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OPC UA_example_with_Up_Squared_and_Groove_Kit

AAEONAEU-SW edited this page Nov 26, 2020 · 2 revisions

In this tutorial, you will be able to get started with the guide for OPC-UA protocol demo to connect GrovePi+ kit sensors, over MRAA/UPM library, on UP2 boards.

Platform information

Model / Version: UP-APL01

PCB Model / Version: UP-APL01 A1.0

BIOS / Version: UPA1AM42

CPU Type: Intel(R) Atom(TM) Processor E3950 @ 1.60GHz

OS Install: Linux Ubuntu16.04.5, kernel4.15.0-37

Power Supply: AD36AM050600 5V / 6A adapter

Sensor HAT: GrovePi+ kit for Intel & UP family. V1.1

Testing GrovePi+ kit for MRAA/UPM library

The first step for our example is to validate the GrovePi+ on our UP2 board. We could use the board for setting the OPC-UA server later. It’s important to check the Grove version as we need the special hardware revision defined “for Intel & UP board kit”. Also, verify you have at least two Grove sensors, for example, two input/output and analogic/digital sensors, to validate all possibilities on the Grove kit.

00. Set your UP2 board up for GrovePi+:

Here, we must install a Ubuntu 16.04 OS and follow the correct steps to install our UP family kernel 4.15. All the instructions are in the UP community:

The next step is to install all needed libraries including MRAA/UPM library and, NPM and NodeJS packages. Please, follow the simple instructions for MRAA/UPM library installation in the UP community:

Now, we have to install the GrovePi+ modules and repository as well, following the instructions in the UP community:

Once we have all libraries and packages, we must install the NodeJS modules necessary to run our Grove sensors over JavaScript language. For that step we only must run the next command to include them to the node_modules folder:

   npm install mraa
   npm install upm
   npm install node-grovepi

01. Python samples for Grove sensors

A quick test for your GrovePi+ kit is always good to be sure it’s working in the simplest way.

You could clone the IntelUP2Grove repository and run the typical samples like the blinking LED or the light sensor:
   git clone
   cd IntelUp2Grove/

Connect your LED socket to the D8 connector and run the script for blinking the LED:

   sudo python 8 (n.8 is the pin defined D8 connector)

Connect your Light sensor to the A0 connector and run the script for getting light values:

   sudo python

02. NodeJS samples for Grove sensors

If the Python samples were working correctly, now we could adapt the JavaScript samples from libMRAA repository to access the Grove Kit. That will be perfect to include the NodeJS samples to our OPC-UA server script which is running over LibMRAA as well.

We just need to add the GROVEPI sub-platform to our sample and set the correct pinout for each sensor. NOTE: Remember the GrovePi+ pinout starts for 512 as A0. For D8 you will need to add +8 to the 512-pin base, so for LED sample we will use the 520-pin. First of all clone the libmraa repository and go to the JavaScript examples:

   git clone
   cd mraa/examples/javascript

For the LED blinking sample:

   sudo nano Blink-IO.js

Add after mraa requirements:

   mraa.addSubplatform(mraa.GROVEPI, "0"); 

Edit mrra GPIO pin for D8 GrovePi+:

   let myLed = new mraa.Gpio(520);
   sudo node Blink-IO.js //LED will blink

For Light sensor sample:

   sudo nano AioA0.js

Add after mraa requirements:

   mraa.addSubplatform(mraa.GROVEPI, "0"); 

Edit mrra GPIO pin for A0 GrovePi+:

   let myLed = new mraa.Gpio(512);
   sudo node AioA0.js //Get light sensor value.

Creating your OPC-UA server on UP2 board

00. Set your OPC-UA server up

For our UP2 server, we could use the same system installed on the previous point.

If you are using a new UP2, we must install a Ubuntu 16.04 OS and follow the correct steps to install our UP family kernel 4.15. All the instructions are in the UP community:

The next step is to install all needed libraries including MRAA/UPM library and, NPM and NodeJS packages. Please, follow the simple instructions for MRAA/UPM library installation in the UP community:

Now, we have to install the GrovePi+ modules and repository as well, following the instructions in the UP community:

01. Include Node-opcua library

We need to link the OPC-UA protocol package to the NodeJS modules. That means, we need to install the npm node package into our machine:

   npm install node-opcua

Also, we could install the OPC-UA examples:

   npm install node-opcua-samples

NOTE: If you find any error or fail during installation, please make sure your NodeJS version is equal or newer than 6.0. Even if you have problems to get the NodeJS 6 installed correctly, you can follow the next steps:

  • Create a new file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/:
   sudo nano nodesource.list

Add the next lines into the file:

   deb xenial main
   deb-src xenial main
  • Download the GPG Signing Key from Nodesource for the repository:
   curl -s | sudo apt-key add -
  • Manually run:
   sudo apt update
  • Install updated nodejs package:
   sudo apt install nodejs

In the same way, you can install the node package from the repository source:
   $ git clone
   $ cd node-opcua
   $ npm install

02. Create your OPC-UA server script

Now, we are ready to create the first OPC-UA server example for NodeJS over MRAA library. A clean and popular way to do it is following a typical structure for a server:

Here you can see, step by step, how to create the “skeleton” for a generic server.

First of all, let’s add our Node workspace for the server:

   $ mkdir myserver
   $ cd myserver
   $ npm init                      # create a package.json
   $ npm install node-opcua --save # add the node-opcua

Once we have your Node space created for our server, we must install the NodeJS modules necessary to run our Grove sensors over JavaScript language. For that step we only have to run the next command to include them in the node_modules folder:

   npm install mraa
   npm install upm
   npm install node-grovepi

Let’s create our server script:

  • Declarations and requirements:

  • Define OPC-UA server:

  • Create server space where we define the variables controlled by the server.

In this case, we define the variable to get the value from the light sensor in the GrovePi+ kit:

  • Initialise the server with our space inside and start the end-point server to be available for clients:

Creating your OPC-UA client for UP2 board

00. Set your OPC-UA client

For our UP2 client sample, we must install a Ubuntu 16.04 OS and follow the correct steps to install our UP family kernel 4.15. All the instructions are in the UP community:

The next step is to install all needed libraries including MRAA/UPM library and, NPM and NodeJS packages: Please, follow the simple instructions for MRAA/UPM library installation in the UP community:

Now, we have to install the GrovePi+ modules and repository as well, following the instructions in the UP community:

01. Include Node-opcua library

We need to link the OPC-UA protocol package to the NodeJS modules. That means, we need to install the npm node package into our machine:

   npm install node-opcua

Also, we could install the OPC-UA examples:

   npm install node-opcua-samples

NOTE: If you find any error or fail during installation, please make sure your NodeJS version is equal or newer than 6.0. Even if you have problems to get the NodeJS 6 installed correctly, you can follow the next steps:

  • Create a new file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/:
   sudo nano nodesource.list

Add the next lines into the file:

   deb xenial main
   deb-src xenial main
  • Download the GPG Signing Key from Nodesource for the repository:
   curl -s | sudo apt-key add -
  • Manually run:
   sudo apt update
  • Install updated nodejs package:
   sudo apt install nodejs

In the same way, you can install the node package from the repository source:
   $ git clone
   $ cd node-opcua
   $ npm install

02. Create your OPC-UA client script

Now, we are ready to create the first OPC-UA client example for NodeJS over MRAA library. A clean and popular way to do it is following a typical structure for a server:

Here you can see, step by step, how to create the “skeleton” for a generic and simple client to communicate with our server via OPC-UA protocol. First of all, let’s add our Node workspace for the client:

   $ mkdir myclient
   $ cd myclient
   $ npm init                      # create a package.json
   $ npm install node-opcua --save # add the node-opcua
   $ npm install async --save

Once we have your Node space created for our client, we must install the NodeJS modules necessary to communicate with the server. For that step we only must run the next command to include them to the node_modules folder:

   npm install mraa
   npm install upm

Let’s create our server script:

  • Declarations and requirements:

  • Define client and end-point server address:

  • Set the async session:

    • [Connect to server and Create session:]
    • [Browsing the root folder to list the nodes:]
    • Read a variable from server. We will receive the light value data from GrovePi+ kit:
    • Define a subscription for session parameters:
    • Close session:
    • Disconnect your client:

Testing your OPC-UA system sample

At this point, we have the server and client integrated into two different machines. So now, it’s time to test the system. The main goal here is to get access to the GrovePi+ sensors from our client via OPC-UA to the server board running over the integrated MRAA library.

