpd


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_DPDCfgApplyDPDConfigurationInput (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 configurationInput);


Configures the source of measurement settings for applying DPD.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string.
configurationInput int32 Specifies the mode of configuring parameters for applying DPD.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_APPLY_DPD_CONFIGURATION_INPUT_MEASUREMENT (0) Uses the computed DPD polynomial or lookup table for applying DPD on an input waveform using the same RFmx session handle. The configuration parameters for applying DPD such as the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_DPD_DUT_AVERAGE_INPUT_POWER), RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_DPD_MODEL), RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_DPD_MEASUREMENT_SAMPLE_RATE), DPD polynomial, and lookup table are obtained from the DPD measurement configuration.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_APPLY_DPD_CONFIGURATION_INPUT_USER (1) Applies DPD by using a computed DPD polynomial or lookup table on an input waveform. You must set the configuration parameters for applying DPD such as the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_DPD_APPLY_DPD_USER_DUT_AVERAGE_INPUT_POWER), RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_DPD_APPLY_DPD_USER_DPD_MODEL), RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_DPD_APPLY_DPD_USER_MEASUREMENT_SAMPLE_RATE), DPD polynomial, and lookup table.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_DPDCfgApplyDPDLookupTableCorrectionType (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 LUTCorrectionType);


Configures the predistortion type when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_DPD_MODEL) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_MODEL_LOOKUP_TABLE.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string.
LUTCorrectionType int32 Specifies the predistortion type when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_DPD_MODEL attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_MODEL_LOOKUP_TABLE.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_APPLY_DPD_LOOKUP_TABLE_CORRECTION_TYPE_MAGNITUDE_AND_PHASE (0) The measurement predistorts the magnitude and phase of the input waveform.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_APPLY_DPD_LOOKUP_TABLE_CORRECTION_TYPE_MAGNITUDE_ONLY (1) The measurement predistorts only the magnitude of the input waveform.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_APPLY_DPD_LOOKUP_TABLE_CORRECTION_TYPE_PHASE_ONLY (2) The measurement predistorts only the phase of the input waveform.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_DPDCfgApplyDPDMemoryModelCorrectionType (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 memoryModelCorrectionType);




Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string.
memoryModelCorrectionType int32 Specifies the predistortion type when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_DPD_MODEL attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_MODEL_MEMORY_POLYNOMIAL or RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_MODEL_GENERALIZED_MEMORY_POLYNOMIAL.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_APPLY_DPD_MEMORY_MODEL_CORRECTION_TYPE_MAGNITUDE_AND_PHASE (0) The measurement predistorts the magnitude and phase of the input waveform.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_APPLY_DPD_MEMORY_MODEL_CORRECTION_TYPE_MAGNITUDE_ONLY (1) The measurement predistorts only the magnitude of the input waveform.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_APPLY_DPD_MEMORY_MODEL_CORRECTION_TYPE_PHASE_ONLY (2) The measurement predistorts only the phase of the input waveform.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_DPDApplyDigitalPredistortion (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 x0In, float64 dxIn, NIComplexSingle waveformIn[], int32 arraySizeIn, int32 idleDurationPresent, float64 measurementTimeout, float64* x0Out, float64* dxOut, NIComplexSingle waveformOut[], int32 arraySizeOut, int32* actualArraySize, float64* PAPR, float64* powerOffset);


Scales the input waveform to the DUT average input power and then predistorts the waveform using the DPD polynomial or the lookup table. To scale the waveform correctly, specify whether the idle duration is present in the waveform.

The maximum size of waveformOut array is given by the following equation:

maxOutputSize = MeasurementSampleRate * dxIn * arraySizeIn


dxIn is the sample duration of the input waveform, in seconds

arraySizeIn is size of the waveformIn array

MeasurementSampleRate is determined as described in the following table.

Value Condition


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string.
x0In float64 Specifies the start time, in seconds.
dxIn float64 Specifies the sample duration, in seconds.
waveformIn NIComplexSingle[] Specifies the complex baseband samples, in volts.
arraySizeIn int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
idleDurationPresent int32 Specifies whether the waveform contains an idle duration.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_APPLY_DPD_IDLE_DURATION_PRESENT_FALSE (0) The waveform does not contain an idle duration.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_APPLY_DPD_IDLE_DURATION_PRESENT_TRUE (1) The waveform contains an idle duration.
measurementTimeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
waveformOut NIComplexSingle[] Returns the complex baseband samples, in volts.
arraySizeOut int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0Out float64* Returns the start time, in seconds.
dxOut float64* Returns the sample duration, in seconds.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.
PAPR float64* Returns the peak-to-average power ratio of the waveform obtained after applying digital predistortion. This value is expressed in dB.
powerOffset float64* Returns the change in the average power in the waveform due to applying digital predistion. This value is expressed in dB.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

