Releases: aws/aws-cdk
Releases · aws/aws-cdk
- stepfunctions-tasks:
tasks no longer implementIStepFunctionsTask
and have been replaced by constructs that can be instantiated directly. See README for examples
- cfn-include: add support for retrieving parameter objects (#8658) (52dc123), closes #8657
- cfn-include: support logical id overrides (#8529) (d9c4f5e), closes #7375
- cloudwatch: CompositeAlarm (#8498) (1e6d293)
- efs: access point (#8631) (dde0ef5)
- stepfunctions: grant APIs for state machine construct (#8486) (fe71364), closes #5933
- stepfunctions-tasks: task constructs to call DynamoDB APIs (#8466) (a7cb3b7), closes #8108
Bug Fixes
- appsync: Not to throw an Error even if 'additionalAuthorizationModes' is undefined (#8673) (6b5d77b), closes #8666 #8668
- cli: cannot change policies or trust after initial bootstrap (#8677) (6e6b23e), closes #6581
- cli: crash on tiny reported terminal width (#8675) (a186c24), closes #8667
- toolkit: CLI tool fails on CloudFormation Throttling (#8711) (e512a40), closes #5637
- stepfunctions-tasks: constructs for
have been introduced to replace
previous implementation which implementedIStepFUnctionsTask
. - stepfunctions-tasks:
property inVolumeSpecification
has been renamed tovolumeSize
and is of typecdk.Size
as we want to enable specifying any unit - stepfunctions-tasks:
property inEmrCreateCluster
is now of typecdk.Size
as we want to enable specifying any unit - stepfunctions-tasks:
type has changed fromcdk.CfnTag[]
to a map of string to string as we do not want to leakCfn
types - rds: the attribute securityGroupId has been removed from IDatabaseCluster,
use cluster.connections.securityGroups instead - rds: DatabaseClusterAttributes.securityGroup has been changed to securityGroups, and its type to an array
- rds: InstanceProps.securityGroup has been changed to securityGroups, and its type to an array
- rds: the property
can no longer be passed when creating a DatabaseInstanceReadReplica - rds: the property 'instanceClass' in DatabaseInstanceNewProps has been renamed to 'instanceType'
- appsync: Changes way of auth config even for existing supported methods viz., User Pools and API Key.
- amplify: add "404 (Rewrite)" RedirectStatus (#7944) (21dda30)
- amplify: support for GitLab source code provider (#8353) (f10da03)
- apigateway: define Resources on imported RestApi (#8270) (21a1de3), closes #7391 #1477 #7391 #8347
- appsync: add Construct for AppSync HTTP DataSource (#8009) (0592b36), closes #8007
- appsync: enhances and completes auth config (#7878) (6d7ce65)
- autoscaling: add instanceMonitoring option (#8213) (6e23ae7), closes #8212
- awslint: publish as an external module (#8558) (378939c)
- cfn-include: add support for all remaining CloudFormation functions except Fn::Sub (#8591) (8d699c5), closes #8590
- cfn-include: add support for CreationPolicy and UpdatePolicy resource attributes (#8457) (2fc5372)
- cfnspec: cloudformation spec v15.1.0 (#8547) (50f4a21)
- cli: allow disabling of Public Access Block Configuration on bootstrap Bucket (#8171) (33f4746)
- cli: new deployment monitoring (#8165) (f066c52)
- cloudtrail: cloudtrail module is now stable! (#8651) (835f375)
- cloudwatch: liveData in GraphWidget (#8579) (831092e), closes #8376
- cognito: user pool - account recovery (#8531) (1112abb), closes #8502
- cognito: user pool - identity provider attribute mapping (#8445) (1bd513b)
- cognito: user pool client - disable OAuth easily (#8496) (f69cdfd), closes #8429
- logs: MetricFilter exposes extracted Metric object (#8556) (a35a53b), closes #1353
- upgrade JSII to version 1.7.0 (#8632) (1d26dbd)
- cognito: user pools are now in developer preview (#8522) (4fcad9a)
- core,s3-assets: custom bundling docker command (#8481) (2a6d90c), closes #8460
