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Andy Theuninck edited this page Jun 1, 2016 · 3 revisions

The Paycards plugin handles integrated card transactions. It has many settings. The most important one is Processor(s). The supported one which is described here is MercuryE2E. It supports credit, debit, and EBT as well as EMV and Gift/Prepaid in some scenarios. For the sake of completeness:

  • Mercury Gift Only supports Gift/Prepaid cards from Mercury without any fancy hardware besides a basic magstripe reader.
  • Valutec supports Gift/Prepaid cards from Valutec without any fancy hardware besides a basic magstripe reader.
  • Go E Merchant supports credit transactions only without any fancy hardware besides a basic magstripe reader. There's no hardware encryption here or warranty/guarantee. Auditing the code to ensure sufficient security is your own responsibility. Using something else with hardware encryption is strongly recommended.
  • is a spec credit only implementation that has never been used.
  • First Data is a spec credit only implementation that has never been used.

MercuryE2E & Hardware Options

MercuryE2E uses end-to-end hardware based encryption are requires a card reader terminal. The currently supported devices are the ID Tech Sign&Pay (IDFA-3153M) and Verifone VX805. Both are supported by the Hardware Driver but function slightly differently. Some settings apply regardless of hardware while others apply in only one setup or the other.

ID Tech Sign&Pay support credit, debit, and EBT. The customer can swipe their card at any time during the transaction as well as choose what type of card they're using. Digital signature capture is also supported. The device does not and will not support EMV. It has manual card entry in theory but is pretty buggy.

Verifone VX805 supports credit, debit, EBT, gift, and optionally EMV. The customer cannot swipe their card at any time. The cashier must initiate the exchange by specifying an amount and card type (if the cashier specifies the type as EMV, the customer does get a credit/debit choice). Digital signature capture is not supported although future Datacap-based devices may have this feature. Manual card entry works well.

Set up: ID Tech

You can use the HW DRIVER tab of the install/config page to avoid fiddling with any of this manually

This works on Windows or Linux. Build New-Magellan as normal. In ini.json enter one of the following:

            "_comment": "Windows Config",
            "_comment": "Linux Config",

If you're not using ini.json, ports.conf is still supported. Enter one of the following:

# Windows

# Linux
/dev/hidraw0 SPH_SignAndPay_USB

Actual device file may differ in a given Linux installation. Using the SPH_SignAndPay_Native or SPH_SignAndPay_Auto modules is not recommended unless you want to dig into how the driver works.

Set up: Verifone VX805

You can use the HW DRIVER tab of the install/config page to avoid fiddling with any of this manually

This currently works on Windows. Make note of the Datacap section when building New-Magellan. The Verifone USB drivers and one or both Datacap controls should be installed before building (or re-building). Use one of these for ini.json:

            "_comment": "Non-EMV Config",
            "_comment": "EMV Config",

If you're not using ini.json, ports.conf is still supported. Enter one of the following:

# Non-EMV

If your device is not on COM9 replace 9 with the appropriate port number.

Set up: Ingenico iSC250 (Beta)

You can use the HW DRIVER tab of the install/config page to avoid fiddling with any of this manually

This currently works on Windows. Make note of the Datacap section when building New-Magellan. The Jungo USB drivers and one or both Datacap controls should be installed before building (or re-building). The device's communication setting should be USB<>Serial. Use one of these for ini.json:

            "_comment": "Non-EMV Config",
            "_comment": "EMV Config",

If you're not using ini.json, ports.conf is still supported. Enter one of the following:

# Non-EMV

If your device is not on COM6 replace 6 with the appropriate port number.


Again, the Paycards plugin has a lot of settings. While you're enabling the Paycards plugin make sure the QuickMenus plugin is also enabled.

  • Live should always be yes. This might actually be irrelevant now.
  • Processor(s) see above. If you're still reading at this point it should probably be MercuryE2E.
  • Terminal ID relates to a Mastercard requirement that a transaction be tied to a particular lane. If you leave it blank CORE will use the lane's number. That's probably fine.
  • Mode only works with the ID Tech. In Customer mode, swiping the card is followed by a card type choice. In Cashier mode, swiping the card immediately initiates a credit transaction.
  • Communication only works with the ID Tech. Unless you want to dig into how the driver works just use Messages.
  • Signature Mode enables signing on the terminal. Always use paper slip with the VX805.
  • Signature Required Threshold sets the minimum amount where a signature is required. If zero, customers always have to sign. Note the refunds will always produce a slip even if the normal minimum is higher (e.g., $25 or $50).
  • Offer Cashback only works with the ID Tech terminal currently.
  • Terminal CB Max is the maximum cashback value that's allowed. This is really a failsafe in case the terminal sends something odd.
  • Allow EBT only works with the ID Tech terminal. This controls whether the terminal offers credit/debit or credit/debit/EBT.
  • Block Other Tenders only works with the ID Tech terminal. This setting stops the cashier from entering any other tender after the customer has swiped their card. This prevents accidents where the cashier could mistakenly finish the transaction without charging the card.
  • Blocking Exceptions works in tandem with block other tenders. When blocking is on, it may be desirable to still allow a couple other tenders. Coupons are most common.
  • Datacap Mode only works with the VX805. Use Credit/Debit with the SPH_Datacap_PDCX driver module and EMV with the SPH_Datacap_EMVX driver module.
  • Credit Tender Code defines the tender type used for integrated credit transactions.
  • Debit Tender Code defines the tender type used for integrated debit transactions.
  • EBT Food Tender Code defines the tender type used for integrated EBT food-side transactions.
  • EBT Cash Tender Code defines the tender type used for integrated EBT cash-side transactions.
  • EMV Tender Code defines the tender type used for integrated EMV transactions.
  • Visa-Specific Tender Code defines a tender type to use with Visa cards. If specified this will be used instead of the normal credit/debit/EMV tender codes.
  • MasterCard-Specific Tender Code defines a tender type to use with MasterCard cards. If specified this will be used instead of the normal credit/debit/EMV tender codes.
  • Discover-Specific Tender Code defines a tender type to use with Discover cards. If specified this will be used instead of the normal credit/debit/EMV tender codes.
  • American Express-Specific Tender Code defines a tender type to use with American Express cards. If specified this will be used instead of the normal credit/debit/EMV tender codes.
  • Mercury E2E Terminal ID is a merchant identifier provided by Mercury.
  • Mercury E2E Password is also provided by Mercury but only relevant with the ID Tech.

