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Releases: robotology/robotology-superbuild

robotology-superbuild 2021.08

31 Aug 09:31
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robotology-superbuild 2021.08

To use the robotology-superbuild 2021.08, just checkout the release tag v2021.08, and follow the instructions in the Release README.

For more info on the 2021.08 release, check the distro announcement in robotology/community#543 .

The precise list of releases of the subprojects included in the 2021.08 can be found at .

Detailed ChangeLog


  • Add nlohmann-json dependency to the superbuild (#776).
  • In YARP, all the fake*** YARP devices are now enabled (#797).
  • pybind11 has been added as dependency for the ROBOTOLOGY_USES_PYTHON option (#800), to enable compilation of Python bindings of manif and bipedal-locomotion-framework.
  • ycm-cmake-modules, osqp-eigen, robot-testing-framework and idyntree conda packages are now part of the conda-forge channel. The new idyntree-matlab-bindings package is now contained in the robotology channel (#807, #817).
  • The idyntree-yarp-tools was added to the Dynamics component of the superbuild (#818).
  • An apt.txt file and a scripts/ script have been added to the superbuild to report the required apt packages in a machine readable form. People that mantain either Docker recipes or documentation on how to instal the robotology-superbuild are suggest to switch to use these files instead of hardcoding the dependencies manually (#825).


  • This release is the last one with Gazebo 9/10 support. From the next release, Gazebo 11 will be required (robotology/community#534).
  • The Homebrew-based installation procedure is deprecated, and the release 2021.11 will be the last one with support for it (#842).


  • The human-dynamics-estimation project as been renamed to HumanDynamicsEstimation for consistency with the CMake name of the project (#844).
  • Added the missing dependency of walking-teleoperation on HumanDynamicsEstimation (#844).


31 May 09:58
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robotology-superbuild 2021.05

To use the robotology-superbuild 2021.05, just checkout the release tag v2021.05, and follow the instructions in the Release README.

For more info on the 2021.05 release, check the distro announcement in robotology/community#509 .

The precise list of releases of the subprojects included in the 2021.05 can be found at .

Detailed ChangeLog


  • Add support for installing robotology superbuild packages as Conda binary packages (, #652).
  • Add spdlog dependency to the superbuild (#645)
  • Add YARP_telemetry component to the Dynamics profile (#677).
  • Append <superbuild_install_prefix>/share to XDG_DATA_DIRS to enable YARP auto completion on Bash terminal (#759).
  • Add casadi-matlab-bindings package containing the MATLAB bindings for CasADi. The package is enabled if ROBOTOLOGY_ENABLE_DYNAMICS_FULL_DEPS is ON and ROBOTOLOGY_USES_MATLAB is ON (#747).
  • Add matlab-whole-body-simulator package (#689).
  • Add osqp-matlab package (#585).
  • Add gym-ignition package and the relative ROBOTOLOGY_USES_IGNITION option (#685).


  • The icub-gazebo project was removed from the superbuild (#646).


26 Mar 17:02
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robotology-superbuild 2021.02.feat-01

To use the robotology-superbuild 2021.02.feat-01, just checkout the release tag v2021.02.feat-01, and follow the instructions in the Release README.

The precise list of releases of the subprojects included in the 2021.02.feat-01 can be found at .

Detailed ChangeLog

The main differences with respect to the 2021.02 distro are:

  • icub-main version bumped from v1.19.0 to v1.19.2 .


25 Feb 15:59
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robotology-superbuild 2021.02

To use the robotology-superbuild 2021.02, just checkout the release tag v2021.02, and follow the instructions in the Release README.

For more info on the 2021.02 release, check the distro announcements in robotology/community#486 .

The precise list of releases of the subprojects included in the 2021.02 can be found at .

Detailed ChangeLog


  • All the subproject repos are now cloned in robotology-superbuild/src and the corresponding build directories are created in robotology-superbuild/build/src ( robotology/community#451 ).
  • iDynTree is now compiled with the IDYNTREE_USES_IRRLICHT option. As a consequence, irrlicht has been added as a dependency on all supported platforms (#618).
  • The GAZEBO_YARP_PLUGINS_HAS_OPENCV CMake option of gazebo-yarp-plugins is now set to ON (#619).


  • The icub-gazebo repository has been deprecated and will be removed in 2021.05 release.


  • The icub-gazebo-wholebody project was removed from the superbuild (#543, #555).
  • Support for compiling the MATLAB bindings of qpOASES have been removed (#613).


14 Dec 15:32
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See robotology/community#452 for the related announcement.


30 Nov 14:14
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robotology-superbuild 2020.11

To use the robotology-superbuild 2020.11, just checkout the release tag v2020.11, and follow the instructions in the Release README.

For more info on the 2020.11, check the related announcement: robotology/community#446 .

robotology-superbuild 2020.08.patch-01 (2020-10-12)

12 Oct 10:03
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robotology-superbuild 2020.08.patch-01

To use the robotology-superbuild 2020.08.patch-01, just checkout the release tag v2020.08.patch-01, and follow the instructions in the Release README.

