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LuisAntonRebollo edited this page Dec 4, 2013 · 1 revision
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    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="700">
          <td width="700"><table id="toc" summary="Contents">
                  <td><div id="toctitle">
                      <li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#Setup_the_Development_environment"><span class="tocnumber">1</span> <span class="toctext">Setup the Development 
                      <li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#Getting_up_and_running"><span class="tocnumber">2</span> <span class="toctext">Getting Up and running</span></a></li>
                      <li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#Setting_up_the_Compiler"><span class="tocnumber">3</span> <span class="toctext">Setting Up the Compiler</span></a></li>
            <a name="Setup_the_Development_environment" id="Setup_the_Development_environment"></a>
            <h2> <span class="mw-headline">Setup the Development environment</span></h2>
            <p>With the required SDKs and software installed, we can 
              now start setting up our development
              environment. </p>
            <p><br />
              Check list: </p>
              <li> DirectX February 2010 SDK </li>
              <li> PhysX SDK if required </li>
              <li> Visual Studio C++ 2008 Express </li>
              <li> Updated video drivers </li>
              <li> Torque T3D source code downloaded from your user account. </li>
            <p><br />
              Please note, you can use any C++ compiler for your projects. For this 
              tutorial we decided to use 
              Visual Studio C++ Express as it is free and easy to set up with the T3D 
              Source code. </p><br />
            <a name="Getting_up_and_running" id="Getting_up_and_running"></a>
            <h2> <span class="mw-headline">Getting up and running</span></h2>
            <p><b>1)</b> Run Visual Studio 2008 and register the product if you have
              not done so already. To do this head to the <i>Help</i> menu, select the option <i>Register Product</i>. Registering
              is free and prevents the 30 day limit. </p>
              <br /><p><i>(click to enlarge)</i> </p>
            <a href="images/Pt4_00.jpg" class="livethumbnail"><img src="images/Pt4_00.jpg" width="251" height="193" largewidth="503" largeheight="386" /></a><br /><br /><br />
            <p><b>2)</b> If this is your first time using the product, take time to look around the menus and the rest 
              of the IDE. Don't worry, it will all become familiar after a while. </p><br /><p><i>(click to enlarge)</i> </p>
            <a href="images/733px-Pt4_01.jpg" class="livethumbnail"><img src="images/733px-Pt4_01.jpg" width="366" height="299" largewidth="733" largeheight="599" /></a><br /><br />
            <a name="Setting_up_the_Compiler" id="Setting_up_the_Compiler"></a>
            <h2> <span class="mw-headline">Setting up the Compiler</span></h2>
            <p>Before we can start compiling our source code, we need to tell the 
              compiler where we have installed
              all of our SDK Components. Initially we will start with the minimum 
              requirement -- DirectX. </p>
            <p><br />
              <b>3)</b> Open the option window from menu&gt;Tools&gt;Options... </p>
            <p><br />
              <img alt="File:Pt4_02.jpg" src="images/Pt4_02.jpg" border="0" height="271" width="406" /> </p><br />
            <p><b>4)</b> From this window, on the left-hand side there is a 
              panel with sub menu headings. Open the <i>Projects and Solution &gt; VC++ Directories</i>. This section is where
              we tell Visual Studio where to 
              find any additional files that will be required when we compile the T3D 
              engine, e.g. DirectX </p><br /><p><i>(click to enlarge)</i> </p>
            <a href="images/Pt4_03.jpg" class="livethumbnail"><img src="images/Pt4_03.jpg" width="378" height="219" largewidth="757" largeheight="438" /></a><br /><br /><br />
            <p><b>5)</b> On the top right hand side of this window, you will find
              a drop down list <i>Show directories for:</i>. From this list select <i>Executable files</i>. </p><br /><p><i>(click to enlarge)</i> </p>
            <a href="images/Pt4_04.jpg" class="livethumbnail"><img src="images/Pt4_04.jpg" width="378" height="219" largewidth="757" largeheight="438" /></a><br /><br />
            <p><br />