- ec2: Add Step Functions interface endpoint (#8512) (d21231f)
- efs: removal policy on FileSystem (#8593) (b17863b)
- eks: expose cluster security group and encryption configuration (#8317) (03e85eb), closes #8276 #8276 #8236
- eks: timeout option helm charts (#8338) (d1403cc), closes #8215
- globalaccelerator: support Accelerator, Listener and EndpointGroup (#8221) (e4e8270), closes #5527
- kms: import an Alias by name (#8299) (4611e69), closes #5953
- lambda: configurable retries for log retention custom resource (#8258) (e17a49a), closes #8257
- rds: multiple security groups in Cluster and Instance (#8510) (31925c1)
- sns-subscriptions: Add support for SMS subscriptions (#8582) (82d8f11), closes #7882
Bug Fixes
- apigateway: deployment fails when domain name has uppercase letters (#8456) (1e6a8e9), closes #8428
- appsync: don't mix the json result with setting variables (#8290) (7ca74e0), closes #7026
- autoscaling: can't configure notificationTypes (#8294) (01ef1ca)
- cli: bootstrapping cannot be retried (#8577) (cad6649)
- cloudtrail: Invalid arn partition for GovCloud (#8248) (5189170), closes #8247
- core: asset bundling runs as root (#8492) (6df546f), closes #8489
- core: asset staging custom hash ...
- stepfunctions-tasks: constructs for
replace previous implementation that
. - stepfunctions-tasks:
property inResourceConfig
SageMaker tasks are now typecore.Size
- stepfunctions-tasks:
property inSagemakerTransformProps
is now typecore.Size
- stepfunctions-tasks:
property inSageMakerCreateTrainingJob
is nowvolumeEncryptionKey
- cognito:
construct is now replaced withstandardAttributes
with a slightly modified signature. - rds: DatabaseClusterProps.kmsKey has been renamed to storageEncryptionKey
- rds: DatabaseInstanceNewProps.performanceInsightKmsKey has been renamed to performanceInsightEncryptionKey
- rds: DatabaseInstanceSourceProps.secretKmsKey has been renamed to masterUserPasswordEncryptionKey
- rds: DatabaseInstanceProps.kmsKey has been renamed to storageEncryptionKey
- rds: DatabaseInstanceReadReplicaProps.kmsKey has been renamed to storageEncryptionKey
- rds: Login.kmsKey has been renamed to encryptionKey
- assert: more powerful matchers (#8444) (ed6f763)
- cloud9: support AWS CodeCommit repository clone on launch (#8205) (4781f94), closes #8204
- codestar: support the GitHubRepository resource (#8209) (02ddab8), closes #8210
- cognito: allow mutable attributes for requiredAttributes (#7754) (1fabd98)
- core,s3-assets,lambda: custom asset bundling (#7898) (888b412)
- rds: rename 'kmsKey' properties to 'encryptionKey' (#8324) (4eefbbe)
- secretsmanager: deletionPolicy for secretsmanager (#8188) (f6fe36a), closes #6527
- secretsmanager: Secret.grantRead() also gives DescribeSecret permissions (#8409) (f44ae60), closes #6444 #7953
- stepfunctions-tasks: task constructs for creating and transforming SageMaker jobs (#8391) (480d4c0)
Bug Fixes
- apigateway: authorizerUri does not resolve to the correct partition (#8152) (f455273), closes #8098
- apigateway: methodArn not replacing path parameters with asterisks (#8206) (8fc3751), closes #8036
- aws-s3-deployment: Set proper s-maxage Cache Control header (#8434) (8d5b801), closes #6292
- cognito: error when using parameter for
(#8399) (681b3bb), closes #8314 - dynamodb: old global table replicas cannot be deleted (#8224) (00884c7), closes #7189
- elbv2: addAction ignores conditions (#8385) (729cc0b), closes #8328
- elbv2: missing permission to write NLB access logs to S3 bucket (#8114) (d6a1265), closes #8113
- rds: the default retention policy for RDS Cluster and DbInstance is now 'Snapshot'
- cognito: OAuth flows
are enabled by default. - cognito:
property inUserPoolClient
is now
optional and has a default. - cognito: All OAuth scopes in a
are now enabled
by default.