User Dpd


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_DPDCfgApplyDPDUserLookupTable (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float32 LUTInputPowers[], NIComplexSingle LUTComplexGains[], int32 arraySize);


Configures the predistortion type when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_DPD_MODEL) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_MODEL_LOOKUP_TABLE.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string.
LUTInputPowers float32[] Specifies the array of lookup table power levels, in dBm.
LUTComplexGains NIComplexSingle[] Specifies the array of lookup table complex gain values for magnitude and phase predistortion.
arraySize int32 Specifies the number of elements in the LUTInputPowers and LUTComplexGains array.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_DPDCfgApplyDPDUserDPDPolynomial (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], NIComplexSingle DPDPolynomial[], int32 arraySize);


Configures the array of memory polynomial or generalized memory polynomial coefficients when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_DPD_MODEL) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_MODEL_MEMORY_POLYNOMIAL or RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_MODEL_GENERALIZED_MEMORY_POLYNOMIAL.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.
You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string.
DPDPolynomial NIComplexSingle[] Specifies the array of memory polynomial or generalized memory polynomial coefficients when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_DPD_MODEL attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_MODEL_MEMORY_POLYNOMIAL or RFMXSPECAN_VAL_DPD_MODEL_GENERALIZED_MEMORY_POLYNOMIAL.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the DPDPolynomial array.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

IM Fetch


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_IMFetchIntermodMeasurementArray (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, int32 intermodOrder[], float64 lowerIntermodPower[], float64 upperIntermodPower[], int32 arraySize, int32 *actualArraySize);


Fetches an array of peak powers of the lower and upper intermods.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string.
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
intermodOrder int32[] Returns an array of the orders of the intermods.
lowerIntermodPower float64[] Returns an array of the peak power values measured around the lower intermod frequency when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_IM_LOCAL_PEAK_SEARCH_ENABLED) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_IM_LOCAL_PEAK_SEARCH_ENABLED_TRUE. This value is expressed in dBm. When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_IM_LOCAL_PEAK_SEARCH_ENABLED attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_IM_LOCAL_PEAK_SEARCH_ENABLED_FALSE, the measurement returns the power at the lower intermod frequency.
upperIntermodPower float64[] Returns an array of the peak power values measured around the upper intermod frequency when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_IM_LOCAL_PEAK_SEARCH_ENABLED attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_IM_LOCAL_PEAK_SEARCH_ENABLED_TRUE. This value is expressed in dBm. When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_IM_LOCAL_PEAK_SEARCH_ENABLED attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_IM_LOCAL_PEAK_SEARCH_ENABLED_FALSE, the measurement returns the power at the upper intermod frequency.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array. If you set the arraySize parameter to 0, it returns the required array size.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_IMFetchSpectrum (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, int32 spectrumIndex, float64* x0, float64* dx, float32 spectrum[], int32 arraySize, int32 *actualArraySize);


Fetches the spectrum trace in IM measurement corresponding to the specified spectrumIndex.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. Example:





You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString )function to build the selector string).
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the y array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of the Spectrum array in the actualArraySize parameter.
spectrumIndex int32

Specifies the index of the spectrum to fetch. When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_IM_MEASUREMENT_METHOD attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_IM_MEASUREMENT_METHOD_DYNAMIC_RANGE or RFMXSPECAN_VAL_IM_MEASUREMENT_METHOD_SEGMENTED, each of the tone and intermod has a separate spectrum. You can fetch these spectrums one at a time by using a spectrumIndex. The following list shows the spectrumIndex to use while fetching tones and intermods:

- Lower tone spectrum: 0

- Upper tone spectrum: 1

- Lower intermod spectrum: 2n+2

- Upper intermod spectrum: 2n+3

Hence, the spectrumIndex can range from 0 to 2*(Number of Intermods) + 1. When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_IM_MEASUREMENT_METHOD attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_IM_MEASUREMENT_METHOD_NORMAL, the IM measurement returns only one spectrum and a spectrumIndex equal to 0 is used to fetch the spectrum.

Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the start frequency, in Hz.
dx float64* Returns the frequency bin spacing, in Hz.
spectrum float32[] Returns the averaged power measured at each frequency bin. This value is expressed in dBm.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_IMFetchInterceptPowerArray (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, int32 intermodOrder[], float64 worstCaseOutputInterceptPower[], float64 lowerOutputInterceptPower[], float64 upperOutputInterceptPower[], int32 arraySize, int32 *actualArraySize);


Fetches the output intercept powers for the intermod.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string.
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
intermodOrder int32[] Returns an array of the orders of the intermods.
worstCaseOutputInterceptPower float64[] Returns an array of the worst case output intercept powers which are equal to the minimum of the values of the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_IM_RESULTS_UPPER_OUTPUT_INTERCEPT_POWER) and RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_IM_RESULTS_LOWER_OUTPUT_INTERCEPT_POWER) results. This value is expressed in dBm.
lowerOutputInterceptPower float64[] Returns an array of the lower output intercept power values. This value is expressed in dBm.
upperOutputInterceptPower float64[] Returns an array of the upper output intercept power values. This value is expressed in dBm.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_IMFetchFundamentalMeasurement (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* lowerTonePower, float64* upperTonePower);


Fetches the peak powers of the two fundamental tones.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string.
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
lowerTonePower float64* Returns the peak power measured around the lower tone frequency when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_IM_LOCAL_PEAK_SEARCH_ENABLED) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_IM_LOCAL_PEAK_SEARCH_ENABLED_TRUE. This value is expressed in dBm. When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_IM_LOCAL_PEAK_SEARCH_ENABLED attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_IM_LOCAL_PEAK_SEARCH_ENABLED_FALSE, the measurement returns the power at the lower tone frequency.
upperTonePower float64* Returns the peak power measured around the upper tone frequency when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_IM_LOCAL_PEAK_SEARCH_ENABLED attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_IM_LOCAL_PEAK_SEARCH_ENABLED_TRUE. This value is expressed in dBm. When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_IM_LOCAL_PEAK_SEARCH_ENABLED attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_IM_LOCAL_PEAK_SEARCH_ENABLED_FALSE, the measurement returns the power at the upper tone frequency.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_IMFetchIntermodMeasurement (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, int32* intermodOrder, float64* lowerIntermodPower, float64* upperIntermodPower);


Fetches the peak powers of the lower and upper intermods. Use "intermod<n>" as the selector string to read results from this function.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name, result name, and intermod number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildIntermodString) function to build the selector string.
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
intermodOrder int32* Returns the order of the intermod.
lowerIntermodPower float64* Returns the peak power measured around the lower intermod frequency when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_IM_LOCAL_PEAK_SEARCH_ENABLED) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_IM_LOCAL_PEAK_SEARCH_ENABLED_TRUE. This value is expressed in dBm. When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_IM_LOCAL_PEAK_SEARCH_ENABLED attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_IM_LOCAL_PEAK_SEARCH_ENABLED_FALSE, the measurement returns the power at the lower intermod frequency.
upperIntermodPower float64* Returns the peak power measured around the upper intermod frequency when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_IM_LOCAL_PEAK_SEARCH_ENABLED) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_IM_LOCAL_PEAK_SEARCH_ENABLED_TRUE. This value is expressed in dBm. When you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_IM_LOCAL_PEAK_SEARCH_ENABLED attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_IM_LOCAL_PEAK_SEARCH_ENABLED_FALSE, the measurement returns the power at the upper intermod frequency.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_IMFetchInterceptPower (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, int32* intermodOrder, float64* worstCaseOutputInterceptPower, float64* lowerOutputInterceptPower, float64* upperOutputInterceptPower);


Fetches the output intercept powers for the intermod. Use "intermod<n>" as the selector string to read results from this function.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name, result name, and intermod number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildIntermodString) function to build the selector string.
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
intermodOrder int32* Returns the order of the intermod.
worstCaseOutputInterceptPower float64* Returns the worst case output intercept power which is equal to the minimum of the values of the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_IM_RESULTS_UPPER_OUTPUT_INTERCEPT_POWER) and RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_IM_RESULTS_LOWER_OUTPUT_INTERCEPT_POWER) results. This value is expressed in dBm.
lowerOutputInterceptPower float64* Returns the lower output intercept power. This value is expressed in dBm.
upperOutputInterceptPower float64* Returns the upper output intercept power. This value is expressed in dBm.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

NF Fetch


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_NFFetchDUTNoiseFigureAndGain (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64 DUTNoiseFigure[], float64 DUTNoiseTemperature[], float64 DUTGain[], int32 arraySize, int32 *actualArraySize);


