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Devenvironment2010 {documentation setup}

Luis Anton Rebollo edited this page Dec 4, 2013 · 1 revision


Setup the VC++ 2010 Development Environment

Now that we have all of our required SDK's and software installed, we can now start setting up our development environment.

The following check list of software should already be installed before proceeding with this article:

  • Torque T3D source code
  • Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express
  • PhysX SDK (if required by your project)
  • Updated video drivers

Note: You can use any C++ compiler for your projects. For this tutorial we decided to use Visual Studio C++ Express as it is free and easy to set up with the Torque 3D Source code.

Getting Up and Running

1) Run Visual Studio 2010 either from the Windows start menu or from the icon created by the installer, and then register the product if you have not already done so. Register the product from the main menu by selecting Help > Register Product. Registering is free and disables the thirty-day limit imposed by Microsoft.

2) If this is your first time using the product, take time to examine the menus and the rest of the IDE. Don't worry, it will all become familiar after a while.

Setting Up the Solution

Before we can start compiling our source code, we need to tell the compiler where we have installed all of our SDK Components. Initially we will start with the minimum requirements: DirectX.

Note: Adding SDK components in the 2010 version of VC++ Express is now done on a solution-by-solution basis rather than the compiler basis in prior Visual Studio products. We will use the FPS Example solution for this guide.

3) Open the FPS Example solution file. If you installed to the default location it should be:

C:\Torque\Torque 3D Pro 1.1\Examples\FPS Example\buildFiles\VisualStudio 2010\FPS Example.sln

4) Once the solution has been opened, wait for the IDE to finish parsing your solution files. This will set up all of your dependency directories for you.

Wait for VS2010 to parse your solution.

5) Visual Studio 2010 Professional is required to compile ActiveX controls. The Torque 3D Internet Explorer browser plug-in project requires ActiveX so we need to unload this project or our builds will fail. To do this, right-click IE FPS Example Plugin project and select Unload Project.

6) By default, Visual Studio will be using its Basic Settings. We need to change it to use Expert Settings so that all the menu commands that are required to build Torque 3D will be exposed for our use. To do this, select Tools > Settings > Expert Settings.

7) All of the DirectX file paths should now be set and we have switched to Expert Settings. Next direct your attention to the Visual Studio interface layout. If you look at the lower section of the interface, you will notice a tabbed section. What we are looking for here is the Error List tab and the Output tab as shown below:

(click to enlarge)

If these tabs are not visible you can make them so by selecting each of the following commands from the menu:

View > Output

View > Other Windows > Error List

If the Output window is floating, drag it to the lower section and dock it. We are now ready to look at the Torque 3D source code. Before we move on, please have a look at this section of documentation explaining the layout of the source code folders: T3D Engine SDK Tour .

When you are ready we can move on to the final steps of this tutorial Part5 - Working with a T3D Project .

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