Windows binary installers

Any release of robotology-superbuild comes also with Windows binaries, robotology-dependencies-installer-win64.exe that installs a custom vcpkg installation in C:/robotology/vcpkg for compile from source the robotology software, and robotology-full-installer-win64.exe that also installs the software built by the robotology-superbuild in C:/robotology/robotology.

In both cases, the installer offer an options to create and append all the necessary user environment variables to use the C++ libraries and the binaries without any further configuration. Note that you may want to opt out from this if in your system you also use other kind of C++ libraries system to avoid conflicts, and instead manually invoke the following scripts to setup the environments as necessary:

  • C:/robotology/scripts/setup.bat : Batch script to set the environment variables in a Command Prompt terminal.
  • C:/robotology/scripts/ : Bash script to set the environment variables in a Git for Windows bash terminal,
    that can be included in the .bash_profile.
  • C:/robotology/scripts/addPathsToUserEnvVariables.ps1 : Powershell scripts to permanently add or remove the environment variables in the User Environment Variables. This is the script that is executed by the installer when the option "Update Environment Variables" is selected. The environment can be cleaned by any environment variable added by addPathsToUserEnvVariables.ps1 by executing the script removePathsToUserEnvVariables.ps1.

Furthermore, if you do not have Visual Studio 2019 installed on your machine, the installer requires the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019 to be installed on your machine, that can be downloaded at, in particular you need to install the file .

robotology-superbuild 2020.08 (2020-08-31)

03 Sep 08:22
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robotology-superbuild 2020.08

To use the robotology-superbuild 2020.08, just checkout the release tag v2020.08, and follow the instructions in the Release README.

Windows binary installers

Any release of robotology-superbuild comes also with Windows binaries, robotology-dependencies-installer-win64.exe that installs a custom vcpkg installation in C:/robotology/vcpkg for compile from source the robotology software, and robotology-full-installer-win64.exe that also installs the software built by the robotology-superbuild in C:/robotology/robotology.

In both cases, the installer offer an options to create and append all the necessary user environment variables to use the C++ libraries and the binaries without any further configuration. Note that you may want to opt out from this if in your system you also use other kind of C++ libraries system to avoid conflicts, and instead manually invoke the following scripts to setup the environments as necessary:

  • C:/robotology/scripts/setup.bat : Batch script to set the environment variables in a Command Prompt terminal.
  • C:/robotology/scripts/ : Bash script to set the environment variables in a Git for Windows bash terminal,
    that can be included in the .bash_profile.
  • C:/robotology/scripts/addPathsToUserEnvVariables.ps1 : Powershell scripts to permanently add or remove the environment variables in the User Environment Variables. This is the script that is executed by the installer when the option "Update Environment Variables" is selected. The environment can be cleaned by any environment variable added by addPathsToUserEnvVariables.ps1 by executing the script removePathsToUserEnvVariables.ps1.

Furthermore, if you do not have Visual Studio 2019 installed on your machine, the installer requires the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019 to be installed on your machine, that can be downloaded at, in particular you need to install the file .

robotology-superbuild 2020.05.feat-01 (2020-08-25)

29 Aug 11:16
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robotology-superbuild 2020.05.feat-01

robotology-superbuild 2020.05 (2020-05-21)

21 May 17:37
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robotology-superbuild 2020.05

To use the robotology-superbuild 2020.05, just checkout the release tag v2020.05, and follow the instructions in the Release README.

Windows binary installers

This first release of robotology-superbuild comes also with Windows binaries, robotology-dependencies-installer-2020.05-win64.exe that installs a custom vcpkg installation in C:/robotology/vcpkg for compile from source the robotology software, and robotology-full-installer-2020.05-win64.exe that also installs the software built by the robotology-superbuild in C:/robotology/robotology.

In both cases, the installer offer an options to create and append all the necessary user environment variables to use the C++ libraries and the binaries without any further configuration. Note that you may want to opt out from this if in your system you also use other kind of C++ libraries system to avoid conflicts, and instead manually invoke the following scripts to setup the environments as necessary:

  • C:/robotology/scripts/setup.bat : Batch script to set the enviroment variables in a Command Prompt terminal.
  • C:/robotology/scripts/ : Bash script to set the enviroment variables in a Git for Windows bash terminal,
    that can be included in the .bash_profile.
  • C:/robotology/scripts/addPathsToUserEnvVariables.ps1 : Powershell scripts to permanently add or remove the environment variables in the User Enviroment Variables. This is the script that is executed by the installer when the option "Update Environment Variables" is selected. The environment can be cleaned by any environment variable added by addPathsToUserEnvVariables.ps1 by executing the script removePathsToUserEnvVariables.ps1.

Furthermore, if you do not have Visual Studio 2019 installed on your machine, the installer requires the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019 to be installed on your machine, that can be downloaded at, in particular you need to install the file .