Fetches the DUT noise figure, noise temperature and gain results.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string.
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
DUTNoiseFigure float64[] Returns an array of the noise figures of the DUT measured at the frequencies specified by the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_NF_FREQUENCY_LIST) attribute. This value is expressed in dB.
DUTNoiseTemperature float64[] Returns an array of the equivalent thermal noise temperatures of the DUT measured at the frequencies specified by the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_NF_FREQUENCY_LIST) attribute. This value is expressed in kelvin.
DUTGain float64[] Returns an array of the available gains of the DUT measured at the frequencies specified by the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_NF_FREQUENCY_LIST) attribute. This value is expressed in dB.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_NFFetchYFactors (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64 measurementYFactor[], float64 calibrationYFactor[], int32 arraySize, int32 *actualArraySize);


Returns the measurement Y-factor and calibration Y-factor values.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string.
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
measurementYFactor float64[] Returns the array of measurement Y-Factor values measured at the frequencies specified by the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_NF_FREQUENCY_LIST) attribute. This value is expressed in dB. This function returns a valid result only when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_NF_MEASUREMENT_METHOD) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_NF_MEASUREMENT_METHOD_Y_FACTOR.
calibrationYFactor float64[] Returns the array of calibration Y-Factor values measured at the frequencies specified by the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_NF_FREQUENCY_LIST attribute. This value is expressed in dB. This function returns a valid result only when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_NF_MEASUREMENT_METHOD) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_NF_MEASUREMENT_METHOD_Y_FACTOR.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_NFFetchYFactorPowers (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64 hotPower[], float64 coldPower[], int32 arraySize, int32 *actualArraySize);


Fetches the hot and cold powers measured when the Y-Factor based noise figure (NF) measurement is performed.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string.
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
hotPower float64[] Returns an array of powers measured at the frequencies specified by the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_NF_FREQUENCY_LIST) attribute, when the noise source is enabled. This value is expressed in dBm. A valid result is returned only when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_NF_MEASUREMENT_METHOD) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_NF_MEASUREMENT_METHOD_Y_FACTOR.
coldPower float64[] Returns an array of powers measured at the frequencies specified by the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_NF_FREQUENCY_LIST) attribute, when the noise source is disabled. This value is expressed in dBm. A valid result is returned only when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_NF_MEASUREMENT_METHOD) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_NF_MEASUREMENT_METHOD_Y_FACTOR.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_NFFetchAnalyzerNoiseFigure (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64 analyzerNoiseFigure[], int32 arraySize, int32 *actualArraySize);


Fetches the noise figure of the analyzer.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string.
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
analyzerNoiseFigure float64[] Returns an array of the noise figure values of the analyzer measured at the frequencies specified by the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_NF_FREQUENCY_LIST) attribute. This value is expressed in dB.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_NFFetchColdSourcePower (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64 coldSourcePower[], int32 arraySize, int32 *actualArraySize);


Fetches the power measured by the analyzer when the cold source based noise figure (NF) measurement is performed.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string.
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
coldSourcePower float64[] Returns the array of powers measured at the frequencies specified by the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_NF_FREQUENCY_LIST) attribute. This value is expressed in dBm. A valid result is returned only when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_NF_MEASUREMENT_METHOD) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_NF_MEASUREMENT_METHOD_COLD_SOURCE.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

Phasenoise Fetch


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_PhaseNoiseFetchCarrierMeasurement (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* carrierFrequency, float64* carrierPower);


Fetches the carrier measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string.
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
carrierFrequency float64* Returns the measured carrier power. This value is expressed in Hz.
carrierPower float64* Returns the measured carrier frequency. This value is expressed in dBm.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_PhaseNoiseFetchSpotNoise (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64 spotPhaseNoise[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the spot noise.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string.
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
spotPhaseNoise float64[] Returns the phase noise corresponding to the value of the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_PHASENOISE_SPOT_NOISE_FREQUENCY_LIST attribute, by using the smoothed log plot trace.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_PhaseNoiseFetchIntegratedNoise (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64 integratedPhaseNoise[], float64 residualPMInRadian[], float64 residualPMInDegree[], float64 residualFM[], float64 jitter[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the integrated noise measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string.
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
integratedPhaseNoise float64[] Returns the integrated phase noise. This value is expressed in dBc.
residualPMInRadian float64[] Returns the residual PM in radians.
residualPMInDegree float64[] Returns the residual PM. This value is expressed in degrees.
residualFM float64[] Returns the residual FM. This value is expressed in Hz.
jitter float64[] Returns the jitter. This value is expressed in seconds.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_PhaseNoiseFetchMeasuredLogPlotTrace (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float32 frequency[], float32 measuredPhaseNoise[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the log plot trace.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string.
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
frequency float32[] Returns an array of the frequency offsets where phase noise has been measured.
measuredPhaseNoise float32[] Returns an array of measured phase noise at the frequency offset. This value is expressed in dBc/Hz.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_PhaseNoiseFetchSmoothedLogPlotTrace (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float32 frequency[], float32 smoothedPhaseNoise[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the smoothened log plot trace.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string.
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
frequency float32[] Returns an array of the frequency offsets where phase noise has been measured.
smoothedPhaseNoise float32[] Returns an array of smoothed phase noise at the frequency offset. This value is expressed in dBc/Hz.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