We need to connect each UP2 board to the network, via Ethernet. If we have the connection ready, then the server IP is necessary for the client to define where we must listen to. Once, you get the current IP, we add it to the client script in the defined end-point variable:

   const endpointUrl = "opc.tcp://<ServerIP>:<ServerPort>/<ServerPath>";

Now, let’s run the scripts from each directory in our machines:

For server, go to myserver directory and run your server script:

   sudo node opcua-server.js 

You should see some output like that:

   MRAA Version: v1.9.0
   OPC-UA Server for UPSquared initialized
   Current GroveLight value:  712
   Server is now listening ... ( press CTRL+C to stop) 
   port  4334
   the primary server endpoint url is  opc.tcp://upsquared-UP-APL01:4334/MyUP2

From the client side, you have to go to myclient directory and run your client script:

   sudo node opcua_client.js

You should see some output like that:

   MRAA Version: v1.9.0
   connected !
   New session created!
   Session Browse:
   QualifiedName { namespaceIndex: 0, name: 'Objects' }
   QualifiedName { namespaceIndex: 0, name: 'Types' }
   QualifiedName { namespaceIndex: 0, name: 'Views' }
    GrovePi Light value =  DataValue:
     value:           Variant(Scalar<Float>, value: 566)
     statusCode:      Good (0x00000)
     serverTimestamp: null
     sourceTimestamp: null
   subscription started for 2 seconds - subscriptionId= 272184
    closing session
    session closed

And again, from the server-side you will see the requests to the server to get the variable value:

   MRAA Version: v1.9.0
   OPC-UA Server for UPSquared initialized
   Current GroveLight value:  620
   Server is now listening ... ( press CTRL+C to stop) 
   port  4334
     the primary server endpoint url is  opc.tcp://upsquared-UP-APL01:4334/MyUP2
   Current GroveLight value:  570
   Current GroveLight value:  566

Now, your system is ready and validated to included complex variables and improve your server and client machine.

Integrating Node-RED programming tool

00. Install Node-RED library

Use npm to install node-red and a helper utility called node-red-admin globally:

   sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red node-red-admin

After installation, we need to define the port used by Node-RED. The default port is always 1880:

   sudo ufw allow 1880

Now, we are ready to launch the application and start the programming:


Then, you will see the Internet address to access your Node-RED interface:


Now you must take the link address and access from your browser:

01. Programming a first simple flow sample

Node-RED allows you to wire together nodes to create flows that carry out your programming task. Messages pass between nodes, moving from input nodes through processing nodes to output nodes.

There are three main types of nodes:

Input nodes allow you to input data into a Node-RED application or “flow”. They have at least one output endpoint. You use input nodes to connect data from other services or to manually input data into a flow using the inject node.

Output nodes allow you to send data outside of a Node-RED flow. They have a single input endpoint. You use output nodes to send data to other services or to use the debug node to output to the debug pane.

Processing nodes allow you to process data. They have an input endpoint and one or more output endpoints. They allow you to transform the data type (e.g. JSON, CSV, XML) nodes, use the data to trigger message nodes and to write custom code that uses the data received (e.g. function node).

Let’s start with a node to inject some information into the flow, wired to a debug node to see the output from the flow as a debug message. Once you have that running, you’ll build it up to the full Hello World flow.

Add the first node that actually does something, an inject node. The inject node is used to generate input into a flow and is one of the first nodes in the node palette under input. You’ll also notice that the inject node (now named timestamp) has a blue dot top right and a grey square center-right. The blue dot indicates that the node hasn’t been deployed since it was last changed; the grey square is the output point for the node. This is where you attach ‘wires’ that route output messages from the inject node to the next node in the flow.

To get a sense for the inject node and the whole flow deployment process, let’s add a debug node to see what happens, wire them together and then deploy the flow and test it.

Then you’ll wire the two nodes together. To do that, click on the grey output point for the inject node and, holding the mouse button down, drag towards the debug node. An orange wire appears, which you can then attach to the grey input point on the debug node. You will send the current timestamp to the debug node for display in the debug pane.

Click the deploy button in the Node-RED window (top right). You’ll see a pop-up saying the flow has been successfully deployed.

Now, before you try the flow, make sure the debug tab is selected on the right pane. Then click on the left tab on the inject node and look at what appears in the debug pane.

As you can see, the inject node, when clicked, generates a timestamp, which is converted to a message and sent along the output wire, which is delivered to the debug node as an input message. The debug node’s default behavior is to show any message it receives, which it does in the debug pane on the right.

You’ll edit the inject node to deliver a text message rather than a timestamp. To do that, select the inject node in the flow and double-click it.

Once you’ve made the change, click ok to save the changes and take a look at the flow. You’ll see the blue dot has appeared on the inject node to indicate that you have undeployed changes.

Click the deploy button again to resolve that and then go ahead and click the tab on the inject node. If you look at the debug output you’ll see that instead of a timestamp, your text has been delivered as a message to the debug node, which displays it as usual.

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