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GCE Feeder Box Tutorial
- Project Manager: Flicker-Rate
- Special Thanks : John Doe for his work and ingenuity and Beta Testing SuperTransfer2.
- CleanUp Author : Admin9705 - Yes, I was blue in the face scripting more and cleaning :D
- Original Poster: xxx
- Community : Thank you for BETA Testing & Schooling Us to get this right for everyone!
Basically fill out here what it is
- Ensure to start off by selecting the right category.
- When the page first loads, start off by selecting the
Compute Engine
- If you have not enabled your billing, you will be prompted to do so. Be careful with your usage and understand that you can be liable for any money owed.
- Create a Compute Engine instance:
- Recommend Specifications are as Followed!
- Zone: (pick one closest to your usenet server):
- us-central1-a (Iowa)
- europe-west1-b (Belgium)
- asia-east1-a (Taiwan)
- we are picking these locations because they have 2.6ghz cores instead of 2.2ghz
- 8-12 Cores
- If you go above 8 cores, you will have to uPTSrade your account
- This means you will have to remember to cancel your server when credits run out
- 7-11G Memory
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- Boot disk: 10G
- If google added NVMe drivers to 18.04 by the time you are reading this, choose 18.04 instead.
- Select Local SSD Scratch Disk. To start, the option is somewhat hidden; but luckily we have a picture here for you where to start.
- From here, you going to create x2 Local SSD Scratch Disks. Make sure that you CREATE 2 and make sure they are NVMe versions!
Enter in your public ssh key so you can access the box through your own ssh client.
First install PlexGuide by visiting here: Install PlexGuide
Go through the Install Process and Select the
GCE Feeder Edition
. If no errors, the program will deploy most of your programs by default!
If you get this error below afterwards, it means there is a 99.9 percent chance that you FAILED to create the 2 additional drives that are required.
First, you must configure your network. Please view the picture below on what to click.
Next, you have to setup your external IP address. If you fail to do this, you will not be able to access the programs!
From there, you will click a top to reserve a static ip address
Next, you will click firewall rules and add a new one.
Ensure to setup you information as shown below. In regards to the ports for better security, you can copy this line: tcp:9000; tcp:7878; tcp:8989; tcp:6789; tcp:8080; tcp:8000; tcp:7999
If you are having problems, just select the all option; but just keep in mind that this results in poor security.
Now test by going to your programs. IPv4:9000 should work by default due to it being Portainer. If you just applied the rules, wait up-to 1 minute for the modified Google Firewall rules to kick in.
Make a Teamdrive at drive.google.com and name it media
. [Instructions]
Note: If you cannot create a teamdrive, do not see it, or have errors; [Follow This]
In it, create your directories: movies
and tv
Configure rclone with the teamdrive: rclone config
n/s/q> n
name> teamdrive
storage> type --> drive
scope> 1
headless browser question y/n > n
enter verification code>
configure as a Team Drive y/n > y
enter a Team Drive ID> Usually 1, but check to make sure it lines up with
to the config if all looks right to you! -
to quit and exit from the rclone config.
Verify that your teamdrive is configured properly with rclone touch teamdrive:/test123 && echo "rclone OK"
You should see a file called test123
in your Media teamdrive at drive.google.com/
Configure rclone cache with your teamdrive with rclone config
name> rcache
Storage> cache
remote> teamdrive:
[ skip plex related questions ]
chunk_size> 10M
info_age> 1h
chunk_total_size> 500M
Install rclone cache & unionfs service daemons: ansible-playbook /opt/plexguide/ansible/plexguide.yml --tags rcache
Verify rclone cache is mounted with systemctl status rcache
. If it isn't, check the error message and restart it with:
systemctl enable rcache
systemctl restart rcache
Verify that there are teamdrive directories you made eariler in /mnt/rcache
Verify unionfs is mounted with systemctl status unionfsc
. If it isn't, check the error message and restart it with systemctl restart unionfsc
Before you start this process, ensure that you utilize CloudCMD. By default, this program will deploy and will be installed for you! CloudCMD allows you to upload your files to your server just by dragging and dropping your files! Visit http://your-ipv4:7999. The default username and password is plex
| guide
NOTE: You can change the username and password if you wish once your inside the program. For more information, visit the [CloudCMD Wiki Page]
Load PlexGuide and Goto PTS SuperTransfer2. Now press any key and enter y
to start the configuration process.
Load up http://yourip:8000 and you will see where you will upload your json files. Follow the information below to create your JSON Files
Visit: https://github.com/MHA-Team/PTS-Team/wiki/ST2-JSON-Files-&-CloudCMD-Upload
Follow the instructions properly!
If you followed everything.... (fill later)
- Make sure user 1000 can read and write into
- Make sure there is a proper config in
(sometimes, the config ends up in~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf
) - Make sure the line
is uncommented in/etc/fuse.conf
Visit our Website By Click the Picture Below!