PAVT Fetch


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_PAVTFetchPhaseAndAmplitude (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64* meanRelativePhase, float64* meanRelativeAmplitude, float64* meanAbsolutePhase, float64* meanAbsoluteAmplitude);


Fetches the mean values of phase and amplitude of the segment. Use "segment<n>" as the selector string to read results from this function.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name, result name, and segment number. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used. The default value is "segment0".
You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSegmentString) function to build the selector string.
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
Name Type Description
meanRelativePhase float64* Returns the mean phase of the segment relative to the first segment of the measurement. This value is expressed in degrees.
meanRelativeAmplitude float64* Returns the mean amplitude of the segment relative to the first segment of the measurement. This value is expressed in dB.
meanAbsolutePhase float64* Returns the mean absolute phase of the segment. This value is expressed in degrees.
meanAbsoluteAmplitude float64* Returns the mean absolute amplitude of the segment. This value is expressed in dBm.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_PAVTFetchPhaseAndAmplitudeArray (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, float64 meanRelativePhase[], float64 meanRelativeAmplitude[], float64 meanAbsolutePhase[], float64 meanAbsoluteAmplitude[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches an array of mean values of phase and amplitude of the segments.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used. The default value is "segment0".
You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string.
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
meanRelativePhase float64[] Returns an array of the mean phase of the segment relative to the first segment of the measurement. This value is expressed in degrees.
meanRelativeAmplitude float64[] Returns an array of the mean amplitude of the segment relative to the first segment of the measurement. This value is expressed in dB.
meanAbsolutePhase float64[] Returns an array of the mean absolute phase of the segment. This value is expressed in degrees.
meanAbsoluteAmplitude float64[] Returns an array of the mean absolute amplitude of the segment. This value is expressed in dBm.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_PAVTFetchPhaseTrace (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, int32 traceIndex, float64* x0, float64* dx, float32 phase[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the phase trace for the measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string.
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
traceIndex int32 Specifies the index of the trace to fetch. The traceIndex can range from 0 to (Number of carriers + 2*Number of offsets).
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the start frequency, in Hz.
dx float64* Returns the frequency bin spacing, in Hz.
phase float32[] Returns the phase values of the complex baseband samples, in degrees.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_PAVTFetchAmplitudeTrace (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 timeout, int32 traceIndex, float64* x0, float64* dx, float32 amplitude[], int32 arraySize, int32* actualArraySize);


Fetches the amplitude trace for the measurement.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Specifies a selector string) comprising of the signal name and result name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used. If you do not specify the result name, the default result instance is used.
You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string.
timeout float64 Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for fetching the specified measurement. Set this value to an appropriate time, longer than expected for fetching the measurement. A value of -1 specifies that the function waits until the measurement is complete.
traceIndex int32 Specifies the index of the trace to fetch. The traceIndex can range from 0 to (Number of carriers + 2*Number of offsets).
arraySize int32 Specifies the size of the array. Set the arraySize parameter to 0 to get the size of all the arrays in the actualArraySize parameter.
Name Type Description
x0 float64* Returns the start frequency, in Hz.
dx float64* Returns the frequency bin spacing, in Hz.
amplitude float32[] Returns the amplitude values of the complex baseband samples, in dBm.
actualArraySize int32* Returns the actual size of the array, if you pass NULL to all output array parameters, and set the arraySize parameter to 0.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

Table of Contents

Internal Development

Creating and Setting Up a gRPC Server

Server Security Support

Creating a gRPC Client

gRPC Client Examples

Session Utilities API Reference

Driver Documentation

gRPC API Differences From C API

Sharing Driver Sessions Between Clients

Getting started with moniker based streaming
C API Docs
NI-RFmx Bluetooth
NI-RFmx Instr
NI-RFmx SpecAn
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