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POS Tender Configuration

Andy Theuninck edited this page Aug 4, 2015 · 1 revision


Lane tender settings are on the Extras tab in the Tender Settings section.

Tender min/max limits controls whether cashiers can bypass the minimum and maximum amount settings for all tenders. The two check over settings work together to allow members to write checks for more than the transaction total. The EBT default controls whether Food or Cash is selected when performing an EBT subtotal (FNTL). Tender Report sets which module is responsible for printing the tender report (this is often heavily customized on a per-store basis).

The large Mapping table associates a module with each tender. These mappings can add additional rules or steps to using a particular tender. The tender report checkboxes are somewhat superfluous and do not work with all tender report modules. The different mappings work as follows:

  • default has no special checks or rules. The cashier may omit the amount and the default will be the current amount due.
  • NoDefaultAmount forces the cashier to type an amount when using the tender.
  • NoChange forces the cashier to choose an amount that will not result in change due to the customer.
  • Disable simply disables the tender. Deleting it from the tenders table would do more-or-less the same thing.
  • ManagerApprove requires a manager password entry to confirm after entering the tender.
  • StoreCharge is aware of customer charge privileges and limits and enforces them.
  • SignedStoreCharge has the same restrictions as StoreCharge but collects a signature via a hardware accessory rather than on a paper receipt slip.
  • Foodstamp is aware of items' foodstamp eligibility and ensures tender does not exceed that amount. It requires cashiers type an amount.
  • FoodstampAmountOptional is the same as Foodstamp but cashiers may omit the amount. Doing so will default to the eligible amount.
  • RefundAndCashback uses a tender's TenderCode value for change when the amount entered is zero but a tender's TenderType for change in other scenarios. This is one way to deal with tenders that may receive change is actual cash or by some other mechanism. For example, a debit card may get cashback or a refund "to the card". Using negative amounts (or omitting amounts) for refunds "to the card" may work better.
  • GiftCard cannot exceed the amount due and automatically prints two receipts.
  • CreditCard is identical to NoChange unless the store is set to WFC.
  • Check enforces the "check over" settings for members. It also supports endorsement via the receipt printer when franking is enabled.
  • RebateCheck also does endorsement via the receipt printer and sometimes includes WFC-specific logic for adding a discount when patronage rebate checks are cashed at the store.
  • GiftCertificate also does endorsement via the receipt printer but has no amount restrictions.
  • StoreTransfer checks whether the member is allowed to make transfers and requires admin verification. Using store charge accounts, ideally with a dedicated transfer member type, to track transfers may be easier.


Every transaction has a change record. When a tender is entered that matches or exceeds the current amount due, CORE adds a change record and ends the transaction. This tends to cause the most confusion with refunds. When the transaction total is negative, tendering zero exceeds the amount due and the whole refund amount will be added as change. Change type is configurable on a per-tender basis, but if the a tender that exceeds the amount due has more than one meaning this configuration option is not sufficient. The problem mainly comes up with debit cards. When the customer is getting a refund, the amount should be recorded as debit. When the customer is getting cash back, the change should be denominated as cash.

Option 1: Set debit's change type to cash (CA). When entering refunds, enter the refund amount as a negative tender. If the refund is $1 and debit is DC, key in -100DC.

Option 2: Set debit's change type to cash (CA) and use a tender mapping that does not require the cashier to key an amount. When entering refunds, simply press the debit key. Option 1 & 2 can be used at the same time but training cashiers with a single, standard way to enter refunds is a good idea.

Option 3: Use the RefundAndCashback mapping with debit and change type cash (CA). When cashier enters a tender of exactly zero (e.g., 0DC) the change is denominated as debit rather than cash.

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