              <b>6)</b> Next select the small folder icon. This will open up a new 
              selection in the window. </p><br /><p><i>(click to enlarge)</i> </p>
            <a href="images/Pt4_05.jpg" class="livethumbnail"><img src="images/Pt4_05.jpg" width="378" height="219" largewidth="757" largeheight="438" /></a><br /><br /><br />
            <p><b>7)</b> After clicking on the folder icon, we are presented with a
              selection in the lower window which includes
              a browse-to button icon. If not already showing, please press this icon 
              and locate your DirectX
              installation folder. If you installed to the default location it should 
              be; </p>
            <p><br />
              <i>Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (February 2010)\Utilities\Bin\x86</i> </p>
            <br /><p><i>(click to enlarge)</i> </p>
            <a href="images/Pt4_06.jpg" class="livethumbnail"><img src="images/Pt4_06.jpg" width="378" height="219" largewidth="757" largeheight="438" /></a><br /><br /><br />
            <p><b>8)</b> Next we will select the "Include Files" section from 
              the top right drop down. </p><br /><p><i>(click to enlarge)</i> </p>
            <a href="images/Pt4_07.jpg" class="livethumbnail"><img src="images/Pt4_07.jpg" width="378" height="219" largewidth="757" largeheight="438" /></a><br /><br />
            <p><br />
              <b>9)</b> Once again select the folder icon as we did in steps 6 and
              7 above.  This time we want to
              locate the DirectX include folder. If you installed to the default 
              location, it should be; </p>
            <p><br />
              <i>C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (February 2010)\Include</i> </p><br /><p><i>(click to enlarge)</i> </p>
            <a href="images/Pt4_08.jpg" class="livethumbnail"><img src="images/Pt4_08.jpg" width="378" height="219" largewidth="757" largeheight="438" /></a><br /><br /><br />
            <p><b>10)</b> Now we need to add the path to our directX library 
              files, select library from the top
              dropdown. </p><br /><p><i>(click to enlarge)</i> </p>
            <a href="images/Pt4_10.jpg" class="livethumbnail"><img src="images/Pt4_10.jpg" width="378" height="219" largewidth="757" largeheight="438" /></a><br /><br /><br>
            <p><b>11)</b> Use the folder icon to add a folder 
              path, and select the folder where the DirectX
              library files are located. If you installed to the default location, it 
              should be; </p>
            <p><br />
              <i>C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (February 2010)\Lib\x86</i> </p>
           <br /><p><i>(click to enlarge)</i> </p> 
              <a href="images/Pt4_09.jpg" class="livethumbnail"><img src="images/Pt4_09.jpg" width="378" height="219" largewidth="757" largeheight="438" /></a><br /><br /><br />
            <p><b>12)</b> That is all the DirectX file paths 
              Next, point your attention to the VS IDE layout. If you 
              look at the lower section of the 
              interface, you will notice a tabbed section. What we are looking for here
              is the Error List Tab and the <i>Output</i> Tab as shown below. </p><br /><p><i>(click to enlarge)</i> </p>
            <a href="images/733px-Pt4_11.jpg" class="livethumbnail"><img src="images/733px-Pt4_11.jpg" width="366" height="299" largewidth="733" largeheight="599" /></a><br /><br /><br />
            <p>If these tabs are not visible, you can make them so via the menu: </p>
            <p><i>menu&gt;View&gt;Output</i> </p>
            <p><i>menu&gt;View&gt;Other Windows&gt;Error List</i> </p>
            <br /><p><i>(click to enlarge)</i> </p><a href="images/Pt4_12.jpg" class="livethumbnail"><img src="images/Pt4_12.jpg" width="296" height="228" largewidth="593" largeheight="456" /></a><br /><br />
            <br /><p>If the Output window is floating, 
              drag it to the lower section and dock it.
              We are now ready to look at the T3D source code. Before we move on, 
              please have a look at this section of 
              documentation explaining the layout of the source code folders: <a href="../Introduction/DirectoryOverview.html">T3D Engine SDK Tour</a></p>
            <p><br />
              When you are ready, we can move on to the final steps of this tutorial <a href="./FirstProject.html" title="Torque3D/Introduction/Setup/Part5">Part 5 - Working with a T3D 
              Project</a>. </p></td>
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