- cfn-include: add support for Conditions (#8144) (33212d2)
- cognito: addDomain() on an imported user pool (#8123) (49c9f99)
- cognito: sign in url for a UserPoolDomain (#8155) (e942936)
- cognito: user pool identity provider with support for Facebook & Amazon (#8134) (1ad919f)
- dynamodb: allow providing indexes when importing a Table (#8245) (9ee61eb), closes #6392
- events-targets: kinesis stream as event rule target (#8176) (21ebc2d), closes #2997
- lambda-nodejs: allow passing env vars to container (#8169) (1755cf2), closes #8031
- rds: change the default retention policy of Cluster and DB Instance to Snapshot (#8023) (2d83328), closes #3298
- redshift: add initial L2 Redshift construct (#5730) (703f0fa), closes #5711
- s3: supports RemovalPolicy for BucketPolicy (#8158) (cb71f34), closes #7415
- stepfunctions-tasks: start a nested state machine execution as a construct (#8178) (3000dd5)
- stepfunctions-tasks: task state construct to submit a job to AWS Batch (#8115) (bc41cd5)
Bug Fixes
- apigateway: deployment is not updated when OpenAPI definition is updated (#8207) (d28c947), closes #8159
- app-delivery: could not use PipelineDeployStackAction more than once in a Stage (#8217) (9a54447), closes #3984 #8183
- cli: termination protection not updated when change set has no changes (#8275) (29d3145)
- codepipeline: allow multiple CodeCommit source actions using events (#8018) (103c144), closes #7802
- codepipeline: correctly handle CODEBUILD_CLONE_REF in BitBucket source (#7107) (ac001b8)
- codepipeline: unhelpful artifact validation messages (#8256) (2a2406e)
- core: CFN version and description template sections were merged incorrectly (#8251) (b7e328d), closes #8151
- lambda:
API fails with error 'No child with id' (#8296) (a8b1815), closes #8240 - rds: cannot delete a stack with DbCluster set to 'Retain' (#8110) (c2e534e), closes #5282
- sqs: unable to use CfnParameter 'valueAsNumber' to specify queue properties (#8252) (8ec405f), closes #7126
- cloudtrail: API signatures of
have changed. Their parameters are now
strongly typed to acceptIBucket
respectively. - cloudtrail:
can no longer be used to configure all S3 data events or all Lambda data
events. Two new APIslogAllS3DataEvents()
have been introduced to achieve this. - cloudtrail: The property
is now of the typeITopic
- cfnspec: cloudformation spec v14.4.0 (#8195) (99e7330)
- cloudtrail: create cloudwatch event without needing to create a Trail (#8076) (0567a23), closes #6716
- cloudtrail: user specified log group (#8079) (0a3785b), closes #6162
- codeguruprofiler: ProfilingGroup (#7895) (995088a)
- codepipeline: use a special bootstrapless synthesizer for cross-region support Stacks (#8091) (575f1db), closes #8082
- cognito: user pool - case sensitivity for sign in (460394f), closes #7988 #7235
- core: CfnJson enables intrinsics in hash keys (#8099) (195cd40), closes #8084
- eks: improve security using IRSA conditions (#8084) (35a01a0)
- elbv2: Supports new types of listener rule conditions (#7848) (3d30ffa), closes #3888
- secretsmanager: adds grantWrite to Secret (#7858) (3fed84b)
- sns: add support for subscription DLQ in SNS (383cdb8)
- stepfunctions: new service integration classes for Lambda, SNS, and SQS (#7946) (c038848), closes #6715 #6489
- stepfunctions: support paths in Pass state (#8070) (86eac6a), closes #7181
- stepfunctions-tasks: task for starting a job run in AWS Glue (#8143) (a721e67)
Bug Fixes
