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LuisAntonRebollo edited this page Dec 4, 2013 · 1 revision
<SCRIPT SRC="../../../include/tutorial.js" LANGUAGE="JavaScript"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT SRC="../../../include/prototype.js" LANGUAGE="JavaScript"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT SRC="../../../include/scriptaculous.js" LANGUAGE="JavaScript"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT SRC="../../../include/glossaryLookUp.js" LANGUAGE="JavaScript"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT SRC="../../../include/referenceLookUp.js" LANGUAGE="JavaScript"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT SRC="../../../include/component.js" LANGUAGE="JavaScript"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT SRC="../../../include/componentContainer.js" LANGUAGE="JavaScript"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT>DocImagePath = "../../../";</SCRIPT> <script> // this script chunk is to update the ToC to the current doc and expand it pageID = 40; parent.leftFrame.expandToItem('tree2', 'doc40'); var element = parent.leftFrame.document.getElementById('doc40'); if((element) && (element.className==parent.leftFrame.nodeClosedClass)) { element.className = parent.leftFrame.nodeOpenClass } ; </script> <title>Torque 3D - Creating a New GUI</title>
    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="700">
          <td width="700"><table id="toc" summary="Contents">
                  <td><div id="toctitle">
                      <li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#Introduction"><span class="tocnumber">1</span> <span class="toctext">Introduction</span></a></li>
                      <li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#Setting_Up"><span class="tocnumber">2</span> <span class="toctext">Setting Up</span></a></li>
                      <li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#Our_First_GUI"><span class="tocnumber">3</span> <span class="toctext">Our First GUI</span></a></li>
                      <li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#First_Control"><span class="tocnumber">4</span> <span class="toctext">First Control</span></a></li>
                      <li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#Text_Control"><span class="tocnumber">5</span> <span class="toctext">Text Control</span></a></li>
                      <li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#Dynamic_Text"><span class="tocnumber">6</span> <span class="toctext">Dynamic Text</span></a></li>
                      <li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#Conclusion"><span class="tocnumber">7</span> <span class="toctext">Conclusion</span></a></li>
            <a name="Introduction" id="Introduction"></a>
            <h2> <span class="mw-headline">Introduction</span></h2>
            <p><img alt="Image:HelloWorld.jpg" src="1_Images/HelloWorld.jpg" border="0" height="183" width="327" /> </p>
            <p><br />
              This tutorial will show you how to use the Torque 3D GUI editor, where
              to find controls and what to do with them. We will use this lesson as a
              base for the rest of the series so if you are new to the GUI Editor
              this tutorial will be essential reading. </p>
            <p><br />
              Suggested Reading: </p>
              <li><a href="../Overview/Introduction.html">GUI Editor Overview</a> </li>
              <li><a href="../Overview/Interface.html">GUI Interface</a> </li>
              <li><a href="../../Scripting/Overview/Introduction.html">TorqueScript Reference</a> </li>
            <p><br />
              Covered in this tutorial: </p>
              <li>Create a GUI with a <b>window</b>, <b>button</b> and <b>text label</b> </li>
              <li>Scale and position a control </li>
              <li>Setup basic control properties </li>
              <li>Dynamic label text </li>
              <li>How to save your GUI </li>
            <a name="Setting_Up" id="Setting_Up"></a>
            <h2> <span class="mw-headline">Setting Up</span></h2>
            <p>If you are new to Torque 3D, start with a new Blank
              project. The following projects will fit
              into any existing development environment. </p>
            <p><br />
              <i><b>NOTE:</b> These tutorials will make reference to files from a
              blank project, so you will require knowledge of the Torque 3D file
              system or as recommended start from a new project.</i> </p>
            <p><br />
              Let’s start a new Blank project, click on the <b>New Project</b> button: </p>
            <p><br />
              <i>(click to enlarge)</i> </p>
            <a href="1_Images/NewProject.jpg" class="livethumbnail"><img src="1_Images/NewProject.jpg" width="350" height="225" largewidth="700" largeheight="550" /></a><br />
            <p><br />
              Then from the following window name your new project as GUI Tutorials and select <b>Empty</b> from the drop down: </p>
            <p><br />
              <img alt="Image:NameProject.jpg" src="1_Images/NameProject.jpg" border="0" height="241" width="338" /> </p>
            <p><br />
              Click <b>Create</b> to make your project. A window will then show the progress of the new project creation process. When prompted click <b>OK</b> 
              and then <b>Finished</b> to close down this window. Your new project named "GUI tutorials" will now show up in the Torque 3D toolbox. </p><br>
            <a name="Our_First_GUI" id="Our_First_GUI"></a>
            <h2> <span class="mw-headline">Our First GUI</span></h2>
            <p>Run your new project, load a mission and open the GUI Editor: </p>
            <p><br />
              <i>(click to enlarge)</i> </p>
            <a href="1_Images/RunEditor.jpg" class="livethumbnail"><img src="1_Images/RunEditor.jpg" width="320" height="240" largewidth="640" largeheight="479" /></a><br />
            <p><br />
              Head over to the file menu and select <b>File->New GUI</b>. Name our new "GUIHelloWorld" and leave the GUI Class set to <b>GuiControl</b> 
              (There can not be any spaces when naming your GUI's). Press create button to move on. </p>
            <p><br />
              <img alt="Image:CreateNewGUI.jpg" src="1_Images/CreateNewGUI.jpg" border="0" height="158" width="307" /> </p>
            <p><br />
              You will notice, at the right hand side of the editor there is a list tree. Click on the entry for GuiControl highlight it: </p>
            <p><br />
              <img alt="Image:SelectGUI.jpg" src="1_Images/SelectGUI.jpg" border="0" height="95" width="217" /> </p>
            <p><br />
              <i><b>NOTE</b>: You must highlight the GuiControl to make it the active container for adding further controls.</i> </p>
            <p><br />
              Next make a save of our new GUI by going to <b>File->Save As</b>. Your file explorer will open to the current 
              project game folder. You need to move to folder <b>game/art/gui</b> and give your new GUI a name <b>HelloWorld.gui</b>. 
