Releases: deegree/deegree-ogcapi
Releases · deegree/deegree-ogcapi
What's Changed
- Fixed distribution url and removed unused settings file by @tfr42 in #142
- Fixed formatting of Java source code using spring-javaformat-maven plugin by @tfr42 in #138
- Upgraded dependencies swagger libs and maven plugins by @tfr42 in #140
- Upgraded dependencies for deegree and swagger to latest bugfix version by @tfr42 in #144
- Split pipeline step for release prepare and release perform by @tfr42 in #143
- Post release - bumped docker to v1.3.3 by @tfr42 in #141
Full Changelog: deegree-ogcapi-1.3.3...deegree-ogcapi-1.3.4
What's Changed
- Upgraded dependencies and maven plugins by @tfr42 in #137
- Fixed release pipeline to use managed credentials from jenkins ci by @tfr42 in #139
- Removed trigger in gh action for push event on main branch for pushing docker image by @tfr42 in #136
- Post release - bumped docker to v1.3.2 by @tfr42 in #135
Full Changelog: deegree-ogcapi-1.3.2...deegree-ogcapi-1.3.3
What's Changed
- Fixed text.slice for non string values by @lgoltz in #127
- Enhanced documentation about server side caching of HTML view by @dstenger in #114
- build(deps-dev): bump org.xmlunit:xmlunit-core from 2.9.1 to 2.10.0 by @dependabot in #120
- Fixed the repository url for downloading WAR file from nexus by @tfr42 in #129
- Post release - updated gh action for building docker image to use release version 1.3.0 by @tfr42 in #128
Full Changelog: deegree-ogcapi-1.3.0...deegree-ogcapi-1.3.1
- WAR file for use with PostgreSQL/PostGIS:
- WAR file for use with Oracle DB:
What's Changed
- Bump commons-io from 2.6 to 2.7 by @dependabot in #12
- Bump xercesImpl from 2.12.1 to 2.12.2 by @dependabot in #11
- Bump jersey-common from 2.33 to 2.34 by @dependabot in #10
- Fixes issue #17 that build pipeline fails in multibranch setup on Jenkins by @tfr42 in #28
- Fixes issue #17 that build pipeline fails in multibranch setup on Jenkins by @tfr42 in #18
- Add credentials to deploy step and local settings.xml by @tfr42 in #30
- Fixes #15 sets same jersey for all jersey modules by @tfr42 in #16
- Added README with sponsors by @lgoltz in #21
- Enhanced log messages by @lgoltz in #22
- Upgrade to log4j2 by @lgoltz in #23
- Fix links to help by @lgoltz in #26
- Fix registration of CRS in HTML view by @dstenger in #27
- Improved Metadata URL element in configuration and clearifing usage of metadata links by @tfr42 in #34
- Bump gson from 2.2.2 to 2.8.9 by @dependabot in #37
- Removed Jenkins pipeline stage "Build-jdk8" (JDK 1.8 not longer supported) by @tfr42 in #45
- Upgrade dependency of deegree webservices API to v3.5.0-SNAPSHOT by @tfr42 in #44
- Upgrades log4j2 dependency to latest bugfix version by @tfr42 in #36
- Improved installation section by @tfr42 in #42
- Fixes broken links to OpenLayers CSS files by @tfr42 in #49
- Fixes links to wrong github project in Maven POM by @tfr42 in #51
- Enhancement swagger by @tfr42 in #31
- Fixes metadata links in collections view (HTML encoding) by @tfr42 in #43
- Enhancement maven plugins and cleaned up dependencies by @tfr42 in #32
- Upgrade jersey to 2.36 by @tfr42 in #54
- Upgrade maven build plugins by @tfr42 in #59
- Updated maven site plugins by @tfr42 in #35
- Improved readability of supported query parameters in documentation by @tfr42 in #50
- Upgrade jackson from 2.13.3 -> 2.13.4 by @tfr42 in #58
- Create by @tfr42 in #60
- Fix of encoding for GeoJson responses by @tfr42 in #62
- Upgrade jackson from 2.13.4 to 2.14.1 by @tfr42 in #64
- Add support for overriding accepted format by @stempler in #81
- Fixes the use of storage CRS code from list of supported CRS by @stempler in #90
- Added Dockerfile for building Docker image by @stempler in #86
- Support configuring additional links for collections by @stempler in #93
- Add "openapi" alias for api endpoint by @stempler in #80
- Dockerfile health check fix and small improvements by @stempler in #94
- Fix link relation type to OpenAPI specification by @julianzz98 in #95
- Add itemType in collection HTML by @julianzz98 in #96
- Add OpenAPI description also in YAML format by @stempler in #82
- Fixing tests to be independent of system time zone by @stempler in #79
- Exclude dependencies that are included in Java 11+ by @stempler in #78
- Switched to official deegree repository by @lgoltz in #99
- Use deegree core version 3.5.0 by @tfr42 in #104
- Upgraded Maven plugins to latest version by @tfr42 in #105
- Removed Maven profile for JDK 1.8 and set JDK 11 as default by @tfr42 in #106
- Upgrade dependencies to latest bugfix version by @tfr42 in #103
- Updated jenkinsfile to use build steps with JDK 11 as default by @tfr42 in #101
- Upgrade maven plugins to latest bugfix version by @tfr42 in #107
- Upgrade deegree and jaxb to latest bugfix version by @tfr42 in #108
- Fix swagger version in pom.xml to reduce vulnerabilities by @tfr42 in #109
- Relocate schema files for deegree OGCAPI to schemas/ogcapi by @julianzz98 in #98
- Added deegree-ogcapi-schema, Deploy deegree-ogcapi-schema and deegree-ogcapi-documentation by @lgoltz in #97
- Enable GitHub actions for docker by @tfr42 in #102
- Removed deploy step from pipeline by @tfr42 in #111
- Upgrade dependencies to latests version including deegree 3.5.7 by @tfr42 in #115
- Add maven wrapper by @copierrj in #121
- Fixed logging by downgrading slf4j version, upgrade deegree version by @lgoltz in #124
- Support of FILTER parameters with INTERSECTS by @lgoltz in #118
- Fixes mixing of feature stores by @lgoltz in #122
- Improved layout of Items and Item view by @lgoltz in #123
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #12
- @lgoltz made their first contribution in #21
- @stempler made their first contribution in #81
- @julianzz98 made their first contribution in #95
- @copierrj made their first contribution in #121
Full Changelog: v1.3-pre...deegree-ogcapi-1.3.0
- WAR file for use with PostgreSQL/PostGIS:
- WAR file for use with Oracle DB:
deegree-ogcapi 1.3-SNAPSHOT
This is a pre-release of deegree OGC API - Features, Version 1.3-SNAPSHOT.
Downloads are available from:
Nightly builds are available from:
Docker Images are available from: