Releases: GetDKAN/dkan
DKAN 1.15.3
- #2599 Adds additional helper function to get remote file info
- #2605 Remove group member count and link from the group block
- #2604 Update select_or_other to 2.24
- #2601 Update file_resup to 1.5
- #2418, #2600 & #2606 Documentation updates
- #2599 Fix for getting remote file info when the server doesn't support HTTP HEAD
- #2592 CSS updated to add ppt/pptx file icons
- #2589 Security update for uuid (1.1)
- #2586 Switch to saving the data.json url by default when harvesting remote files rather than the effective url
- #2585 Add kml, kmz, shp to allowed extensions on resource file upload and remote file fields
- #2588 More granular field validation for datasets and resources.
- #2557 Wrap Dkan defined string to improve multilingual support
DKAN 1.15.2
- #2576 Add redirect to search page on 404 status
- #2572 Open Data API table documentation tweaks
- #2561 Test improvements
- #2553 Add an example on how to set the dkan_map_tile_url variable
- #2552 Run linting before tests
- #2567 Fix typo in
- #2544 Update contrib modules
- #2563 Remove changelog checkbox from PR template
- #2562 Fix the docker download url
DKAN 1.15.1
- #2533 #2546 Updates docker-compose to use updated cli container
- #2542 Add theme setting to adjust hero region height
- #2531 Add table tags to allowed html
- #2527 Stop xdebug in web and cli containers for tests
- #2521 Add custom validation rules to the REST API node creation
- #2498 Fix the link to installation info on
- #2463 Update circle setup to use local DEV containers
- #2485 Check the character length of harvested resource urls
- #2476 Update getExtension() and createResources() functions
- #2452 Fix front page link paths on logo and site name
- #2489 Create variable for map tile url
- #2492 Security update for file_resup module, upgrade to version 1.5
- #2358 Fix datastore error reporting when UUID is missing
DKAN 1.15
What's New
API improvements
A solid API is the window for DKAN to easily integrate with any other useful tool that allows us to get more value from our Open Data. DKAN will not be able to be all thing to all people, but with a solid API we can be the central repository for your data without any fear of any limitations. In this set of improvements, we’ll be making some fixes to allow our API to consume the same kinds of content it creates.
DKAN Link Checker
This new feature is included in the distro but not enabled by default. It is based on the Link checker module with some additional code to add views support and file url support. It is intended to help site managers see where links are failing in their data catalog and make it easy to weed out or fix the data.
Once enabled, urls in datasets, resources and harvest sources will be checked when cron runs. If a link is found to be broken it will be added to a report visible to site managers. The report will include the error code, the url that triggered the error, a link to the content where the error occurs, the contact name and email if available, a date when it was last checked, and an option to exclude the url from future checks. The report also allows you to filter on public access (public, restricted, or private), or by content type, or error type.
Additional improvements in this release
DKAN 1.14.7
DKAN 1.14.6
DKAN 1.14.5
DKAN 1.14.4
DKAN 1.14.3
Improvements in this release
- Upgrade entity to 1.9 (#2377)
DKAN 1.14.2
This is a "patch" release of DKAN, containing bug fixes and minor updates, but adding no new functionality.
Improvements in this release
- Upgrade filefield_sources to 1.11 (#2359)
- Modifies curl settings so url headers and info can be properly acquired with curl (#2341)
- Patch features to add new line after <?php (#2370)
- Updated Help page; can add your company to listing (#2346)
- Remove out-dated file
- Site Manager Monthly Maintenance checklist (#2345)
- Moving the "Adding New Content" page to main admin doc tree (#2347)
- Update @resource_all_09 scenario (#2321)
- Add results count to dkan admin views (#2327)
- Pin sphinx to 1.5.6 (#2337)