              Press the save button to continue. </p>
            <p><br />
              <i><b>HINT</b></i>: Remember to make regular saves to prevent losing any of your work. </p><br>
            <a name="First_Control" id="First_Control"></a>
            <h2> <span class="mw-headline">First Control</span></h2>
            <p><br />
              <b>STEP 1:</b> You will see the tab on the top right for the <b>Library</b> with all the available GUI control types, click on the tab:</p>
            <p><br />
              <img alt="Image:ControlPalette.jpg" src="1_Images/ControlPalette.jpg" 
                    border="0" /> </p>
            <p>You will notice that the <b>Library</b> can shows categories for all the available controls. 
            Select the <b>Containers</b> category and from the list please choose <b>GuiWindowCtrl</b> it will be at the end 
            of the common list. If you can not see the control, use the scroll bar to reach the other entries. </p>
            <p><br />
                <img atl="Image:CreateWindowControl.jpg" src="1_Images/CreateWindowControl.jpg" border="0" /></p>
            <p><br />
              After you have clicked on the <b>guiWindowCtrl</b>, an instance of this control will be added to the editor. </p>
            <p><br />
              <b>STEP 2</b>: You can move this new object by left clicking the mouse
              button and dragging the new window control to a new position on the
              screen. You can also resize this control by using the square handles.
              Try it now and make your window a little wider. </p>
            <p><br />
              <img alt="Image:NewWindow.jpg" src="1_Images/NewWindow.jpg" border="0" /> </p>
            <p><br />
              <b>STEP 3</b>: Change the name in the window title bar. Select your
              window control either from the control list or directly in the editor
              work area, now you have access to its properties. Scroll down the list
              of properties until you find <b>Window</b> section and change the <b>text</b> value to read <b>Hello World</b>. Press enter to fix the new text in place. </p>
            <p><br />
              <img alt="Image:ChangeText.jpg" src="1_Images/ChangeText.jpg" border="0" /> </p>
            <p><br />
              <b>STEP 4</b>: Now that we have a window, let's add a button. First we must
              ensure the new window control is highlighted as we want this to contain
              our button. </p>
            <p><br />
              <img alt="Image:SelectWindow.jpg" src="1_Images/SelectWindow.jpg" border="0" /> </p>
            <p><br />
              From the <b>Library</b> open the <b>Buttons</b> drop down and select <b>GuiButtonCtrl</b> 
              a new button will now be placed in the window. Move this new button to
              a location near the bottom of your new window. Again you can resize
              this button control but for now we will leave it as it is. </p>
            <p><br />
                <img alt="Image:CreateButtonControl.jpg" src="1_Images/CreateButtonControl.jpg" border="0" /></p>
            <p><br />
              <b>STEP 5</b>: Give the button a name. With the button control selected
              you will have access to all of its properties. In the standard layout
              these will be at the bottom of the controls list. Scroll down if
              needed, to the section named <b>Button</b> and change the display text entry to read <b>Click Me</b>: </p>
            <p><br />
              <img alt="Image:ChangeButtonText.jpg" src="1_Images/ChangeButtonText.jpg" border="0" /> </p>
            <p><br />
              This will update the Button Display text, notice your new button now shows <i>Click Me</i>.
