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Creating a New Project Based on a Template

David Wyand edited this page May 10, 2013 · 2 revisions

The templates included with Torque 3D provide a starting point for your project. Once we have created our own project based on a template we may then compile an executable and begin work on our game. The following templates are included in this version of Torque 3D:

  • Empty
  • Full

Using PhysX

If you plan on creating a project based on a template that uses PhysX you will first need to have the PhysX SDK intalled on your computer. Without the PhysX SDK in place the project generation step will fail when using either the Project Manager or manual project generation methods.

PhysX SDK version is required for Torque 3D's PhysX templates. The following steps are used to install this SDK:

  1. In a web browser, go to the NVidia Support Center
  2. If you do not have an account, you will need to register with them to have the support staff create an account for you.
  3. If you have an account, login.
  4. On the middle of the page, on the right, click on Downloads.
  5. On the far right column, under Old downloads, click More.
  6. Download the Windows version.
  7. Run the installer and follow the steps to install it in the default location.
  8. Depending on your operating system version, you may need to reboot after the installation.

Using the Project Manager to Create a Project

The Project Manager may be used to create a new game project based on one of the templates that are included with Torque 3D. If you are using Torque 3D directly from the GitHub repository then you will need to get the Project Manager from the Torque3D-ProjectManager repo.

The following steps use the Project Manager to create a new project:

  1. Run the Project Manager.
  2. Click the New Project button.
  3. Choose a template from the drop down on the right.
  4. Give the project a name.
  5. Click the Create button to create the project. This will open a new dialog window that shows the progress.
  6. When it finishes, click the Finished button.
  7. You may click on the Open Folder button to go to the project's directory.

Manually Creating a Project

We may also manually create a project based on a template. The following steps outline how to do this:

  1. Open the Templates directory.
  2. Right-click on the template you would like to use and choose Copy.
  3. Go to the My Projects directory and paste the template there.
  4. Rename the pasted template to the name of your project/game.
  5. Go into your project's game directory and rename all executables, DLL files and the .torsion file (and maybe .torsion.opt) from the template name to that of your project (these files may not be present at this time).
  6. Open the .torsion file in a text editor and replace all references to the template's name with that of your project (you only need to do this if you plan on using Torsion). You will need to also do this with the .torsion.opt if it exists.
  7. Open you project's source/torqueConfig.h file in a text editor and change the TORQUE_APP_NAME define to the name of your project.
  8. In your project's buildFiles/config directory open each .conf file and find each reference to the template's name and replace it with the name of your project.
  9. Open your project's game/main.cs file in a text editor and change the $appName assignment to the name of your project.
  10. Go to your project's directory and double click on the generateProjects.bat to create your project's solution files.
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