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xcode14.1 Bindings Status

Manuel de la Pena edited this page Oct 21, 2022 · 71 revisions

Do not directly modify the following table (it's generated) or the script (without discussions)

framework iOS tvOS watchOS macOS
AppKit - - - b1 PR16255
b3 PR16255
AudioToolbox b3 PR16351
b3 PR16351
- b3 PR16351
AVFAudio rc nothing
- - rc nothing
AVFoundation b1 PR
rc PR
b1 PR
b1 PR
b1 PR
rc PR
AVRouting b3 ???
rc ???
- - b3 ???
rc ???
BackgroundAssets b1 PR16350
rc nothing
- - b1 PR16350
b3 PR16350
rc nothing
CHIP - - - b1 nothing
CoreGraphics b1 nothing
b3 nothing
b1 nothing
b3 nothing
b1 nothing
b3 nothing
b3 nothing
CoreImage - - - b3 nothing
CoreLocation b1 PR16119
b1 PR16119
b1 PR16119
rc PR16412
CoreMedia rc PR16409
rc PR16409
rc PR16409
rc PR16409
CoreMotion b1 PR16118
- b1 PR16118
rc mandel
CoreSpotlight - b1 PR16116
- -
ExtensionKit b3 mandel
b3 mandel
b3 mandel
b3 mandel
FileProvider b1 nothing
- - b1 nothing
Foundation b1 PR16249
b1 PR16249
b1 PR16249
b1 PR16249
GameController b1 PR16094
b3 PR16094
b1 PR16094
b3 PR16094
- b1 PR16094
b3 PR16094
HealthKit b1 PR16410
rc PR16410
- b1 PR16410
rc PR16410
rc PR16410
HomeKit b1 PR16069
b3 PR16069
b1 PR16069
b3 PR16069
b1 PR16069
b3 PR16069
IntentsUI - - - b3 nothing
Matter b1 nothing
b3 nothing
b1 nothing
b3 nothing
b1 nothing
b3 nothing
b1 nothing
b3 nothing
MatterSupport b1 nothing
- - b1 nothing
b3 nothing
Metal - rc ???
- -
MetalFX b1 ???
- - -
MetalPerformanceShadersGraph b1 ???
b3 ???
b1 ???
b3 ???
- b1 ???
b3 ???
MPSCore b1 ???
b1 ???
- b3 ???
rc ???
NearbyInteraction b3 PR16338
- b3 PR16338
b3 PR16338
NetworkExtension b1 PR16066
- b1 PR16066
b1 PR16066
PDFKit rc nothing
- - rc nothing
PrintCore - - - b3 nothing
SafetyKit b1 PR15907
- b3 PR15907
rc ???
ScreenCaptureKit - - - rc ???
Security - - - b3 ???
SharedWithYou b3 PR16199
b3 PR16199
- b3 PR16199
SharedWithYouCore b1 nothing
b3 PR16198
b1 nothing
b3 PR16198
- b1 nothing
b3 PR16198
SpriteKit b3 nothing
b3 nothing
b3 nothing
b3 nothing
StoreKit b1 PR16026
b3 PR16026
b1 PR16026
b3 PR16026
b1 PR16026
b3 PR16026
b1 PR16026
b3 PR16026
ThreadNetwork b3 nothing
- - b3 PR16196
TVServices - b3 PR16194
- -
UIKit b1 nothing
rc PR16411
b1 nothing
rc PR16411
- -
VideoToolbox b1 nothing
b1 nothing
- b3 nothing
vImage b1 nothing
b1 nothing
b1 nothing
b1 nothing
b3 nothing
WatchKit - - b1 PR16061
WidgetKit b3 ???
- b3 ???
b3 ???


  • When picking a framework: add your name to the API diff itself, below the framework name. E.g: ## Sebastien.
  • When you create a PR for a given framework, please add the PR URL instead of your name. E.g:
  • Finally run make to regenerate the table, git add xcode11/ and git commit (substitute xcode11 with the current binding season).

⚠️ Warnings

  • Please never remove content, except for noise, from the diffs files (needed by reviewers).
  • Never update the file directly, always update the diffs files and do make.
  • A PR URL in the bindings file shows the work done/being-done and not what the current packages ship.

ℹ️ Legend

  • *nothing* **means there is no new bindings in the frameworks in strikeout (e.g. noise in the headers).
  • The bindings are not complete for frameworks in bold.
  • Bindings are done (does not mean tested or final) for frameworks without text decorations.
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