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POS Receipt Configuration

Andy Theuninck edited this page Aug 4, 2015 · 1 revision

Printed Receipts

Printed receipts require a printer. The Epson TM-H6000 series is most common but any Epson receipt printer likely works. On the Extras of the configuration page, scroll down to Hardware Settings and choose which hardware port the printer is connected to. Remaining settings are on the Receipt tab.

Most importantly, receipt must be enabled. The modular type is strongly recommended; the legacy options may not be supported in the future. The four receipt module settings control the appearance of the receipt. The defaults will group items together by super department. The two InOrder options, which should be used together, will instead print items in the order they're rung in. The DiscountFirst and DoubleSubtotal options will change where the Discount line appears relative to the subtotal line(s), and the group-savings options will place manufacturer coupons near their items. All the non-default sort options work best with the InOrder filter.

The message modules will add information to the footer of the receipt. These are usually dynamic - for example, a CCReceiptMessage will only appear on a transaction that included integrated card processing.

Emailed Receipts

CORE can alternately email a receipt to a member (or anyone with a customer account). If an account is marked as receiving email receipts, the receipt is always emailed for that customer. The cashier does not have to do anything extra. If the customer happens to want a paper receipt, use the reprint function (RP).

To mark accounts as receiving email receipts, there must be a record in the custAvailablePrefs table with pref_key email_receipt. There is not currently a GUI for doing this. Preferences can then be edited on the Member Preferences page. Anyone with a valid email address associated with the preference will be emailed receipts. The custPreferences table should be synced to the lanes periodically so the lanes are aware of changes.

Email receipts must also be configured on the lane. Settings are on the Receipt tab. At minimum, the sender address and name must be filled in. This will result in a very simple text-based email. To send HTML emails,

  • PHPMailer must be installed via composer
  • SMTP settings must be filled in if the lane does not have a local mail server (alternately in the case of Windows lanes SMTP settings may already be set in php.ini. If so, CORE doesn't need SMTP settings.)
  • An HTML Receipt Builder must be selected. This does require some light coding. Look at the WfcHtmlReceipt plugin for an example. The example is rather long (because email clients don't speak HTML very well) but really just consists of two functions defining a header and footer to go before and after the text of the receipt.
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