              Save the GUI now by using the menu bar <b>File > Save</b>. Press F10 so that you can see your
              new GUI with clickable button. Press F10 again to return back to the
              GUI Editor. </p>
            <p><br />
              <i><b>HINT</b>: You can press F10 at any time to see your GUI in action</i> </p><br>
            <a name="Text_Control" id="Text_Control"></a>
            <h2> <span class="mw-headline">Text Control</span></h2>
            <p>Next we will add a text label to our window, so that we can show
              some text when we press the button.</p>
            <p><br />
              <img alt="Image:ReselectWindowCtrl.jpg" src="1_Images/ReselectWindowCtrl.jpg" border="0"  /> </p>
            <p>With the <b>GuiWindowCtrl</b> selected, select the <strong>Library</strong> &gt; <b>Text</b> 
              category and select a new <b>GuiTextCtrl</b> from the control library. </p>
            <p><br />
                <img alt="Image:CreateTextControl.jpg" src="1_Images/CreateTextControl.jpg" border="0" /></p>
            <p><br />
            Move this new text control so that it sits above the button, you can either resize it so that it is the same width as the button by changing the <b>position</b> and
            <b>extent</b> under the <b>Layout</b> properties.
              To make it easier to see the text control, make sure it is
              selected and head over to its properties, change its <b>text</b> value to read as "<i>Waiting</i>". </p>
              Next we need to give the control a name so that we can easily refer back to it in script. Whilst the text 
              controls properties are open, head to the top of the list and in <b>name</b> give it the id of <b>lblHWDisplay</b> and press enter. </p>
            <p><br />
              <img alt="Image:1_Images/lblHWDisplayName.jpg" src="1_Images/lblHWDisplayName.jpg" border="0" /> </p>
            <p><br />
              You should have something looking like this; </p>
            <p><br />
              <img alt="Image:PrototypeWindow.jpg" src="1_Images/PrototypeWindow.jpg" border="0" /> </p>
            <p><br />
              <i><b>HINT</b>: Remember to save often, for ease use <b>Ctrl + S</b></i>, </p><br>
            <a name="Dynamic_Text" id="Dynamic_Text"></a>
            <h2> <span class="mw-headline">Dynamic Text</span></h2>
            <p><b>STEP 1</b>: Let's make our GUI do something when we press the
              button. This is made very easy in Torque 3D as all you have to do is
              call a little bit of script from within the button property pane. The
              script we will use changes the text property of the text control.
              Remember setting the text controls name? This is where it will be
              needed. </p>
            <p><br />
              <b>Sample Code:</b> </p>
            <pre>lblHWDisplay.setValue("Hello World");</pre>
            <p><br />
              <i><b>NOTE</b>: Do not forget the semi-colon ( ;&nbsp; ) or you will get an error.</i> </p>
            <p><br />
              Select the button control. Within its properties in the <b>Control</b> section there is an entry called <b>command</b>. 
              It is in this property that we will enter our script from above. </p>
            <p><br />
              <img alt="Image:SetCommand.jpg" src="1_Images/SetCommand.jpg" border="0" /> </p>
            <p><br />
              <b>Save</b> your GUI. Press F10 and try out your button; when you press the button the text should change to read "<i>Hello World</i>". </p>
            <p><br />
              <b>STEP 2</b>: Now that you have pressed the button the text remains "<i>Hello World</i>". 
                We need a way to clear and reset the display. 
              This can be done by adding a similar bit of script to the text control <b>Command</b> parameter.  Select the text control and in 
              its <b>Command</b> add the following: </p>
            <p><br />
                Save your GUI. Now when you preview your GUI you can click on
              the text to reset it. You may have noticed the text looks a little
              small; this can be easily rectified by changing the text control <b>Profile</b>.
              The profiles hold data such as font color, size, and many other
              parameters. We we will explore this in greater detail in another
              tutorial. </p>
            <p><br />
              For now while the text control is selected go to GuiControl and change the profile to <b>GuiBigTextProfile</b>. 
              You may need to resize your GUI components to make every thing look nice and balanced. </p>
            <p><br />
                <img alt="Image:ChooseBigTextProfile.jpg" src="1_Images/ChooseBigTextProfile.jpg" border="0" /></p>
            <p><br />
                ( <strong>CTRL-S</strong> ) and preview ( <strong>F10</strong> ) your GUI. </p>
            <p><br />
              <img alt="Image:FinalGUI.jpg" src="1_Images/FinalGUI.jpg" border="0" height="183" width="327" /> </p><br>
            <a name="Conclusion" id="Conclusion"></a>
            <h2> <span class="mw-headline">Conclusion</span></h2>
            <p>In this tutorial, you learned the following concepts: </p>
              <li>Create window, Button and text label </li>
              <li>Scale and position a control </li>
              <li>Setup basic control properties </li>
              <li>Dynamic label text </li>
              <li>How to save your GUI </li>
            <p><br />
              The next tutorial in this series we will look at other control types and how to use them. </p>
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