Usage: General

There's a strong division between testing and production modes. Terminals that have test encryption keys can only process test cards using test merchant IDs. Terminals that have product encryption keys can only process real cards using real merchant IDs. When the lane is signed into training mode it will use a test merchant ID and hence work with test-keyed devices. When the lane is signed in as a real cashier, it will use the configured real merchant ID and work with production-keyed devices.

When the cashier initiates a card transaction, they will first see a confirmation screen listing the current transaction total. Press enter to charge that amount or key in a different amount. With most types of cards it is only possible to charge a lower amount. Next the transaction is submitted to the processor and CORE waits for a response. Normally this takes less than five seconds, but it could occasionally take up to a minute if there's internet connectivity problems at either end (or in between). Following the processor's response, the cashier sees the transaction's result. There are three possibilities:

  • Approved means the card was charged. If the card type and settings require, a signature slip is printed. Press reprint (RP) to print the slip again. Press void (VD) to reverse the charge. This is the only opportunity to reverse the charge. Proceeding past here means a refund transaction is needed to put funds back on the card. Press enter to proceed after confirming the signature.
    • If no more the charge covers the whole amount due, the transaction will end and print a receipt.
    • If the charge does not cover the whole amount due, the charge amount and remaining balance due will be reflected on screen. Note that cards may be approved for less than the requested amount. This is particularly common with Visa/Mastercard branded gift cards.
  • Declined means the bank refused to fund the transaction.
  • An error message. This will vary depending what exactly happens. In most cases it means the card was not charged although with certain network errors mid-transaction it's possible the card was charged but CORE didn't receive an approval.

If the cashier presses void at the approved screen, they're prompted for their password to confirm reversing the charge. After confirmation CORE submits the request to the processor and waits for a response then shows the cashier whether the void succeed, failed, or had an error. Voids are not instantaneous. A customer may see a voided charge on their online statement for several days. The exact length of time is entirely up to the card issuing bank.

Usage: ID Tech

In cashier mode, just swipe the card. From their it continues as outline in the Usage: General section. In customer mode, once the customer has entered all their information into the terminal open the card menu by entering CC (this does hijack the normal credit card tender key). The menu options are:

  • Charge Available Card (equivalent command: CCFROMCACHE). This will go to the steps in Usage: General
  • Reset Terminal (Quick) (equivalent command: TERMRESET). This brings the terminal back to its starting screen.
  • Tender External Card (equivalent command: MANUALCC). This enters a credit tender without charging a card on the integrated system.
  • Lookup Transaction (equivalent command: PCLOOKUP). This provides a list of completed integrated transactions and can check their status. There may be a 5-10 minute lag after charging a card before its status can be checked this way.
  • Reboot Terminal (Slow) (equivalent command: TERMREBOOT). This essentially power cycles the terminal. It's not a bad general troubleshooting step if the hardware isn't behaving.

Usage: VX805

Open the card menu by entering DATACAP. The menu options are:

  • EMV (only in EMV mode). Start an EMV transaction. This does allow swiped cards as credit or debit as well.
  • Credit (only in Credit/Debit mode). Start a Credit transaction.
  • Debit (only in Credit/Debit mode). Start a Debit transaction.
  • EBT. Open the EBT submenu
    • EBT Food Sale. Start an EBT Food transaction.
    • EBT Cash Sale. Start an EBT Cash transaction.
    • Food Balance. Check the card's food-side balance.
    • Cash Balance. Check the card's cash-side balance.
  • Gift. Open the Gift submenu
    • Gift Sale. Start a Gift transaction (i.e., pay for goods using gift card)
    • Activate Card. Put funds on a new card (i.e., sell someone a gift card)
    • Reload Card. Put funds on a card that has already been activated.
    • Check Balance. Get the card's current balance. All the DATACAP menu options ultimately proceed to the sequence in Usage: General.
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