**Google Drive Service Accounts ** Go to http://console.developers.google.com and navigate to the credentials area to create new credentials - the quickest way is through the 'Manage Service Accounts' page.
Service Account Name: name account (e.g. GSA1, GSA2 etc) Role: leave blank Check 'Furnish New Private Key' Check 'JSON' under key type Check 'Enable G Suite Domain-wide Delegation'
And save - this will download the JSON to your HDD. Repeat this 10-50 times (that's plenty really)
- Optional - Install BBR Kernel Mod from the Plexguide menu under Settings and Tools and select Kernel Mods then its Option 1.
SSH into your box and switch to root with sudo su
Update your server with apt-get update && apt-get uPTSrade -y
Mount your first NVMe drive to /mnt
, and the other to /nvme2
We will be using /mnt
as the directory to download files to, and /nvme2
as the directory that files are unpacked to and uploaded to gdrive. (note: we will be symlinking directories in /nvme2
, not writing to it directly)
Make sure you have both NVMe disks on your server with lsblk | grep nvme
. You should see two unmounted NVMEe disks named nvme0n1
and nvme0n2
Mount your NVMe disks.
mkfs.ext4 -F /dev/nvme0n1
mount -o discard,defaults,nobarrier /dev/nvme0n1 /mnt
chmod a+w /mnt
echo UUID=`blkid | grep nvme0n1 | cut -f2 -d'"'` /mnt ext4 discard,defaults,nobarrier,nofail 0 2 | tee -a /etc/fstab
mkdir -p /nvme2
mkfs.ext4 -F /dev/nvme0n2
mount -o discard,defaults,nobarrier /dev/nvme0n2 /nvme2
chmod a+w /nvme2
echo UUID=`blkid | grep nvme0n2 | cut -f2 -d'"'` /nvme2 ext4 discard,defaults,nobarrier,nofail 0 2 | tee -a /etc/fstab
Verify if they mounted properly.
ls /mnt | grep -q 'lost+found' && echo "nvme1 mount OK!" || echo "nvme1 mount FAIL"
ls /nvme2 | grep -q 'lost+found' && echo "nvme2 mount OK!" || echo "nvme2 mount FAIL"
Install Plexguide with wget -qO- PTS/install.sh | bash
- Settings:
- No second HDD
- Install:
- Sonarr
- Radarr
- Sabnzbd
Verify the ports are open: for port in 7878 8989 8080 9000; do nc -w1 -zv $(curl -s icanhazip.com) $port; done
Create passwords for each app and restart the containers: for container in portainer radarr sonarr sabnzbd; do docker restart $container; done
Make a symlink for /mnt/move
and /mnt/sab/complete
to /nvme/...
This will allow usenet articles to unpack and upload a little faster, since it's on a separate disk.
You can repeat this process with nzbget, if you prefer it over sabnzbd.
mv /mnt/move /nvme2/move
ln -s /nvme2/move /mnt
mkdir -p /nvme2/sab/complete
rm -r /mnt/sab/complete
ln -s /nvme2/sab/complete /mnt/sab/
chown -R 1000:1000 /mnt
chown -R 1000:1000 /nvme2
NOTE: no menu items for these yet. Please install manually.
Install rclone beta: curl -s https://rclone.org/install.sh | bash -s beta
chown -R 1000:1000 /root chmod 775 /root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf
Wiki - Wiki
- Recommended Pre-Reading
- Server - Storage Planning
- Usenet or BitTorrent
- PTS Editions
- PTS Folder Structure
- PTS-Repos
- Common Issues
Data Transport
- Traefik
- Port Guard
- PTS Shield
- PTS Press
- Google Cloud - GCE
- Hetzner Cloud
- PTS Fork
- Extra PTS Commands
- PTS Vault - Data Storage
- PTSPatrol
- Plex AutoScan in Docker Container
- Plex_Dupefiner
- Traktarr
- System & Network Auditor
- PreInstaller & UnInstaller
Core Apps [Expand]
Community Apps [Expand]
- AirSonic
- Bazarr
- Bitwarden
- BookSonic
- cAdvisor
- Cloud Commander
- Deluge
- DelugeVPN
- Dozzle
- Duplicati
- Filebrowser
- FlexGet
- Gazee
- Headphones
- Heimdall
- HomeAssistant
- jd2-openvpn
- Kitana
- Logarr
- MakeMKV
- MariaDB
- McMyadmin
- Mellow
- Miniflux
- Monitorr
- Muximux
- Mylar
- NextCloud
- NowShowing
- NZBHydra2
- Organizr
- plpp
- pyLoad
- qBittorrent
- QBittorrent VPN
- radarrsyncarr
- Resilio
- rflood-openvpn
- rutorrent-openvpn
- Shoko Anime Server
- SpeedTest
- SyncLounge
- Teamspeak3
- The Lounge
- Transmission
- Trakt.or
- Ubooquity
- Varken
- vnc-xfce
- vnstat
- ZeroTier