- apigateway: contextAccountId in AccessLogField incorrectly resolves to requestId (7b89e80), closes #7952 #7951
- autoscaling: add noDevice as a volume type (#7253) (751958b), closes #7242
- aws-eks: kubectlEnabled: false conflicts with addNodegroup (#8119) (8610889), closes #7993
- cli: paper cuts (#8164) (af2ea60)
- dynamodb: the maximum number of nonKeyAttributes is 100, not 20 (#8186) (0393528), closes #8095
- eks: unable to add multiple service accounts (#8122) (524440c)
- events: cannot use the same target account for 2 cross-account event sources (#8068) (395c07c), closes #8010
- lambda-nodejs: build fails on Windows (#8140) (04490b1), closes #8107
- cloudtrail: better typed event selector apis (#8097) (0028778)
- cloudtrail: create cloudwatch event without needing to create a Trail (#8076) (0567a23), closes #6716
- cognito: user pool - case sensitivity for sign in (460394f), closes #7988 #7235
- core: CfnJson enables intrinsics in hash keys (#8099) (195cd40), closes #8084
- secretsmanager: adds grantWrite to Secret (#7858) (3fed84b)
- sns: add support for subscription DLQ in SNS (383cdb8)
- stepfunctions: new service integration classes for Lambda, SNS, and SQS (#7946) (c038848), closes #6715 #6489
Bug Fixes
- add support for Gitpod workspaces (20d5511)
- autoscaling: support max instance lifetime (d126c46), closes #7758
- cfn-include: add support for the DependsOn attribute (613df1b)
- docdb: high level constrcuts for db clusters and instances (#6511) (a376dd3)
- eks: IAM roles for service accounts (3f0d2c8), closes #6062 #5388 #3949
- elbv2: full Action support (2939105), closes #2563 #6310 #6308
- region-info: add information for us-gov, us-iso, and us-isob regions (afe0b00), closes #7876 #4669
- s3-asset: add httpUrl and s3ObjectUrl (eeff393), closes #7509 #7221
- cognito: An invalid template placeholder has been removed
from the default verification email body in a user pool.
- apigateway: create RestApi from an OpenAPI spec (31014ca), closes #4421
- apigateway: import existing VpcLink (#7811) (7b42f7f), closes #4178
- initial version of an improved CloudFormation template include experience (0132251), closes #3537
- apigateway: specify API key name and value in
(#7714) (e93da2c), closes #3233 #7767 - apigatewayv2: HTTP API - configure CORS preflight (#7923) (9f35104), closes #7922
- cognito: user pool client - prevent user existence errors (c7f15f2), closes #7406
- dynamodb: support for Customer-managed CMK (#7425) (ff8219b), closes #7142
- ec2: lookup available AZs for Interface Endpoints (9fa3221)
- events-targets: support multiple security groups for an ECS task (#7857) (c6504e6), closes #3312
- init/java: model CDK version in property in Maven POMs (#7931) (ce5b8fb), closes #7862
Bug Fixes
- cli: cdk bootstrap cannot be used without supplying the --app argument (#7970) (540a7e6), closes #7510 #7906
- cognito: invalid default for verification email (#7790) (cb3c184), closes #7597
- core: consistent sorting of resource tags (0105efd), closes #7707
- core: hangs when used with yarn PnP (8579100), closes yarnpkg/berry#1298
- elbv2: race condition for Lambda backends (1819a6b), closes #4663 #7236
- iot1click: incorrect type for Project.deviceTemplates (#8000) (338ef92), closes #8001
- lambda: SingletonFunction ignores explicit declared dependencies (#7997) (91f913f), closes #7568
- stepfunctions-tasks: EvaluateExpression is limited to expressions that contain state paths (#7774) (97f4f01), closes #7655